'''Long Search for Holla Forums outpost finally discovered'''

Forget /Namibia/, Near century old treaty allows citizens of many nations ability to become residents of arctic archipelago of Svalbard

A secret paradise for gun rights and residency

High up above Scandinavia about 75 degrees north latitude is an obscure archipelago that few people in the world know about, and even fewer have been to.

It’s called Svalbard, population ~3,000. And while the islands are technically part of Norway, they come with some incredibly unique benefits that I’ll explain in a moment.

For centuries, Svalbard was completely lawless, devoid of any government authority. It attracted whalers, hunters, merchants, and fishermen from all over the world– the UK, Russia, France, Netherlands, North America, and Scandinavia.

Amazingly enough, they were all able to co-exist for hundreds of years without a sovereign authority or central government telling them what to do or how they could live.

Of course, it all got screwed up eventually. In time as word got out about Svalbard, a number of countries tried to claim the islands. Peace turned to conflict very quickly.

Various nations began sending their navies to fight other navies. It was absurd. When they discovered substantial coal deposits, even more conflict ensued.

Svalbard’s fate was ultimately decided because of World War I. The utter devastation that was wracked across Europe led many war-weary politicians to consider a compromise.

Obviously the option of simply pulling out of Svalbard and letting the islands go back to being governmentless was off the table. So in 1920, a group of 14 nations got together and signed the Spitsbergen Treaty, effectively awarding Svalbard to Norway.

Over time, over forty nations (including the US, Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, India, and most of Europe) became party to the treaty, recognizing Norway’s authority over the territory.

It all seems rather mundane… except for a few key provisions in the treaty:

1) Travel and Residency. Citizens from countries who are signatories to the treaty can travel to Svalbard and reside there. No visa or residence permit is required. You just show up. This makes Svalbard a unique, albeit unlikely escape hatch.

Other urls found in this thread:


In practice, it will be difficult to get to Svalbard if you don’t have at least have a visa (or visa-free travel) to Norway. Unless you travel by boat, it’s a three hour flight north from Oslo.

Furthermore, according to the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration, if you eventually apply for permanent residency on the Norwegian mainland and are accepted, your time on Svalbard will count towards citizenship.

Citizenship in Norway is granted after seven years of permanent residency; you can be out of the country for up to two months of each calendar year during that seven year period.

2) Tax. There is no VAT in Svalbard, compared to 25% in Norway. This makes things noticeably cheaper. It also means that there are no social services, public welfare, etc. People are expected to take care of themselves. Crazy idea, I know.

3) Gun rights. If you already have a permit to carry firearms in your home country, you can use your existing documentation to ‘rent’ a rifle for up to six months from the moment you arrive on the island.

In the meantime, you can apply for a license to purchase firearms through a very straightforward, abbreviated process. Qualification standards include, and I’m not kidding, (a) being sober, and (b) being over the age of 18.

That looks like shit.

looks wonderful tbh. i actually like colder weather too.

Good find OP. Please describe the situation there a bit more.

So… anyone from any country can move there?

You like plain desolate nothingness? You don't have to go anywhere for that, remove everything from your room, there you go, dull, plain, empty, nothingness.

Cold weather best weather. Snow, rain, winter, and the sea are all the domains of the white man.

Abundant fishing, laws centering around personal responsibility, a cold environment, surrounded by water, easily defensible. Shitskins hate the cold and hate swimming even more.

This looks like a white man's paradise. Are there any polar forests on the archipelago? Could we arrange sustainable logging to have an infinite supply of lumber? Or would we need to rely on a connection to the outside world for building materials?

nope.jpg I'll stick to the Hokkaido white ethnostate initiative or Making Newschwabia Great Again.

any country on the treaty. that is a problem in the case of mass brown people deciding whitey can't have his space again like they are now. no, I say we have no choice but to defend the lands we have.

also svalbard looks like fucking antarctica and there is literally goddamn nothing there. google image search that shit. there is nothing there. it's an arctic desert.

uhuh because not living in an overcrowded and filthy concrete jungle is that.

why would you not move to california?? or germany?? or france?? or sweden??

you move to svalbaard there's no niggers. congrats you took yourself out of the racewar. dumbass fucking deserter cowards. instead dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed and move to a target rich environment and prepare for racewar.

sage because deserters should be shot on sight.

