Chinks going full force and about to mass produce waifus.
they said
they said
they said
they died of old age married to a used up cum slut and their childred being obiediend soros pets.
Chinks going full force and about to mass produce waifus.
they said
they said
they said
they died of old age married to a used up cum slut and their childred being obiediend soros pets.
Other urls found in this thread:
Mogwais arrive in T minus
This is a sick world we're living in. You know the shitskins are now going to demand artificially grown white women for fucktoys.
Let there be life.
Wich will make every shitskins exponentially more white every generation, untill the ammount of shitskin DNA is less than 1% in 7 generations.
We won the race war!
Finally I can check-out of society and allow the world fall into the claws of the Jews.
I'm happy and docile now :)
I'm wondering, if you got a spare egg from your wife while she was pregnant and fertilized it, would this set-up work exactly the same way as traditional pregnancy? I could see this working to our advantage as we could have more children than we'd normally be able to, and shitskins wouldn't be able to afford it.
Sex bots are the second line of defense. Full humanlike androids will be probably more affordable until the price for artificial womb birth hits equilibrium. No one can tell. Depends how fast chinks will pull it off.
>Finally I can check-out of society and allow the world fall into the claws of the Jews.
nice try agent Stormstein.
No, it doesn't work like that. And even artificially grown whites don't deserve to be subjected to that.
Oh, what a Brave New World
>mfw the loss of their reproductive power makes women step up, be proper and end the vaginal jew or perish with the glorious dawn of the waifu age
This. Honestly, since everyone wants a white person, it'll probably just become a massive slavetrade of whites. One would hope that ones the trash dies out it'll end, but you can bet your life they'll screw one of their own to keep their lineage to have someone to constantly screw over their white slaves.
This will lead to even more human slavery than what currently exists. Just look at how animals are treated in factory farms, that's how artificial humans will be treated. We need to stop this.
This, they wont breed with the whites, they'll just rape them and then abuse them, while breeding with other shitskins.
It's a sick world in which dysgenics is allowed but engineering a perfect human is not.
It's a sick world in which retards and crippled fucks are allowed to live cuz "muh humans" but creating a better humanity for everyone is wrong.
fuck you
It is already possible to use proxy mothers while isolating the genes of the proxy mother to give birth to the genetic markup being used in the fertile egg which is then implanted to the proxy slut. With artificial wombs the process would be the same, but you'd have the advantage of being able to use CRISPR/CAS9 to basically create a 'superhuman' immunized to all sorts of illness and enhanced cognitive performance as well as physical enhancements.
It is forbidden in the west though, like many other things. Chinks don't have any science (((ethics))) which works for us.
You know, I can only see this coming out as a positive. And something capitalist I can get behind.
I don't think I'll mind a woman who was genetically engineered to be intelligent, loyal and family centered, considering most women these days want the opposite.
This will just cause the (((feminist))) women to be outbread and genetically eliminated. Naturally this will apply to men too, women will breed with the best engineered men. But eventually this will die out since we have an unlimited supply of quality. I can also see this being a breed for war. Something like this could push forward humanity into the space age.
Transhumanism in a nutshell, folks.
think about it
now, we can steal some semen from those autist scientists and nobel prize winners, mix it with some beautiful women and BAM, have a baby factory ready to shit out next Ubermensch
You aren't even trying
I mean, it's not a day of the rope. But it does the job eventually.
Kill yourself, you pathetic nerd. Your life is shit because you're a shitty person. The fact that you think creating a slave race would be a good thing, shows exactly who you are.
The ideas of ‘singularity’ and ‘transhumanism’ are inherently Jewish in origin, intended to destroy European culture and ethnicity. Ray Kurzweil (Jew) and Isaac Asimov (Jew) are the largest proponents behind the ideas. The first step was the destruction of Christianity and the replacement of it with moral and cultural relativism. The nest step was the destruction of marriage by making divorce acceptable. The third step was the destruction of sexuality by introducing legalized homosexuality. The fourth step is the destruction of gender by making transgenderism the norm. The final step will be to destroy the very fabric that makes us human by introducing the ideas of “transhumanism” and “singularity.”
A disproportionate number of jews are leaders in transhumanism, as also in these other utopian ideals.
There is precedent for strivings toward an early Messianic era, with overtones of transhumanism. Socialists–and particularly the idealists of the 19th century–looked forward to the hell-and-heaven of a secular End of Days, with science and technology as guides. Theodor Herzl (Jew) likewise offered a technophilic and universalistic solution to the age-old problem of anti-Semitic persecution
– H+ Magazine
Transhumanism is an occult project, rooted in Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry and derived from the Kabbalah, which asserts that humanity is evolving intellectually, towards a point in time when man will became god. Modeled on the medieval legend of the Golem and Frankenstein, they believe man will be able to create life itself in the farm of living machines, or artificial intelligence.
Through the use of “smart drugs” and what transhumanists call “mind uploading”, man will be able to merge with the Internet, which is envisioned as the end-point of Kabbalistic evolution–the formation of a collective consciousness, or global brain. That awaited moment is what Ray Kurzweil refers to as the “singularly.” By accumulating the total of human knowledge, and providing access to every aspect of human activity, the Internet will supposedly achieve omniscience, becoming the “god” of occultism.
– David Livingstone, Transhumanism: The History of a Dangerous Idea
Mordechai Nessayahu’s “Cosmotism”depicts a future in which Israel saves humanity from eco-disasters and nuclear annihilation. Also influential as a Labor Party stalwart, Nessayahu motivated Yitzak Rabin and Shimon Peres to pursue the Oslo Accords peace plan. Peres published his own visions in A New Beginning. He imagines an improved Israel via peace and an information revolution. Equally optimistic is Yigal Arica’s What’s in the Future? Niv Ahituv’s A World Without Secrets presents a totally transparent world where all information about everyone is available to everyone. It is the 21st century evolution of the ancient ideas of Marxism.
– Hank Pellisser
Ray Kurzweil
Isaac Asimov
Charles Stross
Stanislaw Lem
Marvin Minsky
Ben Gietsel
Eliezer Shlomo
Tsvi Bisk
David Deutsch
They wouldn't breed with them retard, think about what you're saying. With artificial womb they'd make their children into more niggers, then breed white fuckslaves. Use your head.
Hating niggers more than you love your own folk isn't White Nationalism.
By the same token, wanting pussy more than you love your own folk isn't White Nationalism either.
If you would allow millions of white people to be enslaved and treated like cattle just so you can get your dick wet, then you deserve to be gassed right alongside the Jews.
Fucking sperglords. Shit like this is why humoring the MGTOW faggots and transhumanist fedora LARPers was a mistake. You're all fucking degenerates who are in a race to the bottom with each other.
They are doing it already with european women. We can't re-use those women, so artificial waifus are pretty much a cure and solution at the same time.
you get it.
exatly. They know it and that's the reason they are saving themselves into gibs and affirmative action.
You're the one who's not trying reddit-spacing fag. The idea is great if and only if only white people have access to it. However, just by the fact the Chinese are the ones who've started the party, you can bet your ass that white people (artificial or not) will wind up as slaves and abused. How wonderful, we've solved the quality of our birth problem (not necessarily the birthrate problem) and now a fuckton of whites are slaves. I'm glad that it would disempower feminists, but one must look at the negatives. (In addition, due to feminist screeching, you can bet that it'll be banned in the West such that only Achmed or Akumba or Zhang will be using these. And, because these groups don't care about love/marriage etc. will just use them as fucktoys).
I have waited for this for so long. It's time.
Fill me in on how why you believe that humans suddenly lose their claim to the most basic human rights simply by being incubated outside of a human womb?
primitivists are this stupid
I adapt to the world I live in, and the world I live in is sick. People who think that breeding sex slaves is a good idea are sick, you are sick.
The degenerates in this thread are troublesome. We need fascism now more than ever, the people do not deserve to get what they want. Libertarianism, Capitalism, all tools of the Jew.
This is straight out lying. There are TONS of white scientists behind this idea. Hell, even the first artistic visions of robot enhanced societies and artificial genetic breeing came from Nazi Germany (and to a fair amount from then-britbongistan, but brits were more on the eugenics train).
Also, genetic fallacy. X is Y, therefore Z must be bad.
Fill me in on why you think the world will have a problem with enslaving white clones and treating them like cattle when they do that to real white people today?
Did you miss what happened in Rotherham, you rat-faced Transhumanist kike?
Listen you defeatist cuck, if you think that white people cant have artificial wombs of their own then youre seriously retarded, this is a nice advancement in science. (although as you mentioned, a chink advancement) In a natsoc future, White people are the ones who are going to polish this new technology in the future, creating superior men
Go die in a pit of savage niggers faggot, we are taking this from the chinks
Get back in the oven Moshe.
alright, filtered.
not that user but it will work like the 'a fetus is not a human being' shit that is used to justify abortions.
The exact same argument every single time. Transhumanists are not redpilled. They are just racist Stalinist Futurists.
This is what you get for coddling the fedoras.
These cumbrained fools are so wrapped up in their selfish fantasy of breeding a sex slave of their own that they don't care who suffers so long as they can have their pleasure. They are degenerates.
This. This is dystopian as fuck lads. We will achieve new levels of degeneracy before never seen before. We're commodifying our humanity through this path and we're going eventually discard it if we don't.
Feminists and leftists are going to abort the idea of using this in the west while it's still in the womb.
You're going to reduce your racial identity into a fucking fashion trend, you retard. You will lose all of your racial history as all it means to be white will be reduced to paying a fee as to what skin color your child will have. You fucking degenerate, I can't believe I share this board with you.
What you're ignoring is that whites can use this tech to breed and make more whites.
Only a non-white shitskin would be against that.
no. better to take sperm from moonman or pepe than from those university kikes.
Fuck off. A mastery of genetics and bioengineering is required to win the race war. We need as many artificial wombs producing as many genetically engineered master race children as we can possibly support. That is the only path forward for us - for anyone. Otherwise we fucking die out and/or get swamped in a never-ending horde of mud.
If you don't support human mastery over biotechnology, you're only saying that the world should be ruled by some other group, quite possibly an AI.
It is.
>tfw entire generations of people if you can call them that are born without mothers to further fuck our genes and slide civilization into degeneracy
Because non-white shitskins don't want to ficki ficki dat white pussy, right?
If you don't think the Chinese are going to immediately start breeding blonde women to abuse, and probably even eat, then you're a fool.
We always have MENSA to harvest from. A good precentage of them are blonde haired blue eyed.
Yes, but you see you have to accomplish one thing before you can do one thing before you can do another faggot. Your circular reasoning wont fly. You'd first have to win a race war/have one such that we become natsoc in actuality so that we may even be allowed to use it. But, if we were natsoc one would be able to fix all the issues without the artificial wombs (athough they still might be useful to speed up the eugenics process).
Yes, the one who realizes both the pros and the cons of what you're proposing is retarded. The one who realizes that it's more likely that we wont have this in the west than that we will. If I'm retarded then, at minimum, you're delusional.
Have to be in a position of power first to be able to do all that. You're like someone who spouts hope and change but is actually incapable of bringing it about or (more so) is working under falses premises.
Deflection. I never argued against those things. Just that current whites can use sexbots with white eggs to continue breeding, and possibly exceed or match shitskin levels of breeding.
Kill yourself, fuckface.
Yes, your fallacy is that you think you can create entirely new species through genetics and have anyone trust you or believe that you're not committing GENOCIDE on white humanity. Fuck off.
No, X is jewish, therefore X is bad, DEFINITIONALLY. Fuck off.
Yuval Noah Harari on the Rise of Homo Deus
In conversation with Kamal Ahmed, the BBC’s economics editor, Harari examined the political and economic revolutions that look set to transform society, as technology continues its exponential advance. What will happen when artificial intelligence takes over most of the jobs that people do? Will our liberal values of equality and universal human rights survive the creation of a massive new class of individuals who are economically useless? And when Google and Facebook know our political preferences better than we do ourselves, will democratic elections become redundant?
Stop being a filthy kike.
So, you're saying we'll have more of the same, except there will be more whites?
Why the outrage, then?
Where the fuck did that word even come from, you braindead luddite?
A human being is a human being regardless of where it's grown.
Imagine a scenario where there are two couples with problems having a baby.
One choses to use a surrogate mother.
The other uses the tech in the OP.
What in the world can justify giving human rights to the former, but not the latter?
I feel sick because the Jews are going to eat more babies. This need to be stop immediately. It is not going to be good for the white people because the white babies are going to be exploited for the personal gain. Whoever supports this need to hang.
I don't know how someone can be on Holla Forums and not be redpilled on (((transhumanism))) Futurism in general is mainly kike egoism mixed with delusional scifi dreams.
Either we use every possible thing to advance our interests or we fucking die. You either birth five white children through any means necessary or you don't. You either fight to make sure that you get longevity treatments or you fucking die of old age.
And shitskins would keep breeding just as fast, if not even faster.
Precisely, except, this would only be in Western countries because only western nations have a notion of "muh ethics".
tl;dr you'll effectively screw over more white people because the other races certainly wont be able to think abstract enough to say "these are humans". No, they'll treat them like trash because they're their creator (and don't even get me started once it becomes a production line kind of ordeal. All the worse).
lol, no, we don't sell our souls, you filthy fucking kikelover. We are better than animals; that means we don't behave as such to advance our interests.
Well, four's fine. Even three.
lol, "immortality is good because kikes told me so." Hilarious.
People nowadays think science will make them live forever as transhuman transsexual cyborgs in space with VR waifus. It’s really retarded that they think science will forever progress and that nothing is beyond man. The problem with being purely scientific is you can only approach questions using verifiable and quantifiable notions. This is why philosophers don’t often overlap with scientists, and when they do they’re shunned (Michael Kaku is a good example of this–people hate him because he philosophizes). Transhumanists never question (or may be incapable of questioning) the nature of the consequences of transhumanism, and even the nature of the self.
Because they entirely lack the ability to self-reflect, they will willingly trap themselves in machines with the foolish idea that their entire existence is contained within fatty matter. They see immortality as a moral obligation, they strive to achieve a world without death. They hope for it, but I fear it. Even if there is nothing after death, it is better than eternal life. If nothing exists after you die, then you need not fear it, as you will have no ability to do so. This is how I know that deep down, they, like everyone else, have an inescapable feeling that there is something after, like waking from a dream.
It’s funny how even with zombies and vampires so popular in media, these idiots still fail entirely to question the burden of immortality. And, particularly in this very specific case, they’re not even thinking about the implications of the economics of the matter. Instead of old people adding to a system that was never funded, can never be funded, and which is going to collapse in all its forms no matter how long people live, they’d prefer “young” people forever enslaved to the debt of the system in general. Force people to work for all eternity to pay back something that no one ever voted on or agreed to.
True, whites must win the race war first. artificial wombs and eugenics are not an end, but means to create the superior man.
Nazi Germany would've loved the ability to engineer Aryan Ubermenschen.
Holy fuck this. Kikes will abuse and create a race of subhuman golems while they live like fucking gods.
You dumbshit. You're destroying what it means to be white. You're destroying the meaning and history behind each race. You're turning human life into a fucking product, a commodity. What does it mean to be human when you're just churned out like a new designer fucking toy?
I'd rather die heroically in my youth than as a helpless old man. The obsession with a long lifespan is quintessentially jewish, pic related.
saging but this is why this shit is golem teir magic
also we're gonna ignore the obvious disadvantages of being raised in a Monsanto(tm) birthing sack.
Wrong because they strongly valued the motherhood.
Yes, they would breed faster, because this technology is coming whether we like it or not. China will definitely proceed regardless of ethical concerns. So whites should be using this technology to boost our numbers and create more people to redpill. Not using this technology of artificial wombs will only ensure the downfall of the white race. Other people will be using this shit anyway, SO WE SHOULD TOO.
This, the only way I could possibly support this is if we lived in a white world.
