Tired of winning yet?
I hope not
Tired of winning yet?
I hope not
oh boi
inb4 blocked by the courts again
Some user was saying that the courts don't actually have any enforcement power due to constitutional law. I wonder if Trump's setting things up to completely scrap the judiciary.
This made me very happy
Please, please mister Trump, I'm tired of winning. Can we just have the final victory already?
gg, no re
Sort the Peso and the Canuck dollar, right fucking now.
How, how much?
Hey that's pretty good.
Is this one of this things that happens or is threatened by the executive in order to bring subordinates in line for something else?
Are you fucking retarded?
We can only hope so. Once he starts appealing these 9th circuit rulings to the USSC and they keep getting overturned for not being based in the constitution it'll give republicans momentum to break up the 9th circuit through legislation like they've been trying to do for years now. The legislative branch has that power
I mean hell the judge who blocked the sanctuary city stuff donated $250k to obama
We need to start impeaching judges who do not follow the law. It's their only job to read the law and decide if something follows it. Not their job to make things up that suit their political agenda
The judiciary is corrupt and no longer follows the constitution. They make it up as they go along. If the constitution doesn't matter anymore then might as well get rid of them.
We'll eventually end up at fascism hopefully
Might be too late, at least for best gain, as they've already dipped a good bit. If this fizzles, a short term buy might be good; if NAFTA does get BTFO, both the looney and peso will see drops.
As a Canadian, all I have to say is: you americans better not blame this shit on us.
We give you cheap wood (expensive resource) in bulk and you try to fuck us over, because it somehow hurts your job numbers. You don't even have enough wood in the USA to meet the demand.
That's the plan. Why do you think Trump declined to let the 9th circuit re-hear their ruling against the travel ban? He's been setting them up for dissolution since day one and the ruling against defunding sanctuary cities was the final piece of his keikaku. The justification for breaking up the 9th circuit is now complete. They're fucking done once the Supreme Court rules in his favor, which it will. But it won't just be the 9th circuit. It'll be the night of the long knives for activist judges in general.
The courts can't enforce thier rulings, they have to rely on congress and the executice branch for that, and they don't have to follow the ruling (e.g. Jackson kicking indians out even after the supreme court ruling in thier favor.)
Fucking this. Not a single judge challenged King Nigger Jew mongrels executive order demanding state schools to prioritize tranny children or face a loss of federal funding. Not fucking one. Fuck the courts.
Your days are numbered, leafnigger.
Dear God I hope this is real and doesn't get overturned by faggot (((judges))). After all of the shit from the last month we needed something like this.
I could feel the fury of six million jews burning me through my ass about half an hour ago and couldn't figure out why. After making sure I didn't shit my pants I found this thread.
A fucking leaf
Cheap? You dump and flood our markets you syrup nigger. Fuck Canada, America first!
Get fucked Zhang, NAFTA fucks rural folk over in both countries. The only people who benefit from it are the spics. Enjoy having your property taken come annexation.
Still worth it to put at least $200 in then?
Does this mean that the economy is going to get even worse here?
Maybe this will wake up the cucks when the browns start acting like browns even more overtly.
i would've preferred another hitler but trump is definitely a step in the right direction compared to hillary or obama.
I can hear your wife pegging you from here, Trudeau!
He knew Mexico and Canada weren't gonna play hardball, so he took matters into his own hands. Besides, you really think Trudeau and Peña Nieto are gonna stand up to him?
Is it possible that he actually is for
That's probably what will happen, based on what has happened to most of his previous attempts to do something meaningful. As long as the rest of the established system remains in place, he will never be able to get anything done. Thus, the necessity for the Day of the Rope.
You didn't listen.
I swore an oath to the constitution, not to kikes in dresses.
They can be scrapped just as easily as they're made. Fuck 'em.
That's incredible.
America First is an extremist position. Your fault for underestimating him.
In my estimation, that's exactly what he is. He's an honest-to-kek red blooded American. That's amazing enough. If he's really Uncle Adolf reincarnated then that would exceed my expectations, but even having a proper American President is making the kikes piss themselves.
Those sweet digits say it's as real as can be user.
Can someone post the current checklist of all/fulfilled campaign promises?
Eh you don't wanna see his 100 day contract. Just a bunch of broken promises.
I remember the meeting he had with Trump who was very much in charge at this time. 'Build the wall' and 'Mexico will pay' was all over the media and Pena Nieto basically bent over without even disagreeing with Trump
I only wish Trump were so willing to go to the brink over border wall funding.
Stop taxing our milk and we'll talk. "Supply management" Socialism is anti-free trade, and yet Canada expects to be able to export whatever it wants to the US without tariffs at the same time.
the shills have just invaded recently and shit up Holla Forums
The only "broken promises" were those requiring acts of Congress. He's fulfilled almost everything which didn't require Congress to pass a law. If it could be done by executive order or appointment, he did it, with the only major exception being DACA.
Cry more shill cuck
This. I criticized Trump in the past, but i always based my opinions on arguments.
Shareblue never does that.
I wish you the best of luck, burgers.
The honorable Judge Schmekelblatt, dual citizen of Israel, will overturn in 3… 2…
Some celebration OC for my burger bros
Don't count your chickens before they hatch
Fuck NAFTA, but it hasn't happened yet
People like you are cancer
or Jeb, or Lubeabro, etc
Between this and his recent tweet about taking the 9th circuit's rulings to the SC(which, historically, has an 80% success rate), I think he's decided we're due for some kike tears.
Someday soon burger cucks
We don't have state militias anymore, faggot.
The Brits are in no state to do that again, not to mention your rural folk would probably take pleasure in being rid of the parliament.
Seems legit.
Vermont maple syrup's better than your swill
I would try and estimate your strength to see what our chances of winning are but you have never fought a real war. Just kind of hid out in the background until the real men were done doing the hard shit.
And no, no it is not.
Well yeah bro, didn't you know?
If you kill your enemies, they win. ;^)
Canada doesn't even have an army, your armed populace outnumbers them and the Cheka 20:1
No to be exact they are 40% shitskin
It totally is brother.
Nice going americucks, who is the real zhang shill here
If you want to get technical, without the Boomers, we're closer to 40% White at this point tbh.
Implying its not the Canadian armed populace that's going to come down from the syrup plantations to kick your heads in
Probably the Canadian guy. By volume, at least.
When is Trump going to make his Jewish dedication army? This shit is getting boring.
This is a good thing you retard. Anything, ANYTHING that pushes our country to the brink is better then the status quo. The sooner an economic collapse comes, the sooner we can secure the existence of our people and a future for white canadian children.
I dunno son, the last I checked the people who own guns aren't exactly fond of their liberal overlord.
There are 30.8 guns per 100 residents in Canada.
There are 112.6 guns per 100 residents in the US.
I think we'll be okay. But if you decide to try, bring some eggrolls, yeah?
We managed to beat you in our very first war while heavily outnumbered and without nearly as much funding.