Search Results
Svalbard has an Arctic climate tempered by the warm North Atlantic Current, with average summer temperatures ranging from 4 to 6 °C (39.2 to 42.8 °F) and average winter temperatures ranging from −12 to −16 °C (10.4 and 3.2 °F).

this place is beautiful.

I like how you can tell who is and is not white here based on who thinks Svalbard is beautiful or ugly.

Nonwhites will never understand. The happas, spics, and sandniggers the MGTOW fags brought in that lurk around here sniffing for ideological scraps should hang themselves.

You will never be white. Just deal with it.

No thanks, I dont want to live near the north pole with a half year darkness, a 4 week "summer" and no trees.

ah well… the illusion was great while it lasted, and since im mutt I wouldn't have fitted there anyways. This place looks fucking beautiful niggers, would really make me proud if Svalbard was a Holla Forums colony one day

oh look you found the one picture of svalbard with anything green in it. good job.

white as they come here, love the cold, but if there's no trees, arable land, animals i can hunt, and there is no season other than winter and not as cold winter, you're retarded to think that land is sustainable. OP is a retard, as is anyone that fought over that land ever.

I wonder where americans fit into this whole gun ownership thing, since you don't need a permit here and therefore can't present one as proof.

My biggest issue with Svalbard is the enormous russian population there. Unless those shitskins can be dealt with in some way, it's just not much of an improvement over my current situation, nevermind finding work there.

Look at all these (1)'s!
It looks pretty nice, but I have to wonder what kind of work you can find there. I suspect there'd be a lot of coal mining work and general labouring. What could an user contribute though?

Same. I have no interest in living among Russians, nor fighting them in some kike war.

Still, this is an interesting topic to explore.

kys tbh fam

they have fishing and coal there and there is such a thing as greenhouses. btw the global seed vault is there so if shtf we have an upperhand on survival.

Svalbard demographics are pristine, the Russians are only there to work in the Russian owned coal mine and live in Barentsburg

The coal mining is monopolised by a single russian corporation, as far as I know. If any digging is to be done there it would require a russian passport. All the little jobs are doubtlessly taken by the people who've been living there for generations, unless you had a way to earn shekels passively back where you came from, I don't see a way to really break into the job market up there short of marrying into it.

Here's my (2)

These are the countries that singed the treaty.

I'm gonna let that speak for itself.

So Turkey could invade.


I don't know, if I'm going to be forced into battle royal with russians on an island, I think I'd prefer to help the nips reclaim Sakhalin and found the first white colony there. At least then I could, you know, grow food.

Here's mine.

I figured. I wouldn't imagine having many transferable skills for mining anyway. I love these climates though. It's fun observing all the isolated islands around Antarctica too. Those places are so pristine and desolate.

Could the boers then escape there even if ZOG tries to keep them there to be genocided?

That's not bad actually, almost all of ME and Africa didn't sign it and white South Africans could escape to Svalbard if they start getting genocided. And in 7 years they could apply for Norwegian citizenship which is a big deal.

They have been for years.

Looks like a place for a BEET farm.
I hope you fuckers love green salads and borscht.

the global seed vault was always a stupid idea, greenhouses aren't gonna work well for a population of any size in those weather conditions if at all, and hooray we can all mine coal in our spare time as a hobby.

all of the food they have except fish and reindeer meat is shipped in. not sustainable, and the view is shit all around except for like one month in summer. also, fuck having a day that lasts like 4 months.

this invasion shit was at least interesting before this is just like leftypol being typical retarded faggots not being able to meme or shitpost properly.

Who BEET here?

nice armchair analysis.

meanwhile the reality:

it's just a matter of increasing the scale for the population size.

The Good Life In Svalbard

Don't listen to shills

Are Norwegian NEETbux applicable there?
Because if so they're about to be bankrupt under a sea of autists.

