Daddy Jared Wants Refugees!

After meeting with Angela Merkel, Ivanka Trump says U.S. needs to take in refugees

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This is what happens when you get cucked by your ((son-in law))

This is ridiculous, we need to meme away Ivanka and Kushner


Want to know how I know you're not from around here? However, I do agree. If there is any truth in this, her influence has to be stopped (or she might just be being used as a justification for doing this. I.e. guys in the board room say: lets have it be something Ivanka wants because she's humanitarian. That way we can play on peoples' sympathies).

She needs the J.K. Rowling treatment. Plenty of room to house them in trump tower. :^)

Has She been paying attention at all the past 3 years to what Americas actually wants.

No respect for America, her and her queer liberal husband should fuck off.

Sadly they have positions of power and have brought in their ((friends))

I bet flooding America with even more non-whites is just 6gorrillion-D chess.

Maybe she was a good business person while working with her pops in the domestic/national front, but she is apparently a flakoid goes without saying as she is a woman of the highest order in regards to her new responsibilities. I know she is his first child, but I seriously doubt Big D's judgment with her. In fact, she's looking like the Dems best hope for the presidency in 2020 at this rate. I would not be surprised if they ran her against the father.

Nice thumbnail though, op, keeping the faggot meme alive. At least screen cap the article or copy/paste for some more info. You may be a member of the "headline/clickbait generation" but some of us here like more meat with our scoops.


Kek must strike her down at the hands of a muslim invader

Make it so! Kike blood libel do some work in our favor.

"Kids" This makes me sick

so what the fuck is with this bitch? she is trying to fuck shit up

I'm so fucking mad.

The worst part is that Trump will do whatever she says if he wants to keep the blowjobs coming

Whats the argument for transporting rapefugees so far from their home to live in a foreign culture? If they are refugees the status is meant as a temporary designation. There are tons of countries between the US and Syria. I've yet to hear a convincing argument for why we should shoulder the burden. You can't deride america as interfering in the world and then say we have an obligation to help. Your people should be transported to the nearest country, not the US.

Muh feels and misguided Christian values

Just kike my shit up, fam.



There is no organized body known as Christian. Even if your religion is Catholicism or Orthodox or Protestant, Jesus said to feed the hungry and clothe the naked, not transport them around the world for free shit and to commit rape.

Now we'll see how much Trump is under her heel.
If he follow her "recommondation" I'll lose all fucking hope in him.

muh fuckinhg feelings and virtue signaling that you did something good despite doing nothing at all.
Not one fucking politicans or otherwise spokesman who screams to take more in has ever taken one in to their own home.
And the goyim that got brainwashed enough to take some in, regreted it later massivley and just wanted them gone in the end.

lol fucking yael

I remember up until 2 years ago Holla Forums had a meme called kosher nationalism that mocked and derided civic nationalism. It was meant for parties like Sweden Democrats and Front Nationale campaigned on platforms of Israel first. A coincidence, you would think. Now, that meme has disappeared starting from two years ago (wonder how that could be) and now people are shocked that the only promises Trump is delivering on are the ones he made to Israel.

It's time for the base to push an all out assault on her. This is getting out of hand. We need more rapefugees, are you fucking kidding me? Hit the Trump sons on twitter, spread the info on all social media, call into radio talk shows etc. This has to end and it has to end now.

only leftist faggots think he gets bj's from her. kys

Trump has to fucking dump her.

Always the damn women! Every fucking time!

Awesome picture.

/r/the_donald will ban you if you criticize her

He hasn't even kept his promises to Israel, he hasn't recognized Jerusalem as their capital and even went against the settlement expansion.
I don't know what the fuck is going on.

the_donald has been run by SRS since last summer when they purged the mods after the RNC and replaced them with liberals and cuckservatives.


can we meme antifa ir a mudslime murdering ivanka?

Fucking hell.

At this point Ivanka is little more than a glorified prostitute. She wants to feel big and important, she wants to feel like she matters, that she's beautiful and makes important decisions and truly "cares" about the country. She wants to make herself appear like some wise, pretty guardian angel. She went from daddy's little girl to meddling whore right quick. It's like there's this undertone in everything she says and does that tells people "give me the respect I deserve, I'm a woman and I'm important." Riding her father's coattails.

Man, if ever there comes a family feud between her and the Trump sons, I hope they utterly decimate her.