He is going to be another Herbert Hoover and after he presides over the greatest economic crash in the history of the world a Bernie style socialist is going to be president
only thing that makes me jealous of canucks is the cheap svt-40s, but i prefer being able to buy an AK on a whim
And you've since become totally irrelevant.
How many air craft carriers do you have? Any?
Okay. ;^)
You really are Canadian!
It's like I'm really on cuckchan.
No you didnt if you bothered to even read your own history you would know when the Burgers came north to "liberate" Canada they promptly had their heads kicked in. In both the revolution and the war of 1812.
This is what happens when your mods are shit.
awesome comeback
There is some irony to this. The average mexican farmer will be OVERJOYED by this move. NAFTA was destroying small farms in mexico so fast that the farmers were riding their tractors into town and threatening revolt, when it was being implemented. This is a boon we can use to turn the mexican farmer further against their government and towards are own, raising the odds of mexican civil war.
America had its capital burned down and achieved no territorial ambitions in Canada in a war it started. Then in true burger fashion you funded potato nigger terrorists to attack us and they got their sub chromosone ass's handed to them.
I know. ;^)
BTW, I was wrong: All your carriers are retired!
And you still are completely irrelevant, while the US basically rules the world for Israel.
Perhaps our soldiers were just more ahead of the times than yours. Afterall, remember the old Canadian saying:
If you kill your enemies, they win.
Faggot shill detected.
But, hey, leafs, think of it this way:
At least now the people will know you were here.
New Canadian Motto to counter Trump's America First policy:
First Peoples First!
After the Chinese.
$200 won't see much of a return. Unless it's some gommiebux tier currency, most wont drop more than a few percent at a time. There's a chance that the uncertainty, of this and other market pressures, will send silver a bit higher.
I'm not defending him, but show me an actual source for that quote. I know for a fact metokur made that shit up.
top kek, my company was going to move a bunch of work to Canada and lay people off. I wonder if this will fuck their shit up. Damn Jews.
Shills cuckekd again.
This will probably happen, but I think the President has the power to withdraw from trieties at any time.
Senate is only needed for ratification of new treaties.
Top kek
we only killed most off, and put the rest in camps in the middle of nowhere where all they do is starve to death or huff gas/paint and drink.
All these court blocking are unconstitutional and would get shot down when they make it to the supreme court.
Nobody here actually cares about the economy lad.
If Trump can't/won't address the demographics in a real way - which means tackling legal immigration - then NAFTA being axed is largely irrelevant, because who cares if Hispanic farmers benefit?
Big words coming from someone whose country could be subjugated in a day by their neighbor.
Obvious bait, Canada has never into war because if you kill your enemies they win.
Dubs of truth, shills blown out.
I care about the economy, but I care about racial demographics more.
Yeah, that's what the US did. Leafs seem to have sucked their mishappen lil brown dicks way harder though.
Exactly, so if they were laid next to each other, you don't care about the economy - and rightfully so, because who gives a shit about the economic state of the US once its majority non-White?
Nobody here, that's who.
The only bad thing about this timeline is that I haven't started working at the Post Office yet
go shill somewhere that doesnt know how fucking btfo you faggots got today
enough about the fucking post office its the worst job available. Go get a job as a nigger ranglin corrections officer if you want the benefits.
Calling someone a shill because they disagree with you is becoming the sign of someone who has no argument.
Trump hasn't done anything meaningful on the front of legal immigration. He'll have to reverse Reagan's amnesty to make any meaningful dent, and what do you suppose the chances of that are?
I'm not shitposting, I'm asking you legitimately: What do you think the chances are of President Trump rescinding the amnesty given to several million Hispanics by former-President Ronald Reagan?
If you don't think he's going to do something about that, then completely eliminating the H1B visa shit is totally meaningless.
He appointed Sessions. He's pushing for a hiring surge on border patrol and ICE. Border crossings are down an estimated 92%.
Here's your (You), Schlomo.
As a Canadian, I'm gonna tell you to shut your fucking face, because now we can get a better bilateral deal and leave the fucking spics in the dust.
A reminder for any lurking newfags:
Illegal immigration is generally meaningless in the numbers - its a nice policy to run on, but you could cut all immigration today and it would make no discernable impact on US demographic trends.
Its not the ones coming in illegally that are the problem, its the ones that are already here - if you don't know, or can't accept, that fact, why should anyone care what you have to say?
You called me a shill, and I suggested you had no argument.
So you made a post that addressed an issue - illegal immigration - that had nothing to do with what I was talking about - legal immigration - because you have no argument.
Thanks for playing chap.
I didnt call you a shill because I disagree with you, shill. I called you a shill because of your concern shilling, shill.
eat a dick, shill.
and can he do it with the cucks in congress and communist plant judges impeding him at every pass, shill? No they have to be dealt with first, shill.
all 35 million of you, half of which aren't even white?
Kek. Pic related.
I said
You couldn't even address the issue… Don't you have an argument?
Who fucking cares? It has nothing to do with what I said.
I said:
And I made a pretty clear case for why that's the case and why he won't do anything meaningful on the front of demographic trends in the US (he can't, really, without, for example, rescinding the amnesty given by Reagan, who is a figure he has sucked the dick of and most of his establishment 'supporters' in power suck the dick of).
You don't have an argument, all you have is sperging, low reading comprehension and baseless accusations.
You're making a huge deal out of nothing, who exactly is shilling here?
next you'll tell me muh pr
You're absolutely retarded to think that the military might of USA and Canada of 1812 (which wasn't even it's own nation) is the same as that from 2017.
Won't change the fact that Trump hasn't done anything meaningful on legal immigration.
Come on dude, I really am starting to think you're a shill, because there's an obvious counter-point here that you aren't making… It doesn't matter, because funnily enough I addressed it indirectly before you did, but still, if you were a legitimate Trump supporter I have to think you'd have brought it up by now, instead of levying this weak-ass argumentative avenue you've levied thus far.
I asked for a source but I didn't hear him once say that quote in there, can you point to it.
That's entirely incorrect, if anything natives in canada are worse off then natives in the united states due to use of reeducation schools and obscure northern reservations.
Yeah nice fucking meme, 75-80% of canada is white. While in america its only 60%
I already addressed that point, but the leafs cannot into such rationality.
They don't even have any air craft carriers… Top Leaf.
I don't think there is one - but it really doesn't matter. What he says in that video is even more ridiculous than what you're asking for a source on.
We had the former as well, and isn't the latter basically what they want? I mean, yeah, I guess they'd prefer more Southernly land, but if what they want is to lay claim to the territory of their ancestors, I would think wilderness regions would be what they're looking for.
I still find it dubious that the US injuns are better off than their northern cousins.
You can tell you're dealing with a shill by the way they aggressively resort to sophistry and attributing motives to people preemptively.
I don't know who you are but you're not from around here.
Not even cuckchan went so fucking low the year of the exodus.
Today is a good day.
Again, you're dealing with this like I care about that shit.