No tax which means no social services.

Guess that explains the shortage of rapefugees.

You'll be eating fish all day every day

I appreciate what you and other picture posters are doing, but you are all misleading people with your handpicked photos. To those that are seriously considering this place, stick to the one large city in the island chain, since the rest of Svalberg is a frozen hellscape

someone should go there with an HF radio and make a Holla Forums pirate radio station, that'd be pretty neat i guess. What else can we do there.

Its not like any of you fuckers are gonna go there anyway now that i think of it.
Every two months you autists get on about how we should all move to X or Y and not a SINGLE user does. whatever.

those houses look abandoned tbh.

Maybe we a have a sparse network of lone Holla Forumsacks who bought into the memes.

pic 1 is abandoned yes, but I honestly don't know about pic 2. the point of choosing those photos was to show that life here isn't a pleasant dream of a white utopia. shit's hard and towns can come and go with the seasons

I don't mind a frozen hellscape, but the hell can do you for work there? I'd gladly watch a lighthouse, or a rock or whatever they use up there. It's not like I can substance farm on that shit, got to get paid somehow or you can't eat.

I actually wonder why there isn't a Holla Forums radio stream. Whether it's talk or just 24/7 fashwave, I could live with it either way.

you can see cracks in the windows in pic 2 too.

Weak urbanite shitskin detected.

Fish and mine coal, I guess.

That's Russian Architecture for you dumbo. I guarantee those are old buildings from Soviet era mining camp lodgings.

i'm actually gonna try to contact some of the companies there for employment in my field tbh. depending on pay i might still need to work off my student loans here b4 i can go.

Create a VPN company up there. They literally have two police officers there.

maybe become an english teacher in the one main town or some shit, don't know

cracks don't necessarily mean abandoned. you've obviously never spent time living in the rust belt

user, there are a lot of abandoned settlements in Svalberg

that's not near the arctic. like i dont even with this comment.

Not russian, so mining is out. As for fishing I wonder what the market is like. Usually places get fished out really quickly, and with the kikey laws about where and who can fish in the EU, there's some interesting questions in play.

Also, life or death battles with the only nordics with some fight left in them over viable fishing waters is something I'm probably not ready for.

there are countless possibilities. Its just the sad thing is, is that we all honestly know that nobody is gonna do any of it, let alone move there.

exactly. if people in the rust belt have to live in rundown homes, people living in the fucking arctic with limited supplies and money likely would too

thats retarded, they couldnt survive.

I was going to move out to the northwest front, but this seems pretty sweet. My only concern thus far is the fact that there isnt actual land to purchase seemingly anywhere. If that were to change, I'd start a VPN and web hosting company there in a couple of years.

user, humans survive the ice age with spears and fire. I think people will be fine if their windows are busted

All the land would have been scooped up centuries ago. Imagine you couldn't find the bandwidth to make a competitive service up there anyway, but who can say? The homestead threads have the right idea, we ought to be congregating in the Appalachians.

This place would be perfect if it could sustain trees and other plant life. I know an user was saying greenhouses could be used, but it would be hard to get comfy in a place with no pine trees to cover you.

those were neanderthals, while we (whites) have some of their dna, our physiology is quite different. they are way bulkier than we are.

They have one of the best internet infrqstructures in the world, actually. All fiber.

Who paid for that?

more winter wonderland pics. this place is gorgeous. idk what the hell is wrong with some of you tbh.


Yeah this place looks fucking ideal.
If we move there en-masse who wants to join a secessionist movement and free ourselves of the eternal Democratic Socialist?

sure, Homo sapien dispersed at the start of the Holocene, but even Medieval man went through the little ice age in the Late Holocene



The townspeople dug the trenches and laid the cable by hand.

i'm in.


I don't know, but it was probably Telenor + some funding. Afaik their prices are the same as mainland Norway, with 1gbit for 175 USD, 300 mbit is half that price. We have this many places in Norway now too.

Btw; the worst thing about living as far north as Svalbard is the eternal winter. Look how far north it is…

That's the old cable afaik; not the high capacity they have now…


Liberate Svalbard fucking nao, goddamn commies ruin everything.