Holy shit, I figured it out. Everytime I hear her speak, I find it annoying, reminiscent of someone else, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

Now I know.

She reminds me of Hillary Clinton. Her fake smiles, her rhetoric, even the manner in which she speaks. That video really brought it to my attention.

I was already wondering why german tabloid had her on the front page with a headline about how sweet she is

holy fugg

still a qt

Jesus titty fucking christ…
Consider my jammies rustled

She's been that for a long time lad. Now she's becoming a serious thorn in the lion's paw.

Who do you think has the faker smile here, user?

and into the trash it goes!

I can't discern a difference.


Not only leftists think that. Incest fetishists do too

We need to meme Kushner and her out of the white house. She will be easy since libs are already trying to do the same. Kushner will be harder and we might to to dig up a scandal or something to force it.

You aren't going to meme Trump into getting his daughter, his favorite child, out of the White House. I'm starting to think Trump isn't even going to run in 2020 - its going to be Ivanka.

He's still spoiling her rotten, isn't he? Nothing's changed since she was his little girl.

I just realized. When you're at that level of power and influence, you don't have very many choices for the designated ugly fat friend.

Dear god no.

His fucking daughter and her kike husband need to keep their noses out of shit that doesn't concern them.

Impossible. She was the one who convinced Trump to run (supposedly; I'd say she was a major factor, given to how he is willing to bomb a country because muh feels daddy).

Its pretty obvious she's there for the muh women PR and her faggy husband has been fucked since day 1. That said we should still meme them the fuck out of there.


But US policy very much concerns the Jews.

Its politico you fucking retard, are you actually defending the lugenpresse? what am I saying this is the designated shilling thread

Remember how Don waved kate Steinle's pic around at the rallies? We do this with every single rape/murder committed by an illegal. Pic of victim with hashtag #IvankaDidThis make her and Trump responsible for every death, every rape, every child whose mouth gets pissed in by her pet rapefugees.


mods are still kiked, what else is new


Why was this anchored exotically?

gas yourself my man


Yeah m8, look at all the shilling going on in here. Shilling for what exactly? Who the fuck knows, just shills! Because there's definitely such a thing as too much evidence against someone who is very bad news. This is only slightly less fucking retarded than bumplocking a thread about Kushner himself doing something kikey.

If america is so racist, why would ((they))) want to bring muzzies in?
If they actually believed what they preach about all the nazis, racist, misogynistic white men, why would they punish sand niggers by bringing them here?????????????

Did you even watch the video of her saying this before spouting off? It's right here


Yeah I'm pretty sure I know who you are. Nobody damage controls this hard with this many strawmen than that special someone. Always need to try and rationalize every single action you do, you're never at fault, you can never do no wrong.

And you certainly never honestly address anything, you make a snide meme arrow remarks and act like that's a counterargument the actual fucking problems people have with you. You're so fucking jewish, there's a reason three anons instantly called you out for being a faggot, it wasn't (((coincidence))) or luck. You faggots are so fucking gay.

Wew, shills fight shills thread!


Why was the thread bump locked?

Keep it coming boys girls, I know you faggots hire for diversity after all I need to reach my daily intake value

Not sure maybe I'll get a response here



mods are kikes

This Is the salt I need.

So how long till this board is a ghost board because of iamkikey? I give it to when the last of the drumpfcucks leave in the next few months.

Judaism is a worse kind of disease than I thought.
We have to cure it.

What is even going on with this boards moderation anymore?

Ivanka is Jared's puppet. Fuck em both.

I remember how bigly that pic was pushed here, implying she's /ourgirl/ but look at her hands. I'll wager she's never played an arcade game in her life and jared/jeff gisea had her do that photo-op to con the board. Never forget Gisea who claimed he was the mastermind behind the meme army.

Face it, Trump is kosher controlled opposition

Every tweet she makes, every article about her should have these and other pics in comments. Preferably American victims but sure, might as well throw in German victims since she and Merkel have so much in common, being womyn and all.

Almost there shill kun-d-dont stop

Refresher pls.

They just ditched the thread lol

This article was the first I heard of him. Rich as fuck and working with cernokike on some things. I believe he was sponsor of the deploraball too. A DC faggot millionaire. He needs more attention anons.

We don't have a problem with Trump though, we DO have a problem with kikes like Ivanka spewing their liberal bullshit to Trump.

