Anti-Asian Thread

With the overt hostility of niggers, spics, and kikes I think we sometimes forget just how insidious Asians are. They currently are buying up and invading the entire West coast of America along with the majority of Africa.

Post any anti-asian, or race realism stuff in this thread.

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In a nutshell? They eat dogs, buy property in white countries for their chink asses to invade and they can't speak a bloody fucking word of English.

I've had my fair share of annoyance with them on the last point. It's so annoying. Ching chang chong, speak some fucking English, damnit. Mainlander Chinese are just like pacos and tyrones when they immigrate, I swear.

inb4 anime


Toshiki Toma, Lutheran Minister in Iceland, Minister for Immigrants in Iceland, helps rethugees and promotes invasion into Iceland


Don't forget that they're just as anti-white as any other groups of nonwhites. Asians want all the benefits of being a minority, while at the same time not actually being discriminated against in any serious way.

Asians are competition and they need to go back. All of them. That's all there is to it.

I'm checking out his blog right now

Japs are honorary Ayyrians and can live on their island. The rest need to be destroyed.

i have a rescue pitbull (my brother got it dont blame me, hes' beautiful) and these fucking pics give me borderline PTSD worse than any human gore. I don't want to see this shit and imagine their suffering.

slant eyed kikes you say?

using the 'asian' pedophile rape gangs in the UK might be a useful attack angle against chinks

Toshiki prepping his bulls

Chinks have traditionally been known as "the Jews of the orient." So many of them, once they start subverting us (it's already happening) we'll have chink and Jew parasites at once.

Over a hundred years since our ancestors then knew the danger of the Asian, let him make his grand place in his own country not ours. For only the countries with the most whites seem to be where all the non-whites find appealing but ruin it.

I ask you all this same thing:
"Is it right for a Chinaman to jeopard a white man's dinner?"

There's whites that pull shit like this too. Guess we better exterminate the white race as well.

Okay so I briefly looked through this guy's blog, and its evident that this guy is one of those typical civnats. He loves Icelandic culture but thinks there is no such thing as race. He doesn't know that he is in fact damaging iceland significantly… Such is the senses of a man from an island country that hardly suffered from invasions.

He does. Koreans (even the "Christian" ones) taken in racial nationalism with their mother's milk just like Jews. Be interesting to contact him about bringing niggers to his native korea and get his answer.

No shit, having your entire link to your historical culture subverted and ultimately wiped out by kike communism over the course of a quarter century will do that to a people.

he looks like jet li with a kike schnotz

they never got the worst of it since the Jews couldn't just change name to "chang ki-kike" and be the commissars themselves in China.

Tell me about it, most white men I have to deal with here is obnoxiously leftist, "muh culture, no such thing as race" people, constantly lecturing us about racism, which is bullshit…

Go ass kiss your beloved chinks then. Sicko Toshiki should be bringing Somalis back to Japan if he loves them so much, not Iceland. The audacity of it is above and beyond white traitors.

In a normal society we can flush our own sewers when they need flushing.

Is the bastard Korean? His face kind of looks like it, but I found it nowhere on his blog.

Yes, the Koreans are extremely racist. Not the realist kind of racist, but the fanatic tribalism of Jews and Negroes.

I'm guessing Korean since those are where they got their converts in the 1950s. That is pretty fucking repulsive. It's one thing to deal with our own traitors. Another to have a 3rd party actively subverting your nation.

At least chinks are easy to spot.

Yeah the Koreans are the worst, they are pretty much like Jews, Negroes, and Mexicans rolled into one. Running the gangs, media, gambling, etc. thankfully while Abe is generally a cuckservative he is pretty strong against Korea; not to mention the possibilty of war in that peninsula which will significantly destroy Korea's power projection

I had to deal with them in school when growing up… They were some hotheaded, cruel, vile-humored people.

I don't have any easily dispensible redpills out right now, but I say you need not worry too much about the yellow peril. Normies fucking hate Yellows anyway what with their ugliness and studiousness. Also, SJW liberals are more anti-asian by the year, so all you have to do is argue against cuckservatives, which is a much easier target to defeat.

Focusing on how much Asians vote for gun control and big government is the easiest way to redpill cuckservatives.

Ha their Emperors were nothing like those you see in the West, they were always the tyrant ready on a whim to cut the balls off large amounts of their own populace or randomly put to death all of their good thinkers. This is why China may have had gunpowder, chemistry and some advance math concepts before others they never progressed beyond ox cart level.

It wasn't until the U.S. under the guidance of Jews gave them everything the white man had made along with Japan for trading deals which of course the Asian didn't hold up but copied the technology. It's no accident gooks build Swedish towns and act exactly like it's Sweden there. All I see is a highly motivated cargo cult copying the inventive spirit of the white man but just like with the niggers they can never be white.

If we don't stop the visas from their kind we will have a "noble" class in the west of them who will be used against us and will lord over us.

With the money you gave them with outsoutcing. Capitalism works.

Brilliant m8.

Outside of the kikes China is by far the largest threat to the west. They are an expansionist power who'll devour the planet if they aren't stopped. They are like locusts.

