The Father's Role in Their Daughters' Relationships

It dawned on me that probably one of the biggest issues with some women in modern society and the fact they are not happy and ride the cock carousel to no end is because we have removed the practice of the father approving of the men she sees. A while ago, the father would meet the guys she wanted to see and determine whether or not they met his standards and expectations as well as the ones he placed on his daughter.

The benefit was that it actually weeded out the men who don't make an effort to impress and show that he truly wants to be with that man's daughter.

Now that's too sexist and patriarchal even though it fucking worked.

Maybe you can't get laid for other reasons. This narrative of all white women being whores is part of your sodomite complex. Neck yourself.

I love this latching on to phrases like neck yourself that are open to interpretation in case you ever have to justify what you said. Obvious bitch much?

When you're looking for a girl to devote some time into, one of the most important factors is making sure that 1) her dad was masculine, not a fag and 2) that she had a good relationship with him. Women who have fucked up relationship with their fathers, or no fathers at all are pretty much always irredeemable.

This is how I know you're an imbecile or a woman.

Getting laid isn't the problem - the pussy market is flooded, pussy shares have dropped lower than has ever been the case in the entirety of human history. If you can't get pussy, in this market, then yes, it has nothing to do with the women - because the women are all fucked up, and most of them are hyperwhores utterly beyond repair.

This claim is part of your degenerate complex, as demonstrated by the fact that you think the issue is with 'getting laid', when in fact its the opposite - its easy as shit to get laid in the present world, and as a direct consequence of that, its almost-impossible to find genuinely wife/mother material.

When women are allowed a choice, they choose to be whores. When all the women are whores, none of the women can be wives.


Don't act like it's some "white women" thing. It's a problem with the culture, the society, and women are products of their environment far more than men. Your precious Asian waifus are just as slutty when exposed to modern degenerate (((Western))) culture. There are still good white women out there, but it does take some time and effort to find them. Remember, you don't have to settle down with the first chick that gives you the time of day, as a man you should be choosy with who you commit to and who you give your time to, just as a woman should be choosy with who she has sex with.

You missed my point, which was that Asian women in the West behave just as badly, if not worse, than white women.

Getting laid and finding a wife are two entirely separate problems.

lol, nice try dad.

lol its because these loser guys can't get laid! no, its because you fucked up every step of the way.

And I would ask how this would apply to the middle class, and why the majority of these complaints come from middle class

It's not a matter of getting pussy - there's plenty of desperate fat chicks or various dating/sex apps with sluts that will gladly have sex as long as you pay for dinner.

The question is - why would any self-respecting man WANT to have sex with those?

And then the daughter rebells against him by riding the cock carousel with the shittiest guys she can find. gg no re.

Damn, Jessica, why so mad?


I can't stress how important it is to prevent women from attending college/uni. It's just such a fucking retarded thing to allow them to do. They're basically used up at the end of it.

Even the "good girls" I've known that had only been with 0-2 guys during high school came out of college with a 6+ cock count. No thanks.

Yep. I'm not paying for something that someone else got for free. Especially since many colleges are inhabited by niggers for muh feetsball.

This is the same type of argument leftists use against race realism
>wow you're saying all black people are stupid? look at this one based nigger!
compare it to OP:
gee willikers

fuck off Reddit

I've met fathers. They're Boomers who look down on you because they're in their 50s and you're 26 without a 60K job and house like he had at your age. The girls then start eying other guys with money until they find one and can break up with you. Because that's what their fathersand mothers tell them to do.
They tell their little girls to dig for gold.
Because that's the quality of people you have to deal with today.

Then you get older and wiser, and realize that you don't owe any fuck face father or cunt little girl anything. And if a woman wants to be with you, she'd better look out for your interests too, not just her own or daddy's shitty Boomer attitude problems.

Girls use their fathers for money and protection. It's only "sexist" when you're not letting the cunt stomp on your heart or destroy your society or go to work and leave your kids with some fucking Mexican.

You're right but let's be honest, a lot of the fags complaining about this shit do believe all white women are whores and there's no good reason to try to start a family anymore.

There are a lot of women who have great relationships with their manly fathers and it just makes them into selfish spoiled cunts.


