Briefing with Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin and National Economic Director Gary Cohn
Press Briefing
Didn't see a thread for this.
Sounds boring. What are they planning on talking about?
The tax reform
Tax reform
Doesn't that require Congress to actually accomplish? He's saying that he's going to do a lot of stuff but the WH needs to whip Paul Ryan into shape or none of it will happen, right?
Its mostly just talking about what they want to reform hopefully Americans watch it and can cuck Paul Ryan
Trump needs to get back on twitter and call out congressmen by name. He needs to cyberbully them until they comply.
Every single congressman in office is a traitor rat, not just paul ryan. He's just the fall guy. Make no mistake: every single senator and representative in legislative office voted for anti-american shit like the tpp fast track and giving more aid money to israel. Every single one of these kikel rats should be crucified on capitol hill.
I see nothing wrong with this
Fully agreed.
This Mnuchin guy looks Jew as fuck.
He is full kike and worked for Goldman Sachs
Fucking hell. The tax returns. Here we go.
Fuck, missed the start. Anything noteworthy?
What a shocker.
Nothing tbh.
Amazing how they can shove that in anywhere.
Yes they explained the whole of the plan but these retards can't understand that minor variables are being workout
*worked out
Well said.
Aw no Spicer?
Fucking April. That sheboon is seriously retarded.
"Is this really about getting rid of Obamacare?"
Everyone else:
"Muh tax returns, muh tax returns…"
When will those morons get over his taxes
Apparently, first $24,000 dollars are taxed 0%., and repeal of the death tax, and lowering the corporate tax rate to 15% while moving it to a Territorial system.
First $24,000 of what? Your total annual salary?
I wish we did something like what Germany did but first the shitskins have to go and have 25% of a loan for a home forfeit after 1 child and 25% for the next 3
I believe so but thats just for married couples
Enjoy your socialist utopia. We're tired of paying for it.
Yes but hopefully that keeps families together except niggers but then again they are niggers
Individual filers get one, too, but not as big.
24 thousand dollars more to spend on crack rocks. Married niggers, no matter how degenerate, have a better chance to accidentally an uncle tom than unmarried niggers.
I mean at least that's good.
user I already got into this argument with my parents last week pls
You're settling for kids, not settling for shit. The only standards you could possibly drop are your standards in a partner.
You're trying to bait me aren't you?
Your reading comprehension score is 0/10
Funny coming from the guy that didn't even see I was talking about not wanting to lower my standards for a partner.
Is this how far the apple has fallen from the tree?
The same race that conquered the fucking world thrice over?
Somehow I don't really feel inclined to believe that extra tax breaks are going to offset the real reasons that divorces happen.
It's not my fault western women have gone off the deep end faggot.
The media is fucking worthless.
Read this as
as well as
I'm gonna guess you're either lucky enough to live in one of the Dakota's or you've never gone outside.
Some, not all user unfortunately that is something women have to do for themselves no one is going to save them they must make a choice.
and I'm guessing you've never spoken to one of these elusive "white girl" things in your life.
I rest my case.
You have to have a case to rest it.
is something I can understand.
>I want a relationship but no responsibility for myself or my choice in woman or my children and anything bad that happens to me isn't my fault
is something inherently disgusting. A repulsive ideal.
Can you faggots go practice your wizardry in another subreddit?
Please stop, you're embarrassing yourself.
I never really understood this argument.
I don't think that there are no good women around but that they are extremely rare in numbers and usually already taken. But let's say hypothetically I and the other user find decent women and everything goes great. That still isn't going to change the majority that haven't changed. That's still a large chunk of whites that aren't breeding or do breed but they're degenerates. Sure you can change things for yourself but the problem doesn't just go away when things get better for you. There's deeper issues that have to be solved first. Hell even if all whites stopped bullshitting around and had kids but did nothing about the jewish parasites, they would just import more shitskins.
This whole "Be alpha and look the other way" thought process that I see being pushed on Holla Forums for years now is extremely troubling and unrealistic for a real solution.
See you in >>>/foreveralone/ brother haha
No wonder people still live in cities, fuck.
Women aren't set in stone, immobile and hostile. They are people who can learn to be good people or shit people. You can't just find a gem and refuse to polish it.
Being alpha is being assertive enough to find a woman you like and who agrees with you, or convince the woman you like to tolerate your beliefs. Anything else is whiny bullshit that means your progeny dies off, one way or another.
Conflating the two (de-converting wife material and cucking your beliefs) is inane.
I would if I could you fucking retard, but I'm tied down to where I am now because life is a cunt. I bet you're also one of those faggots that thinks "just be yourself" is good advice and has a 100% success rate.
Maybe it is better if you "stay single by choice".
With all respect I think that everything I said was lost on you, or you flat out didn't read it and just copypasted phrases from a manual.
You can change one woman, maybe a few others as friends or whatever, and you can see results, but that isn't going to change the disasters going on in other cities that still affect us.
An unpolished gem is a perfect woman as far as I'm concerned. Doing the work for that is easy shit. Finding one that's actually a gem and not a counterfeit fake stone? Whole different matter. Some of them you can get to superficially follow you, but in most cases you can't make a decent woman out of a whore. Not even the most powerful man has that kind of power, it's ingrained in the psyche at that point.
