Can we have a L4D2 thread?

Best campaign?
Best survivor?
Best special infected?

Why is this game filled with underages that vote-kick you for the most autismal reasons?

I enjoy No Mercy because I like the hospital/ city setting.
anyone but the nigress
I don't play much vs, but I enjoy using the spitter to assist the other infected with their kills
heh, just the other day this brony on my team tried to crown a witch and got himself down, then a horde came and swarmed him so me and the other 2 guys kept our distance and killed all the zombies before attempting to revive him. As soon as the horde is over I start to revive him but then he enters a message into the chat along the lines of "are you just going to keep being an asshat or are you going to revive me?". I explain to him that we had to get rid of the zombies first in order to save him to which he replies that he needed to kill the witch to save us (bear in mind that this was a wandering witch that wasn't even blocking our path). He then gets on his mic and starts swearing at me. I call him an autist, then both him and another guy on my team call me an asshole and votekick me.

Once got kicked recently for saying "lets get to the asperger chopper" It wasent even a good insult

The Parish.
That's a hard choice, pretty much all of them are good other than Zoey and Rochelle. My personal favourite is Francis.
Boomers. They punish dumb players by making them swarmed by zombies, but they're easy to deal with if you're at least decent at the game.

zoey mercy hospital all day every day.

only regret is that L4D and L4D2 weren't more like red faction guerilla (physics destruction engine) and counterstrike's zombie mod, (zm_spacestation_escape), shooting couches and soda machines up against office building room doors, hearing the zombie players knifing at the barricade and trying to get in. good memories… too bad counterstrike source was literally a virus and killed every single computer I ever installed it on.

I also also regret that Left 4 Dead never had a "normal zombies only mode" perhaps a type of infected somewhere in between 28 days later infected, and shaun of the dead zombies. overwhelming numbers, fast shuffle but slow overall movement, easy to incapacitate them but nearly impossible to totally kill one without serious effort.

would have made an excellent game. Zombie U almost got this right, but missed way off by far.

seriously, why hasn't the red faction guerilla physics destruction engine been used in every single game in the world by now yet? go look up that game, it even ran on the xbox360. It didn't need much power by today's standards. imaging the entire game world being destructible like that. I dream of video games being like this every day. Imagine a starwars game:

>fully customize your character clothes/ gender (or futa character) / lightsaber exterior looks and internal hardware

that happens every single game on L4D1/2, I feel ya.

What the fuck is up with the second half of your post? You just went full ideas guy autism for no reason.

That one in the demo I forgot the name of



L4D maps > L4D2 maps all day.

I secretly hope someone will see what I wrote and be like "that is the best idea ever"

I was deep in thought and became inspired to mention that information as well.

I secretly hope that disney shills just happen to be in this thread on Holla Forums Holla Forums lurking for ideas

I always felt like this. yea.

No Mercy.

Zoey Bill but he didn't survive :'(


It's sad that Valve no longer makes games and only sells crates. A new L4D on Source 2 could be pretty sweet, especially if they stopped making DX9 support mandatory.

No Mercy or Dark Carnival

Either Francis or Coach

The Karma Charger
I also like that those fucker are hard to deal with using the magnum, pump all 8 shots, they'll eat it up and just charge at you like its nothing, punishing shits who use it all the time
I like their design but the coloring is just 'off' it's like a midget tank that only managed to grow its fapping hand to ridiculous levels

No Mercy or Dark Carnival, No Mercy is a better campaign overall but Dark Carnival has a lot of good moments.
Francis for 1, Nick for 2.

There are two answers to this question:
1: Because retards don't communicate and work together and instead assume everyone else will play a situation exactly how they would play it, resulting in teams getting split up/not prioritizing things properly.
2: Because a huge percentage of the community is just shit at video games in general and (especially in Vs. on teams that are playing semi-seriously) one shitty player can ruin every single hit and a predictable bot is more productive to have than a shitty who can't kill a single infected on survivor or who can't even make contact on infected.

Death Toll

Francis or Bill


I'd like a new L4D too, but I don't want Valve to keep being a bunch of jews and put crates with weapon skins in yet another one of their games.
Especially since it'd make no sense for painted weapons to exist in a zombie apocalypse game.

Thank fuck for the levels to be ported into L4D2

Nah I don't think they'll go for the painted weapon skin route, I think they'll go for the cosmetics on heroes (in this case infected) type of shit ala Overwatch or Doter 2

*was not to be

Hard Rain, I love to just watch witches.
Anyone that says anything other than Nick or Bill is an idiot.
Hunter, he's basically a classic zombie with a super jump.

