It is now illegal to say there are too many Muslims in France
illegal to say there are too many Muslims in France
The only way to fight this is to get 1million people in France to say exactly that on Facebook all on the same day.
He didn't mean too many Muslims. He meant too many brown people, most of which and the most troublesome being muslims. Since they know the substance of his argument is unassailable, they will latch on to this wrongthink and virtue signal for the masses to mimic.
We could also lower the number of Muslims in France.
That's a fucking sneaky little lie. Let's break down all of the implications in that statement.
>implying that by stepping down from leadership fucking temporarily reeeee she's leaving the party entirely
Whats there to even really say at this point.
Completely untrue. He did specifically say too many Muslims, and within the context of his statement he did say that he meant they couldn't integrate properly with those numbers, that it was a disservice to them.
MĂ©nard isn't a natural right-winger, he's a hardcore free speech advocate. In this day and age, especially in France, this means you end up on the extreme right.
Shouldn't have gone against the jew when it wanted to invade Iraq.
Just a matter of time until someone can't hold it in any longer and snaps on these Jews.
That already tells you that he is not a right-winger. That integration obsession is just another egalitarian delusion.
The problem is christcucked minds. Leaving the cucked defenseless against jewing and the cult itself is suicide, self loathing egalitarian for any not you and yours at the detriment of you and yours. Dump for natural healthy ethnic identity and traditions and then you don't get a large segment of your extended family agreeing with doing things harmful to them as being a good thing.
how would he even know? racial statistics are outlawed in france.
money well spent.
Are you retarded?
There are too many Muslim children in Beziers' schools
Op it's nice that you post this, but can you stop fucking up the green text?
Christ, what a stupid move on her part. What a great way to alienate all of her supporters.
Half measures and appeasements don't fucking work.
didn't realize things were so bad over here
France has been radically secularist since the revolution. The French rejected Christianity earlier and more severely than any other Western European nation. Blaming their current state on Christianity just isn't fair.
Frogs pride themselves of their secularity and hostility to catholicism. This was the trojan horse used by the kikes to import an hostile religion: no one can actually admit they've been taken in a religious war.
France doesn't use a common law system, so this kind of protest would be ineffective. It would only give (((the authorities))) license to arrest all their key targets.
In their system
>But these other people said it and you haven't arrested them
is not an argument. They use Napoleonic Law, not Common Law, and therefore have no respect for precedent.
Le Pen winning without a explicit mandate to be racist is worse than useless. She will have to govern basically like a centrist while denying any alternative to voters.
All these "right wing" movements led by high testosterone women are worthless anyway. Germany's problem is a white TFR of 1.2. Electing whore Petry isn't going to fix that.
Requiescat in pace. Use France as a cautionary tale.
whats wrong with the green text? it's an easy way to separate the article from my own comment with it
They may have not thought this one quite through.
Christianity has very little to do with todays state of affairs in the west, and pretty much everything to do with Judengolem allied forces (which the Frenchmen were, as well) smashing the immune system of the west.
Eastern Europe is better because it's orthodox!
No, Eastern Europe is better because it was either their own faction (comintern), out for the count immediately (poland), or not seen as quintessentially western and therefore was more or less "forgotten" by the main war forces beyond obligatory war measures.
No, WW2 was a western brother war, the infected golems vs the immune system.
The golems won.
They established Israel.
They sheltered jews.
They established the holohoax narrative.
They castrated germany with treaties and occupation.
That said, Christcuck exploitation was one of the biggest hooks to lure them in against their pagan brethren.
Just like when Cucktianity first arrived.
To clarify, if you're an atheist or secularist today isn't the reason why the west sucks.
It's WW2.
And, in fact, the churches are still traitors, feeding countless shitskins, advocating against nationalism, et cetera.
And to elaborate on this even further.
Symptom of the immune system smashage.
But, in great juden tradition, they offer their own ((( solution ))), as always.
((( Christianity ))) even though it was instrumental in the downfall of our defenses in the first place.
Don't fall for Abrahamic infections.
nah, they will just blame it on white people. Also, the Jews at the top don't care if a few of their people get killed as white people are exterminated, the term is called "acceptable losses"
Is it illegal to say there are to many shitskins or "Asians" in general?
France needs revolution
I think this is what people don't understand. Running a party is a full time job. Being a prime minister is also a full time job. You can't run both. She didn't leave her party. She is stepping down so she can put full attention on the election and prospect of being PM, while someone else leads the party.
Literally a meme from Something Awful. You should go back there.
Anyone with more than two brain cells knows Christianity turned Western society into what it is today, that back in the day Christians traveled half the world to fight with their lives on the line for their brothers, that Christianity was subverted by kikes (like Academia has been in our times), that Christians struggled against the jew and that rampant degeneracy and declining birth rates set in when Christianity faded. Goons and LARPagans can go hang themselves.
