Hidden Figures

This movie came up in my debates with liberal boomers, so I decided to look into it.

For those who don't know, Hidden Figures is a Hollywood movie about three black female mathematicians who used their genius to chart the navigation for John Glenn's mission into space. It proves definitively that black women can be smart and powerful, and that black people put us on the Moon

These three women are: Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, and Mary Jackson. But as we look into the story, things are revealed to be very different than the Hollywood narrative.

Mary Jackson never worked on this project. The first female engineer hired by NASA, she worked as a low level functionary in a Wind Tunnel laboratory. She then transferred to work in the Office of Equal Opportunity Programs as the Affirmative Action Program Manager.

Dorothy Vaughan also never worked on this project. She worked as a mathematics teacher at a High School in Virginia, before being recruited by the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), which had recently begun scouting out minorities in response to Roosevelt's desegregation order. She worked as an administrator at West Area Computers, a FORTRAN programming outfit.

Katherine Johnson is the shining star of this group, and the only one to actually work on this project. However, there is something very interesting about her. Maybe you can see what it is from her picture

She did not work alone, but as a low level functionary among many others. Her job was not in designing, or planning, it was in computing. Meaning she was literally just plugging data into the computer and hitting enter. These were the first electronic computers of their time, so data entry had to be spot on. Her crowning achievement of this time is apparently when NASA engineers asked her to double check the calculations for the trajectory they had worked out. She did not make these calculations herself, there was no thinking involved on her part whatsoever.

The fact that this story was turned into a major Hollywood movie consumed by the masses is beyond belief. It is a deliberate attempt to pump a socially progressive message based on lies into the heads of people all over the world. People who will never question the narrative

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Old news by now, OP. It's just that we didn't get to turn it into another Ghostbusters.

I know m8, but I did the research so I'm posting it up

second post is always a garbage post.

Thanks for the research OP. I was actually looking for this info a while back.

It's a joke the Jews wouldn't have been brave enough to try even 10 years ago. How long befo're jew tube takes down "old negro space program?

It's more than that. They're actively trying to erase/rewrite history in order to remove white contributions. They've been becoming more and more blatant about it recently.

It's fake history. Even Katherine Johnson didn't do shit

Good find, OP.
The audacity of these kikes.

Katherine Johnson, the darkest black woman you'll ever meet

What people don't seem to realize when watching the film is that these people got their jobs during the time of seggrigation. Furthermore, due to the small number of blacks at the time there were no segregated bathrooms. There is an entire scene devoted to Muh Racist Colored Only Bathrooms!

Here's the film's director. Three guesses.

He was born in Brooklyn, New York.

I hate to link them but when I was still listening to them TRS did a good job giving analysis on it. This was one of the last ones I listened to.

I think there is a 100% chance he had a nose job

how? jews lie way worse than this regularly.

You haven't been here very long, have you, fam? About 80% of what we're taught in school and shown on television is lies.

Only the very stupid believe this propaganda. Everybody knows niggers never did anything productive. Anyone that saw this crap movie and took it to heart is a fucktarded sjw already, and beyond reason.

David Cole actually worked with Zündel before the FEDS illegal grabbed him up in TN and sent him to Germany and into prison. He made a genuinely good revisionist film that was important, and the Jews tried to kill him. That one crazed Jew who used to build bombs whose name escapes me, he got caught in ~2000 building a bomb meant for a muslim congressman in Ca.

No mentions of his father, joseph, a mobster who snitched and fled the mafia. the dad part sounds jewish to me.


But the important thing is the picture of Katherine Johnson.

She literally has blue eyes

Niggers always had blue eyes, goy. Blonde hair and blue eyes came from AFrica.

I was about to say the same. I used to work with a full-on nigger who had bright blue eyes. But I know they are relatively rare in the USA.

Sorry Schlomo, but I was shitposting, blacks do not naturally have blue eyes. If they do then chances are they have European DNA, which most American niggers do.

