Major victory for Hungary (and for Holla Forums)

Sorry for this low quality and short thread, but few minutes ago Viktor Orbán (hungarian PM) just faced the European Commission about various topics. These were:
- NGO's regulation
- the anti-CEU law
- open the country for muslim migrants
- Orban's anti-EU rhetoric (how dare you goy)

The most interesting things in short:
- Before the meeting Soros said he will weight in and face Orban. Guess what! He didn't came which quickly erased the smug smile from the CEU director's face.
- The hungarian PM gave pretty hard time for the European Commission. They couldn't really corner him.
- Some rats showed their teeths: Gianni Pittella (S&D), Guy Verhofstadt (libshit), Gabi Zimmer (green commie), Philippe Lamberts (just a green cuck)
- There were a few people who are aided Orban during the event: Zdislaw Krasnodebski (conservative), Nigel Farage (based man, look up for his speech anons!), Matteo Salvini (Eurosceptics), Beatrix von Storch (AfD)
- Currently every leftist media acknowledges the events as defeat for the EU

My western friends, this is fucking beautiful! This is how it will begin?

P.s.: Sorry for the low quality again, and for the grammar too! If i have links i will post'em!

Other urls found in this thread:


Any links to that Farage speech?

Congrats. Hungary is a beacon of hope in Europe.


Thanks slavanon

Holy fuck you cannot barrage this guy

That was fucking beautiful !

No worries, but I am not a Slav or OP.

Here is a video Matteo Salvini offering his support (non Spaghetti speakers will need to turn on translations)

I'm from Hungary, and I'M well versed in local politics, AMA.

My fear is that the idiot will reject Orban next year and elect some fucking globalist.

Our "far right nationalist party" Jobbik turned traitor and made an alliance with the socialists and the communists and opposes Orban at every turn now.

Could you provide any articles elaborating on this?

I don't believe it

I can show hungarian sources only.
There are several now.

Jobbik basically became the whining bitch party that opposes everything that Orbán does.

They even support CEU against Orbán now.

nobody gives a fuck who or what you are, shill


Here you go. Want more? I can post more.

I want a Hungarian qt3.14

Just another jew, pretending he is native to the country spoken of (see all threads shilling for kosher politics), cheers on Orban the globalist puppet that has never kept any of his promises, no single Hungarist/nationalist would ever support Orban.

Have you a related link for that, rather than another associated press jew corp news article?


Rough translation attached.

I thought farage quit as MEP. He's back?!

No he has often quipped that he had put himself out of a job by ensuring Britain left the EU but until Britain actually leaves he will remain an MEP. He has stood down from party politics however and is no longer the leader of UKIP.

An example of how the (((alt-right))) media promotes shabbos goy Orban, yet the local Hungarian nationalist news reports differently

Hungarian government's unquestioned commitment to the European Union

You are the only shill here Vonaroach.
Go back to your Jobbik muslim-cocksucking tent and pretend to be a fucking turk you turanist piece of shit.

Orban built the fence, he fights the EU bureucrats and campaigns against Brussels, but he is the jew-traitor, and not Vona, te guy who took money from the jew overlord Simicska, and is regularly the guest of the jew-run ATV? right?

Fuck off nigger, lib-kike, your kind is not welcome here.

LoL, "Vonaroach" literally an insult that only an israeli American could have conjured


Any news on that mayor near the borders who built an electric fence and who had border patrols who found out advices for refugee in arabic ?

Thank fuck. Farage needs to keep kicking their asses. I thought he went into retirement.


it has been for a long time now, I know I use it as the example of non cucked land since americucks mongreled about Obongo, and HUngary was based. americucks keep flaunting their trumpo and guess what? HUNGARY STILL BASED.

this long therm basedshit is proven by time,.

He is still mayor and he is in a delicate position, because initially he was a Jobbik supporter, but now he is independent, and I imagine it must be hard for him after Vona turned traitor. Vona basically asked him to remove the regulations he passed against gays and muslims.

Vona is doing whatever he can to garner support, but he alienated his base. Jobbik started as a radical nationalist party. Today it allies itself with MSZP (former authoritarian-left goverment), LMP (libshits) and the jewish media.

Current HUngarian media is all about denigrating Orbán adnwhatever he does. If you want to read positive things about Orbán, you have to look at foreign media, I shit you not.

filtered, too obvious moshie

Stop suck up the controlled opposite lies user!

