
Here's something to ponder, Holla Forums. Is the voluntary celibate, MGTOW or waifu life an acceptable lifestyle for half-white or kike mixed people who have swallowed the red pill but could never produce white children anyways? Seems like the most virtuous option to me in the specific context of being mixed.

Other urls found in this thread:


Mixed people should be sterilized in order to prevent them spreading their existential suffering to new children. What they make of it after is up to them I guess.

Pointless thread. Mogwai nu males are cancer.

Did you say waifu thread, Mr. Hitler Trips?

Shana is cute and this thread is shit.

Now either this thread can be reborn as a glorious waifu thread or it can die.

she's just so perfect

Ought to have mentioned that sterilisation would be the first step before adopting such a lifestyle, and that it is a path exclusively for this group. Whites capable of reproducing have no place in it.

In addition, this does not give them an excuse to be degenerate parasites. If anything, it should be all the more reason to do more bold things that those with families to worry about couldn't. Basically, the goal here is for the weapons of the kikes to turn on their masters and become fash.

You do realize that the people who ruin society and make it so that you cannot let your children play outside without constant supervision breed like rabbits. Having a minority of a minority of a minority (intelligent members of fucked genetic makeup) not have children is like having pedophiles not jaywalk. Way to fix the problem.

Obviously deport them the fuck out of the country. I'm talking about people with at least half white genetics. (No nignogs though)

Waifus are better than real women anyways. Real women would just leech off of you, steal your fucking money, lie to you, cheat on you, never love you, would never be a proper wife who takes care of you and your child while you slave away working, and would spread lies about you and get people to threathen and beat you up once you kick her out for having enough of her abuse and thought control. Oh and if you are married, she'll take all of your shit in the divorce thanks to a liberal feminist court.

tl;dr real women are abusive, lying, cheating, feminist whores existing only to steal your money and turn you into a cuck for any piece of nigger dick out there. Gas the fucking niggers.

Thanks for brainwashing women into nigger loving good goyim, you fucking kikes.

Pic somewhat related. Good home maker wives don't exist now.

If you are white with a functioning dick you are morally obliged to have at least 3 children with a real woman regardless of how difficult it would be. Survival is higher priority than comfort and the comfort of a waifu is something that could ease the existential agony of being half-white and supporting white nationalism. It is unacceptable for a true white to adopt this lifestyle and if he does he is a traitor to his race.

Yes, it is a double standard. One that makes absolute sense if you really care about the preservation of your people, culture, nation, and genetic lineage.
Sexual attraction is amoral, and this is something you will have to accept if you wish to continue to consider yourself a National Socialist, Fascist, Traditionalist, whatever the fuck. If you want to abandon your people for staying in your comfort bubble, go join the libertarians.

Are you saying it's okay to be a cuck and go with a white, brainwashed, liberal bitch who doesn't love me and will cheat on me with niggers, as long as we produce pure white children?

Those children will be brainwashed and turn into the next Emily Nauerts, Chelsea Van Valkenbergs, or whatever degenerate antifa SJW shit that is plaguing society. So you two are basically saying to produce more useful idiots for the jews.

Hitler never had kids.

Not all of us are sex negative.

Without massive white propogation, the race will die out. Its extinction is imminent. That being said, I don't mean you should try to stick your dick in the first white thot you see, that's ridiculous, something a nigger would do. It will require a tremendous effort, but there really are white women out there who care about the future of their race. And if not, there's another way: Church.
They will only be brainwashed if you let them be. Homeschool them. If you don't have the time, send them to a private school at least vaguely right of centre. Make the sacrifice and be there for them.

The white race was not in immediate danger of eradication when he was alive. Some day it may return to that state, but it sure as hell isn't right now.

And I don't mean you have to do it right now either. If you're financially and psychologically in the shitter it'd be a bad idea to jump right into it. I just mean at some point in your lifetime.

How is that sex negative? It's sex neutral if anything.

Or we could send all the mutts to africa where it's so far gone that they could only make things better.

The savages would slaughter them

Bullshit. Eugenic principles still apply within our race. A white Down syndrome patient obviously shouldn't be breeding, even though he technically can conceive children. I know that's an extreme case that you wouldn't actually endorse, but it proves that a line has to be drawn somewhere, which is a problem you would like to avoid. Our way out of this problem is not to adopt the indiscriminate breeding strategies of lesser races, it's to fucking expel the lesser races and stop helping them overpopulate their home countries.

Hadn't actually thought of that. The problem I see with that though is where exactly would you draw the line for VolCel eligibility if they're genetically white? Autistic omegas? Betas?

I reject the whole framework. Male celibacy has been an immensely powerful force in the intellectual history of the West, it's a path that should be open to those who truly wish to pursue it. The reason it's becoming troublesome now is that some are choosing it not because they are called but because it's better than dealing with liberated women's bullshit. Undo feminism (all of it, even the "first wave" crap some people here will defend, the West treated women just fine before feminism) and the problem will solve itself.