Only civic nationalist fucks praise them, when it reality their capability makes them potentially MORE dangerous than niggers and spics in the long run.
Literally the only ones I respect are Japs because they keep to themselves and truly grasp white-level civilization.

There's a big difference between a retarded family member fucking shit up, and a total stranger doing the same thing. Chinks are a cancer.

Good threat, Satan. We must not ignore the yellow peril.

Fuck weeaboos. All non-whites on Earth are collectively guilty of attempted genocide of the white race and must be put to death for their crimes. Besides, we simply cannot allow creatures with a genome-destroying lethal injection in their balls to exist, period.

we are crawling with spics and asians tbh fam

dubs confirm, systematically starve the chinks 100+ IQ war now

Satan, I think the thing a lot of people, normalfags in particular, fail to understand is that the China we hear about in the news does not exist. This idea of a modernized country with a population 5 times our size, and every citizen is smarter than the top students of every western country, and they are as technologically advanced as Japan, with the Military might of America, etc etc etc..

China is a country with more people living in caves than we have living in every major US city combined.
China is a country so superstitious and simple-minded that their government has had to try and control it's population by regulating reincarnation
Major cities in China are so polluted that 4000+ people PER DAY die from smog related illness. When pressed to find a solution for this massive crisis, the Chinese government made it illegal to talk about the pollution problem.
The average Chinese citizen is a street-shitter, just like their Poo-in-Loo challenged southern neighbor, India.
The only difference between China and India is that China puts some of it's explosive population to work as dedicated shit cleaners.
China's infrastructure is such a fucking joke. They have frequent bridge collapses, entire buildings just falling over, massive sinkholes appearing every couple of weeks.
On numerous occasions, some massive Chinese building project has collapsed only to reveal that it was built out of literal garbage and styrofoam covered in a thin layer of concrete.
The Chinese military, fear of the world, is actually fucking nothing. They don't even train them in combat tactics or firearms. It's almost exclusively used for Communist indoctrination education (they literally just force their soldiers to read communist literature and memorize it) and marching and singing drills.
There's so many damned college students who can't find any education that the Chinese government has been forcibly enlisting them into the military to learn how to march and sing just so they don't have to deal with the impending social collapse from a class of minorly educated young people revolting against a government so corrupt that it will arrest you for mentioning its corruption.
China's employment issues are so bad that secretary and receptionist job openings will get thousands of applications from people with doctorates and master's degrees.

The country is the absolute embodiment of the term "Paper Tiger"

Oh, and I forgot to mention that China currently has Hollywood by it's jewballs. Because China is such a huge market for movies, every billion dollar blockbuster needs to play there to be profitable… But China's Government has strict cultural guidelines and will refuse to let any movies from foreign countries play in their country if it violates their arbitrary rules.

In short, this is why China is never the bad guy in any major hollywood movies. Furthermore, this is why more major Hollywood Movies have started including asian actors you've never heard of. This has caused hollywood to pre-emptively recast and alter characters in their movies. Marvel Movies and Michael Bay movies are especially guilty of this.

our universities are fucking full of these ping pongs.
why do they not have labs galore?

there are people i know who are contracted by chinese companies who are swimming in money, so i do know "paper tiger" isn't exactly true.
they have fucktons of people who live in dirt conditions, but it isn't without power.

the nips or thai i don't mind at all aside from reproductive existential threat.

They've got the law of averages on their side. By having 1.4 billion people, there's a higher chance for them to get out and go to universities and colleges elsewhere.

By having hundreds of millions of retard IQ citizens that will work for pennies, these companies can make a fortune in the international market. This allows them to wield some power, but as a culture, they are on the verge of collapse in a way that will be more apocalyptic than the west's problems with antifa liberals and muslims.

don't be so sure about this.

Remember..COD: MW 1 (or 2?) where, out of nowhere in Afghanistan, he meets a random chink just tell him how great he is. That's when I began to realize the chink market (movies certainly, video I think is just pirated but they wanted it there for a reason) is what they're aiming for.
Also, for star wars in China (and nippon) they took the nigger off the front poster.

So why don't we go to war with China and colonize them?

The Chinese aren't here to study. They're here for espionage.

There's nothing to colonize. Anything that isn't mountains is filled with a labyrinthine tangle of poorly maintained streets which are covered in shit and smog and human trash,

Reminder: The Chinese government funds a number of stateside "student groups" who do things like stage protests and feign outrage on behalf of asian students to keep the Dalai Lama from speaking at colleges.

When Xi Jinping showed up in Florida to talk with Trump, there were hundreds of "supporters" who were wearing identical red shirts and hats.. which had been handed out to them when they all conveniently arrived on the same buses.

It's like an entire country ruled by Soros-style politics.

we wouldn't even colonize africa even though it would be easy and they need it bad. planting a flag and giving them a load of feminist culture would be good for everyone.
colonizing china would just be to inherit a gigantic mess. why do you think their gov is so desperately authoritarian?

i'd rather declare war on japan, not a single bullet fired, and have to do absolutely fucking nothing.


Westernized Japs are fucking garbage and are usually Leftists. Based Japs only live in Japan and are better off staying in Japan.

we're going the way of the eldar.
and i'm not sure it'll happen without retribution.

also i stopped eating Chinese food because of Holla Forums damnit

i still like takeout indian though