My point is this: Whatever the cause, Trump has not - and will not - do anything meaningful in the vein of legal immigration.
I don't care if its because the legislature or the judiciary is stepping on his toes - I only care about the actual outcome. If he cannot provide an outcome in the vein of a reversal of the demographic trends in the US, then all this other shit does not matter, because, AGAIN, nobody (here, at very least) gives a single solitary shit about the US beyond its status as a White nation.
… And its only really a White nation if you continue to count people over 65, 90%+ of whom are White, constituting about 17 out of the 62 percentage points of the US White population - meaning, sans those over 65, the US is already majority non-White.
Nobody cares how successful the US is if its beaner central - this isn't an image board for beltway conservative Republicans, so America as a concept means nothing.
Only the American People - the REAL American people - matter, only their well-being matters… And if Trump can't/won't do something to halt their extinction, then none of this other tripe actually matters at all - the illegal shit doesn't matter, the H1B shit (which you could have mentioned, I even baited you on it, but you didn't catch that I guess) doesn't matter, the anti-NAFTA shit doesn't matter.
Any "Canadian" that supports the (((globalists))) with NAFTA is either not White/or a Racial Traitor and therefore their opinion is irrelevant.
So anons, your idea of "winning" is to pick a fight with Canada?
Say the word "winning" in a Charlie Sheen accent and maybe you've got something.
And Trump has totally fucked you all in the ass, your denial notwithstanding.
inb4 I'm a "shareblue shill"
Enjoy the winning. Just like Hillary is still enjoying walking around free…
USA cucked by Trump.
So does this mean the auto manufacturers in Canada are going to bitch and moan for some more taxpayer gib me dats?
When NAFTA was originally signed it was clear anyone with a triple digit IQ that the U.S. got the HUGE benefit in the deal.
So… go ahead, feel free to cancel NAFTA, dummies. We'll work out a new deal.
Western (white) free trade agreement when? Also tariffs against all non-white or low wage shit holes.
No shit he won't do anything regarding legal immigration. It's a huge feat that he pushed the Overton window so far to the right that normalfags are even discussing illegal immigration openly now. That wasn't even on the table before Trump announced his candidacy for POTUS.
Trump was never the savior. He's only a catalyst that potentially allows an American Hitler to rise to power in the coming decades. This was something that Holla Forums was always pretty fucking clear on throughout the entire election, it's only recently (read: post April 1st) that a flood of cuckchan refugees and the huge influx of various leftist/kike/commie shills have muddied the waters to the point where some foolish and/or naive newfag anons are actually unsure of this.
The reaction is less in support of nafta (which has benefited canada far less than america) but based on the fact that burgers think we are to blame for "der joobs" when its actually mexico which has fucked us both. This whole shtick with milk is fucking dumb, we don't even drink the same type of milk (bagged vs. bottled) and nobody is shilling bagged milk to america so why should we buy your fat infested growth hormone Minnesota milk.
Sure "benefit", fuck off. Protectionism is worth every penny.
Why should the U.S. want NAFTA?
It's to get your leafs to the table, because you dare to be upstarts against the God Emperor.
The posts picking a fight with Canadians are obviously shill posts. Please tell me it's your first day here and can't detect JIDF posts yet.
Will I ever not have a reason to post this?
In theory because a massive loss of jobs to Mexico (and Canada) is worth it because it would make some products like lumber and cars a bit cheaper.
Mexicans are shitter-shattered because it could mean a great depression coming from a plunge of jobs. It's hard to tell but Mexico's economy owes a large part of it's blue-collar/skilled manual labor to NAFTA.
For one, Canada and Mexico account for the largest export market for the majority of American states
"For over 30 out of the 50 States, Canada or Mexico rank as the first or second largest export market. Many American small business exporter’s first foreign customers are in Canada or Mexico and under NAFTA, U.S. trade with Canada and Mexico have supported over 140,000 small and medium-sized businesses" archive.fo
get in the oven you fucking 4kids crossposter
clearly you haven't noticed the absolute upswing of "day of the rake" posting in the last couple of months which while it might have been ironic originally most are now somehow completely serious about it. I personally think its all artificial.
That would suck but I'm hoping for a balkanized america with white ethnostates in an economic collapse situation.
your absolutely retarded to think the US military is capable of defeating a country in combat
The US has never and will never win a war
In a traditional war? You have to be a fucking shill, I've never met a single Canadian even 1/10th as dumb as that.
I don't think IvankaMerkel approves of that
You're kvetching too hard, hebe.
There is not enough blood in my body to support this boner I have right now.
Trump does a 180 on his voter base. Refuses to pursue legal action against Hillary, Obama. Lets his Jewish son-in-law and his bimbo daughter dictate his policies. Bombs Syria. Bombs Afghanistan. Seems willing to start WW 3.
Holla Forums ignores all this
Trump starts trade war with Canada
Holla Forums gets a boner.
smh. Fuck this place. It's full of idiots.
Should've just waited for Hitler.
Yeah no, you don't stick out like a sore thumb at all.
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hi jews
you're not from around here are you?
He's pushed against NAFTA for quite some time. The fuck are you talking about, nigger?
It looks to me like we're still uncovering shit that's happened. They're both being investigated.
Fuck off d&c. Us burgers pick on the leafs in the same way we pick on our younger brothers, it's only bants.
Canada sends it's troops to support the USA in almost every encounter we bother to offer the opportunity for. I'll proudly welcome the leaf to kill your kike ass on the DOTR and fight alongside me.
When will you niggers learn that this is a fucking blog pretending to be a newspaper that went out of business over a year ago.
Saging this sticky to help learn you.
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That's what I thought too. Tops it's a rumor spread by Trump's team to be in a strong position to re-negotiate it. Willing to leave the table and such.
THIS is how the wall will be paid for. Not Paul Ryan withholding money to get concessions from Trump.
Shit will start speeding up soon, and will only move faster as time goes by and Trump becomes more secure.
A burger.
Hey burger, why don't you grow some balls and find a leader that's willing to deal with Israel instead of Canada and Mexico?
Day Of The Rake🍁
Meheco war part 2
Cancucks never burned the white house, it was the british who did that.
why don't you, at least our president doesn't literally suck dicks.
No, he gets pissed on by whores. And he eats Israeli shit. (((His))) fantasy is probably to do both simultaneously.
Enjoy the slow death, burgers. You made your bed. Prepare to die in it.
It's literally becoming a second Isreal.
Got out of TPP. Exits NAFTA. That's BlowingTFO of globalism. Now he has to avoid neocohen foreign policy and everything should be on track.
I'll say it one more time
Reminder that Arabs and certain Spics are counted as "white" because fuck statistics.
Even with the Boomers we're probably below 40%
I still wish someone would fly a plane into kushner and his kike wife, but finally we get some good news. Assuming he actually doesn't, and this isn't more smoke being blown up our asses.
Pull your head out of your ass and use that magic pen to force the wall before we crash the beaners though, the flood is going to be out of this world.
USA cucked. So cucked.