Or should it be left to personal choice and the alphas/attractive betas would naturally deviate towards reproduction and the unattractive betas/omegas would reject it? Is that Holla Forums's general consensus already and this whole thread was a fucking waste of time?

Between this and my jewcut dick there was never even a chance. Polite sage for pointless thread though.

either you have children or you're a cuck… if I wasn't busy working on other problems, I would be solving the artificial conception/womb route a long time ago

This is valuable insight and has cleared my head of the panic I was feeling about the future of the white race. There's no need to be so draconian about reproduction so long as it's being done I suppose.

If Holla Forums is still around after about a decade I will be revealing my project to them. Hint: It involves a 6,000 acre self-sufficient town built from near-scratch in Eastern Washington with a border wall.

K this thread can die now

This too. Secret doings will be going on in the Wenatchee area in the coming 10 years so if you can stay alive that long there will be a treat waiting for Holla Forumsaks.

Kikes need to be pushed to have sex with blacks and have mulatto/black jew babies. It triggers them because of their extreme racism with th idea of jewish girls to breed with niggers.

what mix are you

I think such categorization identity politics has been more destructive to society than the DSM. Men are fed a pathology which prevents true social cohesion from ever forming because they treat every interaction as a zero sum game. We are here for each other only as it elevates us in this Jewish game social ladder. There are more than enough women for everyone to be happy. More than enough money, too.

I guarantee if you got a room full of Holla Forums, they'd self-destruct as programmed, rather than fix each other's pathology and form any sort of bond.


sage all pedo shit

Chan life is fucking up your brain. You don't have to have kids and you can fuck whoever you like. It's the benefit of not being a White Nationalist who linguistically knows that their numbers are going so fast the world will soon become a Planet of the Apes



The goon fears the anime.



Who keeps changing my shit!? Is it you Lawn Mower Man!?


what's up ImKamphy

Just because it's a toon, doesn't mean it's not a gateway to raping kids or at least being a fucking Jap loser



So you started out as a preteen masturbating to trannies, and gore, and child porn? Or did it accelerate with age, and chans, and boredom with masturbating to 3D whores?

Pops I think you missed your pills one too many times.

You know it's not that big of a leap. You started out a good boy. You discovered porn (brainwashing) and gradually became less and less satisfied. And thus, a projection of your 'anima' consumed you. Until all that was left was the comfort and simplicity of 2D innocents because you feared the consequences of 3D women because they also are victims of the same brainwashing, and its made them delusional and sick.

You're sick. They're sick… So you stay alone.
It's a form of self abuse you're participating in. Become the Overman (become a man).

And this vid too

Yeah, you're a little too far gone by making such blatantly stupid judgements of people. You need some serious help, m8.

These are the best effort posts I've read in a while.

No, nonwhites need to kill themselves or GTFO of white society. There's no room for retarded nonwhite-weebs in any civilized nation.
As for volcel there are situations where it's appropriate. I'm richfag-tier and women only want me for muh shoes, car, and bank account. Until society fixes itself or I lose all my money I can't see myself dating. They are fucking blatant about it too. Other appropriate situations would be genetically inferior whites who can still contribute to the workforce but shouldn't reproduce and whites that are otherwise genetically sound but have a physical impairment like the user who talked about getting his dick kicked in by a horse in the last thread we had like this.

The day will ultimately come where human cloning is a commercial practice and when that day comes people will be able to create genetically ideal versions of themselves that would be able to have children where the original would not. Clone based womb-war NOW.

Hello, TRS goonshill

Aka former sluts, who worship King Heeb on a stick.

Hang in there nigga…

I'll say it, the only way to get a traditional girl is to get to her before cultural marxism does, lower the AoC so white boys will start fucking white girls instead of this 18/21 AoC that cucks law abiding white kids and serves girls up to Tyrone and Jamal who could care less about the law.
Everyone on Holla Forums that doesn't already have a wife/long-term gf is probably fucked and should wait for artificial wombs and commercial cloning.

Go back to 4cuck faggot.

Pretty much this but not even niggers deserve to be pushed on those shaggy hugs.


There was no pun, no play on words, you're just "ironically" using niggerspeak.

Maybe nowadays but when the existence of our people is secured eugenics would be much more preferred.

I suppose you are too autistic and dum to grasp the irony here too, right?

Yes, I don't like when shitposting faggots think that acting like niggers "ironically" is funny. Get the fuck out.
Insinuating that this makes me dumb or that I "don't get it" just shows that you truly are the kind of autist that thinks to himself "hey, these kikes who are pushing nigger culture as the predominant one are into something - I should join them "ironically" LMAO"

Fucking neck yourself, knowing niggers are subhuman doesn't give you an excuse to act like one - that just enables them and allows for retards that actually do use niggerspeak in their day to day verbiage to post here undetected.
any community that gets their laughs pretending to be idiots will eventually be faced with genuine idiots who think they're in good company a.k.a "ironic shitposting is still shitposting"

you could always just gas yourself
and this thread

Holy shit, I'll take the idiots over your petty desperation any day of the week.

