Venezuela: Maduro arming loyal socialists for coming purge

Now I know what you're thinking. Commies purging people, that doesn't sound like commies! Well I guess this is going to be a one off. In 2012 Venezuela banned private firearm ownership now, it looks like Maduro is handing out almost half a million to loyalists and increasing the size of the socialist militia, aiming for a million strong. Either they intend to intimidate people into submission or purge them. The lessons here are never let commies have any power and never, never let them disarm you.
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Nigger what?

Is this real communism?

This is going to be so much fun to watch.

Remember though, this isn't real communism.

Pic related.

Oh…. Not good, what happens to all his steam items?



We are reaching the critical stage where its all fault from the imperialist west that socialism failed once again

Im going to go on a leg here and wager that the opposition is full of centrist lolbergs wishing for (((democracy))).

And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids

I honest to God heard somebody say that Venuzela was compromised from the inside by a CIA coup to discredit socialism.
I'm annoyed that people think we're the crazy ones.

A fake crisis has been made to ransack venuzela of its oil for the (((global elite))) again.

global goods sold through middlemen are being made artificially scarce to ruin the country in submission from true (ie non jewish, 1001 genders and dyed pubes faux socialism for the upper classes to larp in antifa).

and you who know the people who trade as middlemen and refuse to work out of their own traditions are don't you Holla Forums?

one of the leaders is even called ((((Lopez)))) which is a spanish jewish surname.

its true and its done for the benefit of the jews that control shell along with the dutch royal family through the spanish jewish traders in south america.

The spanish jews were kicked out of spain when the country was so poor king couldn't afford a crown, while they were all wearing gold rings and chains. That's all you need to know about jews.

the spanish jews came to the netherlands to make cigars and join in the mechanations there from spain when they were expelled along with other jewish populations.

It's going to be a classic scenario:

thats the argument thats always pulled by leftists, another argument is that venezuela is not (((socialist))), its (((democratic))) (((socialism)))


I need some help to understand what happened to Venezuela.
Was Chavez such a bad guy ? What did he chance in Venezuela exactly ? What was the situation before he came to power ?
Is this guy Chavez bis or is he just a CIA plant ?

Yes Chavez was a ridiculously bad guy who used his position to silence his enemies and enrich himself. His daughter is now worth ~5 billion USD
He nationalized oil, food distributors, concrete manufacturers, most of the media, some large agricultural operations and a bunch more I'm forgetting while introducing price controls first on staple goods then on "luxury" goods. He did this all while changing the constitution to give himself more power, banning private gun ownership, and turning a blind eye towards narcos and gangbangers because they served as his unofficial muscle.
Situation was shit but salvageable because at least the market was willing to invest in some areas of Vzla.
No. Maduro was hand chosen by the king commie to be his replacement and doesn't seem to be a willing asset to American intelligence. But as much as he fucks up he might as well be.

The state confiscated them for redistribution. Everyone will get one common hat, but they will not receive them in time for the friendly server get together. The commisars will get all the rares with unique effects.



You know, if we get ANTIFA to go overseas to join this guy, they'll all get put on terrorist watchlists just like the commies who fought franco. Also, in a communist country that will not welcome them they won't get plane tickets to come home. Sure, some might actually get combat experience, but most will die or be destroyed by the situation they will be in.

Better idea! We set up a phony "network" to smuggle them in and just take all their money and dump them in the ocean, or send them off to meet a boat that never comes.

at least venezuelan chads shall suffer