The point is, she's barely even black. She looks like a white woman. Look at the picture of her in the OP

She's probably no more than 1/16th black

The old nigger I worked with could have looked like that as a boy. Now that I think about it there was another nigger I met at a gym I used to go to who had similar eyes. But I think he was mixed.

My real life experiences point to them existing to some degree. I'm not sure how many there are. They seem pretty rare.

You're right. She's probably only like 1/4 or even 1/8. 1/16 is practically imperceptible.

If you're claiming shes white, I'd like to remind you that "white hispanics" in pplice reports are not white either

I'd say anyone 75% or more of any specific ethnicity ought to be able to claim they are that ethnicity, as a matter of logical reasoning. But that's just like my opinion, man.

Use proper terminology please. Quadroon or Octaroon. At 1/16, you wouldn't be able to tell.

Hispanics should not be considered white, since white denotes European lineage.

They are going to blacking up history too. Casaer will be a black man in 5 years, Plato too. That's how badly the jew wants us gone.

They've completely muddied the waters. "Hispanic" I take as being "from spain" as in Queen Letiza, and she is White. You'll find out 5% in Mexico who are genuinely White. you don't see them since they aren't jumping borders, they run shit there.

Here's an example of "hispanic" rather than mestizo.


reminds me of the NAACP Rachel 'Nkechi Amare Diallo' Dolezal

why don't you tell that to CNN ?

God this is fucking 11 years old now..

Yeah, I was talking about native Mexicans.

they're going all out

Waste of brainpower

color me surprised


And you did a good job. I mean that sincerely. All the talk I saw about this movie and no one mentioned that 2 of the 3 protagonists didn't actually work for NASA, nor did they mention the nature of their work (data entry, the lowest tier of STEM jobs).

I didn't see the movie myself, but the trailer and summaries seem to imply that the BRAVE STRONK NEGRESSES also somehow saved the whole project, even while the racism was so bad that they were kicked out of the job or something.. Until the stronk womyn gathered up all their genius mathematician friends (all black and female) and stormed into NASA insisting they could finish the project, because they cared about math that much.

This is also an important point. We're living in a time when people hate that history doesn't align with their political ideology, so they feel it is their duty to lie about history.

The only silver lining here is that this movie did very poorly and not even niggers were swayed by the race-baiting. That doesn't mean, however, that it hasn't been injected into the collective unconscious that niggers got us to space and genius womyn were the only ones who could do it when dumb white straight cis men couldn't.

white Hispanics tend to be the ones in hotels not the one jumping fences.
the constant in Latin american societies is that the one ruling the country are almost always white

>Why, given her alleged role in the Apollo 13 drama, does Johnson not appear in Jim Lovell’s autobiographical Lost Moon: The Perilous Voyage of Apollo 13(subsequently made into the Tom Hanks movie, Apollo 13).
>Why does Gene Kranz, the Flight Director of NASA famously played by Ed Harris in Apollo 13, fail to mention Katherine Johnson in his autobiography Failure is Not an Option: Mission Control from Mercury to Apollo 13 and Beyond?
>Why, perhaps most significantly, does Johnson not appear in Harlem Princess: The Story of Harry Delaney’s Daughter, the autobiography of Ruth Bates Harris? Harris, who took the job of Deputy Assistant Administrator for Equal opportunity for NASA in 1972, famously said, “I saw no minorities or women as astronauts. Could I help make a difference?” Harris waged a war to get more blacks involved with NASA, which was a paltry 5.6 percent non-white in 1973 versus a government agency average of 20 percent minority. [Societal Impact of Spaceflight, 2007, PDF]
>Why does Johnson not appear in Beyond Uhura: Star Trek and Other Memories, by the black actress Nichelle Nichols, who played the part of Lt. Uhura in the iconic TV series Star Trek? Nichols waged a personal crusade against the overwhelming white nature of NASA, giving a speech in 1977, “New Opportunities for the Humanization of Space,” lamenting how white the space agency was and how this was dehumanizing to nonwhites.

Hyped Figures: John Glenn and the PC Myth of Katherine Johnson


I hope you don't mind if I dump some unrelated pics about the (((media))).