Would be volkish as fuck.

But I guess that answers that.

That's some serious costs, especially when you consider how hard it would be to make cash up there. I can handle the winter, but the dead job market really kills it. I'd prefer somewhere I could have a small farm, but I'd take a desolate rock in the frigid north if it meant a sovereign white ethnostate.

user, this would be a perfect place to live if you deal with investments, or can work/contract from home. Imagine being a software developer out there.


i'd be open to this as a plan B if we fail in unfucking America's present demographic trend. What kind of work would be available though. I was looking to get into either electrical engineering or architecture as that option is available for me, but I have a feeling that they aren't really going to be in need of any engineers, and that there isn't really going to be a boom in construction demand any time soon. What type of work should I try to get into to make a living in Svalbald? Or in non-urban/rural areas in America for that matter?

Can NEETs move there? And do they have sweet potatoes?

When is that from? I know they had some shitty 155 link in 2003, but the one now is high capacity, and Norway generally has good internet. I don't know exactly which cities have FTTH, but it's many. I can get 1gbit.

Just saying; they have a new cable now… not the same as the old one if you're reading old articles.

Svalbard is an internet testing hotbed. It has higher internet speeds than most mainland places. Opening up a datacenter there would be ideal. Something that can provide infrastructure to the movement that is also remote.

Unless we know exactly what is allowed there and what isn't, it is just speculation.

Wonder if the power grid could handle something like that. If it's stable and robust enough to ensure low downtime that's an investment begging to be made.

You can ==rent== a "rifle". No idea what is explicitly meant by either of those words. But seems pretty solid on the fact you can't own a gun of any kind.

Iceland seems like a better option than this tbh

I might need to look more into this. I've heard of CAD drafters working completely at home.
but i cant compete against slavelaboring pajeets user

Only problem with that idea is the capital that would be required to jump-start that kind of business.


Yes, not really sure what they do up there. Seems like most of the work is focused on keeping the society "alive", like being a nurse, doctor, teacher etc.

It would be an ideal place to run a huge server farm of sorts I guess, depending on the cost of electricity… no problem to keep things cool (or use the heat for something).

Is it possible to farm chickens there? Instead of BEETs the NEETs can produce chicken tendies.

Take nootropics and you'll be able to.

You know, with all this electronic/networking infrastructure, I might have to look into jobs in these areas.

heat up some swimming pools and open up a hot-tub business next door for the locals :^)

Sounds like they've got a great thing going for themselves. But that's the thing. It works for them and they probably plan to keep it that way. The loophole about free travel is nice, but you'd need someone to sell you land to make use of it.

There might be money to be made here, but our home lies elsewhere, I think.

Sweet potatoes can be grown anywhere, right?

They have a 5 Tbps cable to mainland Norway, but I think the prices are the same as mainland…

Most of mainland Norway also has 1gb FTTH now. Not the rural places obviously….

Yeah but Svalbard has two cops. No one is gonna be able to fuck with you if you have a datacenter there. You could rake in money from Darknet Markets looking for untouchable hosting. Plus they pay you in bitshekels so it's off the books financially anyways.

Does anyone know what sort of skilss you need to have for the community to accept you?

How would one go form a NEET in America to a resident in Svalbard?

And as for commercial use, I guess you can get as much bandwidth as needed, if you pay for it. Their internet is good… I'm not sure about the power grid.

Start a nuclear reactor there :^)

There could be a bottleneck in the line connecting them to the mainland, I'm not sure how these things work, but I doubt anyone on the island is using the kind of bandwidth we're talking about here so that could be an oversight.

Do we have any Holla Forumsacks who are rich enough to start an English speaking community up there where we all work on some sort of internet company? Imagine running the ultimate White Nationalist website from a white paradise like that.

Well fuck no one has even checked the real-estate market there.

How much would it cost to buy enough land to build something that could house like 200 National Socialists?


At worst, you can only rent some shitty fudd rifle there. At best, it is norwegian gun laws. And it is a goddamn frontier.

