Link related, my philosophy in life. It actually starts at the very point.
I recently came across an argument a feminist made about men being entitled to women's bodies, mocking the men who feel entitled as thus. And I realized something very important.
Men are predators. In fact, they have to be in order to procreate. I know this because of how hypocritically I have seen feminists act. They love their relatively new freedoms in the grand scale of history, engaging in various sexual adventures, pursuing employment in different fields at various levels, and proclaim and celebrate it.
At the same time, they demand the same type of patriarchal dominance through their unconscious desire as they are attracted to the same men who appear dominant and forceful and readily give their sex to these kinds of men. I am talking about super high apex 1% type men, like Saudi oil sheiks or really wealthy businessmen, like Trump for example.
This brings me to a particular deadlock; how to reconcile the women's desire for dominant and successful men with their own professed desire for their own personal economic freedom? The answer is simple; women are living, breathing, walking human commodities.
They can walk, they can talk, they can think, they even have their own free will. But they are still commodities. Why? Because they are fetishized by men. Men pursue them to the point of killing each other over them, and women enable this. Women don't even need to push an ideology, since the majority of heterosexual men's drives push them to perpetuate this arrangement. It is trivial to see how women win both ways from this.
Moreover, women are commodities based on the fact that they hold a natural monopoly over the means of REproduction and the point of fulfillment of sexual desire for heterosexual men, who are still a majority.
This turns back to the notion that men are predators. They must be in order to demonstrate that they are capable of defending these women from other men, and their drives tend towards such men. Killers routinely receive fan letters and marriage proposals from women while these men are in prison.
Fucking James Holmes, the Aurora shooter, has "Holmies." I'm not making this up:
Women also flocked to the Nazis as they invaded France. They go towards whichever one is strongest and shows the most initiative, and the image of a dangerous man arouses them. They are opportunists, through and through.
This brings us back to the point; demonstrations of strength and violence are now necessary in order for men to gain women's attention and approval, especially for those men who are in the margins of society. Society knows this that men know this, and accordingly structure punishments such that men can't take advantage of their new found notoriety. The ironic thing is that even someone like Elliot Rodger, if he survived and went to prison, would get tons, except he would probably be bewildered and enraged by all of the fan mail that he would receive.
tl;dr women should be treated like shit, it's about as much as they deserve