You can't escape Cultural Marxism because your father in law thinks he's a cowboy

Well, there's being MGTOW and then there's being realistic about how values have changed.

The ones who talk about "polishing muh shotgun" type shit are bluffing. Boomers are cuckolds, pure and simple.

forgot to check your dubs, sorry bro

Also, check'd

Yeah, haha. And most of them do shit like that. Being where I'm from and the life I've lived in this racewar hell, I just have to stop myself from laughing in their face the way I usually do when I'm about to fuck a nigger up. Boomers are massive fucking pussies. Only the Vietnam vets should be respected.


t. boomer cuck

This thread commands a lot of dubs…


I agree with the complaints MGTOW make, but I think their way of responding to these issues is fucking weak and gay.

It's all good.

You're right, OP. But it's not just women. Boys who grow up without a good father figure at the very least end up either effeminate or disrespectful punk asses. Both boys and girls need solid fathes as well as solid mothers. We evolved for this.


Sounds like a joke, but it is true.
Females were kept decent for millions of years by a set of moral protocols.
As soon as they were 'freed', they went on the penis roundabout, the manhood merrygpround, the cock carousel, and stayed on it until diseased, infertile and looking ten years older than they are, with tattoos, parasites, needlemarks and dyed hair.

The usual stereotype is that men are led by their dick.
The truth is women are vacuous cunts, the mindless vessels they had always been described as.


Honestly, the average Boomer is a lot less of a cuck than someone who went to fight a war for Israel. People in the US military are the biggest cucks, and deserve to be treated as such.

It's no ((coincidence)) every piece of media for a long, long time has attacked the protecting father.

You're not supposed to rebel against your parents. That's a culturally marxist idea.


Vietnam wasn't for Israel you wacked out hippy pedophile. It was to protect French/American interests in Asia, and push back Communist China and the Soviet Union (home of the purist form of Judaism).

Besides, it's not the same generation or type of war. Many Vietnam vets were base as fuck and loved to kill Commies…. even with PTSD. It was the hippies that were Jewed.

this, it was the peace creeps that were shabbos goyim

Sure Vietnam wasn't as cucked as modern (((American))) wars are, but it wasn't in the interest of the American people either.

Good women come from good fathers. Only approach a woman if her father will give you a dowry to marry his daughter. Anything else is russian roulette. And remember all woman are dirty rotten sinners who can't into empathy for you.

In order to meet the men your daughter dates you have to permit them to date at a reasonable age. Otherwise their instincts will cause them to rebel against you. A reasonable age is 14ish. But this illegal. So there you have it. Kike laws turn daughters against fathers by forcing fathers to keep their daughters virgins for unreasonable lengths of time.

AoC should be 16 maximum. At least then you could select a shortlist of father-material men for your daughters to choose from.

I dunno about dowrys but yes, the FIRST thing to look for in a woman you're considering a long term relationship is her relationship with her father.

Honestly, I think the age of consent laws obfuscate the whole issue. I think the age of consent should be lowered to 14 or so, BUT that doesn't mean women should be having sex at that age. By any means. Only that the age of 18 is far too late for most measures to be significant. 14 and older should be acceptable for a man to court a girl, but not to fuck her.


society is about it's control OVER you, not about your control over others, never happen.

America creates and causes schiz·o·phre·ni·a.
My brothers and I can no longer have a conversation and reach an agreement on anything. This is by design.

This, there were even Axis WW2 vets like Lauri Törni who moved to America and fought in Vietnam just so they could keep killing commies.

How much of that is attributed to non-whites?

For most girls their father is their archetype for a man so with cucks and losers the only ones left there for the most part, it's really no surprise so many have turned into dumb whores.


I will say this once and only once.

All you retards do is trip over yourselves trying to dindu whores, it's ridiculous.
Whores are whores because they love whoredom, whoredom in women is not an indictment against any nearby male for not transforming her by will alone. When you absolve women of responsibility they will only behave more wildly, looking for answers behind she just made/makes the wrong choices is a counterproductive waste of time and a roundabout way of whiteknighting.

are you retarded? a bunch of jews still had control of their commie holdings, jewish people want others to not destroy their retarded golems.