Time to scrap any plan to move there. Just another cucked nordic frozen wasteland.

FYI; fishing etc. is not really an option for you non-Norwegians. It's still part of Norway, even if people are allowed to live there…

Pic related; you could fish a lot of snow crabs there if you had a boat and no laws…

I'm in the process of becoming a hosting provider stateside after learning how much (((Jim))) makes

I could handle maybe one building if permits are easy to get and after all was said and done I estimate it would create around thirty jobs. 10 people maintaining hardware, 10 managing and developing software, 5 managing finances, and 5 extras that can do other things like HR/PR.

You're buying exclusivity, which means going toe to toe with the Rothschilds in a bidding war. I suspect we're talking nine figures.

This deserves answering. Anyone? In exchange for labor or fishing maybe or beating all the hard levels on their video games for them

Oh man, if you end up doing this you are going to get so many applications from NEETS like myself. What about a janitorial position to keep everything clean and comfy?

That kind of stuff would be included with the 'extra' lads.

I just lost my job at an electric company to some H1B I had to train and I've got nothing to lose. Was looking for something like this because I'm just tired of being shit on. I'm pretty capable and would be willing to help anyone here out.

Just googled for interest; their power grid is shit and prices are really high. If you had your own power-source (windmills or something) you could make a bitcoin-farm and sell the heat or something, but you need a lot of money + permits ++. Power seems to be a big problem there…

Now that I think about it, it's probably the Norwegian state ownership of all the land that has halted any kind of population/urban expansion beyond the company-towns

I'm looking for some place that has property listings, but nothing is coming up

Can I own a machine gun here?

Because the last time someone started something autists sperged out at them, and they got doxed.

wew lad. let's say 20% of Holla Forums UIPs are shills and people who can't use the treaty exploit. That still brings us to 2024 people. Let's assume that 30% of these people want to join.
In short, we should expect to need room for about 600 people

forgot to add, that only considers UIPs in the last 72 hours, so 600 might be a lower limit

Sounds about what you would expect with anything involving Holla Forums.

We're white. Overcoming adversity like that is what we're born to do.

A lot of Holla Forums wouldn't want to move, though, or be interested in the lifestyle. I think this would mainly be for the people who truly want to radically alter their lives.



Just saying; things like this isn't exactly easy if you're dealing with the Norwegian government…

t. Norwegian

Fuck this shit then. I'm going to Alaska instead.

I already factored that in, albeit in an unreliable estimate. Either way, I think 200 is too low

The community would probably slowly grow, start out with the one user's server facility, then slowly expand form there. Eventually we'd probably have our own greenhouse and fishing service.

Too many non-whites and mosquitoes in Alaska

If you're not allowed to own a machine gun, you're a slave.

Move further north.

I wish greenland would fucking succeed. The EU is such a pain in the ass, if only one of these barren iceballs was operating outside of it we'd have a chance to get things moving.

I also wish I could spell secede on the first go.

good luck competing with the locals in fishing. I guess I'll continue to wait for space Hitler so that I can colonize the stars

has a point
If we were to have some kind of massive settling event with 200 Holla Forums posters or so, I honestly think we'd be better off somewhere in Patagonia. Although at this point we're back where we were in the homestead thread which is still being continued on / p o l k / by the way since (((someone))) bumplocks those kinds of threads


Kikes already have a stranglehold on Alaskan economy though, the only thing it has going for it is funz, otherwise you have to deal with the same shit as you would in mainland USA. I personally just want a radically different life and a fresh start.

How much is Svalbard under Norwegian law though? The way the article makes it sound is that it's mostly self-sufficient.

I'm thinking far down the line, and the fishing operation would mainly be to ensure we would be self-sufficient.

You're still answerable to the EU, and any laws that it might have about certain (((chosen))) "peoples". Also norwegian user says you've still got to deal with norway and they're a pain in the ass. Additionally, russia, russians, and landgrabs.

What's the age of consent/marriage?

Pedo please leave.


Ah that ol' d&c classic.

Fuck off, kike.