As long as we aren't in control non-whites will use this to create white sexslaves.
These fuckheads don't even understand what the kikes are actually after. They probably haven't even bothered to read the Talmud.
Fast track to the Exo-squad timeline.
absolute pleb tier
Hurray! Another technological development that will bring both good and bad into our world!
If they wanted people they needed to value motherhood, but that is a natural constraint that is soon to be over. Besides, artificial womb babies are not necessarily deprived of a mother.
No, we should exterminate them. If you're going off on hypotheticals, might as well choose the option that will best help the white race. What is the point of shitting out more white children if they'll still just drown in a sea of mud and kike slavery?
I agree with this, if China starts creating artificial humans we should wipe them off the face of the Earth.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Nice strawman. Who's talking about spamming white slaves? It's a chance for us. Genetics and technology will always be abused by the kikes to further their goals, but staying away from this tech and not utilizing it for our cause is surrendering like the luddite cuck you are.
We're already being reduced to working drones while our freedoms, women and perspectives are being taken away daily. Desperate times require desperate measures. So unless you fat burger ass doesn't start a civil war today and keeps on shitposting without doing anything, you're a part of the problem, too.
This. We will all die eventually and our legacy will be judged by what we leave behind for further generations. Right now our pople are nothing more than cannon fodder for the kikes. Artificial breeding can be a break out point for this vicious cycle of propaganda and enslavement.
X may be bad, but Z isn't. l2fallacy faggot.
THIS. It's like saying "don't use cryptography, because half of them were developed by jews".
out of functional realism. Not sure if you're retarded or simply 12y old.
Are you from fucking Tumblr?
Seriously, this is Tumblr-tier. If you're more worried about "meaning and history" than in the entire planet not being swamped by low-IQ morons you need to re-think your priorities.
The whole point of real longevity treatments is that the damage caused by aging processes is reversed. The Tithonus error is not possible in the real world; you can't have eternal frailty.
Someone want to explain exactly why Mr. Low-IQ Ficki Ficki would spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and many years of time to create a white sex slave when he can just bang all the white sluts he wants on Tinder?
Nothing about my post was hypothetical. Artificial wombs ARE coming, China WILL proceed with this science.
Exterminating all races but the white race just is not feasible. The war would destroy the entire planet. In my opinion we should use artificial wombs, boost white numbers, and blast ourselves off to space. Let the shitskins rot here on Earth.
Chinese will just start artificially breeding whites, because more beatiful lol.
Noooooooo that cannot happen!
This is fucking sick. All the tech progress in the past 15 years. I believed that self-driving cars will be no thing before 2050 now you have the first ones using it on roads. Then the mgtow guys started parroting the artificial womb meme as early as 2014. Today I read this..
I just hope this will only be used for reproduction and not for shipping white beauties into whorehouses all over the world.
do you guys remember our threads when we discussed that chinese have no soul. This is why we will lose to them in the end. China will become Israels new bitch (see current efforst by zuckerkike and soros to integrate into chink society) and they will go all out eugenics / genetic engineering while we miss out this oppurtunity.
Chinks are not the only who want to breed more white people artificially.
What's so bad about that.
I'd rather see the planet turned into an irradiated lifeless husk then let non-whites claim our birthright.
BASED Jews save whites - and humanity as well - from extinction.
name one thing you've done to further our cause aside from morally cozy shitposting. nothing
The Ice age can't come sooner. I am genuinely scared of the transhumanism. Jews invented this crap so this isn't good for us!!
I don't like the idea of non-whites claiming what whites built any more than you do. The point I'm making with space travel for whites is a defensive one. We can have an offworld backup planet where we can safely grow our numbers, and then take back Earth if the support is large enough.
You have absolutely NO IDEA at ALL.
That's the nature of technology. It's like with guns. They can be great, in the right hands.
What the fuck are you talking about? Do you live in reality? What back up planet? It doesn't exist. Earth is our home, it's all we've got.
Holla Forums started recruiting from Reddit some time ago and this flooded Holla Forums with a horde of retards.
gb2reddit then kys, you nogs.
Transsexuals are mentally ill. They're going to show up in the future regardless.
Technology is only as evil as it's users. Whites must use this tech and grasp it's power for ourselves.
Read the whole conversation before throwing in your worthless 2 cents, nigger.
Children need the parents to nurture them or they will grew to be psychologically unstable whom will murder everyone for their tragic mistreatments.
I love the kikes freaking out about this.
Yeah, that's been such a huge issue with in vitro
Pretty sure the wombs aren't going to be on planet kypton
Yiddish mind plague pls go
All this does is give an alternate way of producing kids. They're still going to be ordinary humans with the same rights as any other human, absolutely nothing is going to change save for the fact single fathers will be something that can exist now.
Can't exactly fuck children with all the best features on Tinder. Even in the sex trade, to get white people is probably top dollar because you'd have to wait for some to be pilfered by CPS in the states or taken away in Europe.
Look, white people care about virtues and abstract things. Your faggotry where you "dehumanize" yourself a effectively make us into robots whose only goal is to get higher and higher IQs with better and better looking phenotypes are effectively anti-human. Goodness, the "dehumanize" meme is the worst meme. One does not dehumanize themselves to face bloodshed, one humanizes themselves by realizing the acts they must be willing to do for the sake of their kin. It's the most human thing one can do, i.e., making the hard decision for the ones they love.
And that's the key issue. The west, at least in face, must keep up the facade of being anti-eugenics/humanitarian. Therefore, it will only be allowed in places without ethics. If you couldn't get stem cell research early on due to the Christians, who's to say that literal humans born from an artificial womb wont have backlash? (In particular because now you're affecting the feminists). The only way I could see this passing in the west is if the Jews wanted their supply of whites (but then they'd just keep it illegal and use all there big money shekels to by them illegally as they do now).
I've read the whole thread, you delusional autist. Science Fiction books aren't reality. I'm so sick of you fucking nerds buying into the bullshit fantasies the kikes throw your way.
You lying Jew so don't mislead us.
BTW did feminists already try to ban this in the west? I am sure the chinks will not ban it.
If white genes are superior, then the template for superior humans would be composed mostly of these genes. Which the super wealthy will attempt to claim for their own in their designer children.
It'll be a long time before anyone is able to design genetics from scratch without using natural references.
Read up on your technology. Cities in space aren't too far away.
As I've said. You don't understand the technology behind it. With CRISPR/CAS9, we can not only shape humans physically, but also mentally. A perfect human produced with CRISPR/CAS9 in an artificial womb, free of interfering maternial DNA, would be phychologically very different than a normal human. Less of our weaknesses and more of our strenghts.
x happens
Y happens.
You fucking luddite cucks never get tired, do you?
we'll have to breed and engineer them to not need parents and be super genious athlete ubermensch anyway,hooked up into the aryan hive mind killing kikes and nigger 24/7
litterally train from birth, suckled by a robot teat
we have the technology
From the strict Holla Forums perspective, this statement makes perfect sense; it reduces the value of a woman to a Holla Forumstard, so feminists (who totally represent women, right?) wouldn't want it - right?
Hell no! Remember that the whole schtick for them is "muh body". They consider babies in vivo to be parasites. Anything that takes babies out of wombs is a positive, for them. Some of them want children, and others hate whites, but as a whole, they don't give any fucks at all, one way or another, about the reproduction of the white race.
But who gives a fuck what they want? It's technology we can use to advance our interests.
And before you reply with stupid Luddite bullshit, ask yourself- how are you even communicating right now?
Yes, but this bioengineering technology was banned in the west before being even invented. Chinese and Asians for that matter already surpassed western bioscience by years.
Here is a great article on it:
There's a eugenics lab in China that uses White and Chinese DNA.
Incorrect. This allows us to win by breeding them out with an unlimited supply of females. This is actually the same thing as using highly promiscuous males to breed out a population, something that has been shown to be effective.
Maybe not for our generation, sadly. But the next one will be able to fully enjoy making women obsolete.
How did nuclear power work out for you? Or the internet? You liking that high-def interracial cuck porn being streamed directly into that 11-year-olds smart phone? What about the hormones trannies can buy off amazon?
Technology may advance, but humans don't, and the laws of nature do not change.
Dumbest shit I have EVER heard in my life. You can't get rid of the shit in your coffee no matter how much sugar you add into it, it will still have shit in it you stupid nigger. It's not possible to uncorrupt a race once it has non Aryan blood.
I've heard of Canadian feminists trying to ban sex bots, but have no idea if they were successful.
Heard of no attempts to ban artificial wombs, though.
They'd have a REALLY hard time, anyway, since this tech helps women who can't conceive, essentially making them go against their own.
Thanks for confirming you're a kike.
The internet has redpilled millions of people you dumb fucking kike. The internet is one of the only vectors that exists where people can learn true history. The internet is the only way we can discuss issues that matter LIKE THIS ONE.
Tell me where you are so I can gas you myself.
You are a traitor for not defending the white people.
>interfering maternial do you mean maternal? DNA
Sounds like tabula rasa state of a golem before words [spoilers]ideology[/spoiler] are shoved down it's throat.
You advocate a world without the interference of maternal DNA?
>only benefit is the kikes lose their maternal lineage
What about homogenous populations incredibly vulnerable to pandemic?
the concepts that need to be discussed were theorized about in A Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
which i suggest everyone interested to read
the implications of baby factories are immense and might in fact make many human conventions obsolete.
oh brave new world, oh brave new world
Fuck this thread, it's shill central repeating the same argument over and over:
And it's bluepilled billions. Pornography is everywhere, Holla Forums got tricked into supporting the kike enabling Donald Trump. You're delusional, but you clearly don't care. As long as you get your shiny new toys, you'll sell your soul to the devil.
Full retard.
Don't pretend to be white among us, you lying rat.
What would Hitler have done with this technology?
Whites having babies really rustles your jimmies, eh Moishe? :^(
Eugenics fag here, eugenics exists for a reason
The laws of nature is that the most fit survive while the unfit die. The law of civilization is that civilizations who can make use of technology to their benefit survive over those that cannot. That is why agricultural civilizations expanded over those hunter-gatherer ones to begin with. Civilizations are much like living creatures, and denying technology is asking for the same fate of all the untechnological tribes: Being subject to the good will of a power so overwhelmingly superior that it could wipe your entire race in a single day. Kaczynski shills will willingly give the Chinese the keys to this planet and then proceed towards the suicide of the White race.
Did any of you niggers even read the article? They're talking about an artificial womb you can throw a prematurely born baby into, not asexual reproduction. It's basically just a newfangled incubator, ie literally nothing.
Kikes subverted Europe way before internet, just by using paper press and money. I guess we should go back to stone age, safe is safe right? Idiot.
mmh.. are you a Holla Forums bro? That sentence gave me a boner for undisclosed reasons.
yeah, maternal, sorry. I'm shitposting in 4 languages right now.
obsolete question when there is a possibility to genetically engineer viruses to target specific ethnicities/markers. This bioweapon tech exists already.
Yeah, to effect change in the population dozens or hundreds of times more slowly than genetic engineering, which didn't exist when eugenics was conceptualized and implemented.
NOT literally nothing. One small step for man.
No I am fine white mother having the white babies but not the artificial womb because the white babies will be exploited. We are people, not animal to be slaughtered for the jews..
do people actually believe this shit?
Women are attracted to stupidity, hypermasculinity and status. They are superficial, materialistic and evil and even though you can make them decent through hardcore indoctrination, deep inside they will always lust for the "dark, mysterious, dangerous" man.
Robowaifus with artifcial wombs will be a blessing for high IQ aspies and and allow us to breed so we can exlore our galaxy one day.
And here we see the shill repeating the same argument once again. Considering you like repeating yourself so much, I'm going to give you a taste of your own medicine:
Fuck this thread, it's shill central repeating the same argument over and over:
You are sick and need to hang for not securing the white people's future. We are effing people, not animal.
Suck a dick, OP
This is made to save children born prematurely. It's not meant for complete fetal development.
All of this.
Luddites need to understand that technology cannot exist outside the laws of nature. As in, it wouldn't be technology; it'd be fucking magic.
But they apparently believe that technology is a fucking supernatural force. These people really believe in Jewish golems and ancient prophecies.
Stop using the devil box to communicate messages, you fucking kooks. We've got a future to save.
Hush, these idiots need to be destroyed before the real thing gets here
my only hope is that this doesnt get in the way of restoring the sanctity of marriage
Filth, absolute filth.
But they will only be half white, user.
Then 1/4th.
Then 1/8th.
Then 1/16th.
Then 1/32nd.
Then 1/64th.
This is what total victory looks like.
I am not effing Jew, you effing dumb idiots. I refuse to support this transhumanism invented by the jews.
Kill yourself.
Heh, fucked up the fractions. Should have said "half shitskin" and gone from there.
No, we are animals.
Once we become one with technology though in some sort of white human robo hybrid we ascend and stop being slaves to nature. We can become god.
We don't need the psychotic vengeful racemixed idiots to kill us off because we don't protect them from the exploitation.
No, you stupid arrogant bastard, what we realize is that this technology will enable the Jews to bring about their New World Order to achieve Tikkun Olam.
Try reading the Talmud, learn what your enemy believes in you fucking dunce.
pic seems relevant
Peak kikery right here. You can never become a god, no one can. That's the whole point.
No way because we will be jew's puppets to slave our whole life until we are useless.
no worries, we've all been there, brother
>genetically engineering viruises (not be right in English but I dont know the multiple)
if the technology is there it is then there is all the more reason not to use these Monsanto(tm) birthing bags as you'll be exposing your pure offspring to latent kikeviruis from birth.
I farm and have seen the effects of designer seeds, I don't want to imagine what it'll be like when you're born a corporate product
wew, I'm done, this is embarrassing, nu-Holla Forums is a mess
Except they won't be vengeful or psychotic. They will be fully placated by the siren song of their white robotic lover.
The plan is literally perfect.
the way i see it happening is that as we ascend and "become gods", our gods will also ascend, so as to maintain their utility and relevance to the current man
You are the worst shill in months. Global report.
On the day of the rope, all Transhumanists will hang, assuming we can find cable thick enough to support them.
Yes, please go. You won't be missed.
We all know you'll be back tomorrow, shill-kun
You see it that way because you're delusional. You can't upload your consciousness to a computer and get a robot body, and if you could, it would be a hell like no other. Being a god is not necessarily a good thing.
Nigger, you're putting the horse before the carriage. There's no white ethnostate that allows this. You think that this won't be subverted? You think there won't restriction imposed how designer babies can or can't edited? You think regulations and restrictions won't exist to prevent your McChild being anything but kosher?
You're making the change irreversible. I doing my part by trying to convince you retards how much of a horrible idea this is.
Oy vey! Let's just replace whites with genetically engineered slaves that can't wrongthink, but at least the shitskin hordes have a higher IQ right?
Jesus Christ. This board turned to cancer.
You have no idea how eff it is.
I see you shill, you're bad at your job.
Funnily enough, it was the other way around in the past: when DNA was starting out the Soviets backed the other alternative, which was more in-line with communist ideology (it was something like the individual is the product the environment, the guy had some results but he "improved" the numbers a lot). At the time that was reasonable as it was not clear who was right, but when it turned out they were wrong they insisted on still pushing it for ideological reasons. Now it's us (our governments) who push the idea DNA has no effect besides decades of evidence to the contrary.
But I believe the bans are only for civilians. The military certainly has secret research on it because they certainly can see the use of perfect soldiers or, even better, intelligence operatives (smart, charismatic, loyal, looks like the target population).
Some important details on these artificial wombs.
They require the embryo to have reached a certain stage of development before they can be used.
Then the embryo is surgically extracted and put in it.
Overall the development of the sheep embryos in this experiment matched up with what would be expected of a normal full term pregnancy.
One of the sheep is still alive, the rest were killed so they could be opened up and examined.