I like the map where it's raining and you're in a sugar cane field.

I like Louis; grabban peels.

Special infected; smoker. Good audio queues and it becomes counter-sniping.

Why is this game filled with underages that vote-kick you for the most autismal reasons?

I don't know, that seems like every Valve title now. IDK what to do.

Also, they should really go back to the idea of letting you play as a normal infected while waiting to respawn in Vs. I think that'd be more fun than just watching your teammates.

I'd hate that too, but I'd be inclined to accept it if I can put a Tank in a tutu.

Fond of No Mercy but I can't really think of any bad ones off the top of my head

Rochelle's definitely the shittiest survivor, Zoey's not bad but she's definitely the weakest of the L4D1 cast, Coach is the second-weakest of the L4D2 cast, otherwise they're all good


Beats the shit out of me why the game has legitimate tryhards, I remember getting instantaneously votekicked for getting caught by a smoker despite sticking close to the group when I first nabbed L4D2. There's not even any real penalty for losing besides the fact that you lost, I don't fucking get how an entire community manages to be so anal-retentive

So can I conclude that No Mercy is the best level in all of L4D? The Rooftop finale, the hospital (painfully short unfortunately), the Apocalyptic city atmosphere and the level design are too good to forget? And the introduction cinematic
Also, fuck the sewers I always hate sewer levels

Why do they cut though? Is it because of the dumbfuck of a playtester's fault again I suppose?

I don't actually remember why the cut it, but it was probably the playtesters. Stupid playtesters seem like they are the main reason alot of fun shit is cut from games.

Yeah No Mercy is probably the overall highest quality campaign, but they're all of good quality.

You guys ever heard the pre-apocalpyse backstory of the survivors?



Apparently Portal would've had some absolutely mindbending puzzles if it hadn't been for retard playtesters, and I remember having red and blue players on the same team against gray robots being too confusing for retard playtesters is why Mann vs. Machine ended up totally red players against blue-shirt robots in TF2


Zoey (her and Bill had it the worst)

OH, and EA. EA is the master of this, with or without play testers. look at what they did to every single game they ever made and spore.

Yeah, I really don't get the TF2 one. You're a playtester, you're playing a PVE mode that is in an entirely different menu from the normal modes, the enemies clearly look different as they're robots and not humans, but you're too fucking dense so you shoot your team mates of the opposite color.
It's fucking baffling.

Not to mention the problem was so fucking bad they kept doing it long after learning shooting their opposite-color teammates did no damage

It's like Valve goes outside their HQ and picks some random hobos from the street who have never played a videogame to test their games.
I wonder if they actually do that to save on money.

Personally I really liked Death Toll. I find it surprising that everyone thinks No Mercy is the best. I have nothing against it, but it's not the most memorable or fun to me.

Blood Harvest, that farmhouse finally was absolutely brutal.

Nick, his pissed off attitude just fuels my rage to continue killing zombies.

Charger, mainly because it can cause a shit ton of havick and it really is satisfying to charge an entire team of survivors

Plus I think he's a qt

Who has that webm about that one playtester for Half Life 2 that kept getting lost in an easy as pie maze?

Fuck that, does anyone have that reddit post where the faggot admitted to being the guy who did that?

Swamp Fever is probably the weakest campaign. The fact that a plank of wood being lowered attracts every infected within a mile radius but the constant gunfire, pipe bombs and grenades on your way to it was retarded.

They probably cut it because playing as a single normal infected isn't that great, they're fragile as fuck and are very low impact on their own. I guess you could flank the survivors but so what? They'd just turn around and shoot you.

Wait what? For real? Who'd even admit to such stupidity.

Dark Carnival, especially the last stage. You don't get much more 70/80's trash horror movie than that.


Hunter. Imho the only special infected you don't really notice until it's too late.

No Mercy for L4D1,Dead Carnival for 2
Ellis or Francis
i really like boomer,he's underrated as fuck but in any versus game he's really crucial in separating any team and slowing them down so other niggers can take them down

Except a bunch of the maps were ruined by adding the fucking gauntlet/running events. They encourage leaving teammates behind and rushing shit without thinking both of which are the opposite to how L4D is supposed to play out.