Frankly most burgers don't give a damn about leafs one way or the other, this is about fucking mexico as hard as we can. Your communist syrup monopoly thing kind of prevents us from meaningfully buying it from you anyway, so it's not like this is any real loss on either side.
lolololololol have some foreskins and take a nap before you faint, Shekelberg
Rofl, these shills use completely foreign leftypol tier memes, and can't understand how out of place they are. It's like trying to infiltrate the bloods while wearing all blue.
"Pick a fight" go fuck yourself. If they are dumping products on us against our current agreements then we are going to call them out for it and use the laws in place to deal with it. Are we just supposed to let it slide because it would be mean to "pick a fight" with Canada? Fuck Canada they need to sort their own shit out too.
Lurk for two years before posting.
Please for the love of god try it, it would give us justification for the northern wall, to keep you and your bulls out.
Let them burn it down first, maybe we can grab a corridor to alaska for the trouble.
Annex the entirety of the west coast, remove chink while we're at it.
Congress and the supreme Court need to step in and remove judges who ate being activists on the bench. Judges can be removed, even supreme Court justices.
The midterms are going to absolutely skullfuck Schlomo and his plans so he's desperately sending out cheap discount shills in a futile attempt to turn Trump's supporters against him. Otherwise he'll basically dictate the midterms. Withdrawing from NAFTA completely destroy their efforts so they're mad.
What's the matter kike-kun~? Mad your taco golems will get fucked by NAFTA getting the axe? It must hurt soooo~ much to see it go, we all know how much you liked it! Ku-ku-ku~
BC is basically a part of casadia, right? Retaking all that rightful clay would give us an in on the north pole landgrab going on right now.
Reminder that goons only act the way they do because they're desperate for anime
We'd have to take the Yukon for that northpole claim.
Those poor oppressed people are in dire need of liberation, then.
Scratch that, we must protect the claims of the indigenous eskimo peoples. Another cherokee nation is the way to go with this one, the euros complain we can just call them racist this way.
Believe or not most of the whites in rural BC and Yukon would probably be glad seeing us remove injun and liberal. They'd probably join in too.
I guess most of them would be white and pretty red pilled, if the people living there agree to statehood we don't really need any further justification.
Shill harder
It was one of his main campaign pledges. It's pro American white working class and anti-globalist. Not anti-Canadian. It will help Canada shed the globalist parasitic economy in the long run. Hopefully it leads to a big beautiful white North American baby boom.
can trump sign an executive order that releases all federal judges from their positions? because he really should consider doing so, including scotus.
Nobody wants to drink your rBST tainted swill you call milk. Bleh.
Leaf fag here, the news media narrative up here is trumpeting how Trudeau will "fight for softwood lumber" and how our foreign minister won't allow Trump to short Canada on our exports. I want Canada to lose out with this. Fucking MAGA, baby.
I can only imagine this NAFTA thing will make leaf government all look like fucking retards, while actually helping Canada lay a claim to natural resources it's been giving away for free (look up nestle and BC water)
NAFTA was one of the main villains of white nationalists and 'Jew-wise' anti NWO types for the past 25 years. This is a giant victory and white pill.
>implying it won't be a national socialist
By the British Empire's army. Canada wast even a thing until 1867.
*was not
Honestly I'm 100% okay with Canada chopping down their trees instead of chopping down American trees. I like trees and forests. Only niggers don't like walking around in the forest.
The real problem is Mexico and manufacturing.
Good one
I give your wife that high quality wood canada could never supply.
It's in demand right now.
Yeah, I don't mind working out a trade deal with Canada for lumber for building and pulp for paper. They do have a vast amount of wilderness. It would be a waste to not let them chop it down and export it cheaply to us. As long as the mills are in America, I don't see a problem with it.
a lot on the canadian dollar because we have a housing market and a lending bubble that relies on "Smooth Sailing" and thats the one fucking thing that we ain't getting.
>Trump finally solves Canada's issues with chinks in Vancouver and no one being able to afford a home in Toronto, why am I not surprised I for one look forward to our recession based overlord of the dominion of Canada
I fucking love this timeline.
The canadian kike fears the samurake
I can see making a few choice trade deals with Canada and Canada alone (fuck Mexico) like taking their beautiful wilderness, cutting it down and selling it to us to make a few Canadian shekels.
Now I say this as a leaf, but this could literally be the best thing for us.
We have vast regions (even ignoring the north) that simply cannot draw an audience due to the cost of living. The canadian dollar going to the shitter has routinely been to the benefit of the Canadian (and American) industrial sector.
yeah, nah.You don't want to ship cord wood, its a pain in the ass to haul especially any distance . The pulp mills will be in canada and we'll ship pulp or paper products by rail or sea.
This can be renegotiated for something of equal value. One-on-one deals. None of this globalist trade deal crap where both countries lose jobs.
thank fucking christ
Seems to already be a system of lumber to the American Great Lakes region that gets processed into paper rolls. Maybe the Canadians turn the wood into pulp in thier mills and then ship it to American mills for processing into commercial paper. Or maybe it's just a multinational company that owns mills in both countries. Domtar comes to mind.
Many other reports of this on twitter. Probably not fake news.
Yep. Did not mean to post off topic but wanted to share and suck at making threads.
I don't really mind you milk-baggers. Get rid of that cuck pretty-boy, though.
my sides
Now, it is too late.
I can only hope that this comes to fruition, please do this Trump. Fuck up Mexico any way that you can.
Nobody's really blaming you leafs, tbh. It's Mexico that is the problem.
How so? By having the US crush their agriculture with American subsidized goods? Only factory owners and corporations gain from NAFTA, just like in the US and Canada, while the small folk get fucked.
Good fucking god no. Canada is awful
And conversely you have to accept their jurisdiction for them to have power over you. This is why cops hate and put out so much disinfo about sovereign citizens.
t. has three badges and lots of $ from kiked cops who thought I was joking about the cameras
canucks too piss-tier for the USA
Kek, sure you do user. Sure you do.
Softwood dumping by large corporations was killing family mills. Killing NAFTA is going to make small Canadian lumber mills great again.
I'm pretty sure "sovereign citizen" is some sort of meme like flat earth. The only sovereign citizen vids I've seen are them getting tazed or peppersprayed.
Yeah, it's usually about 500 UIDs at least, not including whatever shills stick around and more or less try to keep their heads down 24/7 here.
You don't deserve those trips.
The regional governors now have direct control over their territories. Fear will keep the local systems in line. Fear of this battle station.
You don't say.
so brave and inclusive. :^)
He's forcing their hands, I hope in true Jewish fashion the Communists continue trying just the same and throw this out. I wonder what Trump will put up next? They'll run it into the ground and then he won't need them anymore.
Fear the Emperor.
idc what the shills say, they've never been correct
Time to turn on the S-400s permanently
Burger tries to insult Canadians by posting photo of his vice president acting like a cuck at a Jewish cemetery. smh. This is actually getting pretty entertaining.