So basically when they catch word their shekel slaves are white flighting to be self-sufficient, they will begin sending shitskins over there. Just great.

waste of time


It's basically "Norway" tbh. The difference is the Svalbard-treaty + no VAT and some other things…

Would imagine shipping is pretty painful though, so even lacking VAT prices would still be harsh.

Pretty much. Like I said, might make for a good investment if you had the cash to throw around, but this isn't what we're looking for when it comes to a home for our people.

Bitcoin is fairly hard to get wealth from these days unless you're a chink who is in on pump and dump schemes
Ethereum is the future and it's about to explode, although doing this is full on gambling and I don't recommend it unless you have an extremely high analytical capacity or are bill-gates tier loaded.

Wanting a low AoC doesn't make you a pedo - low AoC is best for traditional society where fathers actually give a fuck who their daughters associate with and pedophiles don't get trials they get kicked to death while the cops look the other way.
18/21 AoC is a feminist trap to fuck over law-abiding white underageb&s and serving white children up to predatory niggers who don't care for the law. Low AoC means 16 year old boy and 16 year old girl can date naturally without all the social disease telling them to send naked pictures to every other guy and fuck Jamal because you like fiddy cents shuckin' tunes.

No freeloading turdskin is going to want to live in Svalbard. We actually have a bigger goal in mind.


I dont want to jump to conclusions, it could be just a (((coincidence))).

I'll keep monitoring this thread for progress anyway, I'm an unemployed electrical engineer so I'm probably going to be pretty useful if we ever get our Holla Forums colony going.

Could I be your apprentice? It's either that or go to (((University))) here in cuntland and I don't think I could suffer through the Marxism

Might want to check in the homestead thread if you want something likely to take off this decade. Anything bigger is going to require some serious chaos to shake these little islands free.

That said, Oceania is looking hopeful. Good few independence referendums out that way, and the coming flood and annihilation of some of those islands should sea levels rise mean desperate natives would likely welcome foreign investors willing to try and bring an end to their plight. Lord knows if anyone can keep those islands above the waves, it'll be a white man.

This sounded beautiful until I looked up the list of current signatories

Iceland is nice but it's nowhere near an option; first and foremost you'd need to be within the EU to even live there without great difficulty. And if the EU starts flooding Iceland with rethugees most of them would probably live there because it's more or less a normal country with a welfare state; the same rethugees would probably riot at the prospect of being sent to Svalbard. This is the first proposal that bridges the gap of visa and residence issues that South Africans, Aussies, North Americans and Euros can all participate in.

It'd be nice if we could get an idea of how much a plot of land would be.

A few things

The northwestern passage is opening up an Svalbard is like the only stop between the bearing straight and Europe with supplies, meaning it's going to see a trade boost.

As space exploration opens up research will need to be done on humans living long term with inhospitable temperatures, Svalbard is a good test case for new construction techniques.

Svalbard has a bunch of underground energy reserves and 4 whole months where you will only need to use solar power.

The cold could also be used to the advantage of international data centers and super-computing systems.

Obvious benefits for our purposes of an ethnostate.

I'm particularly interested in turning those steep hills into a giant cave community.

Winter underground, and summer on the surface.

The only real issue I foresee is getting red meat at a reasonable price.

That's why we need to get there first.

You don't need red meat. That's a luxury. We could easily survive off sweet potatoes.

Will this opportunity still likely be available in three years time?


If we start building a community, it will obviously expand over time and we'll need more people at some point.

Highly, highly unlikely some shitskins will want to go to such a climate. I can only seem them wanting to if their own countries and Europe become beyond habitable, but by then I doubt they could even make it up there.

Australia ay…do they need bricklayers there?

You'd be surprised how quick you get adjusted to it, fellow cunt
need an apprentice?

What is it with you and sweet potatoes?

What, if any, are the firearm laws like?

Of course. Our community prospers when we each help each other to our own strengths, I'm going to rely on the anons who are adept at fishing and building homes among other things.

Will do, I've been thinking about this for a while with some minor breaks during the election season.

Why don't you read the thread?

They're the healthiest and easiest to grow food on the planet.