Oh for fucks sake now this same old complaint
"W-We can't play as blue for MvM because of playtesters"
Have you seen how absolutely fucking buggy the plug-in for blue is? And this is fan made. Amazing shit I was able to do with the plug-in
1) Heal the robots as Medic
2) Get killed numerous times because I got body blocked by a teammate
3) Got stuck in the spawn doors
4) Was spy checked for half the game because you have no fucking clue if you're doing damage or not
5)Jarate/Mad milk allies

And then there's stuff like Charger Airlines in Mercy Hospital.

That's because you're an idiot that change teams instead of changing the player skin like god intended.


Yes but that's a fanmade plugin.
You need to take in consideration the playtester story from the devs, Valve had a working Blu&Red team in MvM at some point.

That also.

And fuck the jockey. Almost always inferior to a charger, hunter or spitter in a given situation.

Imho the jockey simply was the most team-dependent of the special infected. As your average team in versus has the combined IQ of a banana. . . well, figure it out.

I've always thought that Jockeys have a bit too much health surviving half a clip of assault rifle ammo to the face.

i like getting him when you want to really waste the survivor time and some idiot is lagging behind
otherwise he's really inferior due to only being able to incapacitate instead of killing a nigga

Left 4 Dead was great on launch day when nobody knew what to do. Within a few days, the "magic" was lost and I can't imagine how people are still playing it to this day.

every campaign is a new experience for me,if anything gets stale i just change my play style
im usually a shotgun/magnum guy but now i go for an assault rifle/dual pistol phase

But the Hunter is better at pouncing, the Charger at moving a certain survivor where you want them (i.e. off the edge) and a Spitter for forcing an entire team to move out from a camp spot.

But that'd be just as effective with a hunter, charger or perhaps a smoker.

This is true of versus mode. Anyone still playing it in L4D2 is too good at memorising spawn locations for it to be truly fun.

Also the change from survivor health to distance as a scoring mechanic encouraged rushing over all else. Makes versus a lot less fun for the infected in my experience.

Warcelona. Coach as he's the only one who wouldn't look out of place in L4D1. Hunter because he's not a drag to play.

there's certain places where you want to guide a person,but can't exactly drag them off or charge them effectively,like in the barns on dark carnival,or the office rooftop in dead air where a jockey can stall enormous of time by guiding people off

Found it.


this is reddit

It's too perfect.

so uh where's the r34
should i just go to /d/ and hope they have it?

Just look it up on fucking .xxx or one of the many boorus, don't go to that shitty autism board.

I should clarify that by ".xxx" I'm referring to

Will always be No Mercy
Will always be Zoe
Smoker. I'd like to say Charger but even the smallest amount of latency and good fucking luck hitting anyone. That problem seems to extend the Jockey too. Probably a result of L4D2 being rushed out in a year.

This right here. L4D2 became a cesspool of MLG tryhards bunnyhopping through all the levels and taking the game too seriously. People stopped playing because it became more about achieving TAS levels of speedrunning skill than making sure you pace your team well and get everyone to the saferoom while taking the least amount of damage.

I imagine L4D3 is taking so long to come out because Valve is seeing all the problems that came out of L4D2(Distance over Health scoring system, Jockey is objectively worst SI, Witch Cr0wning is simply too easy and the tighter spread shotguns only make it worse, etc.) and the problems that came out of porting L4D campaigns to L4D2(Endless hordes spawning inside the saferoom you're trying to get into, for one). Those 2017 rumors better be true though. Because I'm tired of wanting to play Versus just to realize that it's not worth playing with speedrun faggots.
If I had any ideafagging to do for L4D3, first I'd either fix melee weapons or get rid of them entirely. They invalidate the existence of hordes. The second thing, would to give the special infected secondary abilities:

Awesome, thanks user
To be honest every hentai related board is full of autist, but sometimes it can be good source of fap-material atleast

By the way, you can also have a blacklist on .xxx. I recommend you use it to filter out all the furshit and futa.

Will the monstergirls still be there?

Fuck forgot to sage all this time thread is almost dead anyway

Ughthe fucking front page is full of these things, disgusting. thanks for the handy tip, though looking at it just for 5 minutes, I knew this place is mostly filled with shit so I guess it's the boorus for me then

If you filter things like "snake" then snake monstergirls will probably also be filtered.
I'd rather not see tons of furshit and no monstergirls than a few monstergirls and a truckload of furshit.

Holla Forums plays L4D2 when?

If Holla Forums's resident E.Y.E fags can muster a grand total of 19 fucking people on their server at once why can't we?

I remember I used to love playing those Left 32 Dead servers on L4D 1, I never got to play those in 2 due to getting the game late when they gave it away for free that one Christmas, & my computer at the time being a toaster.