Want fucking proof? Read it on our language: 2017-04-jobbikos-gyalazza-az-erdelyi-magyarokat/ 2016-11-nemzetibol-nemzetietlenne-valt-a-jobbik/ article-lanczi-kaoszba-taszitana-az-orszagot-egy-jobbik-dk-mszp-koalicio /2017/02/03/morvai-mar-ciki-a-cukisodo-jobbiknak/ /hir/belfold/borbely-zsolt-jobbik-szembekerul-szimpatizansaival

The jobbik maybe once was a rightwing party, but now it's nothing but a jew infested alt-right shithole!


for a long time now.
They are so fucking good, I wish they took hold of abyssia, macedon, greece and replace the Byzantine Empire with some hungry hungarian empire of the redpills

Based Salvini

What a surprise, Holla Forums getting Hungarian nationalist Orban supporters (There is nationalist support for Orban BTW) that only speak American-israeli English.

Have you any related articles to confirm your words Mr Magyar from Connecticut USA?

Literally the first article on Kuruc homepage I found just now

Hungarian government's unquestioned commitment to the European Union

How unusual, someone on Holla Forums pretending they are native to a foreign country and only have praise for the jewish chosen globalist puppet.

pretty damn good. So brits whats the deal can he not run for PM? Not want to?

I will read through the links provided but I must ask do you think that Vona was lent on by someone or do you think he fell for the PR meme in a bid to widen his support base

well I really hope everything goes well for you hungarian bro. The EU is collapsing as we speak. we'll have a stronger Europe.

Basically this. Jobbik are traitorous cunts who would hand over Hungary to the Turks/Jews/EU on a silver platter.

It's funny how Jobbik currently runs a ccampaign against FIDESZ and Orbán accusing them of being corrupt thieves, but the truth is, that that is exactly what they would also do. Vona is already financed my Simicska (jew-media overlord), so he can shut the fuck up.

When the day of the rope comes, traitors go first. Vona is one.

Yet I could prove in an instant that the poster claiming to be from Hungary isn't and also he claims Orban holds the exact opposite position that Orban himself today declared.

Hungarian government's unquestioned commitment to the European Union

Still, shills gotta shill

Your d&c attempt is obvious. Everyone who has enough of the undemocratic regime called EU supports his actions. Just listen to the speech in

Brussels is the one losing here, retard
They will do anything to keep eastern european countries in the union so they will not inevitably slip into Russian sphere of influence

So he's getting the Trump treatment, although Trump is maligned in the foreign press as well. What's his popular support like these days? What are people saying on the streets about him? Is there as much distrust in the media there as there is elsewhere?

Probably the PR meme…
I had professors who back then teached Vona in the university and they ask them where he got the money for all the expensive shits he get. Turned out he had american (((supporters))) and want to start a party to shake up the political palette.
This fucker was a mole for the whole time!

shill detected is compromised

He could but he wouldn’t win and truthfully UKIP policy isn’t nearly as decent as Nige is himself. Nige believes his job is done in Britain now that Brexit has been secured and he has embarked on a tactical crusade to ensure other EU nations leave also. If there were a chance that he could lead UKIP to victory and become PM I am sure he would have stuck about but he understands that (sadly) he is of more use in a different capacity (spreading the Brexit brand).

This shit is funny
The list of links given are all communist owned websites, checkout and the rest and see for yourselves.

My last word in this aborted thread, the chaps pretending to be Hungarian, aren't.

Hungarian in this thread is correct. Jobbik has fully cucked out.

They are the worst party right now. Luckily they lost all the right wing voters.

Hard to say.
Working middle class people usually like Orbán.
People on welfare don't like him all that much because he keeps cutting back on welfare.
Globalists/liberalists also hate him, EU-cucks also hate him, because they see him as a risk, even though the EU would never kick Hungary out.

Jobbik lost most of it's original support when they turned to the dark (left) side, but there are plenty of leftists that support them now.

The problem is that the hungarian population is incredibly dumb and they LOVE to hate anything and everything. Very easy to manipulate, and most media is jew-owned.

No-one believes you, shill.

That’s a shame to hear but pretty typical of supposedly Nationalist parties. So much subversion it is impossible to trust anyone, and that is exactly what they want.

Neked a lokál mióta baloldali lap te anyaszomorító faszfej? A 888-at pedig süti kevered a 444-el te balfasz!

Just ignore that pathetic jew.

Simicska shill detected. Go earn your 5 forints per post, cunt.

Jobbik is dead, and you know it.

Soon fidesz will propose the NGO transparency laws. Jobbik will not support those laws and will lose the last few right wing voters they have.

Most of those are going to fidesz or to nobody.

Take it easy, Attila.

Jobbik is like that kid in the class that sells out everyone for extra credit.

Basically jewish.

Toroczkai is the only one keeping that party on life support. I heard that Vona actually believes jobbik got popular because of him, not in spite of him.

The guy and his tiny loyal cadre are completely delusional. Every jobbik voter I ever met always said that "yeah Vona is a cunt, but the party itself is good", now Comrade Vona has steered the party straight into the abyss and they are now courting gypsy voters with free gibs.

