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U.S. Sanctions on Russia Won’t Be Lifted Until Crimea Is Returned to Ukraine: Rex Tillerson
I want to believe that this is all posturing to try and degrade the Putin-Puppet narrative of the left…
… but its getting harder to believe that kind of shit.
so never
funny how concerned globalists suddenly get about which country a piece land rightfully belongs to
what happened to "no borders"?
How is it in the interest of white americans for how the economy in Russia is doing? Putin has jailed hundreds of nationalists yet useful idiots like you still suck his cock.
Putin arrests feminists and nationalists alike. Russia has very strong anti-protest laws, I think you can't even carry a sign to a protest without winning a trip to Siberia. He may not be slav Hitler, but he's doing a better job than the commies would despite the sanctions.
Why you burgers insist in living up to the dumb american stereotype? Sanctions mean not doing business with them, which is bad for both economies. Instead of buying some equipment from the US Russia buys it from China, instead of buying from Russia whatever they export besides oil the US buys it from China. Other countries can supply the product, but it won't be the most cost effective (US/Russia wouldn't do business if they could get a better deal elsewhere).
I honestly don't care about Russian interests, so it doesn't matter to me. As long as Trump doesn't get us into needless war.
Putin bullies his neighbors to control the pipelines from san nigger lands. He took the fucking country away from Ukraine. Ukraine's government was taken away by the Jewish Congress of the EU and Soros/Obama.
Russia deserves to be destroyed for Communism and Holodomor. I support them if they stop acting like Globalists Jews and pushing degenerate Jew worship and return to their Slavic Aryan roots.
But no, they come to Holla Forums and bash America. RT spews endless Communist propaganda.
Putin murders and silence and arrests Rightwing Russians. Yet Pussy Riot types just get a beating and publicity.
He tried to arrest EVERYONE OF US, by creating a WORLDWIDE Holohoax denial law.
Fuck these Commie fucks. Gooks and Slavs and Jews
It isn't in a general sense. It's just in the interest of Russians, and the Russian government. And any on Holla Forums who are part of either, as this would rightfully upset them.
It also means they would seek to make this a bigger issue than it is… to the rest of us.
Didn't Crimeans vote in a referendum to join Russia?
Why don't they just field another one and let them decide.
This is Lenin's mummy still venerated as a Jew God to the Russian government. Russia is still a pro-Communist anti-white country
I don't love the Russian government, and Putin is most assuredly philo-semitic, but I fail to see how America involving itself further in the Crimea fiasco has any benefit for the American people. Sounds more like another attempt to agitate Putin.
So much for Rex having good relations with Russia. CFR couldn't have asked for a better turn of events..
This isn't about whether or not we approve of Putin, shit-for-brains. This is about improving relations between nation-states so we have a better chance in cooperating in the mid-east/near asian fronts.
It's just the US and Russia fighting for power, anyway they can outside of war with each other.
This is not going to happen and it shouldn't happen.
Crimea and a lot of eastern Ukraine are populated by ethnic Russians.
And why the fuck should the US care about it.
It's one step forward four back with this cucked administration. They are forcing the black pill up are holes.
The US doesn't care. It's been explained already. It's simply a power move by the US. Both Russia and the US are doing little things against each other intentionally (more than hacking), all with the desire to increase their power and influence.
You're fucking idealistically retarded. Russia is playing for full global domination with China. They will serve Israel to do it. They're not fucking around and holding hands with America. They want to either isolate us (which is good for us) or destroy us.
It wasn't a few years ago that Obama and Putin were running "emergency rescue" drills in America with Russian troops practicing an invasion
Everything good that happens to Putin, is bad for Aryans of all kinds.
He is a competing Globalist KGB outfit.
Because Communists took over all countries thanks to Russia and Britain.
The Russian people eat dirt and shit just to get minerals because they're so malnourished outside of Moscow. The people have been demoralized slaves since Christianity took over. They should of stayed Viking like they started.
I still prefer Putin's Communism to Soro's version though.
To put it simply, it's likely Russia is doing things to undermine the US government (again, more than just hacking them and leaking secrets), and the US knowing this is also playing these games back; intent to undermine Russia with this move.
In fact, the only reason the Russian government likes people like Alex Jones, is because they think (rightfully or not) that he harms the US government (it's never a Russian false flag for example); hence undermines the US and Europe.
I honestly dont give a shit about Russia so RIDF can fuck off
Ukranians are ethnic russians
What a joke. Ukraine is older than Russia.
Whatever yougot to tell yourselves but ukranians, belrussians, and russians are to Rus, what bavarians austrians and Dutch are to Germans.
It's negotiations. Trump et al don't seriously expect to get Crimea, but they can probably end the war and get most of Dombass.
You mean Kievan Rus.
This is pointless. Putin won't return shit, they should negotiate, leave Crimea to Russia but cease hostilities and autonomous movements in the rest of Ukraine, also Ukraine enters NATO.