Brain, lungs and other organs all developed to full term standards (which normally does not happen with premature births)
The plan for these things is to deal with the physiological damage caused by premature births. Stick the babby in the artificial womb to come to full term and hopefully save them from this damage.
This does mean though that cesareans will become more common.
It may even reach a point where it becomes normal for women to only carry a child up to a point before skipping the rest of it and having it removed to be placed in one of these artificial wombs.
Course this raises the question of the known links between cesarean births and a number of issues in the children.
Overall though. We're a long ways off mail order waifus.
But don't you worry, we will seize the means of production sooner or later
No, you will approach the godhead with ill intent, and you will die in a manner that no luddite could ever comprehend or defend against.
Pray this power does not fall into the hands of the Jew.
i'm not speaking from a transhumanist perspective. i dont really think humans should be combined with technology any more than we are right now. i'm talking in more of an overman / traditional eugenics type sense. one we restore the foundations of our people and cleanse the filth we will start seeing many new beautiful possibilities. and i think the word "god" probably means different things to us
Permitting MGTOW AnCap Fedora Filth to believe they belonged on Holla Forums was a mistake. They Jew harder than most actual Jews.
The traditional eugenics is fine by me as long as the white DNA do not get edited or use in the artificial wombs. I don't like the white people being exploited for whatever the reason is.
Always kill a fag who uselessly abuses tags and dubs.
Yes, and this is a danger, because the military is under (((their))) control.
It's not so bad compared to permitting picture related to spew their shit all day long.
The act of giving birth causes the brain of a women to change.
You bet your fucking ass this will destroy marriage. It just further reinforces marxist BS.
You will damn all of humanity, you retard.
I can't adequately express my fucking rage. I genuinely can't believe that you can't see the horrors of this. You don't even address my points, you just call me a fucking shill. You want to turn humanity into something disposable just like a fucking Jew.
Not you again.
Go away, kike.
It's fucking painful to know how many whites have been suckered into this shit. People are treating reality like it's a fucking Hollywood movie. (Pardon me - who runs Hollywood, again?)
This is just a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of reality. We do not live in a consensus reality; reality is very, very nonconsensual. Real life does not give a fuck about your belief system, no matter who you are. When your belief system inevitably clashes against real life, something's going to give, and it won't be real life. It doesn't matter even if you're a kike. Ancient myths, empty ideologies, and bullshit mysticism (i.e. the belief that race is something other than genetics) are simply problems with the way people think, because they believe in things that have no correlation to the real world.
The samurai hated guns. They did everything they could to stop the rise of guns. What use was honor when any peasant could pick up a techno-toy and shoot a samurai dead?
Where are all the samurai now?
second pic looks like it's there to appease weak faggots who don't have the strength or discipline to handle a woman.
Except you don't, or else you would support whites using artificial wombs to further our race.
Gas yourself.
If only they used it to cure non-whiteness once and for all instead.
You speak like a true jew. You are literally damning our children to be treated like the weapons.
sauce on the girl in the 2nd pic?
As far as I'm concerned you're a traitor for not wanting to use this tech to create more redpilled whites. And remember, traitors hang first.
One hundred percent. This is an arms race, and only inbred chirstcucks are on board with nuclear Disarmament. whether you use them or not the kikes and the chinks most certainly will. Nogs won't have them unless their white host country gives them that access. So aside from that feel free to be the odd man out here, let us know how it works out for you.
Without the context of one's race, without the history, it's meaningless. Your materialistic search to be the strongest, the fastest, and the greatest for no deeper reason will eventually lead to nihilism, and nihilism leads to apathy, apathy leads to what we have now. It doesn't just happen to white people either. You refuse to read the Talmud and other "Mystical" works at your own loss. You're focused on the trees, I'm focused on the forest.
It isn't worth winning the game if you had to lose your soul along the way.
Where are all the samurai now?
They died in a more honorable way than any of these Transhumanism-shills will ever will. They died to preserve their traditions and those of the country. Japan is now a country full of degenerate anime masturbators too scared to meet real woman.
Blut und Ehre
It would be simplier to just inslave women.
We need fewer shitskins, not more whites (our birthrate could stand to be a little bit higher, but not radically so).
It wouldn't have to be a war. Engineered viruses, properly deployed, could end the conflict before anyone else was aware that it had started.
Fuck that. I like Earth. We're keeping it even when some of us leave.
Us whites, right?
Yeah, not reading that. Take your meds and try again.
How am I a traitor for wanting to preserve the white DNA naturally? This tech will be used against us, can't you see this problem?
white use of technology will always trump the kikes.
The kikes own the internet infrastructure, but we own the narrative. The same goes for every possible technology. Whites always win.
I'm done, this thread is a lost cause. Shills will kvetch all day long about whites having children, REMEMBER THAT
Fuck this thread, it's shill central repeating the same argument over and over:
How does artificial wombs fuck with DNA? I haven't seen an argument for this yet.
Because jews will implant the future genetically engineered good goys in the artificial wombs to be used as the slaves for life.
Jews are some of the most neurotic people on the earth.
Maybe that's why so many of them become shrinks.
"I'm not insane if I'm the psychotherapist"
Eat shit and die, you fucking kike. YOU WILL NEVER BREAK US.
CRISPR embryos, but you don't even need an artificial womb for that, just a surrogate. This thread is fucking dumb. I'm going to get my kids CRISPR'd into spehss mahreens.
Look, whites wont use it because whites are not in power (pretty much) anywhere. So this shit you are spewing about "Oh they'll use it, but we'll be able to save the white race" is so retarded because a) you're compromising them using it b) you actually wont be able to use it.
do you see the correlation or are you really THIS retarded?
You are a such liar. Nobody want to be your good boy you effing idiot.
But they won't do this in the hospitals they own? Or when you take them in for government mandated vaccines even for the people who birth at home in the bathtub? I don't get this angle, seems a little weak.
everybody is so quick to make shill accusations these days. it's like people just automatically assume unwavering extremism.
to me, this new technology is only increasing my sense of urgency to get the purging done. and yes, if there is an opportunity to subvert, do you think the kikes wont jump on it at the first opportunity?
traditional eugenics is also the only one that we know works and wont have a chance of completely fucking up entire generations of stock
i agree that we should stick to the normal means of reproduction whenever possible, but what if we actually DO need to start treating children like weapons for the sake of our survival? this artificial womb stuff seems like it could have a place in wartime, and we should maintain the ability to do it just in case, but i dont see any reason for it in peacetime
are we really in an arms race right now though? a small group of whites could wipe out every nigger in the world if they were allowed to. our numbers arent what's holding us back
The fact that it's called "CRISPR" is the sign of the jew alone.
They love clownish, derisive shit like that.
Put de goyim in de crisper, oy gevalt, Ah creck mahself up sometimes.
You have forgotten the last dominant communication paradigm, television, which enabled kikes to gain control over culture in a way unprecedented in human history. The internet structurally favors us by enabling censorship-resistant many-to-many communication. It's the nature of the specific technology that matters, not just the fact that it's technology.
Look at them. THEY HATE IT. They HATE the idea of whites having children, they can't fucking STAND IT.
You guys are awful at shilling. and now I'm done
Pathetic, you're an animal that thinks it's not an animal. I'd rather go extinct than become anything like you.
What do you think of this video? The video's argument is that technological progress at all costs turns humans into something which no longer needs civilisation and cooperation in order to continue existing. What this means is, it creates beings ("Hideauze") that are no longer human.
The answer to your question is that while the Samurai were killed by the development of firearm technology, it seems humans are about to be killed by genetic engineering technology. In much the same way that the Japanese were forced to enter a post-Samurai era, it seems humanity will enter a "post-human" era. If NatSoc idealists can win this then perhaps the technology can be later outlawed in order to effectively "revive" the human race? Perhaps the Japanese could've revived the Samurai if they won the war and then outlawed guns?
Also, if you look at the Japanese, you'll see that while the Samurai is dead, the Samurai spirit still found a way to express itself. There's that nazi-Jap man for example. And likewise, when Christianity took over Europe, Paganism didn't die either, it just changed how it was expressed. And again, NatSoc isn't dead either, it too is just re-expressing itself. Perhaps the "human spirit" will also find its own form of re-expression? I wonder what that might be.
Your kids is not your toy to be play with. You sick eff.
This, also keep in mind: there is no such thing as a unified white race. Maybe the States is a melting pot, but we Europeans are not, each of us has it's own traditions and pride, many brotherwars from the past is what made us strong. We endured constant and brutal struggle for centuries and centuries to preserve and develop what was and is ours, anyone who truly cares about whites should not want to replace our many differences (between various ethnicities) with a 'universal homogeneous white race of Brave New World-tier produced humans. Let Darwin do his job, as he made the humans rose from primates (and earlier creatures), so will we rise to Ubermenschen over the coming centuries. Preserve what is and let Nature do what she wants
We are, but we're not just fighting shitskins. There are a lot of defectives and dangerous elements in the white races. The biggest thing holding us back are bad memes like communism and kike desert religious, as well as pathological altruism. Building a generation more resistant to hostile memes, and less inclined to slit their throats for other people should be our top priority. A generation of people like that would fight back, and we'd win without too much trouble.
Whites already have children you bumbling kike faggot.
You physically incapable of abstracting and reasoning beyond viewing this technology in vacuum.
It will be more than likely used in conjunction with CRISPR. Why go through all the expense of an artificial womb if you're going pop out a cripple? Even then, it further reduces the value of humanity into the level of cattle. Do you not see philosophical implications?
You have no reading comprehension. How about you leave the thread like you claimed? Cunt.
I don't hate the white people having the white babies. You lying useless idiot. I posted so many posts about the preservation of the white people. Traitors are really deadliest after jews.
Why? What makes this more vulnerable to kikes eating children pulled out of women?
Why? What difference does it make how they were born? As long as their genes are white they're the same as any of us.
This. The increase in the white birthrate would be relatively minor, and would come in the worst possible ways–fags growing their own fucktoys, aging single women using it to avoid the risks of pregnancy, etc.
poor tommy still didn't manage to circumvent mommy's parental control on his notebook.
Not sure if Darwin is on your side yropoor.
While if I could I would pay to have embryos made from mine and my future waifu's genes, to be tall, blonde hair, blue eyes, strong and smart, disease resistant, ect. I could imagine lots of suicides by these "designer children" once they find out they were edited. I don't know how I would feel knowing that I was "made" artificially. I know it's just choosing the best of the parents genes but still. This is as big of an ethnical and philosophical question as a technology one. That being said I am all for eugenics
You have to know by now that you're already done. You can't outshoot a cyborg. You can't outrun a car. You can't outplan someone with a full 2000-cubic-centimeter cranial capacity (and, no, this gentleman has his own ideas about the nature of the human soul and its place within reality- and I assure you that they're infinitely more thought-out than your bullshit is). You REALLY can't outplay an AI.
Oh for God's sake.
Look, I'm not going to say that technology can't be misused. We already have people so absorbed into their phones that they can't see approaching niggers. But the idea that somehow improving ourselves on the most basic levels- longevity, intelligence- will make us somehow less people than we are is insane. These attributes are what elevate us above the animals.
And all of the bullshit in this thread about kikes using it for are just schizophrenic. You guys have absolutely no idea how they were able to take power in the first place. Hint: It's because you're stupid.
Your going to give up being human because you failed at being a man
how long before we have that generation of right wing death squad material though (assuming we are successful at shaping them)? gen z is supposedly turning out ok, but when will it be enough? and by that time, what will be the state of the populations of white countries? will there even be enough whites to vote a white man into office? this is why i'm thinking we dont really have time. it seems like the cards are too stacked against us in the current environment and it will only get worse, so we need to change the environment, not ourselves, if that makes sense. i guess what i'm saying is gas the kikes race war now is a better option than just increasing white birthrates and hoping they dont turn out pozzed
Don't edit. Just selectively remove undesirable results from the mix. The chinks are already working on this, picking which sperm will get the egg, rather than allowing for the risk of a faster one saddled with potato genes beating one with greater potential value. The kid wouldn't be any different from one given to random chance, aside from the fact he had better odds of not being a potato.
We need to fix the traitors permanently. They are responsible for putting us in this mess. This thread saddens me greatly.
I predicted the controversy about white clone slaves months ago and anons weren't picking up on the problem. Glad to see some of you are understanding the future if we lose.
Europe is better off than the USA. They whole group of conservatives and basically everyone from center to 'far right' in Burgerland is numbed down by Trumps victory. The god emperor will save us all, they say. But even if he wants to, he can't do everything he wants. You Americans won't rise up because of this, it's just a pain-stiller. This being said, Europe is polarizing: Some states if Eastern Europe are still very based, others elect right wing politicians ZOGcucks and neo-cons but here it's the same story as in the States, they are a painstiller, they won't change shit. And than there is the group that is becoming borderline communist, Germany is an excellent example of this as they are about to elect (((Schulz))), he will not be a painstiller to right wingers in Germany, he will be like a catalyst for our cause.
The lines on the map as they are now doesn't really mean anything. Most countries are just memes anyway, they're not attached to anything but just limits thrown down on natural obstacles. Even outnumbered, white children can simply forge a new home anywhere that's convenient for them assuming even the worse possible scenario being put up against them. Large centralised states are more of a liability than an aid with the way tech in advancing. Our grandchildren could very well be looking at some kind of ancap wetdream with 3d printed nukes and self sufficient tribes. There's only so much we can really account for when it comes to the unknowns ahead of us. Just make the best kids you can, raise them as best as you can, and assure the best headstart you can give them in this fucked up world. This is a war that will carry on over the generations.
What the fuck are you on about? It's about editing their genes to make more them subservient or whatever suits their whim. Or making expressions of genes illegal.
A mother has less of a connection with her children by not physically giving birth to them. You're detaching the raw organic human element from a very important feature of life. You will also have to address the schism that will eventually arise between vat-grown and regular humans.
A lot of pozzed faggots are white too.
Think, nigger.
Yeah, I wouldn't trust chink architecture, let alone genetic engineering or as you said categorizing and selection.
The core idea behind NatSoc was that the most precious thing you own are your own people. The bonds between people is what matters (this goes against the left and their focus on the atomised individual). If people become genetically engineered into a state where they no longer need to cooperate because they can live forever with eternal youth, have regenerating bodies and can survive the most extreme environments such as volcanoes or space then why would they value their bonds with one another? If those bonds don't matter then what was the point in fighting for your people?
If you only bonded with people out of pure survival needs, the bond wasn't real to begin with.
He's got it backwards. You date the sex robot and marry the dish washer.
imagine if this news came out while all of europe and america were white ethnostates and jews didnt exist. this thread would look a whole lot different.
another thing; who should we kill first, jews or traitors? if we just go after every enemy all at once then we will have a harder time [e.g. maybe hitler should have gone up against each country one at a time (implying he had that option)], so maybe we should be careful who goes first. just a though
so what you're saying is, have as many good white children as you can, and gas the kikes race war *as soon as possible*
The appeal of waifubots only exists because of their comparison to actual women. Several generations into the "sexbot age", when real women are scarce, young men will take them for granted and not understand what made them popular in the first place. Actual female humans will become desireable again. Sexbots can only imitate femininity, and young men will only respect them for their reproductive value, not as lovers.
Finding a real women in a sea of emotionless silicon women will be like experiencing human contact for the first time, and will likely be romanticized.
Oh, I thought the argument was about kike organ harvesting. They could fuck with your genes anyway, it doesn't matter. As I've stated before, I don't think we should be allowing any kind of editing in the first place, so if they can do it behind cloak and daggers they'll do it pregnant women too.
There's will probably be some cultural baggage as you said. But that's more to do with kike theology infecting minds than some special bond with women. It would calm down after the first generation or two prove viable.
And no matter how they are born, they get purged all the same.
Which is why whites need to step up and start building our own.
Checked and always! The wombs are just one more tool to that end, whether we get them or not.
Autism unchained going on in this retards head.