No, it doesn't matter if daddy acts like a man for his daughter because white women–the daughters of white men–are on a sex strike against White Genocide. White birth rates and fertility will suffer including arguably the standard of living for even white women who take part in the sex strike, but their demands are firm. Large-scale boycott of things typically associated with womanhood like marriage and children until White Genocide is stopped. They seem determined to go on a sex strike until White Genocide has been stopped, I say give them what they want!

It's the White Women Sex Strike Against White Genocide. #WWSSAWhiteGenocide


Explain your picture. Who is that? It's not Sigmund Freud so I'm confused.
Not to imply that Freud was a good psychologist. Only that typically, Freud is the one people point to when they want to link a psychological analysis of a person's sexual preference to the father (usually the mother).

Checked. Man this fucking feel

You know Freud was a fraud, right?


I dated a girl once who told her father she was raped, and he didn't believe her.

Wasn't much interested in his approval at that point.

It was only after we split that I could see where he was coming from, but still have no clue why she saw fit to share such a story with me before meeting the man. The layers of deception were, as they say, fractal.

What to do, when the father and potential husband bond over this person in their life being an incredibly messed up liar? Possibly, inching on criminally insane? It's anyone's guess. He did raise her though, so.

Her: Check em, daddy!

Quite ironic, isn´t it? Boomers are a major reason why the era when young men could become "breadwinners" like that is over.

Our duty goes to the race, not to chase their worthless ideals.

Projection at its finest, just like with bitter feminists with useless gender degrees.

Yes, and the princess act ends once they hit the wall. ALL women are fucking selfish spoiled cunts user, it's their nature. Ride the tiger, grab that pussy.

Heh, in my case I figured out that the father was buggering the daughter but because she still had her 'virginity' that was okay. You can guess the ethnicity.

You forgot the fact that Vietnam was also used by the CIA kikes to establish drug and human trafficking operations for off the books funding.

I'm convinced at this point, only women can save themselves, and due to decades of being coddled like children, they won't learn to do so until they get replaced by androids.

How it mostly works in my experience is the wannabe hardass father scares off the good dependable betas until some badboy Chad (or Tyrone) comes along, cuts through the courtship bullshit, and just fucks his daughter, without having to deal with some old man's passive aggressive posturing.




Kikes will be kikes, user. But it was still a war against Communism because they didn't let Patton clean up China when he had them on the run in the first place.
/polk/ had a thread on it I think

Came here to post this. When looking for wife material, the #1 thing to look at is her relationship with her father.

If she was raised by a single mother, has an estranged relationship with her father, or doesn't respect him, then that's a massive red flag. The father is supposed to be the role model for all men in a woman's life. If this relationship is not good, she will have no respect for men, and not for her husband. She will be much more liable to disrespect him, cheat on him, or divorce him.

I'm not denying it was a war on gommunism at all just thought to add that little addendum for those who might be unaware.

Daddy issues are the father of all red flags.

I never thought I'd see the day where I started to think /r9k/ might actually be right.

What kind of world have we come to where 8/pol/ is agreeing with /r9k/

that is fanfiction, those are kpop stars

Using chinks or gooks as a benchmark isn't really a good idea since any asian woman would give a kike a run for their shekels in terms of gold digging.

It's a combination of having a father who is masculine, a hard worker, and into some type of creative/outdoorsy hobby. Combine that with healthy value of culture and a bit of religious morality (not too overbearing though) and you have chances of raising a better daughter. I know a few girls that turned out okay and those are the factors all have in common. The silent strong father, religion, and pride in one's heritage. I don't know what the fuck to do about my kind.

For what purpose do MGTOW attempt to spread their ideology? There is no individual benefit to the mgtowers, there is no overall benefit to society; The only reason I can see to spread it is as a demoralization strategy.

Presuming you redditpillers aren't shills you need to understand that we know the vicious nature of the corruption modern women have fallen prey to its just that we have no choice but to improve the situation for the future generations. Also you need to consider the scale at which this attack has been committed, this isnt a simple act of bringing out the nature of women but rather an ongoing 60 year long attack on their weakest vulnerabilities.

Every movie, tv show, music video, song, book and any other media (all infected by jews) have for the last 60 years been an attack on women. We can see the culmination of this attack on the boomers since they have been since birth placed in front of the talmudvision. I expect it will start to get better from here since their main source of propaganda has been decimated but only if you take action and help improve the situation.