Russian sanctions only pushes Putin closer to Iran and China.
Back to your Israel first cuckshed.
yeah lets go ahead and not let the US ruin yet again another white country. Seeing Burger nigger troops everywhere else in the world is disgusting enough
This is about ukraine…. wtf are you smoking?
The fact you didn't comprehend what that implied says enough that you don't belong here.
If you're one of us, you can answer this question. I alone will judge whether or not the answer is correct.
You had no reasoning, just caps lock sperging over a random pic.
I'm going with this is posturing. Russia has Natural Resources and we can't stop the buyers; sure their GDP has suffered, but as a country they're doing better than ever. I was thoroughly devastated by the Tomahawk strike but as it is nothing really has changed and there doesn't seem to be an intensity on the action side.
And they produce nothing of value except weapons for other Communist countries and terrorists
The Ukraine is territory belonging to the Russian Federation and Russia. All Uniate vermin would be purged in the near future.
Good, get those shitskins off of white clay.
Some of you need to read the news outside the chans. Russia is in an economicrecession again and is reaching 90's levels of poverty and social unrest. Putin is going to get killed in a violent revolution because he fucked up so bad.
*economic recession
You're right; the entirety of Siberia is shit. Even the trees aren't desirable enough for the Chinese. And India wouldn't be interested at all.
I just want $300 aks again
The problem with being an oil based economy is Russia has almost nothing else to trade. Makes it easy for the US to isolate them
They used to sell SKS at Sears for $80 in the 90's.
And who exactly are those communist countries and terrorist Shekelberg?
They'll punish the crimeans if they are released back to Ukrainian control. The kikes will rape that land if it's given up.
Russian terrorists will face justice.
You seem to have missed the part where Russia don't sell their oil to the USA.
tbh Russia should be dismantled and split in more countries like Yugoslavia.
It's for the best.
Reminder that the US and Israel fucked with Ukraine and Crimea democratically annexed itself to Russia because of our meddling. Only niggers will try to spin that Russia was an aggressor and "stole" Crimea from the Ukraine. There is a plethora of evidence proving the US as the aggressor in the Ukranian conflict a few years ago. It seems Trump has succumbed to the western propaganda about Russia. This is why you drain the swamp instead of surrounding yourself with neocons and jews. Russia is being pushed into an untenable position and will have to retaliate at a point in the near future.
We are basically trying to fuck their economy so hard it's reminiscent of what we did to Japan in WW2 before they had to react or be destroyed by sanctions. Autists still pushing 4d chess.
No, I will quote myself below which explains it:
No one is buying your shit (((Russia))). Communist sympathizers like Putin and his government are not trustworthy or even human. Go huff potato vodka fumes.
Niggers > Putin
And the funniest part about it is that there's no actual difference between Russians and hohols.
How can they tell the difference? Will only tatar be allowed to be spoken?
Did "Ukraine" even exist as a word prior to the 1900s?
God forbid the US and Russia get on good relations with each other so we can freely trade each other's oil making us completely free of the Saudi Jew :^)
RIDF in full force.
There's no world war 3, yet the shills act like Trump asserting him self broke every campaign promise hes ever made and we're better off with Jeb.
Wait, you don't like communism?
All the kike communists everywhere like yourself hate Putin and Russia.
Go the fuck back to reddit the_cuckold nigger
Defending white people is what Holla Forums is about, you yids don't even try
If any country could ever try to become nearly entirely self-sufficient, Russia could do it. It has, for nearly 80 years. Enough resources to last forever.
I wish I knew what was actually happening "behind the scenes" geopolitically instead of everything just being lolsorandom.
Read the whole thread and by the end you will have some idea, anyway.
So why is a Kike Communist defending him?
Kill yourself TRSodomite.
The purpose of this is to make Trump look tough on Russia and the relations inflamed, and then Trump and Putin will make a deal where both win (sanctions lifted, Ukraine kept by Russia for example) and they can both claim to have saved the world from nuclear war, which would have happened if Clinton was president. Acting like some kind of enemies even for a while will make it seem all that much more impressive when they make a deal.
Literally, it's okay when we do it.
it wasn't a kike-approved vote, which makes it (((illegal))) and (((invalid))).
Whoever decided it'd be good to take a "hard line" against Russia is a fucking idiot.
Any continuation of the jostling for power is fucking retarded. We don't want to be involved in the fucking middle east or baltic/eastern europe anyway.
We should withdraw all foreign aid and interference, let the rest of the world fucking collapse, then get on with our own lives.
If you read closely, RT posts about 50% anti-Russia shit. They aren't actually pro-Russia, they're pro-kike and they pay the bare minimum lip service to Russia, the Russian people, and Putin.
Putin is called a strongman, but he really doesn't have the control over the country that everyone says he does. He can't even execute jewish oligarchs for capital offenses, he has to send them back to their farms where they can continue to abuse Russian children who are kidnapped and put into the pizza business.