It's my belief that the bonds between people are forged out of necessity, yes. Now, if those bonds only exist out of necessity then I agree with your judgement, yes however it's also my belief that without necessity, nobody can ever have a true bond. Look at what welfare and alimony and child support did to marriages. When women realised that they didn't need men (due to the State), the divorce rate skyrocketed.
It's my job to make sure my genes survive. The best way for them to survive is to make them as strong as possible. I'm fulfilling my biological duty.
Fuck soulless whores. Destroying kikes comes first and then the race can be rejuvenated with the help of enhanced means.
This. What's the point in being white if all it takes is the fee to edit your genetics? You need a connection to something greater than yourself. You lose this when everything you are given is artificial.
You know those artificial wombs wont net them gibs and child support.
You would do better than editing your own children. We can practice the natural eugenics rather than to screw our children over.
So? we should always prioritize that the cycle will continue and when women become shit again waifu bots will rise
Because they simply become a product through this transaction to be bought by the highest bidder.
That is all.
This, all the natural processes are still in play, we're simply removing bad options from the list when and as we're able. Rather than building some mutant, we're just limiting possibilities to high IQ, tall, healthy, right leaning, and loyal to their race. Weeding out the possibility of birthing more nu males should be our priority.
I'd rather take a robot that doesn't get periods and stays a loli forever. Hell id buy me a robo loli harem.
The subjugation of women is the only redeeming quality of Islam. I don't mind sexbot technology being invented as a backup plan if we are facing extinction, but in the future we should do something similar with our women and keep them in check.
Niggers didn't ask to be born niggers, user. Why do you want to keep niggers around? Why do you want to maintain their curse? What did they do to deserve being niggers? (And, no, things that niggers do are not acceptable as answers here; if they weren't niggers, they wouldn't be niggers!)
Niggers shouldn't be uplifted, if that's what you're saying, Hitler. They still need to be removed during the race war, and anyone with nigger admixture no matter how diluted is still a nigger.
Yes, thank you ((( Abrahamic Religion III ))) for offering more solutions the ((( others ))) have created.
Can we thank jews enough? I think not. But we sure should try hard.
I am disgusted at you because you support the degeneracy.
You're telling me you don't want a harem of robotic lolis?
All you fucking sperg Lord's are failing to see the possibilities for space colonization. We can send a bot with with a bunch of artificial wombs on the ship and delay development until they are close to their destination. With this nowhere is out of the ubermensch's reach.
You'd rather have liberal femicunts and a declining birthrate?
so no different than the real thing?
I don't want to be slut for the robot Lolita. That is very disgusting, user. Why are you even on Holla Forums anyway? You realise when the day of the rope come then you would be hang for being a useless nu-degenerate.
I don't think any here is denying this, but you need to view this technology through lens of our current environment. It's nearly impossible that this tech will be used for good.
Goyim, good to see you! I hope you like our new batch of ZOGBots, we painted them white just like you asked!
If you cannot recognize the idea of greater good/power, I believe you'd be happier just groveling in shit like rest of the kike controlled degenerates. Did you even take the time to think why people are so degenerate in the first place? How about why & how some people aren't degenerate? There is no saving a spiritually dead person since they are nothing about an autonomous golem.
Do you think this is genuinely possible in the world we live in now? Please point me to the Aryan utopia that all you faggots live in where this is possible.
Well, first thing's first, I don't see how you faggots aren't seeing how this is dysgenic as fuck. Infant development in the womb is crucial, and I honestly don't trust the (((scientists))) of right now to properly maintain all the needed parameters for the proper mental development of an unborn child. Bonding between the mother and infant immediately after birth is so fundamental to initial development, there's a reason women get a rush of endorphins from it and that time is generally used for imprinting on the parents. If this wholly replaced the female, you would be getting a mentally fucked up human, and plenty of time for the (((doctors))) to fuck with the infant as much as they please, and would likely end up getting a fucked up human, no matter how well you simulate womb conditions. Keep in mind that the family unit is essentially three parts making a functional whole, the first most basic unit of the State. With the woman gone, it represents an absolute restructuring of society, and not for the better.
Women right now are for the most part trash, but this is a conclusion to our society that we will not reach, because it will be a conclusion.
My second point is, exactly who do you see as the ruling party right now? Kikes own this godforsaken planet through coerced violence and banking cartels, which makes them the ones funding research in the first place. By corollary, that puts them in control of this technology, and you've seen their goyim slave fantasies yourself. They take it to a level of degeneracy beyond degeneracy, in the hopes of creating a doomed race that holds a slave morality to the center of their very being. This would only grant them easy access to a bit of white sperm because of retarded donors, upping the human slave trade even more. Put two and two together you retarded fucks. As far as breeding from nobel prize winners goes, even fucking Obama got a nobel peace prize for being a lying nigger that should have been dropped on his head before he got into high school.
Have any of you even read Brave New World?
This is only the first of many steps.
Why the fuck are there so many goddamn paedophiles on here all of a sudden?
I understand the point, but the same argument is valid for just about everything being developed right now. Artificial wombs aside, unless we start adapting to this stuff we're going to be seriously ill equipped to turn the tide. Unless we can reestablish ourselves at the top and gas the kikes it doesn't even matter what we think or feel because right now we don't even have a voice in that discussion. I'm not a fan of integrating new technologies until their benefit is proven, and the risks well understood but the demographic shift artificial wombs could mean for whites in particular is simply too important to miss out on. Even if we ban them, it's just saddled with brain dead liberals, and down syndrome potatos, the kikes and the chinks all the while pushing the envelope unhindered by such burdens. If they beat us to space, they'll trap us here. Unless we get there first, we're dead. We need those geniuses and a population inclined to fund them instead of shift all of it's productivity to feeding niggers. And the only way I can see that happening is breeding kids incompatible with leftist thinking, at a biological level.
Accidentally repeated myself there because I added stuff in, but you can still get the point.
This. White race doesn't need mentally deficient "white" subhumans. Only kikes dream about it.
The abyss is staring back…
You're just a sick fuck.
On the flip side, perhaps we should give the shitskins gibs in exchange for taking a nifty Retrovirus that makes their kids white. Problem solved. Every time this thread keeps showing up I keep wondering why some folks bother to live.
If you don't believe in anything real, then you already don't believe in anything. You might as well be praying to Yahweh. And no, you don't know how souls work. Nobody does; the closest people to knowing are the neuroscientists, and you're not going to like what they have to say on the subject (that being, that consciousness is wholly transitory and can be turned off and back on again- and has been in medical settings).
Anyway, to return to the original topic: If the kikes are all-powerful and already have control over how this technology will be implemented, it doesn't matter what you do. If they're not, it's time to seize any advantage you can. There's only one rational approach to exo-womb or any other tech: make it work for you.
Nobody wants your shitskin genes. A retrovirus that makes them sterile is in all ways preferable. No shitskin stock can be allowed to pass on or infect good white genes.
They're still living human beings with (albeit weak and undeveloped) the spark of divinity: free will. Their predicament is a combination of nature (e.g. indolence, lack of self-awareness, lacking intelligence) and nurture (i.e. Jews). They too, are capable of embarking on the spiritual path of upwards development, the path that Hitler wanted for all of his people.
Putting the niggers out of their misery is the best we can possibly do for them. Do not uplift niggers. As for the jew, there is no reason to tolerate a primordial evil regardless of it's form. Hitler's mistake was not recognising this, we have the benefit of hindsight though.
There is a socialist utopia waiting for them in the ovens, all are equal in there.
You dumb Nigger. You just edit out their fucking gametes, you've killed there fucking genes. How fucking retarded are you?
Is that a proposal for an aircraft carrier that can carry C17s?
Where the fuck does this even come from, other than movies? Even the most basic of CRISPR bioengineering for intelligence- applying a gene to increase the amount of neurons in the human brain- is difficult right now. There's no magic docility button. There's no magic "good goy" gene that will destroy souls; by the time we get to genetically engineering humanoid bio-robots, we'll already have mastered several other forms of transhumanizing tech.
You give your kids nigger derived genes then, cuck. There is absolutely no reason to waste money allowing them to pass on anything in any capacity. Just wipe them out and let whites do the breeding.
Being White (European) isn't just about skin colour. To be European isn't JUST genetics. We didn't rule the world just because we evolved in the cold. It's our fucking character. I would rather have 1 million Europeans of European virtue and character (ie. Moral, community, self sacrifice, empathy, exploration) than 1 billion "whites" who act like every other race (ie. Selfishness, narcissism, vice, hedonism, contentment). Because if not for our character what sets us above the rest?
Look at everyone in this thread cheering on the Jewish prophecy of building the golem.
This is the turbo talmud timeline and everyone is cheering it on.
We can discuss character when choosing what DNA to use
brave new world confirmed truth
Don't think your comment about flat earth went unnoticed
There are no Nigger genes at that point you fucking retard! You can't fucking rewrite Hamlet into a fucking newspaper and still call it Hamlet.Their Sperm and Eggs no longer carry their Genetic Traits at that point. The Spic and Niggers fuck non stop, use that against them by rewriting the genetic code!
Probably, most likely the Navy's new party boat seeing as how it has pontoons.
Don't be like this faggot, don't waste dubs.
Where do you think (((they))) have been throwing so much money over the past few decades?
What the fuck?
I don't want anything that came out of a nigger, scrubbed or not. Why would I spent money on doing all of this, when instead we could wipe them out and spend that money making whites that don't involve niggers? What is the gain here other than tainting whites with mass corrupted by niggers? Hell there could be quantum niggers in that shit we can't even detect yet, why take risks like that? What is the gain?
not just any golem
they ain't using clay and paper for this one
this is close to the perfected form
lifelessness that is indistinguishable from life
sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from technology, no?
Why do the mods keep deleting threads about Ivanka wanting rapefugees??
you poor idiot, tecnology can't fight society. How was it? 1000 years of dark age? Yet, good to see it is posible, it's the first step to make real progress>>9804496
i'm baned because i explained economics, fuck you mods, you are useless
shit don't drink and post
should read sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable to magic
Help, I'm dying
Why do the mods keep deleting threads about Ivanka wanting rapefugees?????
Ivanka is fucking cancer, but go complain about it where it's relevant instead of spamming unrelated threads about it you spastic.
You've missed my point entirely on this. Religions and political ideologies are the same animal. Why do you think the separation of Church and State was implemented? It was two competing entities cannot exist in the same space. They are both manifestations of the abstract concept of the greater good. The simplest example of the abstract concept of the greater good and the application of it would be a father sacrificing himself to protect his child. Why does the father do this? Because he views the life of his child greater than his own. This idea extends upwards manifesting itself in each level of organization of humanity. A family will aid their extended family. Family groups will help each other and form communities. Communities help each other and form cities. Cities into countries so and so forth. The strength of bonds between people is ultimately determinant of how much they truly understand and apply this abstract, and by extension the strength of the bonds between people determine the strength of a community (for example it's ability to resist subversion). You wonder why niggers are so shit? It's because a lot of them lack ability to rationalize why it's good to care for you children. How does this tech have anything to do with this? It destroys idea of racial pride by reducing it something that can be edited. It reduces human existence to a fucking commodity. Racial pride is a manifestation of the abstract concept of the greater good.
Rothschilds have already been investing this field. Have you noticed kike interests in China? Aside from that, by the time this tech is viable enough to be implemented for your average consumer use it would already be heavily regulated.
nigger.. We've been fucking with genetics on a semi advanced level for at most 80 years. Even if there is a library full of nondisclosed knowledge on the subject there is zero fucking chance that we understand the powers we are fucking with or the implications that we would see 200 years down the line resulting from a single miscalculation let alone the distinct possibility of an entire series of calculations being overlooked.
Do you really think this? What of the scientific evidence that consciousness is immaterial?
Welcome to the Fucking South. Hell you could say that about the entire US. Are you going to ask Kikeville to whip out the Samson or are you going to work to get this shit cleaned up?
Oh no the dub.
How can you Cuck when Jamals need for gibs has compromised his genetics?
You fucked it up
If I can make my children smarter and stronger, then I will. If I can have a son who by his hand alone the jew could be defeated utterly, then I'll do it.
I don't care what value you think that sort of thing has in holding society together; it's obviously not working very well now (count the ethnostates!), and allowing people with shitty genetics to breed is causing untold suffering in the meantime.
That's just sad
As many of the European Shitposters have posted the US is probably 23.6% white due to so much Genetic Admixture. So what are we going to do? Eat a gun or fix the mess?
are you retarded? technology is a pretty huge determinant on how culture and society evolve.
You think without (((propaganda))) everyone would live in their countries and reject a globalized world?
There is this thing called the internet, this is how we know shit happening on the other side of the world almost instantly if not live.
You think less white babies is a kike making a man and a woman not want to have sex?
Although complex, the TL;DR explanation is that whenever your children are NOT dying you tend to have fewer children. This is in the NATURAL context that women have always fucked and cucked whoever they wanted. Men always want to fuck, and women get to choose.
I can go on and on about more examples where technology is leading humanity.
i get you want racial purity, but wasn't that supposed to be because you consider whites to be superior? If you are not superior anymore, why do you even care?
hint: your children will do perfect monkeys in the 100 year future zoos
Just purge the ones with nigger blood, we can make up the lost numbers far more quickly and cheaply than we can do anything about the poor souls saddled with that shit. The only way we can help them, or anyone else cursed with shitskin genes is to give them the rope.
It's interesting that you've got such a stake in this, though.
This isn't a conflation. The very act of observation is changing the past. The full paper is here:
"Observation" does not require a conscious observer.
one of the main reasons most men are not having children besides all the rampant femitard bullshit in the legal sistem is that it's fucking expensive to raise a family now a days and children consume a fuck load of your free time.
I know i don't want one just because i don't want to change daipers or slave my life away for someone else for 2 decades
Women used to be the ones who constantly pushed men into having kids, because they used them as a leash to tie up their provider and protector. But now that the law does that for them so they don't want kids anymore as they're often a chad repelent and they're all entiteled sluts who want to ride the cock carousel while a cuck pays the bill
This is more a result of the physical limitations of the instruments used
You're a stupid fuck who missed the point for a second time. I'm merely the describe a process (and the reason why ethnostates are ideal). This process has been subverted quite obviously. The point is if you remove humanity's ability to access their sense of greater good, you've created a race of golems. This tech removes a person ability manifest the greater good through either racial identity by destroying it. It's another marxist tool. Do I literally need to hold your hand through understanding abstract concepts, you blubbering retard?
But an0n, with genetic engineering you can make white genes super-dominant, resulting in always white offspring.
Turn the world white!
How does that even make sense? How can something be seen without a "seer" to see it? What would "seeing" even be?
Bullshit. An observer is a priori and per definition conscious.
This is pure fantasy. You're talking about evolved bonds between family members like they're fucking magical, and without this magic, we die off.
It's bullshit. Magic doesn't exist.
Quantum "observation" happens when a quantum wave strikes something, user. Whether anyone is there to see it or not doesn't matter.
In this context, interaction with the physical universe. For example, a photon.
Holla Forums Frequently shits on redneck despite the fact there are one of the few white demographics that pump out kids. Secondly it would be a fun way to fuck with Jamal and Pedro to have them dodge child support charges for there now Blond/Red haired Children. I imagine it to be worse than sterility.
seeing as how white women often sleep with chads (which has superior genes) and get the non-chads to raise the child knowingly or unknowingly… I'm sure our world is pretty pro-eugenics.
If you like eugenics so much, just accept you're not in the standards of white women (+6', broad shoulders, chiseled face, etc).
I don't want their light skinned but still nigger children breeding with actual whites. There is nothing to justify fucking ourselves over with this. If you want to get your kicks with the niggers work one over with a hammer or something, but there is no reason not to just wipe them out.
are you a mental invalid?
white women need to band together and band this anti-white technology goy… just be yourself and marry a nice white woman, 14 words can only be done with real women.
Pure pottery
Honestly I don't want to live in a world of perfect humans. The imperfections make us interesting.