America subsidizes their milk production and Canadians tax it accordingly, just like Canada subsidizes its lumber and America taxes it.
Perhaps Canada needs a regime change? Canada should have to pay the U.S. for being such pathetic cucks as is customary for the weak until they either uncuck themselves or have nothing else to give.
Every day as a sovereign citizen is a good day
A-am I being detained?
It would be much easier to take you seriously if you weren't a ZOG supporter from Canada.
There was genuine support behind Trump being a savior all throughout the election. Whether you like it or not. But I think any rational user would never have put stock in the system fixing the system. Especially not all at once.
That exchange is fantasyland. It doesn't even make sense.
t. a cop
Is he being detained?
has this been posted yet?
h ttps://w ww.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-04-27/white-house-says-trump-won-t-terminate-nafta-at-this-time
Thanks for the fake news sticky, tho.
Nigger please. The only retards who ever thought Trump was the savior were either cuckchanners or plebbitors, and their definition of savior is irrelevant dog shit anyhow. If you're implying that legitimate Holla Forumsacks were ever looking upon Trump as the next Hitler you're full of shit.
I hope you're not a Detective.
So he negotiated exactly like he always does then?
Chesscucks plz go
Any cop who will detain you for asking a question is just as bad as the soveriegn cucks tbh.
Get back to us when you have literally any other source except CNN
Back to reddit with you
Nigga, they're literally dozen of states in America that are 90% forest. You think we don't have trees down here or something. The majority of it isn't under two meters off snow half the year either.
Nigger please yourself dear user. You don't need to think he's literally Hitler to believe he'll save the country as a whole. I saw plenty of genuine posts from people I am absolutely sure still post here and who I am equally sure are taken seriously that thought he was going to turn everything around; morally, ethically, politically.
Sure, TORpedo. Whatever you say.
Well, I mean, you post here and you seem pretty cool and all. 4/20 great post. xD
Its coming directly from the white house you nigger. Go back to reddit
Even if it's true
(((Bloomberg))) even points out that that's how he negotiates
Read a book nigger.
Literally every news source is reporting it. But im done taking your bait nigger. Go post on reddit and get some upboats
So are they just hiring 14 year olds on steam at this point?
Thanks, OP, it's good to see that Trump finally came through on something.
Sorry kike that bullshit narrative fell apart day 3 of passover.
He ditched TPP also. Both are devastating to the globalist economic agenda.
The kvetching over this never gets old. Better luck with your next false flag, yid-kun
h ttps://w ww.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-04-27/white-house-says-trump-won-t-terminate-nafta-at-this-time
Once again you faggots he withdrew it. Every source is reporting this
List all the facts will you? It wasn't just dirt that was destroyed. Maybe his hand was forced, but to claim "just some dirt, UN etc." is not honest.
I think we're looking more for a Caesar
Can't even pretend to be surprised anymore. This shit is getting so old.
He withdrew it because Canada and Mexico capitulated and are now willing to renegotiate the terms of the deal.
This is Art of the Deal 101.
I know you two are shills but I figured I would reply to get this out of the way.
Block our wood if you want. No hard feelings. I don't think that we should hurry to sell any of our resources. It's money in the bank.
I don't want a deal, I want cheap imports to stop. Fuck mexico, let them burn.
I'm tired of living tbh.
you fucking nigger. There is no benefit in renegotiation of NAFTA. It was a scam from day one and destroyed millions of jobs for americans. Lets not forget its the reason we have an immigration crisis on our hands as well. There is no "muh art of the deal" shit here. It should be removed entirely. But we all know trump is just another kike puppet. Go ahead and do the typical shill tactics of calling me a kike and posting smug anime pics. You niggers can enjoy your reddit-tier echo chamber
Do you not want vigilante justice?
This might make things very interesting :^)
Do you even know the terms of the treaty?
I guarantee it is impossible to completely annul it without it negatively impacting you or other people in other industries.
It needs to be reformed, made to benefit production within the country.
Has this fucker delivered on even one of his promises? Nothing come to mind save for that one air conditioning company thing that happened in december. It gets easier by the day to spot the shills, without rhyme or reason they're the only ones still spouting the same shit.
next time burn the rest of the town down please
Does America even have enough industry left after the last 20 years to outright repeal NAFTA without shit like rolling blackouts and massive shortages?
Renegotiated?? What, so instead of NAFTA fucking us in the ass every day, it's not going to give us weekends off?
Now this is shilling.
Every other weekend, like how they do it with custody.
That's good, now hopefully "to sign" turns into "signed". It's not a good idea to prematurely throw a celebration.
Of course it will hurt people when it is removed from existence. It was a cancer they introduced into three countries and then let it feed off of them for years. The initial pain is worth it in the long run.
Isn't this sticky just embarassing now?
What's Ben's synthesizer?, I love it.
Meanwhile in China:
China is freaking the fuck out. On the subways in Beijing they've started running pro-Globalist propaganda this week. This is a country that normally limits the number of visits to foreign websites for each IP address and can barely work up the enthusiasm to sometimes compliment another country (like Russia). And now they're promoting "one big global family" and "international contemporary theater." Apparently they're also gearing up for some sort of "Globalism Arrirang." They're going to hold a big spectacle about just how great it is when countries allow themselves to be flooded with below-market steel.
They've also been letting the RMB float a bit lately as a threat, possibly also related to the Norks.
Interesting times.
Pls explain chinkland user.
Chaos Undivided kills all.
I don't know who's fake newsing who anymore.
I think negotiations, a new plan and a new confirmation of what the public policy should be (given people do not like it) is the best way.
I think long term goals need to be elaborated, the needs of the working class and middle class confirmed, what productive issues might occur, how they can be solved, whether this can begin the process of national self reliance on it's own industries and whether any productive issues can be solved and connected with the need to deport immigrants.
Mexico could take those immigrants and put them into industries more directly.
I also think this can benefit all the nations if the self reliance is emphasized and if a strategy to promote business in these countries is developed.
He teased the idea of unilaterally withdrawing in order to gain more strength for negotiating.
For example, the Mexican currency started fluctuating when the news of U.S. preparing for withdrawal was announced. Now Mexico's position for negotiating has become weaker and the other two in comparison became stronger.
Mr Trump, prior to being elected–"Mexico will pay!"
Tell Trump,
I thought this said NATO.
I am disappoint!
Trump does like to make tough first offers and causing people to be nervous. Makes a better deal in the long run.
It's like when you barter. Start ridiculously high (if seller) or offer ridiculously low (if buyer). The number itself may impress up that person to the point where they're easier to negotiate a good deal in your favor. Psychological impact is key to deals.
This whole sticky just proves how idiotic Holla Forums really is. Complete hacks tbh
Add them to the list.