Ever since the HWNDU fags got gassed off of halfchan and took refuge here the floodgates have been opened and all sorts of cancer has made its way here. I'd wager that half of the original community here before the election cycle is already gone, and the rest are sticking around because they think this place can be saved. It's probably high-time for a coordinated and strong exodus out of here before anything useful is drowned in the constant stream of shitposting, irony and T_D fags.

Holy shit Holla Forums, how is this thread getting replies?

Like did you guys take a knife to the head or something?

Sage and post waifus.

"Don't judge me!"

"My body my sexuality!


Too obvious, goon.

More irony lost to you. ;^)


You're exactly what's killing this site then.
I think I will check out endchan.

I don't know where to exodus to though. There's endchan and the liveposting site which needs a bunch of scripts and is coded in GOlang and endchan is endchan, so that's off the table.
HWNDU was a definitive turning point, I mean look at all the self-admitted shitskins and ironic shitposters ITT. It's pathetic.
Holla Forums is not Holla Forums anymore.

newfag kill yourself. Also what the fuck did he say about anime? He complained about ironic shitposters and reddit kikes, or did you instinctually associate people posting smugs from shows they clearly haven't watched as reddit-behavior? because it is tbh, these faggots don't even watch anime

Ironic shitposting is the new pretending to be retarded, prove me wrong. you can't

Ha ha ha ha, what a fucking faggot! How can you not see yourself? Nobody likes you. Not even you like you.

It's never too late to turn away from degeneracy, IMKrabby. Virtue brings happiness.


Master of irony.

It's never too late to go back to something awful, goon.

Something awful like what, IMKamph? Your life?

Fishing for a sperg-out.


You should read those effort posts.

There's nothing to fear.

That makes no sense. Not everyone should have kids.

Oh the hypocrisy! You guys were always the first ones to bring Holla Forums related stuff to other boards. You were the original invaders, so now you don't get to complain.

That said, I am 100% sure you cannot tell the difference between long time Holla Forums posters and GG exodus people by now.

Agreed to some extent, though I always thought the point of user culture was to disregard identity and speak the truth as clearly as you can see it. About the only thing that keeps us here is what I consider to be true social cohesion– there is no status to be gained, no favors to curry, no awards or recognition to be had.

I agree that any sort of identity classification scheme is masturbatory at best, dangerously self-fulfilling at worst. It's why shit like the Myers-Briggs test is mocked as horoscopes for autists, in no way can an individual fit into such a broad category without ignoring huge aspects of his personality.

Outside of a few autists, I think most people act differently on the internet compared to real life. It's why the nigger walk meme was so fucking accurate.

Fighting the good fight, nothing but truth in this post.

they shouldn't we ought to kill them all, waste of trips op

Justifying your own cowardice

In all seirousness guys, first of all we are talking about the USA right?

Should only whites exist in this land or what? Actually figure your hypothetical utopia out for once

The kinds of filth dredged up by this election


OP here, I probably should have mentioned this is for US only. Europe should be all-white.

The fucking hirony
Mixed breeds and latinos are way better in finding a partner than whites

I was going to continue to make fun of you guys for this thread still being alive, 'cause it's shit, but then I noticed that this thread is being populated by goons!

If only there was something so anathema to goons that they would just go away forever! I wonder what I should post?

Yes, indeed, the goon hates anime! Let us remind ourselves of why!

Remember, the goon wants to destroy all culture that is not his: he's like a Muslim! Thus, when he is confronted by a culture he has failed to coopt and destroy, he is triggered.

How could the goon coopt anime? It's made by people who legitimately love their craft!

So, remember, when you're faced with goons, what should you do?

You should remind them of all the times they've failed to coopt a culture, and point out that their tactics absolutely fail when faced against people who legitimately love what they're doing!

The goon will never coopt anime.
The goon will never fully coopt video game development.
The goon will never coopt user.

In a world where people can create their own art and culture, you lose, goon.

git rekt

That I can agree with. The other user pretty much said to have children with real women no matter what.

You should be mentally, physically, and financially prepared first and keep high standards, so your kids won't be so mentally fucked up. If you did what the other user said and you were in a bad, loveless, relationship, it would have a massively negative effect on children, resulting in more Emily Nauerts. So you have to make sure you're with a good, upstanding woman that you love, who also loves you back first.

No, they aren't. Eat shit, spic.

Patchouli Knowledge is still my waifu

Megumin.webm stole the song from her

all the latino girls I chatted up with have white boyfriends.
it kinda sucks, best option I have is to marry some hick that only wants me for my green card.

Why do I want to bully that one eyed freak…

Trade skills. Military service.

Sachi is a good girl and not for bullying.

Thanks for anchoring this shit thread, Mods.