How low have they sunk.

Okay I see this is important to the jews to astroturf.

80% of Fidesz mps are jewish-israeli dual citizens
Hungarian nationalists call Fidesz "Zsidesz"
Orban literally made a speech today in Brussells declaring his commitment to the EU in direcdt contrast to what the pretend Hungarian user wrote.

Now I'm being gaslit by the same kikes that flood every thread pretending they are French anons and Dutch anons in the latest elections.

The article I posted I grabbed from the latest on the Hungarian nationalist website, every other Hungarian newspaper and TV station is owned by Orbans partners.;

How strange that they same jews that have destroyed Holla Forums lately are now declaring their love for Orban.

Please, if there is any genuine user in this thread, all you have to do is look up a Hungarian nationalist board like to see for yourself.

You're being gaslit by jewish trolls.

Are we keeping our eyes in the real JIDF lately?

And this is where you betray yourself, shill.
Anyone wwho cares to look at the video can see that Orbán DEMANDS that the EU REFORM. fucking despises jobbik, where do you live for fucks sake?

Read the comments. The hatred of Vona is strong.

Trips confirm my truth.

Globalism dies THIS YEAR!


Faszom az egészbe, legközelebb a MIÉP-re vagy valami hasonló törpepártra szavazok.

why wouldn't he when the retards keep handing over free money to keep them on board just like in Poland lol

Vote for my libertarian party. No taxes, no anti discrimination laws, guns for everyone (except convicted felons).

Sounds good enough for a start. What's the name?

Make it weapons for ethnic hungarian civilians only and you got my vote, lol.


Still working on the name.

Magyar Szabadság Párt = MSZP, not good.
Magyar Libertáriánus Párt = MLP, oh god no.

This is not an easy decision.

Allowing loopholes is the surefire way for a law or a right to be abused.

Anything that has "lib" or "szabad" in it is doomed to fail. People are sick of the leftist shit.

The more complicated the law the easier to find loopholes. And even niggers can barely arm themselves in America, how could our gypsies compete with us? You'd have the Magyar Gárda and similar organizations starting armed patrols the week after they can buy guns.

Don't even use párt, use something like szövetség or mozgalom. Fidesz and Jobbik both avioded that word, and it didn't bother anyone.

Also, on taxes. How about this?

Also, set a limit on the amount of money one one has to pay back after a loan. E.g. it can't be more than 4x the money that was loaned, so if you have a loan of 1 000 000 HUF, then they can't ask for more than 4 000 000 HUF.

The longer Poland and Hungary stay in the EU the better, they suck up money that would otherwise be used to resettle refugees in france, netherlands, etc.

Call me when Orban makes a speech saying diversity is our strenght and welcomeing refugees, and then i won't call you a shill piece of shit. Have a nice day in tel aviv

I was thinking of not interfering in the economy at all.

The governments job would be purely to shoot anyone coming over the border without permission.

But then you need an army, and you need money to keep up an army. Expect if you are a full-on anarchist and think that militias are enough.

VAT, like in old Jeffersonian america.

VAT used to fund all of the united states. The main reason americans agreed to income tax (which started as a tax on the super rich only) was because it was promised to them that VAT would be removed on imported goods.

K shill.

But with that you basically punish people for using their money by forcing them to buy and sell at a higher price.

Yeah, nobody on Holla Forums would call somebody else a roach. Right my fellow Turk who has been here all summer and is not a shill!

Also nice how Orban is going after that little University your boss Soros is running. Must be because Orban owned by Jews.

We're talking a miniscule percentage here, nothing like the current 27%.

Still, it will prompt the government to interfere in the economy, because more business will increase the money from VATs. So maybe somebody will think that doing one thing or an other will be beneficial to the economy, and then it will be hard to stop on the slippery slope. With what I've proposed the amount of money the state gets is constant, and so it can stay truly neutral in matters of economy, because the end result will be the same either way.

That interference could be violently eliminated, under the reasoning of defending property rights.

That would require armed resistance against the sate, and a population that supports said resistance. Starting a civil war every time a MEP says something about the economy is a bit silly in my opinion.

I think it's an excellent national sport. Used to happen in america and they did quite alright with it.


Hale Hungry!

Fuck (((Russia))) and the (((EU)))

I wish we had elected Farage, back in november.

you're really bad at this

Webbum actually a .mp4.

Its all divide and conquor, they say he is the jew while also claiming the real nationalist party are Jews.

Then they spread fake new that says both.

post the sources

This is the problem though. It is legal. It' just that it fucks us in the ass legally, that is why it needs reform.

The EU would be okay if it didn't interfere in the internal affairs of it's member states.

Right now I wish we could just leave it.