I have come to the realization that ALL women are whores(even your mother user (even mine)), they have a underlying personality and emotional state of that of child. Immediate gratification, this is why they coal burn and let those taco's dip in their sour cream. They have no forsight. They might say they want x,y,z circumstances and ideals to raise a family(be it that x,y & z being traditional values), but they sell themselves and their race short and as loose women, go for the man that they see has "appeal", even though it's just flash that has the appeal of stability and financial security. They burn coal, not because they have a thing for black men, but that they have successfully persuaded these foolish women into thinking that they are "fo' real" and could be a provider(again, traditionalism, but they would never cop to that). They fall for the same song and game over and over. I can't find a woman(i know it's an excuse, but common' the degeneracy is such a turn off i cannot even get myself to even flirt with a women if she's got a tattoo) because they are all but most degenerate in my generation. Every girl i know has banged 10+ dudes and i'm only in my mid 20's(10+ is low balling too). It's such a turn off to try and get with a girl that's banged so many guys….I'm atheist, but am thinking of going to church just to meet some nice christian girls with values set higher than that of out slutting their Instagram rival.
(pics related)

Don't be Donn Nauert.

You like traditional values, so do I.

Some of us have forgotten how it works, and how marriage was supposed to work before cultural arsonists appeared. So here it is.

How it worked:

The father had a duty to find his daughter a husband and so he was given rights to do his duty. These rights were given by tradition and custom to protect his daughter's bridal value.

The father owned the right to chose the daughters marriage.

The father had the right to keep his daughter chaste until marriage.

The father had the right to indoctrinate his daughter in the customs, traditions and faith of his forefathers.

The father had the right to use reasonable force if the daughter did not comply with his father's rightful demands.

A daughter who was not a virgin was less valuable as a wife, she would marry down.

The purpose of marriage was about having and protecting legitimate children, & preserving family wealth. It was not about sexual pleasure or happiness of the couple.

Some tribes demanded a dowry from the groom's family.

Some tribes demanded a dowry from the bride's family.

The dowry was used to set up the household and shop of the newly wed couple so they could immediately have children and the groom could set up his farm, or workshop of his trade.

The property of the father until married. Property of husband during marriage. If father dies, the daughter becomes the property of her brother. If no brother then she is the property of her uncle (who must find her a husband before her fertility declines).

The groom would not ask the daughter to marry him. The groom would ask the father for permission.

Marriage did not have much courtship until the high-middle age, then courtship was common. Courtship was designed to gain the willfulll compliance of the daughter in marriage, and not the unskillful compliance.

Love is an invention of Renaissance playwrights, it is designed to subvert marriage and encourage your daughter to elope and become damaged goods.

Elopement and seduction of a wife worthy maiden meant that the seducer (man) would have to pay a fine to upgrade your dowry. Or the man would be forced to marry the woman. The father was entitled to duel the stupid man, or disown his daughter.

The son could claim she asked for it if the maiden did not dress modestly. Modest dress meant that the culture had less adultery and extramarital sex.

Abide by these customs and white genocide will be less of an end game


Of course. What, you thought he was protecting her from being pumped and dumped? No, he wants to make sure her boyfriend is a (((real man))) just like him. It's to keep away all those loser betas who think they're entitled to his daughter.

Nice dubs. Truly boomers are retarded cucks.

What fathers?

t. millennial gril

No, mothers perhaps, but most fathers are by definition beta.

They simply like to feel like a big man for once, they probably get fucked in every other aspect of life, from bosses, from their wife, so they take it out on potential suitors, usually weeding out the ones who would make good boyfriends/husbands as a consequence.

You've gotta remember that most people simply don't consider their own actions. Fathers can even run down their own sons out of jealousy, or as a punching bag, or because society tells them to.

This only works if the father is not degenerate. Degenerate fathers want their daughters to be fucked by other degenerates and treat their daughters like whores.

In my heart I know this to be true, but my fantasy would be to meet a teenaged girl without a father, become both the father figure and romantic interest in her life, train her to be the perfect wife and mother, then marry her when she's of age.