Well, aren't they? Is there not evidence of reinarnation? Is there not a "blood memory" within a race, as Jung puts it?
Nope. That's all bullshit, and anyone who says those things are real is either fucked in the head or trying to sell you something.
Who's got the last laugh know eh lads?
If you actually had to brain cells to rub together you'd realize I was talking about those exact evolved bonds and levels of abstraction from higher thought. I can't believe you're this stupid but managed to bumblefuck your way here. It actually unironically fills me with rage knowing that short-sighted niggers like you post here. You actually thought I was talking about fucking magic? You stupid nigger.
OR… that technology gets banned, or PURPOSEFULLY made an inferior product (by law or silent agreement)
I found the vegan
I know that sounds Holla Forums as fuck, but seriously, listen to yourself
there was once a time a when saying the earth was round was considered head fuckery as well
I don't know if something considered dead can be brought back, but i've seen russian scientist reactivate a severed dog head and i've never heard the term "blood memory" before but i do wonder why do decendants often have similar behaviour paterns as their ancestors even when they've never met
Yes the problem here is that we don't really know what does what for the vast majority of the human genome. The potential for horrific mistakes is high.
CRISPR is gonna revolutionize reproduction though, whether we like it or not.
Biological inclination. Or "they are wired that way". Because of this, it's possible to breed out certain behaviours almost entirely, as you'll notice the character or man has been steadily shifting to something more domesticated in order to compensate for an increasingly complex environment. The jews are using this to make golems (albeit passively), but we could use it to prevent more commies from spawning if we can identify the genetic triggers.
That's because of epigenetics, actually. For example, say your father was not naturally good at speaking but he practiced it a lot and got very good at it. This activates the gene/genes that control innate skill at public speaking, giving you a fairly high chance of being born with a natural proclivity to be good at public speaking.
I swear to god no one this board can read.
You are quite literally incapable of reasoning beyond what is spoonfed to you, huh? Try rereading my post early post. There are more than one manifestations or abstractions of the greater good. That's why multiple religions exist. That's why multiple political ideologies exist. They all fill the same niche in the human psyche, you absolute faggot.
that term is meaningless,
Then what were you babbling about gene editing being a problem for? Wouldn't it make more sense to have an ethnostate ideology that, unlike any ethnostate ideology before, could accept new members?
They don't have to do that, and you know it. No ones holding a gun to head to fuck Laquisha or Marta? They can stay in their Hoods and fuck they're own filth whilst they get genetically rewritten. Hell we could put it care packets and do this
The biggest effect this could have is mostly with the spics, They are the ones who stay within there race the most. If it bothers you so much we can have them Tagged for gibs insurance.
Mormons barely get away with it, you don't think government will step in and get shekels from the men like they currently do?
Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if men that get their GMO women or robowaifu received a monthly visit from "Women Services" to check on them.
And what exactly does the ethnostate fight for? What "ethnicity" unites the ethnostate? What unites the "ethnostate"?
Give me one reason why we need to tolerate these niggers when we could breed a potentially limitless number of pure whites on command with artificial wombs?
These niggers are nothing but a liability, and there is no reason to waste our time or money with them. The bottleneck to reproduction will be removed and are numbers are potentially limitless because of it. There is no redemption for these niggers, no matter much you try to doctor them to make them seem white. And I suspect the reason you're so invested in this is because you're one of these niggers with white admixture.
This question is right up there with "How high is up?"
Read your own posts! What unites literally every other form of bond? What unites an internet clan? What unites a church? What unites the fucking Bloods and Crips? And now add direct genetic bonds to that.
Brings a whole new meaning to "wearing your colors", I gotta say…
this implies they want them to have more intelligence than a poodle.
Shitskin white waifus will be exemplary examples of coalburner fantasies, minus getting them to pay for everything.
They'd build themselves a farm of 14/10s that could barely make it out the door without flopping over and whacking a doorknob.
They'd basically be more retarded than actual niggers.
Which will inevitably make them extinct themselves as their "children" born from this twiggy malformed monstrosity of tit and ass will be stupider than sub-saharan Africans. But they won't care til it's too late, CUZ NOW WES ALL SWIMMIN IN WHOIT PUSSY DAWG, QUIT YA SMOKES FOR A YEAR TO GET A GEEE EFF FO' LYF
actually that would be a great marketing campaign to sell them on this.
I reckon this may also cause catastrophic resource wastage in China as these chinks will discover the "preggo fetish" and want these incoherent cumsluts baby bump'n 100% of the time. Once again we win, by virtue of having been involuntarily put in such positions by wage slavery for years. We can handle that power.
But a majority of chinks depend on their gubmint to tell them who to work for and what to do with themselves, what happens when even as "the world's factory" they run out of positions to actually fill? They'll crash fast and hard within two generations.
I reckon we're heading to the point our main competition will actually be the saudis, because the regular kikes are so inbred they would fall for this kind of nonsense "just to have their prized Johanssen-y shiksa"
Saudis are stupid, but the medieval kind of stupid. The one that can exist dormant within a vacuum. Kikes are too tied into this "globalism" thing like a bad drug and won't be able to drop it cold turkey. Their hubris shall be their own undoing. Judging by the intelligence of the "women" they accept into their fold like Madonna, they too would follow the negro and go with the "pettin' pussy poodle" model. So they would genetically deadend themselves pretty fast too.
Look at it this way, NEETs embrace the concept of a waifu and they'd remain 100% loyal because endless snug smug, aight? but what negro or jew wants to build themselves a girlfriend smarter than them in a society they geared towards womyn to wreck whites? That's why they only select from commies and retards.
And if they try to remove their "rights?" We've got them cornered there too. You can either go with retard waifus r humans 2 if sub-sah africans are considered humans! OR you can get it ruled "bestiality" and hang'em by their own 'animal cruelty' lawls. And in that arena every possible "victory" will cost them somewhere else. Their own labyrinthine kikery will become one of our best weapons, especially if you replace the dhimmicrats with Greens and Bleeding Heart Berners. They'll always side with the test tube 'tard before the jew slavemaster because muh oppression.
oh, you know where my mind immediately went. Too funny.
t'would become another landmine you could use against them in regards to your own rights. They want 'fetal-intelligence' women to fuck, fine, then they aren't people.
You don't get to complain if I run it over.
You don't get to complain if its head gets caved in from a falling power tool
You don't get to complain if it gets stolen etc and so forth. They'll fuck off soon enough or go broke trying.
still a decent alternative to what we have now. Just play some Shadowrun and you'll be properly prepared. also
Never said you couldn't do that.
I just would not let good biomass go to waste, lest you plan to eat the niggers. Curious that you said nothing about the far more virulent spics that currently corrupt our nation.
Apply what I said to any strain of shitskin. Spics, poos, hapas, and anything else out there.
Jettison it into the sun. Niggers can offer us nothing.
And lose tons of Steel and other materials on the obviously contaminated Nigger Mulcher 1488?
This is disgusting, an afront to nature, and utterly abhorrent!
WOOOHOOOO! They told me I was crazy when I said I'd build me a clone army someday!
I'm open to the possibility of some kind of rail gun launching them into it as well.
The Space Niggervator?
The Solar Express.
Kek! But I'd still recommend thermal depolymerization if we're going to go this route. Why waste fuel, when you can turn them into it?
Sure. Hopefully We don't get Nigger bits on the Dyson Sphere. A whole thread and no one has checked my dubs or trips.
Being both /Christian/ and /polk/, I would prefer an actual woman. I can see this being useful for creating a generation of pure whites that can be kept away from the current cumslut generation, as well as the gubmint and the kikes. We can raise them to be upright and moral whites, and then they can breed and multiply as usual.
It is a tool, nothing more.
We could just incinerate them and compress them into a useful material, like carbon for nano-structures.
inb4 bike is made of niggers so it steals itself.
pic related for (you).
Using nigger fuel to launch niggers in nature's biggest oven seems like a good compromise.
I got unchecked trips twice in this fucking thread.
Uncontrolled women are a cancer, this is a fact! The Romans knew it and extensively documented this. Still they would eventually succumb to beta and omega cucks giving them the same rights as Men! You can see this phenomena clear as day in all the birth rate statistics and timelines with introduction of equality parity legislation. You can see the further dip after anti-conception is introduced.
There are only a few woman who have nationalism identity in their hearts and do not succumb to the Marxist indoctrination. The overwhelming majority does.
Traditional women do still exist, most overcome the incessant pressure for them to give in to the societies status quo. Sadly, some never find the right Male either because it's filled with pieces of shit filth that pump and dump or blatant degeneracy.
MGTOW are those who claim to see through female nature, and having exited the plantation yet still submit to the State taxing their money that enable women to be this way. Talk about beta behavior. Unable to realize they are the exact opposite of Feminism itself and that they are the product of State and wealthy funded elements who merely do so to destabilize our country, break up nuclear family or to increase their tax base. It's the same take with the whole liberalism cancer, 'do as you please'. They don't give a shit about society or those around them, they are still the product of constant indulgence.
These men have used our red pill propaganda as missus, even now they linger among us. Instead of striving what any man biologically craves, the war for traditionalism, they strive for the individual self, ego centrism. They value chimps who play games all day or men who got burned and were too weak to protest against the no-fault divorces of the 70s. They care only for living for them self, the road to degenerate liberalism revitalized.
These 'men' do not realize that men complement women, and women complement men. A strong individual learns that one has to make compromises in a relationship. Women learned to become supportive and took a submissive role while men lead and burdened themselves for the family. When both come together in unison and strive for the family, their children and their nation, all the petty bullshit falls away. The politicians who only think of their 4 year terms and the rich capitalist cancers who think only of attaining more wealth through short term gain have no way to divide and conqueror but to submit and cater to needs the family or face political defeat or much worse.
When one tells women, you don't need a man, you are a strong independent women and you constantly regurgitate this lie from young childhood in schools, media and convince them of this lie they will believe it. Most come to find out in their mid 20s, by the time they fully hate themselves for past transgressions that wage slavery is a shit future it's already to late.
In a society that has removed all barriers of control over women, degeneracy will be rampant, promoting sex to young people is a sure way to the downfall of a empire. In a society that doesn't practice values, morals, ethics or respect but instead promotes slavery to materialism and finance, people lose their identity. Bring back the control mechanisms of old and women will fall into line and old spinsters will again be damned to their own little town within a town not able to prey on women their husbands. Those who promote this degeneracy will face the State's power and be silently whiffed out.
In this society, women begin to value their purity and their self worth, they won't hate themselves. They will use it to get a worthy mate early in life and begin a family in order to create safety for herself, her children.
Hitler tried to get away from the international finance system for a reason, those who wage economic war on their own people will eventually cause these slaves to simply stop breeding and seize almost all participation within this system. They do not want their children to be born in this prison system. Even (((they))) know this, hence why they financially incentive the kikes to breed. America tax payers are subsidizing it with foreign aid. Yet when Poland did it, and subsequently caused a baby boom of 400.000 people, that was suddenly not okay within the international MSM. That should tell you enough of who controls this shit planet.
For too long, we have allowed the corruption of Marxism to flood our lands. It is time to purge this cancer, if this does not happen; this division will spark a war or civilization will simply collapse as it has for numerous times.
part of the reason IMO they waste so much time on longevity 'cures' is they know their own genes are pretty fucked somehow, and their children are lazy, shiftless do-nothing slackers (ala Kushner's hipster brother)
they don't trust their kids to be able to handle things with the same 'elegant duplicity', hence why they pressed ahead the timetable and made the boiling kek jump from the pot. The affluenza now runs too deep. (this is why you might notice white 'business empires' may be smaller, but they'll also last longer)
Go shoot an old hillbilly's horse or bloodhound and tell me this can't be 'artificially replicated.' And also remember that autists can get this way over inanimate objects, that's the cornerstone argument of practically every 'robo-waifu' anime and short like Presence. It's been acknowledged since the Victorian age, the idea of someone falling so 'in love' with their own creation that they abandon the rest of humanity.
Well, what if everyone did it all at once? AND this creation could return the feeling?
Now it would be simply seen as no different than owning an animal, no social pariahism, no running away to crazy hermit mountain retreat. Everyone is now a model train collector. At the same time.
I'm actually of a mind that since this removes the innumerable distractions of the modernist circus of 'dating' you'd likely see a good amount of high-powered Tesla types basically able to 'raise' themselves without assistance of State or Structure. Literal wizards would be born.
It's a bit of a 'scenic' route but the inevitable path seems like it would get back to arranged marriage and scholarship focus. All the time saved not fucking around with retard NPC normies means you could balance "work" and "play" without missing out on either one.
Just think of how agonising it is to deal with gov for a permit or building license, but every single day for 5-8 months only to have it not work out/be stolen by someone else.
Well, fuck it, we're dumping that, and going back to the way that extincts Hollywood and the (((Jewelry industry))) that has worked for 5000+ years.
Stop whining and go back to >>>/4chan/
This, tbh. If nothing happens I'm fully prepared to die with no children, but would much prefer a return to integrity and the white race, and would have many children in that case.
Race war would be great, I'm stocking up on ammunition.
Saving this post.
Good grief, this thread is a shit show.
To all the faggots freaking out, you do know these are just artificial wombs, right? You still need a sperm and a egg. Sperm may be cheap, but harvesting eggs isn't.
Hadassah (kike zionist medical org) routinely harvests eggs from he dead and dieing. israel has a fucking stockpile of them. This technology has just shortened our timetable before they have an army of test tube babies.
So why do you think an artificial womb and CRISPR technology will be allowed to create a white ethno-state. This tech needs to be opposed until the jew is removed from their positions of power.
even without this tech… our children can be enslaved for however long.
If you scoop one set of white ovaries from a cumslut who is PAYING you to scoop her because
a) you don't want kids, right goyette? Be free you're a strong womyn
b) She'll otherwise pop out niggers
You can get an awful lot of eggs and freeze them.
That or you can scoop the dead and dying.
This actually is a major concern!
This is STANDARD PRACTICE for the kikes.
Go ahead, wash your clothes without a washing machine even fucking once and then come back and shill even once against nuclear power you caveman.
Artificial goys soon.
I'm not sure if you are replying to the right person. Superior in what way? Just the raw ability to absorb data? Being a robot is not superior without the spiritual side of humanity.
I can tell you're not white. You don't understand the longing to see your family extend a thousand or more generations, see the progress and struggle over adversity. Knowing that you helped send the best you have (genes and knowledge) down to your progeny.
You don't get to put genie's back in bottles, the only thing that we should be doing is thinking about how we can use this technology to our benefit.
here's some questions:
are we in power?
how dangerous is this?
who can be unethical?
ethics in relationships.
ethics in politics.
ethics in lambs.
The internet lead to Holla Forums, the collapse of the MSM, and the rise of the current nationalist resistance overtaking the west.
I'd say the Internet is one of the greatest things ever invented and might be the thing that saved western civilization.
No the question is what can we do about it.
Anything else is rather pointless.
this is just like the internet. some good will come of it and some bad will as well. technology is neutral. it's the people that gain access to this we should be worried about.
The first 2 are correct while I don't see the last one happening.
You compete or you die.
Your problem is that you're blackpilled and this victory never entered into your mind as a possibility.
Memes aside, I don't want this to happen. I don't want us to resort to using artificial wombs and living in a fake plastic world because that's what these kikes want. We need to secure the existence of our people and a future for our children but we can't fucking do that if we don't liberate our women.
pedos already have child sex slaves (pizzagate showed us that).
Jews already have an infinite supply white children to sacrifice (see above)
Jews already mass produced nigs and flood white countries with them (see germany and sweden).
the don't even need this tech for any of that.
so called Liberated women have been one of the major downfalls of western society. the women of our world need to shut the fuck up.
the third one isn't even a joke.