Oh wow I didn't know any of that, neat. I guess I'll start rotating them into my diet.

It is, but

Same, though I have some ideas of a place to go, including how the fuck to make it happen, which everyone counts out of Antarctica simply because it's cold. ffs it's not hard in a technical sense, but in a budgetary sense.

I looked this up before because I wanted to grow them and it says they are extremely frost sensitive though

Stop shilling your dystopia here.

But user, what if I'm a recovering NEET? I could tend to your housework or gardening I guess

That's fine m8, as long as you have a willingness to learn, can't expect you to pick everything up right away. Past NEETdom isn't important where we're going anyway.

That actually sounds pretty nice. I wouldn't mind grabbing my laptop and just heading out there. Make it a grand adventure kind of thing. "Travelling to the little town on the top of the world." yeah, I like the sound of that.

Too bad the world isn't that simple and right now its only a pipe dream at best. I wouldn't even know where to start to leave this place I'm currently at. Just being a realist and all that.

I have stayed in Longyearben for a week, what I can tell you.

1. Housing is hard to find, an insanely expensive

2. While you can go there, you need to have the ability to earn income to stay, income is low (unless you work at the uni or for the govt), jobs are tight

3. If you don't have a job, house, etc you get deported to the mainland and from there to your county of origin. As the custodian of the Archipelago, Norway has the right to deport you if you aren't self sustaining, courts have established solid precedent on the matter. Pregnant women, old folks, etc. are required to leave if deemed too feeble.

4. Area is beautiful, harsh, and remote, don't expect to leave much as flights are also expensive and get you to Tromsø or Oslo.

5. You might hear it is cheap as it doesn't have Norway's taxes, but it is still very expensive to buy the necessities. Food is flown in weekly, or barged in the summer.

All the conversations going on here, all the possibilities, the chance to go somewhere and start a new life, the chance to live a life with purpose and meaning, and all you can think about is if you can go up there and get away with grabbing some itty-bitty titty.

With even just 50 of us a lot can be accomplished. It sounds like larping but 50 guys of decent build can put together a decent house in couple weeks or so, as long as some have knowledge of electrical, architectural, and etc. things. If they're that goddamn dedicated it's easy to have one richfag buy some farming equipment, and bing bada boom you're self sustaining and practically have a monopoly on the food market.

This is all obviously a pipe dream but it's interesting to discuss.

Imagine having to take a 3 hours flight to go to the dentist.

Interesting research town with milder climate.

Ny-Ålesund is located in a high-Arctic ecosystem within the tundra zone. It sits amid the richest fauna and flora areas of Svalbard, especially along the rim of Kongsfjord and particularly in its innermost parts. Some of the cliffs are heavily populated by birds; Ny-Ålesund is the archipelago's richest area for birds, especially waders. The Svalbard ptarmigan is the sole bird to winter. The vegetation is poor and vulnerable, mostly consisting of lichen. Mammals in the area include the Svalbard reindeer, the Arctic fox and the polar bear.[76] All people in the settlement must carry rifles because of the bears, and all doors in town remain unlocked for the sake of people seeking cover in the event of an attack.[74] There are three protected areas in the vicinity: Blomstrandhamna Bird Sanctuary, Kongsfjorden Bird Sanctuary and Ossian Sars Nature Reserve.[76]

The climate is mild for its northern latitude, due to the North Atlantic Current which flows northwards from mainland Norway up the west coast of Spitsbergen. It also receives heat from the predominant high pressure fronts which bring warm air from the Atlantic to the Barents Sea. The town has its lowest temperatures during February, at an average −14 °C (7 °F) and a high average of 5 °C (41 °F) during July. The sun does not set from 18 April to 24 August (midnight sun) and does not rise from 25 October to 17 February (polar night). The site is sufficiently isolated that it can be used to measure the background pollution levels in the high Arctic troposphere.[77]

There's a spot in Antarctica en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McMurdo_Dry_Valleys
dry ground, the main problems are budgetary, not whether or not we can build it. Also, I'm unsure if it's considered to be of enough value that anyone would contest the idea of a new country.