Don't fall for atheism+ infections, it's SJW's rebranded.
jaque. Your time is over since more than 400 years.
picture related is favorite sport of migrants in france.
Neither is it an argument under common law.
>But these other people said it and they were arrested and they were tried and found not-guilty
would be an argument under Common Law (but not the Civil Code).
Great job faggots, way to quash free speech
oh fuck
it's not even the usable-aside-from-9809772-muslim
I had forgotten a majority of their "muslims" weren't the middle eastern kind.
Evangelicals and Episcopalians would say otherwise.
Christfag fuckery has, at least,
everything to do with America's problems
Then you have those Dominionists who are like "DEFEND ISRAEL UNTIL JESUS ARRIVES THEN WE CAN FINALLY END THE JEW"
Can't we do this in the reverse order?
doubly especially those two fucking cults with regards to anything involving immigration. I don't think it's even fair to other protestants to call them sects they ARE CULTS
Why do so many of them always have that stink-eye look on their faces? That motherfucker dead center in pic 1 looks like he's making a mental inventory of who to rape, who to rob, and who to kill.
They're an open fifth column that works against their host nations without shame.
Without getting into the whole D&C argument, and whatever each of us might feel toward the Church, it's basically an anti-nationalist organization. They're globalist at their core. Their entire doctrine is based on inclusion. That could've been tolerated if they treated only Whites as the in-group, but to them, the entire planet is the fucking tribe.
And that's unacceptable, any way you slice it.
You mean a stagnant cesspit of rot and decay? Wonderful. Europe was successful despite Christianity, not because of it.
To liberate a semitic shithole we never should have concerned ourselves with anyway. Not to mention slaughtering and plundering White communities along the way to pay for the war effort. The only good thing the Church ever did was organizing defensive campaigns against arabic scum, but that was more to cover their own asses. They sure as hell didn't mind labeling and branding non-cucked Whites as apostates/heretics, and issuing open season on them.
No, it wasn't subverted - it just returned to its core, semitic doctrines. Whatever little of the European pagan spirit that infested earlier Christendom was left, is now being pushed out. Christianity is basically proto-Bolshevism. Which itself is servile Talmudism for the goys. Christians (and I don't hate them, misguided as they are) worship a SEMITE as their deity, and pay service to SEMITIC heroes and warriors. It's an alien cult in all possible aspects. How can we every be free if we're joined at the spiritual hip to the fucking jews?
Oh, you mean all that dysgenic effort the Church put into ensuring the best and brightest of Europeans didn't pass on their genes, and died childless? Yes, remaining celibate to praise semitic gods must be the epitome of foresight.
Right after you christcucks nail yourself next to your faggy carpenter.
Greco-Roman pantheons are our gods, in a spiritual, shamanistic sense. Your abrahamic dogma can go rot in the desert, where it belongs.
If you kill them, you won't have to say it :^)
It's pretty fuckin' weird that it gets inverted when you throw gommunism onto it, provided they authentically believe in both
Met so many hardcore nationalist pro-berner hispanic catholics last year who went Trump after Bernie's first bernout in March/April. Seems like the really dark native ones are in that stage Scandinavia was at 800 years ago where they just took Catholicism and just threw it over their own heathen beliefs like a prayer shawl, changing names and places but the core remains the same.
The CIA fucking around there the past 60 years has done some weird shit to their politics, they're all kinds of screwed up. (People like Chavez weren't authentic, they were more like Saddam and his occasional claims of being "muslim")
There's a yuge amount of cardinals and bishops that cheated on the side, problem is they couldn't acknowledge their offspring and had to remain out of their lives for good. So you had a bit of proto-welfare going on where they keep sending the single mums money but have no interaction.
As to the point at the bottom, probably the blackest pill I've had to take is some niggas (like a whole fucking lot, at least 20%) can't function at all without a strict regimented routine handed to them daily by a higher authority. (and if they turn atheist they become SJs because that's the next closest thing to an organised religion on that side. That "Beata Anita" meme was a yuge mistake, they adopted it 'ironically' and then 4 months later she's at the fucking UN UNironically being worshiped. Oops? And then it got passed onto Clinton…)
btw: lol https://
Polytheism doesn't handle that so well unless your local chief/lord/king/governor/emperor pushes his own, they just become listless bums.
But Abies? Oh, how nice, every single thing they need to do in life set out right before them. And whenever they can't figure something out "God moves in mysterious ways" and they ignore whatever they were trying to do. It's a "religion of convenience"
because that's exactly whats happening