All I can say is that this is a double edged sword. Whoever controls the technology controls whatever outcomes. You have to hope it doesn't go to the wrong hands.
who said it was? back to the point. the leadership of the so called "liberated women" is what's leading to the rape of the west. and if women aren't stopped its a fate we will all share
nice dubs, but it's likely already in the wrong hands.
father in UK got arrested for trying to get his daughter out of that situation.
that's what i meant.
then it's
i don't know
more like this?
are you sure user? I don't want to kill your no-fap. But I'm gracious today. I'll let you pick something from my 1.2TB red head folder. Last four digits decide file number.
I don't mind if you send me some red-heads (post number is up there in the usual place), but I was thinking more along the lines of more CRISPR/CAS9 generator for 3D waifus w/ stats and optional extras tallied up.
I'm not op sorry. I can only deliver delicious things.
Its like the White Rabbit says, do not give the current Era any technology until they stop the White Genocide. Hide our secrets of technology until the new era arrives.
Now this is kikery the likes of which I have never seen on Holla Forums before.
Not possible. (((they))) have academia and military industrial complex under their control. I get your idea but it's simply not feasible. It doesn't really matter though. Technology and Science are catalysts.
t. civic nationalism.
wew lad, you weren't joking
better throw up 4 or 5 pics this time, eh?
Woah, you think this is a problem NOW? White people have being slaved since the dawn of civilization by mid easterns to this day by israeli kikes.
If anything, chinks will have white babies as children.
don't be greedy.
not sure if she's redhead but she's still in the folder #closeenough
Where can I get such a massive collection of red heads? I'm… asking for a friend.
only through years of autism and attention to detail
I never thought as a kids that Cherry 2000 would come true and that dating modern women would be exactly like this scene (Tinder)
Cunts confirmed completely worthless.
final request:
My lucky (four-digit) numbers are 1337, 1776, and 1001. A-any chance I could get those files, senpai?
I'd tell you to generate a torrent out of all those red heads, but I guess I'd come off as a JIDF or someone who wanted to know your IP addy, so nah ;_;
The fact that we spoiler naked beautiful Aryan women on this fucking board and yet let the mod post endless pics of 5yr old pedo anime filth is just fucking wrong and a CLEAR example of Cultural Marxism brainwashing Holla Forums
any sauce on music?
>No, you stupid arrogant bastard Try reading the Talmud, learn what your enemy believes in you fucking dunce.
I've read through the thread.
The general idea is that the technology won't be used for white nationalism or rise of birthrate in western countries.
But lets not delude ourselves, kikes would need to study the human genome to the year 2100 and beyond on what the genes do and how they work together in-order produce a slave "golem". Larger brain?. Good luck producing one if you don't know how to expand the skull size through genes. And it likely goes beyond and even deeper. I don't think it's even possible to produce a slave race of any kind only through genes. And i don't believe anyone would let some bastard produce such a race anyway.
Think rationally, in the end it will be a thinking, feeling human. You can't enslave his thoughts unless you dumb down millions of genetically engineered machine constructions which would need astonomical price to do
Clone a Cro-Magnon
where do you think we are faggot? Only legit rolls accepted.
once we locate free will gene/physical location we can remove it genetically of physically. then humanoid robot slaves. muhahahahahaha
apex twin - inner space
you're lucky that I've begged for sauce for almost 1 year on 4chink
It was worth a shot. Thanks, anyway.
a best
I'm sitting on a dozen inventions of truly Gravitational proportions, for this very reason. share nothing with your enemies.
Yeahhh I'm gonna need some sauce on if you got it, friendo. 2cute4me.
what if instead of white people they just cook up some more shitskins
like what
drop 10HD pics of 10/10 redheads in return (min 2800xX resolution), then you'll get sauce. Fap folders aren't built on freeloading but on facist efficiency and cooperation.
What if we just end up making everyone mentally white while outwardly whatever their parents looked like?
Genetic engineering could actually make a legitimately post-racial society come true.
Best part is that if all the
I used to have some pics that fit that description, no more. I might be able to find them if you're gonna be checking this thread again in 30-60 minutes.
Is there anything else you would accept in exchange for sauce (not even necessarily porn)? Or do you only collect redheads?
Jesus what a terrible post.
Let's try the first part again:
Best part is that all of the anti-racists wouldn't have a problem with it. Race is only skin deep :^)
Progress is inevitable.
We can be pussies and go "OH NOT THIS IS SCARY WE CANNOT ADAPT TO THIS IT'S TOO MUCH WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE" or we can actually fucking man up and accept the future.
Stop being scaredy cats and welcome the gifts of science, this shit means that women will lose their power, as men now will be able to mantain their bloodline alive with a freaking plastic bag instead or slaving away for a random cunt.
I'm okay with this. In the future, white ubermensch will take over china and india and all other gooky places, massacre the shitskins, and will rule the subservient ones as lords.
A side effect – pregnancy and childbirth will become fetishized once they are no longer necessary for life continuance. They will become another kike perversion, and they will pay big money for white women to humiliate themselves with natural birth.
Look, anyone who can choose to have the most beautiful child will naturally choose white genetics. Even niggers, chinks, and spics recognize this. I say it will be good for the white race. And if people in the future can select a white gene copy from some sort of library to make a child from, the white race will literally never be able to be killed off. Just like you can't delete anything off the internet, a copy will exist somewhere. Space nazis confirmed.
I'd ask you to do the same.
Slippery slope works both ways user.
First, it's acceptable for fags to have artificial babies.
Then for infertile women.
Then why not for a poor couple who has genetic diseases?
And so on so forth.
Now we can feed them their own medicine
Best I got is Elli the canadian redhead from I vaguely remember her as a gril with her own website from around 2004. No idea how common this stuff is, or what your idea of a 10/10 is, or if you're disgusted by her figure; up to you if I can join your sekrit club, but at least I tried ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ .
My upload speed is complete shit so here's URLs:
>inb4 "1/10 you tried".
I, for one, appreciate child-bearing hips.
ah, fuck it. You'll probably never find anything I don't already have. Her name is redmisfit. She posts on plebbits /petitegirls or something like that.
Have a last gem from the red head folder. May it help you reflect on your retarded luddite shit you spew around. Only the machine god may save us. Everything else is mediocre fiery pony larping.
Thanks; I was about to get an md5 hash of that webm and scour the net for it.
Dude what, are you sure you're replying to the right user? Oh, whatever, I don't even really disagree.
But here, you can have this thing :3c
but where does the surge of testosterone come from to make the baby a boy?
Pretty much this. If people could choose to be born as an specific race that would be white race. So naturally people would want the best thing for their children, they will want to make their children white. It's like Asian women who specifically want to fuck a white man so her kids could be whiter.
So if I become an amazing artist, I'll activate the gene that controls fine motor skills like art, and give my kids a decent chance at being born with a talent at art?
Jesus fuck this is some infernal shit.
They'll be about as white as kikes and kebabs are. They'll choose the best aesthetics of their race. They'll make a kid that may have white features, but ultimately they will belong to race of their parents. Remember people still want their kids to look like them.
Instead being wiped out, whites have the privilege of being kept around as an oddity like a zoo animal.
i wish i could place just place issues into the hands of god.
but i have to say something about it.
apart from other implications, this looks like a mass slaughter of lambs.
for what?
i do not like it.
The new crusade will be a proxy war fought by waifus and their human husbands
Regardless of whether you think this is a good thing or not, it's going to be a long fucking time before an animal can be grown with these methods in a way that even approaches developmental soundness. I say this because in practice there does not exist people with broad enough biological understanding to undertake this challenge and produce a human that will not die before age 20, will not have some hideous deformity, and will not be mentally abnormal. They'll get real confident with lambs for a bit, because lambs are dumb and weak naturally, so it's harder to tell if a lamb is retarded compared to a human. The upside is they could eventually rule out random stresses a real mother might give to an embryo making all artificially produced organisms born from a uniform and optimized environment. Early on it will be perfect for making a dumb as rocks slave class.
Today's transhumanists were the crystal ladies and vegans of the past. Pic related even had a DUDE WEED space station.
Gibson was prophetic but sadly Gamergate showed what a cuck he was.
The faggotry is already here, it's just that OP hasn't sucked your dick yet.
so was surgery on cadavers, but without that heresy our medical knowledge would a fraction of what it is today
They're more likely to screech, whine, write blog posts, and bitch on Shitter / Fagbook until it's banned.
or they yell LOSERS / CREEPS / VIRGINS like they do with everything else they don't like
If we die though, we win.
Combined with their full allowance of genetic engineering the chinks with their lack of morality and souls holding back science will destroy us all.
How long have you been here?
d91ef9 and 1a231e how many shekels are you two getting per post?
All this paranoia in the thread is normal, since kike nature of transhumanism is a huge redflag that call for a preempitive gassing before use. There is never a reason to rush, without doing a proper analyses.
I wonder were this will fits in with JewGenda 21 and steps for Jew World Order, that arent vanishing because this new tech.
Dont forget the chimeras.
Caution is adivised with shit envisioned by kikes.
Fuck bots are safer than this level of fuckery, except for the day-zero bullshit.
implying white nationalists won't stop you with bullets, a white woman is worth more than 10 white men
Why the fuck would an artificial human be treated any different from a regular human?
This is ridiculous.
We're already breeding libshits out of existence. None of them want or have children. All the cities the women have no fucking children at all. The only whites that breed these day are on the far-right spectrum. In a few more generations, there will be far less whites, but the only ones left will have descended from the "racist" lines.
You realize sexual slavery and human trafficking is already a thing and they're taking millions of our women and using them as slaves ALREADY?
They don't need artificial wombs to create slaves for them. They just enslave our people that already exist.
Nonsense, everyone has some shit DNA in them. Muh pure Aryan doesn't exist.
Also RTFA, CRISPR will allow us to remove any genetic pollution we want; what this means is that muh pure Aryan of Aryan design can actually exist.
if you really want to get redpilled in the woman issue, I would stop circlejerking on that old infograph and instead look into India's birthrate AND women's right… women's suffrage is the tip of the iceberg
You misunderstand the term "observation".
There is a reason why observing something changes it in the quantum scale; and that's because you need something of similar size to "hit" the object you're seeing. You can observe color or texture because light (photons) are hitting the atoms in the surface and bouncing back to your eyes. But care to guess what happens to a photon when you hit it with another photon? It changes.
Fuck off, normalfag
I agree with the sentiment of your post, sadly, women's right (state funded hypergamy) is a GLOBAL issue. You think the women of the world will allow you to get a virgin wife?
I've seen white women and black women band together much more strongly than any nationalist men I've ever encountered. Men's versions of nationalism pales in comparison to women looking out for their own interest.
Just last week after work, I saw white girl reject her wife boyfriend because she wanted to go with a literally Chad. The argument didn't even got heavy before two women (a white one and black one) stepped in. IN LESS THAN A FUCKING MINUTE, a white (or spic woman, couldn't tell) and an indian-looking woman came and join in screaming to the soon-to-be-cuck and telling him he needed to give his girlfriend some space if he truly loved her.
I saw a white girl reject her boyfriend
Good strategy, but women will stop this with the help of their betas
Good! Bring on the gynoids!
I don't know where you get your "information" on the world, but hopefully someone like you never breeds
another luddite…
> We are better than animals; that means we don't behave as such to advance our interests.
'''Do you eat meat? Eat eggs? Drink milk?
If so, you're a fucking hypocrite. I consume all those things knowing full well how it's made. Every time I eat an egg, I think of the male just born chicks getting grind. I drink milk knowing full well the process on how from birth to death, cows are emotionally tortured (separated from their mother, constant painful procedures, and even the foreshadowing experiences to their deaths). I even eat meat knowing the filthy and horrific conditions that the animals go throw 24/7 (NOT A HYPERBOLE).'''
Repeating repeating digits. Impressive.
I think that's just the result of evolution. The strategy is to survive and leftycucks are a threat to the group so nature wants them out, mothernature says leftist and liberals have to be exterminated because they are evolutionary failures. They failed to reproduce and protect the evolutionary line/group.
People are just worried about a lot of things like super soldiers are perfect slaves. The elites can buy and own enough as it is but life itself? And the elite is soulless chinks? The only good news from this how chinks will genocide the niggers once Africa isn't useful to them anymore and outjew jews because they're chinks. It's doesn't matter how much kikes kiss their chink arse like they're doing now because the chinks are bigger backstabbers than kikes are. Look what they do to their own fellow chinks as it is. They'll keep whites around as slaves at best. Nobody is going to beat their Bruce Lee Yaoming Jackie Chan Sun Tzu genetically engineered supersoldiers. It's over.
Well, ethics as all that as well aside, people found eugenics more noble (and natural) than just straight genetic engineering. We know we can create greatness through selective breeding. We've done it with every single living thing on earth, even humans for some times and it produced tremendous results. Are we really going to give that up so we can have children that have identity issues where they have to ask themselves whether they are really human? The inevitable fight between Naturals and the Hotpockets Mods? These "New Humans". The humans who are alive right now, the naturals, will be forced to ask themselves "how can we even compete?". It's gonna be worse than a Gattica because there won't be any romantic plot armour in it.
can I get statistics on the performance of single fathers, if we get rid of mothers what effect will that have on the theoretical artificially birthed kids?
John Waters was right when he said,
"I don’t want to say I hate the Beatles. I don’t own any of their records. They ruined rock and roll. They put Motown out of business. So I never bought a new record ever until punk came out. The Beatles led to the Monkees. And it was a little hard hearing Lennon sing about “no possessions” when he was living in the Dakota. I was a yippee. Hippies got on my nerves. We made fun of hippies. I didn’t know it, but I was waiting for punk. And so that’s what I mean about the Beatles. I know they were amazing songwriters and all that, but I liked the Rolling Stones. I would’ve rather been at Altamont than Woodstock."
How exactly does reflection even work? I thought that pure light will hit an object and every part of the visible spectrum apart from the colour we see is absorbed. The colour we see is what was reflected.
And in what way does the photon change? Surely, it would only change in direction as this is merely a particle-collision, right?
Once we take over, I recommend gassing everyone we don't like and keep a female to male ratio of 5:1.
This is the best we can hope for fam, sorry if that offends you and your sensibilities.
A drug addict has more redeeming value than a skirt chaser. One derives his pleasure from destroying himself, while the latter derives his pleasure from destroying the beauty, the purity and the morality of the world around him. Just because you're useful now and on the same side doesn't mean we won't come for you on the Night of Long Knifes, Chad.
So we ain't gonna need no husband, won't need no wife?
Get it together you /r9k/-tier fag
Why do you even come here?
Influx of redditors and cuck-channers. Don't worry , they will be useful as meat grinder in the civil war.
agreed wizard. Chads(in behaviour, pls spare me) are like muslims. both get the rope.
Oh you know it isn't.
To be honest? I don't trust any of the ruling power blocs and am scared shitless.
And we are one step closer to BNW.
No, it isn't. China's population is aging fast.
Its debt situation is horrifying, and the Chinks will most likely have their own version of Japan's lost decade.
Sounds like a great idea to me. Just make sure that the artificial women are XY females and they'll not only be more sexually desirable to shitskins, but completely infertile as well. Shitskins fuck living sex toys all the time and forget to actually breed. Shitskins go extinct, humans inherit the Earth.
I like the idea. It's even no real cost to our race, since growing artificial women doesn't tie up actual wombs. Give the shitskins infertile fucktoys, watch shitskin women commit suicide in droves when they just can't compete with augmented pseudo-Aryan sex goddesses, and watch the shitskins go extinct in a generation. What's not to like?
I'm ready
I'm so fucking ready
Where is the umbilical cord?
I don't see what is there to cheer about.
Hitler is gone. This tech is going to be in Jewish hands and you know it. Sex will become even more meaningless. Whoredom will be the norm! Whites either fully die off or become enslaved. We'll need our own planet.
reminder that Zeon has never been tried.