One of the main promises Trump made was to build safe zones over in Syria, so, do it then and keep them out of here because I can guarantee you that 75% of those refugees will just be ISIS members. I mean shit, we all knew that years ago, which is why we voted for Trump, so he'd stop it, not just continue the leftist policies that are destroying America and rotting it away. So, idk, I think it's a legit discussion to have

Not from around here are you newfriend?

I don't know why Eric and Jr are going along with this shit, especially jr.

I honestly think both of them browse Holla Forums. They've made some very, very subtle comments hinting at it, but of course they could never make it obvious.

They are probably trying behind the scenes to some extent, but they also married kikes.


I wouldn't be surprised

Eric's wife is scottish, retard.

For fucks sake mods we're attacking Ivanka, not Trump himself.

You fucking retards.

Mods are fags, you should know that by now.

Look at Breitbart's front page.

Apparently Kikebart is less controlled than a fucking Holla Forums colony. Goddamn it I hate Reddit.

Reported for wrong think.

Go fuck yourself

Nah, Erics wive is a mix of solvak, swiss, english. Jr wive is half kike on her fathers side. Not good but it's not super kike jared.

Who are you quoting

Yeah the US should take ALL the refugees since it is the one responsible for creating ALL of them.

Its time to start looking at moving again but fucl all knows where we can go. Cant believe criticizing trump is a ban

Nope, Trump will hand his presidency over to Ivanka and have her act as Hillary did to Bill, just expect le ebin animegirl.jpg reaction pics and autistic screeching about 7th dimensional duck hunt when you try calling it out.

Now you're getting it, more anons need to start taking the Kushner pill.

Female suffrage was a mistake.
Hell, giving women legal personalities was a mistake.

Mods might as well ban the entire board at this point since we're all apparently astroturfing kike shills. This is fucking ridiculous.

m8, even fucking halfcuck is a better place than here now. And you know what the craziest shit is? It was even WORSE than this before the hack. Ever since the hack they backed off a good deal, not that it really stands to fool anyone. Some suspicious shit from the usual suspects.

apparently we're raiding a bumplocked thread. wait for it.

Ivankike and her kike husband need to go.

Syrian refugees are worse than niggers and spics combined..

It's like the 2016 election was meaningless. :/

we need a total change of government if we are ever to survive as a race and as a nation.

They're meant to replace us. The kikes want us gone, and they have gotten our own women to help them. I'm not even trying to demoralize, these are sad times we are living in for so many marginalized people. And by marginalized I do NOT mean niggers.

I also don't think he intended us to "feed" and "clothe" those people so much for so long (this is called ENABLING, not charity btw) that they outbred the civilized Christian world to such an extent that they invaded with their foreign religion and raped our mothers and daughters, killed our fathers and sons, and destroyed all that Christ himself said to protect. If following your theology ends in the destruction of the church and the civilization around it, you're doing it wrong.

You "feed the hungry" all you want, but until I see otherwise, doing as such is nothing but enabling their misery(and ours especially, seeing how we will probably end up not existing afterward) and partaking in some illogical moral crusade that Christ never intended to take place(feed and clothe the heretic so that he may outbreed you and conquer you? you fucking kidding me?)

No thanks. Those dogs have proven they can't hunt.

At this point, I'm nearing strike III on Trump :/. Syria strike, saying the dreamers can stay, and if he listens to ivankike and brings in rapeugees then I think it's safe to say he's compromised.

We need a political revolution, our government is to infiltrated on all levels to ever make a change, this election proves it.

Giving women the right to vote was the biggest mistake in American history, outside of not joining the axis in wwII.

The government forcibly takes your money and then gives it to women through social security, female healthcare and pro-feminism schemes. Imagine if the state didn't provide these things, what would happen? Well, you'd have a significant amount more in income. Women would have to stay with their husbands, and young ladies would have to try and find a hard-working man to support her. Female promiscuity would greatly decrease, and steady marriages would increase, leading to more children.

Allowing women to vote has resulted in government power replacing the power of men. Men's worth has significantly decreased with the growth of the state, while women have also voted in ways that increased their own power.

The only way to stop this is for the state itself to come down, or for some sort of favourable dictator to rise to power, because women will never give up the vote.

The state taking the place of the man in traditional relationships is a big part of why women are even able to be so slutty today. That shit just wouldn't fly before.

Who's that?

She changed her name to Yael Kushner after she rejected Jesus Christ.