Nah they don't. Farmers actually lose out pretty much all the way and Mexico gets the short end of the stick for the most part. Trump's probably just cutting a lot of lesser deals to create jobs on the long run as he hates the idea of oursoucing cheap labor jobs.
hitler dubs of sad truth
that's what happens when you let turk mods run the place with a userbase full of redditors
Welp, looks like he's not doing it after all. Or rather, he did this as a negotiating tactic: "I'm willing to pull out of NAFTA, so give me a good deal".
Truth be told, the only problem with NAFTA has been, from the start, the inclusion of Mexico. Free trade between states with similar laws, rights and level of life is good. It breaks down when you start including third world shitholes run by criminals which pretty much allow slavery.
Trump can pull out of NAFTA if he wants to, but I'd like to remind everyone that Nixon tried something similar in the 70's when he declared the "special relationship" with Canada to be "over", and by the end, Canada didn't give a fuck and the US fucked itself so hard that Nixon referred to Trudeau sr as "that asshole".
So, unless Trump is planning to go all manifest destiny and finally annex Canada, he has little to gain from cutting off commercial ties with Canada.
alt-kike is subverting us.
Holla Forums not being your echo chamber doesn't mean it's subverted you stupid asshole. Note how all attempts at weakening online discussion boards involve some form of spam, disinformation or attempt at obtaining moderator or admin status. Disagreeing with you is not subversion. If you think so, just put on thick rimmed black glasses, dye your hair blue and call yourself a transhomoblack femman.
When has anyone from Holla Forums done this? The only thing I can think of is TRS, and there was no disinformation - we just wanted them to leave our site and stop PRfagging.
Trying to shift discussion onto more kosher topics and blind Trump worship is.
Where have I heard muh right-wing SJWs before? This didn't work on ni/gg/ers and it won't work on us.
Get the fuck out.
If you don't like then leave faggot. There's plenty of great places where you can wallow in your own shit
fuck off randlet
No, I love Holla Forums. I hate what you fucking kosher faggots have done with it. You are making the board into 4cuck-tier circlejerking and don't hold any pro-white views. You don't lurk before posting and treat Holla Forums like a platform instead of a community then act surprised when the members of the community tell you to fuck off.
I've been going on endchan a lot lately actually, smaller imageboards have less freaks like yourself shitting the place up. I'd like to use 8ch as my primary board but it's becoming increasingly difficult to sort through all the "totally ironic" shitposting to get to the few decent posts that remain.
At least you're not pretending you aren't trying to replace us though and shift the board into a more "alt-right" friendly worldview though. I respect you for being honest, kill yourself anyway though.
Your next post will be more kikery proving pic related right.
It seems like there's a few Canadians ITT complaining about this. Let me be clear: NAFTA screwed us too. This is only a good thing for both of us.
t. Canadian
Hello there shill.
GTKRWN you fucking discord nigger.
Hello, reddit.
Tell me about how you feel about Greg Johnson and Richard Spencer. You people are fucking kosher to the core, associating Hitler quotes with retarded sanic recolors, I've even seen you freaks posts versions of pic related with the swastika censored.
Jesus look at you, you can't fucking link a post correctly.
((( )))
Have fun you two, everyone's asleep and your narrative will be piss in the wind in the morning.
Scrap the judiciary? Are you retarded? Its one of the major checks and balances in place against the president becoming a complete autocrat.
I love you faggots, never stop being terrible at your job.
This has to be the dumbest thing to ever come out of the white house.
wow wtf i hate drumpf now
((( )))
xD You tried to reply to my post and couldn't because you have no idea how imageboards work.
You probably attributed the Hitler quote to it. What's your problem with Hitler? Too "edgy"? "didn't do enough for the movement"?
You people are fucking sick.
What's my narrative anyway? Not wanting Holla Forums to be subverted by "ironic" nationalists and kosher faggots like dicky spencer's phony Movement™? Because I criticized "blind Trump worship" it means I'm now anti-Trump shill? Get fucking real, retard. My problem is with brainless faggots like you trying to shift the board's discourse to a more kosher area that accepts based niggers, fags and kikes and isn't laser-focused on stopping white genocide and implementing world-wide National Socialism. Faggots like you are just in it for the internet drama and memes.
Nice spank bank, TRS seems more your speed. If you want to post your best gay discord chats, it's the place to be. Your narrative is obvious, you're trying to conflate alt right faggotry with Trump support. If you were from here you'd know how forced you sound and understand that absolutely no one, except your sockpuppet up there is buying it. Again, have fun, you've basically got the board all to (((yourself))) shill-kun
We /goodtimeline/ now.
((( )))
This is classic reddit-mentality. Caring more about the visibility of one's post than the content it contains and deciding to deprive me of (You)s because he thinks it will make my posts less visible, further demonstrating he has no idea how imageboards work.
If I do conflate it with anything I've conflated it with blind worship of Trump / personality cultism which is a classic tenant of reddit. I'm not saying Trump supporters are alt-kikes, just the the kind of person who blindly worships him definitely is, or at the very least one of the younger Holla Forumsacks that doesn't understand why the rest of us voted for and support him.
I'm glad people aren't conflating alt-kikery with Trump support. That's fucking retarded, I just don't think that you see what I'm saying in the slightest. Alt-kikes are trying to make Holla Forums espouse more kosher talking points. I don't know how to say that any more plainly.
Trump espouses some kosher "based nigger"-tier talking points because he's the president and had to PRfag to get elected, this does not mean we must espouse them on our own turf, or allow those who genuinely believe(I don't think Trump actually thinks this - he's just PRfagging to drive his numbers up) that niggers, fags, etc. should be accepted to push their shit here. This isn't conflating the two things, do you think that some random alpha-male who drives an Audi is a kike because Boinie bought an Audi too? This logic is room-temperature IQ level, alt-kikes and Trump are not a singular entity and Trump himself even said that the alt-kike does not exist because he's not a goddamn retard and can see controlled-op coming from a mile away.
Again, I don't care if I have a platform. Holla Forums is a community - not some upboat farm.
sasuga tbh
Wew lad, is share blue hiring autists now?
Nice /leftynigger/ ass blasting trips Satan.
kill yourself anytime,
There's not really much the courts can do here
I was being ironic, like this guy
Take some responsibility. If this wasn't Holla Forums users going along with it, there would have been a mass exodus by now. For example, you are still living in some fantasy land where Trump shares your views:
The problem is you.
The way Ivanka's going I hope it's not her
Should be noted though on why Buccanhan was denied the Presidency.
Trump has no plan to pull out of NAFTA at this time
Did it matter?
Here's Al Gore trying to sell NAFTA to the American People. Just like Global Warming?
Low energy.
Very low energy shilling attempt, mate.
You used to be better. Guess the constant losing has drained you too much?
Wake me up when it has actually been signed.
Fuck off, echo chambers are how you end up with ideological circle jerks that result in philosophical stagnation and death. The prevalence of ideological safe spaces on the left is exactly why we're defeating them now. How about instead of bitching about the moderate right and throwing a hissy fit, you engage them and win them over to our cause with sound reasoning and factual evidence. Don't be such a tremendous fucking pussy user.