You are a useless degenerate idiot.
you cant use those two words together like that
bite me
dubs confirm. What the memesters in this thread do not realise is that this tech threatens the family unit. Why would they think an artificial womb would be used to breed them a sex slave? It's going to be used to breed citizens without the need for any sex at all, molding them since birth with state propaganda, and probably using low birthrates to justify it. Then they'll ask for more taxes in order to afford raising them, making things even further expensive for a person to have children. Having children at all will eventually become an oddity. In the end, it's possible that under the pretext of better controlling state demographic, they will sterilise the majority of population upon birth, so that the state can predict how many people are going to be born in a given year and fine-tune its economy towards it. This is literally commie wet dream.
OP talks about artificial wombs and chinks. Posts only one link which only mentions a bald white guy keeping a 23 week old premature lamb in a incubator for 4 extra weeks.
Not seeing where the premise is.
I don't think it ruins the family unit. The family unit is already ruined, it's an opportunity for fathers to actually have rights to their children because some useless cunt won't get to murder his child anymore. This tech will expose feminists for exactly what they are - they will no longer be able to argue that it's their body when the fetus can be transplanted into an artificial womb and grow and survive without their input.
Now they will have to make a new argument, and I'm willing to bet more than half of them will say that the shit about my body, my rights was just nonsense and they really just wanted to make child sacrifices to Moloch the Kike god because killing makes them feel powerful.
Though I do doubt that this tech will be available to the public because of the
will argue that this technology is unethical; given that philosophers are marxist fags, I doubt they'll let the technology be used except for the poor africans.
This shit better be open source.
worth every penny to watch tbh
That picture is incredibly depressing on multiple levels
Grow your own in your own garage no alcohol necessary.
I find this whole thing to be more society killing than the last time we fucked with biolgy i.e. birth control. but hey, If I ever take the black pill it will be when we find here source code and sexbots exist
It is damaged, but for as long as there are children with parents, it won't be ruined entirely. One of the cornerstones of socialism failing to inside opposition was the families redpilling their children on it, as however much commies tried, they were reliant on families to produce the next generation. This tech allows them to completely ignore and abolish families and have the state play the parent.
At what price? Even if this technology were to become public, it will only further isolate and polarise the two genders against each other, as a person will no longer require anyone else in order to be a parent. Hell, this had already been used in sci-fi before, see Sexmission (which is also a pretty fun movie). All this tech will lead to, even under the best of circumstances, will be further degradation of the societal fabric. Expect faggots who call for a gender war to rise exponentially.
Do you believe there's a difference between selecting a good mother for your children, and selecting good genes directly for your children?
tbh this is the only way china is going to be able survive their horribly fucked male to female ratio
this or literally sending 300 million stumpy little chink men to Africa to breed a few hundred million half-breed nigger chinks
Of course there is a difference. With bad genes you get a retarded kid, with bad mother you get a leftist piece of trash.
only if they're reared in something like a christcuck society or even worse a humanitarian one
doubt they'd have hang ups about being genetically perfect in a proper society
and if they complain you could always temporarily paralyse them, make them fat or slather bacon grease on their skin to make them break out in horrible acne
maybe then they'd appreciate not having to rub stinking greasy cream on their bodies twice a day so their psoriasis skin doesnt crack and bleed
Yeah, turns out encouraging families to kill their newborn daughters didn't pan out so well in the long run. but in all honesty fuck the Chinese tbh.
tbh we could create a utopia with this technology
of course it could be abused horribly but if this technology is implemented and becomes widely available the stress of life could be erased by having genetically perfect people walking around with genetically perfect sex slaves in their homes
nice to see some possible hope on the horizon in these last days of Rome
I know I hate the commie ant people
and all the westernized chinks are liberal scum right to the core
dont know why though
the niggers and arabs and kikes have no love for them at all and also see them as an obstacle
its like they want to cash in on the 'my skin aint white so i must bleed profusely from my vagina' pity bucks
but the savages they want to have camaraderie with will eat them alive the second theres no whitey left to victimize
i blame alot of it on the illiteracy of history
the only country in Asia that even comes close to portraying historical events objectively and considering both sides to a conflict is Japan
the rest its all 'imperialism causes suffering' 'Europeans raped us' 'our neighbour country is scum because they warred on us in the past' 24/7
Anyone who supports doing degeneracy like this deserves to be gassed with the kikes, along with the people that want raise children as a single dad with a machine.
The closest to designer babies we have today are hapas, and as one white aus-jap, I can tell you that we either grow up tough or become rootless faggots.
I for one know that I was disciplined and taught by my Japanese mother who taught me to be proud of my heritage, and forced learned martial arts from an early age. My father, although not a cuck, is a globalist boomer, so I always get in to arguments with him over politics and race.
If anything, robo-waifus should be a fallback measure. Like hapas, you never know what you're going to get; I forgot her name but there was the hapa slut who got in to porn despite her parents working in Washington.
Have to go to bed soon so I can't be asked to read the whole thread, just wanted to say if anyone hasn't already
The further we get from nature, the further we are from tradition and identity. I'm obviously not proposing anything like giving up technology altogether or going to live the fucking amish, but some things can be taken to far and this is one of those things.
I agree.
I don't even watch anime, I just have a whole folder of smugs to trigger faggots like you
Cool but answer my question this time, what's the difference between selecting a good mother based on her good genes, and selecting the good genes directly?
the human is not artificial any more than a human that was born prematurely and put into a incubator
are people that have been in incubators treated any differently? no they aren't because nobody knows about that and I doubt anybody would even give a shit
I doubt most people eve know if they have been in an incubator or not, its so routine nowadays
That if you isolate the good genes, you don't need the mother anymore and can become a single father, which is what will happen if this tech gets public.
Just need advanced maturation genes so we can grow our own companion women in a few years rather than wait 12-17 years for them to be fuckable.
The Island of Dr. Fuckoh will make this come to fruition.
pic related, awesome story of rogue scientists who created a cloning lab in a secluded island to create immortality. Houellebecq is the most /ourguy/ of any living man.
I was thinking sex slave/breeding machine tbh
this last century has been the only period in history where the white man hasnt been allowed to have a sex slave
everyone else can still have one, the slave markets of Africa, Asia and the Americas are still operating in impunity
with technology like this we could go back to the golden days of Arcadia in Ancient Greece where a free mans primal needs could be met and he could achieve the highest possible potential of his being
I dont know, isnt globalist boomer the definition of a cuck?
I agree
but technology is a constant steady march of progress
how its utilized it what we need to think about not whether or not we should ban it
we cant stagnate like the Asians did because of ethics and morality
thats no better than the chinese not discovering glass because 'ceramic works for us' and being unable to discover even rudimentary chemistry and physical science
I'm not sure how to feel about this nor do I wish to begin thinking about the ramifications of this.
It'll be considered normal and a part of life before you know it.
Much as I hate to echo that (((cuck))), we win either way. Either we reclaim our rightful place on top or we go extinct. It matters not which, for our enemies are doomed either way.
If we stand victorious, our foes will fall on DOTR. If we are destroyed, our foes are equally doomed. WE are the only race that can plan far enough and honestly enough to contain the horrors that have been unleashed.
Fukushima is the tip of the iceberg. If we die… life on Earth reverts to single-celled organisms… maybe.
OH FUCK! The kikes are patsies for the Auditors of Reality.
You won't get a 20 years old qt from an artificial womb, you'll get a baby. By the time any such sex slaves could, even theoretically, be possible, you will be an old fart with a limp dick. Also, human rights will still apply to artificial people, and good luck with pushing for slavery.
Schlomo pls
probably, but not to the point where he's pushing faggotry and he's openly anti-mass immigration and he observes ANZAC day as a sacred holiday
but he's okay with assimilated based immigrants which is fucking stupid - keep the filth away from japan
So the problem isn't with how the kids are made, but how they're raised? What if the technology was used by couples who wanted to avoid any harmful hereditary traits they might pass on?
When you're enemy has complete control over groundbreaking tech you do have the option to chooshe how it's used.
so they are rebuilding the tower of babel again
tbh they did statistical analysis
single father families are statistically no different from a two parent household
its the single mother families that produce the autists, schizos, rapist/psychos, trannies and faggots en masse
you can crispr edit their genes to make them age faster
developmentally it'll probably be shorter and less fully developed but you could engineer them to have shorter lifespans
do not*
and its our duty to ensure they dont have that power to use it to their own benefit isnt it?
That would be fine, but it's also the best case scenario. Remember how degenerate people are, and what other scenarios all this could be used for. Remember plastic surgery, and how it could be used to treat terrible scars and genetic visual defects? Well it's used by people who want to have dog ears and similar bullshit; now imagine this on a genetic scale where degenerates breed some retarded parody of a human to sate their fetish (this being posibly the worst case scenario) or just stronk womyn who don't need no man getting a child to spread her cancerous ideology to without the need for any toxic masculinity to ever come into the equation. This shit is, frankly, too much power for the hands of a normalfag.
I would argue that the sample space for single fathers are too small to reach the conclusion that single fathers>single mothers or that single fathers are as good as two parents. though it doesn't change the fact that single mothers are objectively cancerous
My belief still remains that a healthy and traditional relation between man and woman is key for a healthy moral child. If waifubots straighten women out via competition, then it should be considered as a valid stratergy.
No, not futas, XY females really are female, no penis. Just with unusually well-developed muscles and boobs, abnormally high libido, and a completely nonfunctional reproductive tract.
until the woman inevitably goes wandering and burns coal
then the dad starts drinking and killing himself slowly
women are fucking cancer, 95% of them have the exact same personality and they follow the current trend like its dogma
you must be pretty idealistic or you've had some pretty positive experiences
but Ive seen the negatives of traditional man and woman parents and i can totally understand how a single father family could benefit a healthy childs psychology
Wouldn't this ultimately render the concept of civilians obsolete in a 100 years or so? It's not really our problem by then, but still.
There's gonna be a lot of Bruce Waynes.
Like a dog, women must be disciplined from a very early age, and her relationship with her father is important. I know how you mean by 95% of women being NPC like; fashion trends, movie stars, idols, looking good in front of her "peers" (whom she will shittalk behind there backs) - these are the only things that interest most women.
And you're right, I have a positive experience once or twice, and even without rose tinted glasses, they were fascinating and as loyal a women could be. It was only my indecisiveness that didn't further our relationship and by the time I took the redpill, I was living in another country.
user,I don't think we are the normalfag NPCs; Make a name for yourself in the community, and this is easier if you're in the city, and seek to impress younger (18~19) women who go to church, if only because the church is the last, albeit crumbling and historically kikey, bastion of western traditionalism. Otherwise, moving to an uninhabited island/planet and creating our own civilisation is also a pretty cool option.
This here. Many libs are either sterilizing themselves, mutilating their genitals for preferred pronouns, or damaging their uterus by contributing to the black market baby parts. What they don't realize is that their decision to en masse not breed is only going to lead to the death and decline of their degenerate genes and memes. THEIR MEMES DIE WITH THEM. They wonder why future children are growing up conservative and shit? Because the far right are breeding for the future. The libs are too self centered to see that all this "progression" will die out within their generation.
Wheel of Reincarnation —- tribes once had no civilians
This problem is self-solving though. The pendulum will swing back, I see no sense in such a dangerous and permanent solution to what we know damn well is a temporary problem.
I don't think we would necessarily know what's best in the long run and might get jewed into willingly creating perfect aryan golems for the existing system. (Does everything perfectly, but loves the Jew.) Why bother with individuality or self improvement at this point?
Spoken like a true moron who doesn't know shit about transhumanism. Transhumanism at its core is transcending human limitations and thus becoming something beyond man, i.e. post human. How that is done, what medium is used and for what goal is largely debatable and there isn't any doctrines that are established in the 'codices' of transhumanism. The idea of transhumanism goes back far further than any fucking jew or jewish text. The epic of gilgamesh is a perfect example of transhumanism and its philosophy you ignorant nigger.
Transhumanism has no core fundamental philosophy and thus has no "leaders." If you want to be factual though most of the earliest adopters and proponents of modern transhumanism were not jews. Nearly every name you dropped are just another name with their own philosophy many of which are criticised heavily by other transhumanist thinkers that offer totally different views. I could give you a hundred more names that are just as influential if not more that all have considerably different philosophies. You simply are an ignorant autist that tries to poison the well because you see some jewish names and conclude it's all jews!
Ethics and culture are highly debatable and can go anyway when discussing transhumanism. The fact that you aren't aware of anything else just proves that you don't know shit. Transhumanism can be a utopia, dystopia, oligarchy, etc. You can make your case for any type of transhumanist future. Most of your qoutes have nothing to do with transhumanism and when it is actually discussed its like a 10 year old trying to pontificate what transhumanism is. Your quotes are dogshit and so are your conclusions.
I'm not sure how I feel about this. On the one hand it makes me hopeful for our demographic situation. On the other it opens a whole Pandora's box of potential ethical concerns and expansions of corporate/state power. I find the more I'm learning the less certain I'm becoming Holla Forums and it's a deeply unsettling experience. Just ordered a crap ton of different books by various philosophers to help inform my thought processes either by accepting or rejecting their respective arguments.
The philosophers who's various books I've ordered recently are as follows…
1. Thomas Aquinas
2. Epicurus
3. John Locke
4. Plato
5. Aristotle
6. Descartes
7. Von Hildebrand
8. Nietzsche
Got any suggested reading anons? I'm looking for some variety of opinion here so please don't just dump a bunch of NatSoc favorites on me. One or two's fine but as I said I want as many viewpoints as possible.
Jews are obsessed with long life because they want to avoid their judgement as long as possible
this, I used to hate the future, but it seems pretty comfy
it will, you just won't be able to see it. bill Gates has helped by pushing genocide of all humans including whites. then he will secretly depopulate the earth from shitskins and create a robot heaven for his kids. eventually the shitskins will die and disappear. justice always prevails. if the white lemmings are too weak to prevent their own death, then the kike and the rich whites they convince to help, will succeed. gates is unfortunately a major dweeb though and doesn't deserve the success. he will be selected out, too, eventually.
Schopenhauer then nietzsche then Heideger then evola
Single parents SUCK at raising children. Think of all the single fucking mothers raising cucked men. This technology means nothing for white birthrates. Solid people need a solid family in their upbringing. If there isn't two parents the kids gonna have problems.
So if thats the case and we still need two parents, you might as well just have kids naturally. The only positive of this technology is destroying the need for surrogates for familes that have infertile parents. The family unit is INTEGRAL to our success as a race. If this technology is mainstream, every degenerate and there dog will raise children ALONE and fuck up our society even more.
Read Demian from Herman Hesse.
The Tartar Steppe from Dino Buzzati
and the Rythem of the Being from Raimon Panikkar.
A woman born in an artificial womb STILL has free will, and STILL wont wanna fuck you faggot. get a girlfriend and reproduce naturally. This technology wont change anything, unless you intend to create your own daughter in one of those wombs and fuck it.
The motherfuckers in support of this have no idea what they're falling into.
YOu faggots seem to think the world isnt run by kikes. This technology will be utilized by them to pump out as many workers for their slave system as possible. They wont be white. they will be the same coffee colored people they intend to turn the whole of Europe into. You people need to actually read the protocols. Artificial people will have no heritage. No sense of nationality. No higher purpose for their people. Exactly the template for the predicted slave race the kikes want to create.
They are too stupid to realise the side effects.
Look retard, the difference between human races is gene frequency related. These fancy charts you surely have saved of several R1-group genes proving the existence of races is that: genetic frequencies.
What does that mean? That theoretically you could get a fucking nord from a bantu tribe if you applied selective breeding until their gene frequencies were the same as a scandinavian bloke. In fact, that's what fucking happened over a few thousands of years. Gene mutations are not that fast, the only plausible explanation for human races is again genetic frequencies.
Fuck off with your esoteric racism, evolafags. You are literally tabula rasa sjw tier, human races do exist but they aren't some platonic archetype that can get corrupted and such.
It's just a bunch of genes.