Former Jobbik helper here.
General hun-info post for beginners:
index-444: the hungarian HuffPost. Don't even believe what they ask. Anyone linking index is a shill.
HVG: hungarian cnn, acts like tough guy, same lies
Almost every other big online and printed news source is in the hand of fidesz. So practically alfahír (jobbik's own online indexish site), kurucinfo and some underground sites are free from either the shitlibs' or Orbán's influence.
So when they wrote "jobbik is with ceu" they are like doublespeak: the CEU law can hurt hungarian universities in Transsylvania for example, also they just supported the constitutional checking of the law → perfect for a "who is not with us is against us" shitstorm, and having almost all main outlets can push this narrative. Also the "they support mass immigration" is full of shit, before the failed vote where even a joke-party made fun of Orbán, jobbik said that just write that shit into the constitution, but Orbán was too confident.
Cucking is confirmed, Vona wants to make a fidesz2, sadly the true nationalists can't afford another split. They should have made another party instead of cucking jobbik.
The fun fact is that our fake god emperor Orbán just did what jobbik said for years.
So is jobbik cucked? True, don't deny it, they became pussies. Is it beyond repair? Probably. They fucked up the name pretty badly. But is that even 1% true what you read? Nah, they even forcing a "Vona is gay" meme since months just to remove jobbik. And don't wait until fidesz becomes the "only right". They already killed-assimilated 2 parties (fkgp and kdnp) just for power, not because they are THAT good! Hell, they even gave a chinese bus company a shitload of funds to make a factory while we have Ikarus and they gave them nothing, even let a poointheloo company here to manufacture and gave money, as far as I remember it's a rubber/tire factory. Meanwhile when I want to make a really-really small company just as start I have to pay a lot of tax just for fun, they don't even help local businesses.



Im usually pretty careful with accusations, but holy shit you are shilling.
Its 100% obvious Jobbik has been watered down so much it's hardly a former shadow of itself.
Ásd el magad.

It is about time we had another Empire of the Rising Hun.

A large amount of shilling going on over hungary.. strange, strange times we live in it seems

Noone will beat Orban. Despite the media manipulation Fidesz leads, and liberals can only put up a fight in Budapest. The rest of the country will vote for him again.

Isn't his muslim dicksucking more of an insult?

Orbán is playing both sides. He takes the money, and he keeps the bullshit out. And bitching an moaning is all the EU cucks can do about it.

Kek he'll starve to death.

I'd be all for the minimal tax, as our infrastructure looks like shit, but the demographic trap we are in makes it impossible. The millions of retired workers will always vote for those who gives them higher pensions and since they are the majority, hte tax burden will stay.

Holy shit, these cucks deserve the rope.

Not this time, faggot. Here's what Orbán stood against yesterday (sorry for embed, can't bother converting such a turd into webm). The kike puppet literally compares Orbán to Soviet leaders. You can't make this shit up.

And then you try to tell me Orbán is jew-controlled? Sorry, I will continue judging him by his actions. The kvetching seen here says enough.

Plz tell Jobbik to stick to their fucking own side of the border instead of being land-thirsty mongols
t. Transylvania user

We're taking it back.







SAVE Holla Forums!'DOX






SAVE Holla Forums!

All is lost.

I think you meant

Well done Hungarians you're an inspiration to us all, as is Poland!

As an American who's ancestors were Hungarian this pleases me

Saw this too. He cucked out.

Learn the language, learn our History, and you're automatically granted a Hungarian citizenship.

How about Austrians?
I can shoot a gun and help reunite the empire, if that makes a difference.

Nope, not Austria… unless your ancestors came from near the border somewhere on this map.

Why wouldn't you want Austrians. They're far better than romanians…

The legislation is that people from the former kingdom of hungary can apply for citizenship, and austrians were not part of it, except for a tiny part called Burgenland today.

He's still trying, but it does not look very good.

Did not know that, I still have some family over there, they can over once for a family reunion when I was little

How well do you need to know the language? Asking because my mom's family is Hungarian and the family has some older documents from my great-grandpa proving he immigrated from Hungary. We don't know any relatives living there. But I've looked into the citizenship program and I'm intrigued, yet also intimidated.

This makes the most sense to me, and would explain why Farage's brief speech mentioned that the EU is impossible to reform. I suspect that Orban may be waiting to see how the elections in France go before he makes a decisive move.

As an aside, its been a long time since I've seen this many shills appear in a single thread… What's odd to me is that it doesn't feel like typical ShariaBlue tactics. It feels more organized than usual.

Every kike in this thread

Yeah, that one person telling the truth, with dozens of blatantly jewish anons lying and attacking that poster, especially as the news catches up and confirms the lone user was telling the truth and the dozens of jewish trolls were clearly lying…

So organised that the one poster disagreeing with the huge number of jewish trolls makes me think this is part of a much wider conspiracy that we even first thought too.