Read the thread, it was just more bullshit to do whatever. Beaners still have a free ride and nothing has changed.
So when does Trump lock her up?
There is always use in drumming up hatred for neocons and jews
Trump just said he's not leaving NAFTA.
First the TPP and now NAFTA.
Did you actually have any doubts? Of course not. It hasn't been Holla Forums users and Trump voters who are spreading this blackpill defeatism.
Trump went back on his promises not to engage in regime change in Syria and to end DACA. Have you forgotten about this already?
Have we started a war in Syria? Has Trump said he's pursuing regime change?
No, it's stated that they won't actively seek the change, and if they want it (and they might I couldn't find out) it'll be someone else's job. He's an idiot shill
Who can't even read the thread.
Both Tillerson and Haley have said this.
Yes, they have said they want the change, and if you actually listen to what they said, they have no intention of doing it themselves. Wanting something, and doing it yourself are two very different things.
There we go, shills you can now leave.
That's uhh.. a pretty funny post.
It made me think of a tweet by Toby Fox for some reason.
it's shill 4d chess
tactical retardation
Man, you must be really done with your life now after all that losing.
now they want to renegotiate
Can't beat the chess master.
12 hours later
Is there even a single move Trump could make that you wouldn't call '4d chess'?
Do you not understand how 4D chess works?
You have the wrong attitude and need to chill. I for one welcome our new cult overlord, and believe in the inherent brilliance and goodness of everything he does. Aren't you tired of worrying? Just believe in Trump.
Post yfw shareblue is destined to lose repeatedly until death.
The one thing that you get credit for is to make the majority believe that after the election CTR would cease to exist.
Him showing up to the Western Wall would be a big faith killer.
4D chess meme is retarded because it gives Trump far too much credit, but it baffles me for these few years how people still can't figure out how Trump operates, since he's been doing it since Day 1, is rather simple and doesn't need some mastermind to achieve it. Trump always boisters an ultimatum to get the opposing party to the renegotiation table on his terms with him having the advantage. His entire shtick as a New York Business Celebrity here in Burgerland has literally been him getting the deal. He's not going to miss the chance of winning out a possibly more favorable proposition then what was presented before scrapping it entirely. It's not 4D chess, just him doing exactly what he's known for. He starts out extreme, get's people real nervous, since he's the big boss bully they scramble to come back to the drawing board, then meets in the middle for getting the conditions he wants.
If you don't like it you better get used it, since this is the Trump you really elected outside of the memes. This is why these 4 years are going to be chaotic.
Stopped reading and filtered you right there lol
Forgot this tweet right after:
So NAFTA is still kill. The original terms of the treaty will be changed so it benefits America more. Or Trump will just get out of it completely. He's not going to tell Mexico and Canada to fuck off if they call to renegotiate. He has to be diplomatic. Doesn't mean he's not going to terminate the treaty completely eventually or the agreement will be completely changed and it will be NAFTA in name only. Akchooly, it would be a good political move to rename the new agreement something other than NAFTA. It has such a negative globalist stench to the middle/working class in America. Dump it. New agreement, new name.
GG no RE spics.
Is it really that difficult for twitterfags such as yourself to read more then 140 characters? Still, the post explains exactly why Trump is acting the way he is and has always acted. It's not 4D chess because it's too simple for that, very simple in fact, yet Holla Forums somehow is surprised every time it happens.
Not difficult. You shills are just easy to spot. You really have no skill in changing hearts and minds. The only logical conclusion to as why you spend time in here is you are getting paid. Im curious. What kind of benefits does CTR offer?
I was kidding you dumbass.
Welp so many anons will filter on the spot for anything without even reading the post so I assumed I was dealing with one of those faggots, guess I deserved to be bullied
Hahahahaha you gullible faggots still don't get it, do you? Trump hates you. He already said he won't be backing out of NAFTA. This shouldn't be stickied. I lose more faith in 8/pol/ every day.
Is there any board that has been as successfully shilled as this one?
To think you could end up supporting your enemy but at the same time having delusions that everything they do is good.
Yeah but thankfully most of the retards are as obvious as and make it easy to filter.
It's never over, kikefag. Trump pushed the overton window to the right. It is our job to keep pushing it further until we get a worthy a leader worthy of the title Führer. Now kindly go gas yourself.
Clearly if they disagree with me that means they are shills/kikes. This board is a fucking shitshow and I love it. To come here and watch people delude themselves by a jewish puppet and support every action, no matter how much it benefits your enemy as muh 356D World of Warcraft is beyond pathetic.
Hang yourself, nigger.
9934028845398528520450489572485720458752745429082572570258788495245654415223159894254275264152235455428748526425145298457442541542264584275482945541451462462542675575955542652423500541584297541540505254897757551514558548243556556756598162905872769584567789496587754255454227650376356558305025455828367859435762445564265687463100560356534652036056536556209D chess at it's finest. #always my god emperor
Stop, user. Donald Trump visiting the Western Wall would be sheer genius, and everyone here knows that. It would also be sheer genius if he doesn't.
Brilliant Trump quote. It's like a Zen koan that reveals his vast wisdom the more it is contemplated.
Yes, during the campaign. Not since then. Any progress made since November are because of a broad movement against the left, not him. Plus, we are in the early stages of a substantial pushback.
You and I are kindred spirits, user. At one with Trump!
He is, why not give him a little time to unpack his things after moving into the White House, first?
Holy shit this thread is infested.
Yea, they also "destroyed" 6 jets that were non-functional and probably be used for spare parts.
Funny, isn't it, that all the military personaell and planes were given enough time to be long-gone from the airport, before we churned up a little dirt on their airfield?
Man, it'll take them HOURS to re-grade the fields & move all their personnel, planes & equipment back in…
Actually, if he merely balances trade with Mexico & Canada, it would benefit all involved.
Smart trade is balanced trade, not "free" trade or even imbalanced trade in our favor.
Balance is everything.
pathetic. you don't get to claim you are "redpilled" if you think someone can get elected president that is actually looking out for you. Anyone that is actually on your side will be murdered before they can assume office.
As I said, pathetic.
Well, anons, let's not forget CAFTA, which expanded the deal to central and south America.
That needs to go, period.
Why does Mike have to rake his property? You'd think he'd have someone to do that for him?
Isolationism is not a good strategy.
If you balance trade with any other country, it creates jobs in BOTH countries.
I never expected him to stop doing business with Mexico, I simply expect he will renegotiate & replace the current treaty with one that brings specific manufacturing back to the U.S., and BALANCES trade with the country.
Because that's the SMART thing to do.
We traded with Mexico and all of the other countries before 'free' trade was implemented. No free-trade does not mean no trade. Trump is cucked by Israel and will continue to bend the knee.
My friend, we are not an independent nation. Trump will do only what our overlords consent to being done.