What do they think this artificial womb implies? these people will still be the same humans susceptible to kike brainwashing as the next. If we cant win this war with natural people, we wont with artificially born ones either. This War is CULTURAL. White numbers mean nothing if they have no concept of what it means to be white. People talking about using them to breed out blacks…. what kind of whites would they be. they spend their time with blacks. have sex with blacks and absorb black culture. ALL YOU GET IS WHITES WHO ARE CULTURALLY BLACK. WE already have those! they are called leftists. The problem is the whites on this site are apparently crying out for a chance to reproduce? BE A MAN. FIND A MATE, AND MAKE SURE AS FUCK YOU ARE HER LEADER. Take control of your women. its not that fucking hard. You dont need artificial wombs. You need to TAKE BACK OUR WOMEN.
anyway nice bait op, this is not an artificial womb it's just a fucking incubator.
fuck no, I would want her to arrive around 13-14 years of age, so that I can program her. Nobody needs a 18 old baby, when the felshlight is 13-14 year old no one is surprised if its dumb as bread.
And kill you for making her and be a toy to you. This is not good for us.
Is this the kind of degenerate we want in our revolution? Some sick fuck who wants a sex slave. Fucking kikes man.
No, it's the kind of people who populate this board now.
Cool, I'll check em out thanks anons.
Transhumanism is incredibly degenerate and we don't want them here but they won't stop coming here despite that they knew that they will be hang when the day come. This technology been abused by the kikes before and still doing it over and over.
I can't fucking wait for my anime wife.
So are they gonna use this to mass produce jews ?
You'll be an old man until you dream woman is grown up.
And just because you can grow a brain, even if you could bake your dutch wife in your "CRISPER" then what about memories?
Wait, why I am even arguing with retards?
Damn my autism.
How's it feel to lose the gender lottery?
You must have quoted the wrong person.
I'm not one of the faggots who think they're the little girl in here and can't wait to bake their own feminine penis trap waifu.
Fuck off roastie
Must have struck a nerve.
CRISPER babies with feminine penises are the last stand of implicit whiteness.
As usual, life imitates art.
Who knows?
Sorry, don't like it.
Me too, these transhumanists really need to get out of here immediately and never come back again. The world need less degenerates, not more degenerates.
Monkeys paw motherfuckers.
Transhumanists have played right into the kike's hands.
I give this tech 50 years before it's ready and legal for full term human babies, and even then only the richest and people with a medical reason to need it will have access to it most likely.
You guys better have a plan in the meantime.
Degeneracy is a meme.
Everything is a meme, user.
I don't see what is there to cheer about…
go back to tumblr bitch.
None of you realize what this really means. Forget about women – they're obsolete, but that's just a side effect. The main bottleneck on intelligence is head size, and the main bottleneck on head size is pelvis width. The first person to start cranking out 800-IQ clones with giant heads wins the planet. We grays now.
Think of the artificial womb like the mutual assured destruction protocol.
The threat is what gives it power.
The threat of women being replaced by artificial wombs is what will sap away their power to currently act like spoiled princesses.
It's less "sad" than being forced to pay for sex with someone who hates you.
Single mother upbringing is the most likely outcome of having a child with a woman today.
Single mother upbringing is the worst environment for a child.
Being raised by a single father is almost as good as being raised in an intact family and lacks the negative effects of single mother upbringing, BECAUSE MEN AND WOMEN ARE NOT THE SAME.
tl;dr men having the option of artificial womb and completely cutting women out of their traditional source of security and income (marriage/court mandated child support/alimony) will force women to make themselves more attractive as partners.
If they want to compete (pretty sad that an inanimate piece of technology is actually serious competition for current year women) then they will have to focus on the skills of home making and being a good spouse, otherwise why will a man expend his wealth on her? Currently the cost of maintaining a wife is the price a man must pay to obtain children. Once he can obtain that by other means, with better sex from a robot (married men rarely get sex on average and when they do it is used as a bargaining chip or reward for him spending his money or granting her 'freedoms' to party alone etc), the only way for a woman to be a fixture in the life of a wealthy man and enjoy the luxury of being "kept" will be to provide better services than the robot and the womb.
THIS is why women are desperate to outlaw these technologies, much like hand weavers tried to smash the mechanical loom and steam engines which drove them to secure their status quo, providing inferior volumes of work for an inflated price (Luddites.)
Women protesting the womb and the sex robot are modern day luddites engaged in exactly the same futile protectionism.
The only one I'm willing to talk about is the armor design I came up with for a DARPA challenge on innocentive, and chose to not send in when the elections started. You'll see the prototype as a ballistics shield in a month from now. It's the only thing that I feel safe making without a lab.
We will just engineer them to not have free will
Why would you order one with hair follicles down there in the first place?
tfw to smart too rule the world
Or am I reading that wrong and the never shave package means they never HAVE to shave?
Das it, mayne.
what happens if they are never born and kept inside larger versions for 20 years?
the rich will grow humans for body parts.
Who is that ginger semen demon in the second pic?
That way of thinking is Slave Morality, where Matter is your God.
In face of such arrogance, you forget you will tremble when seriously faced with your inevitable Death.
This thread is hilariously retarded. An artificial womb changes nothing. You can already pay a pajeet woman to have your baby with whatever genetic material you want.
The rich already just harvest the goyim for body parts.
The time of women is over, the time of the axoltl tanks begins.
What's wrong with you?
The artificial womb can't join forces with a social activist lawyer and a bleeding heart judge to sue you so it can legally steal your baby after the birth.
You don't get it. Women don't have political ideology as some innate genetic trait. The libshit women in the cities would have been traditional conservatives if raised in the country by a good father. In fact, many were like this until they became corrupted by kike propaganda. Libshit women will never die off because women will always become degenerates if not reigned in by society and family.
Ok but we are breeding out the libshit men out of existence.
Add Aurelius to that list.
Narcissus and Goldmund is better imo.
Shitskins are a weaker form of life than whites, they can't produce civilization. Jews too just parasite.
If robots can produce stronger civilizations then us and win, then they deserve to be called a stronger form of life. If you can't fight in this world of eternal struggle, you die. Shitskins aren't evolved enough to beat whites, without ganging up with jews and others. We're going to win in the end. But maybe the Aryan man creates machines that surpass him. So what? It either happens or it doesn't. It's either possible or it isn't. The only thing that assures anything is strength and will.
Just so know you're the main reason this board is seen as a joke.
That's guys a faggot but why are you telling him to go reddit. You just have to post the phrase "liquid thorium" and they'll start jerking each other off harder then the backrow of a Richard Spencer speech.
gee whata coincidence!
>>>/fringe/ has a library
nyeh, I do it too.
I have a buttload of RL hoers reaction shots I used to use to mock the brownies before The Great Merger, and snarky feminist bitches to mock Acidcunt's pathetic troupe and Sargonite scum.
where are all the neocohens coming from?!?
fascists don't masturbate. >>>/nofap/
JIDF please go, nobody will want to fuck your giant noses once the waifu age comes
Machines cannot replace the mother. And by the way a human without a mother is by legal definition a monster. This will not turn out well.
I'd still rather have a world without Jews and shitskins even if it was filled with white trash.
An uneducated white still has white genes.
You still have to create a culture that will remove kikes, shitskins, and traitors. Unless you have the capacity to create a gene-gated deadly plague, there is no way to simply move to a world of all whites without altering our culture.
No user, more likely these will happen >>9806028
Everyone is going to pick white women.
I just read this thread, lot of fucking feminist on here apparently, this we can use this also you know fucksticks? How all our women are fucking poisoned? We can fix that. WE can avoid dying out, I don't give a fuck if there is some white slaves somewhere if we are saved on the whole.
Also women should be our (borderline) slaves, it's how society has survived this long. Look what happens when they get any sort of power, everything turns to absolute shit.
Transhumanism need to be banned.
Pair that with this:
aaaaaand women are no longer needed in society.
Headline: Motherless babies possible as scientists create live offspring without need for female egg
Mate there won't be shitskins if people choose to have white kids.
Really calls white genocide into question.. because ironically, black people may choose to have whiter kids in the future.
Hell, we could have combinations never seen.
Imagine purple haired, blue skinned children.
Transhumanism may be the only way for humanity to survive user.
We're not ready for space yet biologically.
transhumanism is jewy tier so no.
All depends on how expensive this actually is. If we're smart about it, though, a determined man with sufficient funding could mass-produce whites from some stock of eggs and sperm, and simply dump them into the adoption system. The big problem with adoption right now is that people want healthy (white) kids, not cripples.
There's a definite market for this. Imagine a factory somewhere in Montana simply churning out tens of thousands of Aryans, and then overloading the Cuckfornian CPS system with them. Colossal, unthinkable masses of whites, all of a sufficiently diverse Aryan heritage. Get people with high as fuck testosterone levels and high IQs for the donors, apply CRISPR, mass produce the Master Race.
Eat shit, kikelover.
the world had advanced so much but still people in India shit in the streets
They are not going to use this (legally) on people, uuuurgh….. trannies
Woolen Mammoths
Great Auk
Tasmanian Devil
Nice RMS shot totally going to go over most peoples heads here.
Why is no one taking into account that there's studies showing that children still need mothers and without them they get all fucked up emotionally and have lower IQs? Just because you don't need the woman for the kid doesn't mean the kid don't need the woman.
I mean come on, fgts, you all wanna be a bunch of single dads?
By the way, daycare is terrible for a child's attachment bond, so fuck off with that shit.
They start out putting babies in cribs
then they take away the breast milk
then they take the babies out of the mothers
then they complete the dehumanization and atomization of the family
feels good
lol I just realized
they finally found a way to bring the Aryans down on their level
while your fucking plastic dolls (still a virgin btw) and destroying your genetic code, all the muslims and niggers will be destroying what's left of the female Caucasian
I've actually already read Meditations, but a good suggestion regardless.
The negatives outweigh the pros here with this, unless whites take back control of the planet this technology should never come to pass.
This actually does have me pissed off.
Let's look at the benefits:
I go with not having artifical wombs. You can raise the birth rate, practice eugenics and still have the perks of mother-offspring relations.
Either way, I'm rejecting you faggots because this is not my future.
I'm serious user, they will edit the very gene make up of whatever 'children' they produce with this technology, and they will be born with no critical thinking parts of the brain, OR further GENERATIONAL BACKDOORS (don't mean to yell but this tech is 30 years old and people need to catch up)
generational backdoors can that in 2 or 3 or even 5 generations regressive genes can start to be expressed SUCH AS sterility, tumors, cancers, MELANIN PRODUCTION and even the phasing out of other genes, such as 3 generations of blonde hair blue eyes and then the genes stop being expressed (needing further modification to 'fix' the problem) etc etc etc yuo can even make 'them' more susceptible to ultra low frequencies or specific flicker rates making 'them' programmable on the fly with active exposure methods (smart grid 5G etc)
Oh, yeah, don't doubt it. There's already proof that genes will express different alleles based on the organism's environment. So, if they wanted to, they could make a recessive allele that would be expressed in X environment and bring that X factor (common environment [i.g. shared commonly by the population]) into reality.
I came into this thread to point out actual social dynamics that this would change, but I won't bother. Holla Forums became too stupid to discuss anything like this with any coherence.
Every prestige signaling faggot ITT, who opened with a torrent of gibberish and nonsense "strong opinion", enforced with red text allcaps etc. especially directed at nobody at all, can pat himself on the back, you're a bigger obstacle than actual shills.
Go on, go WAUGH WAUGH WAUGH WAUGH more, that really helps everyone. It totally doesn't drown out an actual discussion that could have taken place. Very productive. Make up some more bullshit scenarios to prop up your very relevant fee fees on the subject as well.
This means women have a better earning potential because they don't have to miss work to get pregnant. Say what you want about career women, but they aren't going away. This may be the closest you get to career women who aren't dead ends in the gene pool.
Look at this dubs-progression!
if you're going to save piles of garbage on to your computer, you might as well screencap your own post to remind yourself how pathetic you are.
you mean pedo age? artificial womb will generate babies and not cat mixed monster girls, but then again you'd be contradicting yourself for even wanting monster girls, because that concept itself is "mixing"
you might as well watch cuckporn since it's unironically the same thing.
Artificial Wombs isn't Transhumanism
It means that we no longer have to deal with the female issue of splintering off
you're so autistic you can't even spell "corporation" properly.
why do you care so much about faggots from a shitty corp owning your DNA? they own your fucking fingerprints ever since you were five, how autistic and paranoid do you have to be to even care about this at all?
you will be lending your DNA for their business.
apparently you are too retarded to know whats going on RIGHT NOW, its already been happening, in fact it's already part of their dna, the WOMAN genetics, from thousand year tribal wars where victorious man from other tribes would treasure woman from the enemy tribe and rape them as a reward, this led to Stockholm syndrome and years of prefering the dominant male, what you need to fix is your femininity, you need to man up and stop being a faggot if you want to fix this problem, in fact, why even need woman in the first place if you have artificial womb?
why would you want a fucking daughter if you can make an army of yourself, also why on earth would you EVER choose to have a daughter over a son? what are you GAY?
user that's why we will take control of the wombs
we'll decide our fate not them
The problem though with doing it without Artficial Wombs is you need woman on your side
I did not expect this so soon. But if this works it works. I'm guessing the Globalist agenda is still on. No need to replace the native population in europe to get slaves. Now you just engineer them. Brilliant. This will provide excellent test subject for future gene therapy. An ethnic cleanser tested towards perfection and then released. The white devil will claim this world.
Only capable of supporting the last 4 weeks of pregnancy.
Human trials haven't begun.
Wow, it's literally nothing.
A child born through ceasarian section has a gorillion mental and emotional issues, body weight issues, etc. related to the method of birth, by simply not going out through the vagina which contains the necessary germs to prepare the kid for the outside environment and gets it out at the exact moment it is ready.
Now imagine what sort of fuck ups you will get from a child born in a plastic bag. We will get generations of emotionally unstable people even easier to manipulate through the media.
This is a step forward only for those women who guaranteedly fail at giving birth normally. Which is again against the rules of nature.
It means we have the power
the technology already exists, the only thing left to do now is base your research on the existing tech to better expand those months into a full year.
That isn't happening for at least another 20 years. The guy says it himself, that kind of technology isn't even on the horizon.
well sure but that can honestly wait unless you're crippled and old and is about to die in the next 20 years.
but I honestly doubt that it would actually take that long, science is unpredictable and anything could happen at any time, hell some smart ass could probably hijack the project and create something much more advanced, you never know.
Once you can copy the womb, the rest won't be so hard to duplicate.
Yup I am migrating. The collective IQ of this board has dropped substantially just look at this faggot
The function can be copied. The bacterial environment the woman has cultivated her entire lifetime is not possible to copy. We are very far from understanding it well enough to selectively develop bacteria combinations positive to child growth.
I was being very generous when I said 20 years, when I say 20 years I mean as an extreme minimum, with the expectation that everything goes as well as it possibly could we discover all the right technology and all the human rights boards gives all the okays with the best amount of delays, I mean look at what we have here, it's a premature sheep in a saline bag with oxygen and nutrients pumped into it, we could have easily done this 20-30 years ago, this far from complicated technology, so why the delay?
Now supporting premature births, and carrying a zygote from a cellular stage to full term require vastly different kinds of technology.
Stuff like creating artificial wombs that can sustain a full term requires a mastery over manipulating the human body, which we are still far from achieving, the womb during the first 6 months is hardly a bag that pumps nutrients & oxygen into the child.
Honestly you're more likely to see a cure for AIDs and it's related diseases than you are for actual artificial wombs because that's the kind of ability we'd need to begin thinking about delving into the many system involved in the growth of a child.
But not Australia
I see no problem, we will say fuck off to Lilith and get Eve.
Time of Eve is upon us.
It's happening dumbo and if you virtue-signalling tryhards ban it in the west it'll just go to china regardless.
kek, and the mad nigger decides to post….