New Ben Garrison

Garrison Backs Bannon. Goes after Kushner .Ivanka and ((associates))

With this and the new Ivanka interview saying they need to let in refugees can we still win against ((them))?

Other urls found in this thread:

Original here.

Better version for sure

Bannon should be a kike with a mask on.



This is a nice meme to spread.
= Deep state is not America.

Unamerican flag.

Death to Israel and all Jews;
This time down to the child!


It's us or them

I think in the latest version Ivankike looks different, but i can't find it right now.

stay mad.

upside down flag indicates distress.

That didnt take long….
Bravo user, bravo

we hate bannon now?


Only if you're life is in immediate danger. Flying it for a prolonged time isn't considered "distress", but protest.

That version still has the jews flying the wrong flag.

Also, I could be mistaken but the original version did not have blacks in the stand and they were asking for gas kikes and racewar. I can't remember the exact verbage though.

Good old Ben Garrison is a smart man.

Amazing Amazing jobs

Egyptian bondage didn't happen, but it should have!

Figuratively and Literally not American

((Ivanka and Kushner)) will either be the death of Trump or the death of America

failed attempt

He's ex-Goldman Sachs and he ran Kikebart, I don't know why anybody likes him.

ivanka will perish
kek wills it


Why do the mods keep deleting threads about Ivanka wanting rapefugees???????

The mods are deleting and banning anything and anyone that criticizes the Trump administration. The board is currently heavily compromised. Remember what Voltaire said about those you're not allowed to criticize.

There's been like 5 Ivanka threads about her saying in a video that we need open borders for Syrian Refugees that have been removed.

This board is heavily compromised

Because they are Trumpcucks. There were Trump ads on this board and their campaign took ideas from here leaving the anti-kike shit out. Jim is in on it.


Is it true that Trump is taking in the Australian island refugees?
I read it in an alternative source.

Post an archive.

It's true, but he's not happy about it.
Pence was in Sydney a few days ago and confirmed it would happen "subject to US vetting processes", but also said that although they will honor the agreement "it doesn't mean we admire it".

Basically it's going to happen as a one-off thing, to preserve the integrity of the Office of the President of the United States. ie. An agreement was made between a US President (Obongo) and the Australian PM, so it will go ahead because the US doesn't go back on its word, but it'll never happen again while Trump is President.

post a link to the video or a webm, I hearing about a video. but nothing gets posted.

wtf, how the hell the did you miss Soros?

0/10 would not bang, also make Kushners head saler so you can see the rest of his name.

What about opening the Israeli border to Syrian refugees?

Oy vey! Anoda shoah!
Our greatest ally.
Assad gasses his own people.
Nork molemen tunneling under the wailing wall! Nucular weapons…

Kikes are trying to deface Ben's work and turn him into an anti-National-Socialist. Has anyone been able to cover the original?

Change the burning books from "Conservative Views" to "Communist Kike LIterature and Pornography"

Disgusting cryptojewess.

Explain, and show us some quotes for his speeches and books you worm.

I won't wait and you won't respond nigger

I think it's time to shitcan TORpedos for week/month/year.

I do faggot. What babbies don't know is that if you work in Finance, and are good at what you do, you end up working with/for Goldman Sach's in your career.
It's the same if you are an aeronautical engineer - you WILL end up working with/for Boeing at some point in your career.

If you sell flowers you will now be forced to come into contact, work with FTD Flowers in the United States.

Bannon is based. Bannon cares about America. Bannon owns rights to Seinfeld and has FUCK YOU money. Without his time at Goldman Sachs, we don't have President Trump.



requesting original


If Trump needs to be hurt to fulfill his promises so be it.

He ran Kikebart, an Israel-first media outlet.

Ahh, a taker. Show me a better news source than Kikebart in the MSM right now. Show me a MSM entity that reaches more people and spreads anit-immigration more than Kikebart.

WE KNOW who runs the site, that's our advantage. We know we can shit on muslims and illegals in the comments/DISQUS there but can't say anything about chosenites without being shoahed.

Tell me, other than Pat Buchanan, who is /ourguy/ other than Bannon?

I don't have one at the moment, do you?

Or did you just want to shit on Bannon because you're a crybaby faggot?

misspelled zyklon B