I find it astounding that this board of all places doesnt see through this. We are a mercenary colony, a sword. To be used and discarded after we are broken. Nothing more. The chesscucks have fallen for the biggest psyop in history. Trump said in the last debate that he would appoint an special prosecutor to look into and prosecute Hillary. As soon as he got the votes, that was thrown in the trash. We're too "divided" you see, it would exacerbate the instability to prosecute her! Sowwies ;)
Watching you faggots talk like you think people here talk is frankly astounding. It'd be like going to France and just screaming "OUI OUI BAGUETTE" at everyone and everything and thinking you sound native. Stop screaming oui oui baguette at the squirrels Mr. Shill, everyone is embarrassed for you.
Keep telling yourself that, pathetic child.
Expected of the shill.
WTF, there were articles from today saying that he was NOT leaving NAFTA after all.
can't they stop with the constant tsunami of fake news just for a day?
Read the thread faggot.
Only trust Trump.
And even then make sure he's talking to American people and not someone hes negotiating with.
Its pretty obvious he is using the threat of withdrawal from Nafta to get the best deal for his people.
Its the opposite to the Obama strategy where everyone knows he is going to sign the deal no matter how bad it is so nobody is incentivized to give the US a good deal.
I have to admit, brothers. Lately I've been praying that Kek would directly possess Trump. I hope it's been paying off.
He should ask them to pay for the wall.
You're just ass blasted because Holla Forums beat you to the next narrative you would use when Trump doesn't actually pull out of NAFTA. We're so far ahead of you, it's not even funny.
mite b cool
that's not even chess; that's just basic negotiation strategy. of course, the shills will try and say that it's unreasonable to assume Trump understands basic negotiation principles.
But nobody here wants to trade with mexico at all. Backing out of a yet another globalist scheme is not the same thing as asking them to use lube for the next one.
If you really think I'm some type of goon hillshill shareblue JIDF mossad agent here to spin a narrative against Trump because I don't think entering NAFTA is a good idea than I don't really know what to say to change your mind. You're already completely fucking deranged.
Then leave. You're wasting your boss' money and time.
Accuse the enemy of mental incompetence. Classic Jew Speak 101. But feel free to keep outing yourself and losing the grip on your new narrative not even a quarter of the first day into it, like you do with every other narrative.
You newfag r/the_cuckold shills are pathetic. I think you forgot to add a smug anime girl pic and tell me I should've voted for Hillary in your misdirection shilling. You stick out like a sore thumb trying to bog down Holla Forums with your inane bullshit replies. Sorry that I voted for the Trump in vid related, guess I got memed on myself.
More than a few of them have been dropping the classic schizo line too. Too easy tbh I want some rigor with my shills.
Trump Rules Out Swift NAFTA Exit in Favor of Renegotiation
Gee, I wonder who could possibly be trying to keep us in NAFTA.
Do you reckon that he'll get rid of NAFTA eventually though? 4d chess or no, I don't like having policies I supported being used as bargining tools for renegotiations and halfway measures. Yes, it's miles better than Obama or Hillary would have done but I'm not totally satisfied until it lies in a deep grave.
In the hands of Trump the NAFTA bill now becomes a tool to try and derive as much benefit for America as possible instead of the other way around which is what the bill was originally designed to do. If we cannot do this we will terminate the bill but since we have all of the leverage I have a feeling we will be able to come up with something great.
On top of this the bill itself, and the fear of losing it, will be very valuable in smoothing out the building of the wall with Mexico; that is, they would rather keep the bill and have the wall than to lose the bill at which point they would put up a huge fight over the wall and for Canada's end we will use this bill to knock some sense back into them and get them to stop harboring terrorists and doing whatever else it is they are doing to subvert us.
We're still going to have to see if the renegotiation is a superior option than just burying it though. Keep in mind that the death of NAFTA and his other promises were made individually of each other. He should be able to build the wall as well as kill NAFTA and other such. That being said, if Trump has to compromise one of his promises for the sake of another then I hope to holy god that he doesn't decide based on popular opinion. The wall is important but removal of Jewish policies and the ilk is far more important in my view.
The renegotiation can itself be renegotiated down the line - as I said we have all the leverage. Without those sweet sweet American dollars both Canada and Mexico are in deep shit.
The wall is more important right now because it only has to get built once, and then it is done and only has to be maintained from there on out.
Then once the wall is built, and we are secure and safe from the Mexican cartels, then we can truly take back our trade without fear of retribution.
I thought the text in that pic described National Socialism, not fascism. I was told fascism was about state control of everything.
I jokingly said the the Canadian dollar would be worthless soon not too long ago. Apparently I was right. The peso is already worthless.
he is parodying cucks fam
Go back to >>>/brit/ you birtkike
its easier to call it 4d chess and it doesn't reveal how trump operates to the casuals when we talk about it
President Trump is the chosen one. He shall bring the white workers into glory.
We could just annex your land, leaf.
Actions speak louder than any words. Till now i hear nothing but the promises of another politician that from what i see has already flip flopped.
The rest of you that are watching and have 2 braincells to rub together ( aka you are not from thedonald or however they named their reddit litle shitshow, or whatever other shitshow that came in with the election ), this is how it always happened. It's a recipe. A "messiah" from "the other side" of the perceived spectrum that was governing comes to "save" the country. He always starts like that, big talk big promises , not a politician and sparks controversy even in the news. You know why Obongo got ellected ? Who was president before Obongo? Fucking Dubya and a war in Iraq. Your average normalfag doesn't understand SHIT about politics although he will play master at it without knowing even what he is doing or what he is voting for. No torture is complete without there being hope. Hope of escape ( just like in Bane's prison ). So in the average normie brain what goes on right now is the following ( hurr there are 2 wings , right wing or left wing , democrats and republicans, and since the one didnt work i will jump to the "opposite" , that will hopefully work ).
Quit kidding yourselves numbnuts. The pendulum must not swing, the pendulum must break and the world must turn to ash before reforming to a glorious white empire. Through the ashes of destruction something beautiful will be born to balance it. Such is nature. If you want to trully save this world you must first destroy it.
Just to note, Trump said that if Canada and Mexico won't deal, he will pull out. This whole move was to show Trudeau and Nieto that he's not fucking around. He played them like a fiddle
This. Also remember that he never promised in his campaign he was going to pull out of NAFTA. He specifically said he was going to renegotiate it. Everything he did was to force Canada and Mexico to come to the table. Trump has them by the balls now, because they know if they try and fuck him over, he will pull out.
The new unit of leaf currency is the gram. A metric ounce is 100 grams.
If trump rolls over for his jewish family anymore, you should probably get circumcised and complete your transformation.
you must be fucking high.
Trudeau is a crybaby fuckboi that hangs out in bathhouses. Of course he's not gonna try anything.
4chon shill.
They'd turn it into cuckchan given half a chance. Shills entirely controlling discussion, then passed off to bots once the users were dumb enough.
Thats a funny way of saying china, jews and marxists who give away gold to jews.
Canada has no leverage since lumber is our last big export, ndp is fucking up our oil, and we have no gold. Canada has no leverage, not even "culture" leverage. Mexico at least has a little bit of that.