Problems can be solved but you're trying to lull people into a red herring instead of solving the real problem of how the kikes fucked up everything since the sexual revolution.
I also have no idea how people like you sit there and yell at anons for not currently settling down for the shitty women currently in their lives as if that's a death sentence and that they've totally given up. And in the end no matter how much of "muh progeny" you have if we don't stop these fucking kikes all of that would have been wasted.
This nigger gets it holy shit. It's like it's taboo to acknowledge the fact that women are the only ones that can truly change themselves, and they never will because they can't do anything on their own. It's a fucking trap.
There is no "problem with women" the problem is gender segregation. If real men would hang out with women as friends and equals, they wouldn't get all their fucking advice from dykes and faggots with no understanding of men. -user with a redpilled wife.
Found the roastie.
Well a slight clarification on that, women do need a fuck ton of work and change ahead (so do men as any of us will admit) and women will have trouble doing that on their own so men have to stand up to some degree. This is usually the point where people stop thinking.
In reality the woman has to meet us somewhere past point zero and somewhere before halfway. Many people get so afraid of the notion of "equality" that they see any sort of cooperation as being the same thing of equality. Not in the least. There are very different roles to be met, but each sex at least has a role.
Thanks, I've been carefully watching this shit forever and gradually gotten to the point where you really see how infantile their arguments are.
They do have a problem and they need to fix it themselves if not they will learn nothing and as soon as men turn around they will continue on with their filth. They must admit they have a problem and fix it and not just say "but men have problems too"
See this right here is the problem. I completely agree with everything you're saying, and I'd even be willing to try and polish something into a gem. The problem though is the concept of a "two-way street" has died in the west. It's either her way, or the highway.
What the fuck? It doesn't need to. That was the point I made. You don't have to sacrifice your ability to make children with a nice white girl to "change the disasters going on".
I agree with and understand this, especially if the system is hostile and you're only given one shot. It's a character flaw to forget to check, test, and prod the gem before you slap that shit in a ring, though.
Not every woman lying around is a whore. It's a matter of looking, knowing where to look, and how.
The only way you can solve it personally is by not participating. Everything else is movements and efforts, all of which I support. Killing off your chance of raising healthy kids doesn't preclude trying to save women in general.
Specific vs General.
Let me just quote myself a few times real quick and see where I say th
wait fuck there's that "copypasted argument" thing
You don't have to fuck off and hide under a rock to "stop the kikes". Contrary to that, you play into their hands by doing so.
The complacent idiots keep popping out babies.
You're so fucking stupid dude.
You're so fucking stupid dude.
It contributed just as much to the conversation as your incredible content post.
Tweens need not apply.
Okay go back then.
How can all those "landwhales" resist your wit and humor?
Sorry user i was attempting to communicate on your level.
I think he has a point though, in that the gender segregation is a much bigger factor in this than with the genders individually.
I've had a few thoughts on this myself. Most women my age decide, shit you not, within a few minutes if they want to sleep with the guy or not. I've had girls immediately start shit testing me while drunk before I even turned my head to look at them. By the time I sat down and ordered another beer she was already talking to my friend who is a cuck/pol/ user and subscribes to the more PUA side of things. She was Asian anyway but that's not the point.
People like me who want to assess a woman's character before deciding if they want to be with them don't fair well under these conditions. To find someone you have to be willing to only hook up and be prepared constantly, and decide later if you want to keep it going. Only this tends to get decided to early as well, which is how people get in these shitty relationships without realizing how shitty the other person was.
The thing is women didn't really evolve for this type of behavior. They evolved to be more selective and be sure that the man would stick around, protect the offspring, and have more. Despite what we're told this goes against the biological urges. It's an unnatural programming by kikes. Just because people get triggered over muh six gorillion doesn't make that a natural reaction either.
But spending time to get to know the other person first is basically impossible now, due to a pseudo segregation. Because of this rapid transition from meet to fuck, women think that's the way it is, so anyone taking longer than that obviously is just a friend. It doesn't occur to them that a guy may want to get to know her first, and if he changes his mind he's not "abandoning her because he only wanted to get in her pants" it's because he decided that she maybe was someone he didn't even want to be friends with, let alone date. This also applies to when he tells her he's interested and she says "no you're my friend". She was the one who didn't understand the difference between a guy that only wants to be friends and someone who was actually interested. The thing is in some cases even if he was a numale, if he made a move within a few minutes of meeting her he would have a pretty good chance. It has nothing to do with him. It has to do with this idea that has been programmed INTO women that you can't date friends, or someone your parents set up for you, etc. It has to be someone completely new.
Men are the ones being forced to adapt to this after the women were first brainwashed. That's why you see so much PUA shit online now, that's because it goes against your intuition and has to be taught to you. Not that I'm saying being a suck up pussy is better. There's this dangerous reddit false dichotomy of redpill/bluepill being pushed but both are just different brands of bluepills. There is only one truth, and 9/10 it's what your gut is telling you.