Oh man, you're right. That's a shame. Maybe Argentina is the way to go.

There has to be at the very least one user with some rich parents or a large inheritance of something .

If we become a micronation we're completely devoid of civilization- hospitals and other emergency centers are impossible to go to. It'd be easier to call ourselves a colony of some 3rd world shithole that literally cannot do anything to us than to become our own nation.

Hwat in the god damn

Well, you can make a green room to mitigate it if you want. They grow fast for vegetables.

Crowd-funding? Or as you say, it'd be someone who would have access to such funds, but you know how (((they))) like to be benefactors, so we'd need to keep our eye out

Well, the main problem with pretending/being a colony of a nation is the international bullshit we'd be tied up in.

One suggestion on how to contribute as a group is to get into the import/export business. The more that move there, the more demand there will be for food and other goods that would be impossible to come by on the island. If the current locals have the food import monopolized then we could look into specializing in importing other goods and luxuries. We find employment, and the local economy + quality of life improves. Pipe dream or not, it's worth looking in to in depth.

Now how to get in contact beyond finngolian drum circle board?

Too bad I don't like fish and I like trees and grass.

nigga muhfugga fuggin frost be natures alarm clock like "yo muhfugggah yo potatoes done n sheeeeit time to dig up lazy muhfugga"

oh no here we go again!

Study at Svalbard University, find job in Arctic Geophysics, Arctic Biology, Arctic Geology, Arctic Technology

4 Job openings found, probably have to speak Norwegian

I'm not exactly a trade specialist but how would this work? What unique goods can we specifically import that they can't? The best option we have is farming: their food prices are likely obscenely high because of the transportation. 50 guys working a few acres of dry farmland would be great.

Another issue I thought up: medication. There's likely to be a decent amount of anons who would otherwise participate, but they rely on some med. I specifically have to take Iron supplements every day. A friend I have who would definitely be in on this if it was real option has Crohns, which means he has to take anti-inflammatory meds daily. I know they're very expensive even with his insurance covering the majority, but without that insurance and no major source of income that'd be here he could never afford it.


why do you need supplements?

Low hemoglobin.


roast lamb for dinner user?

roast sweet potato is amazing

I myself don't have anything but my father's side of the family is all kinds of fucked up. Maybe I shouldn't breed either.

If you're white and you don't have an serious debilitating health issues you should breed.

The real question that needs to be asked is whether or not you can see the northern light regularly. Fucking can't believe nobodies asked yet.

Yes, it's actually so far north that they appear to the south of the island.


McMurdo Valley's the way to go, there's a shit-ton of fresh water around, and any would-be attackers have to face the numerous obstacles if any attempts at a military campaign were to take place.

As far as being isolated goes, one of our main sources of income would be tourism, bonus points if we can relate tourism somewhere along the lines of "no violence, or disturbances here, come and enjoy what Antarctica has to offer in the McMurdo valley area! By the Antarctic sea" etc.

I saw the southern lights the other night for the first time. I would love to be able to see that kind of thing regularly

Well then I'm saving money and looking more into this over time. This svalbard thing is a big deal and completely possible with enough of us.

what kinds of fucked?
Bad recessive genes are one of the worst things you can have in a genepool.

Quality over quantity. Shitskins won't go near a place with cold weather anyway. In fact, some of them that go to cold areas CHOOSE to go back to their shit holes.


What the hel? Who would want to go the "evil nazi village" and how would we get money out of them?


You haven't a clue how cold it can get, nor what 6 months of almost only darkness feel like (and over two of them with the sun NEVER going up, ever, it's a 2.5 month long night). Then in summer, you get the midnight sun, so I hope your body can adjust to that and sleep fine, because if you think you're gonna see night, you won't, sun's up 24/7. Oh and since they're a bunch of islands in the north sea, expect wind, lots and lots of strong icy wind that freezes your dick off. Hope you like wind from every single direction all the time and it never stops.

Also the place may be 100% white now, but it won't be if you move there.

t. someone who spent a year in similar conditions

How? Where are you going to buy the equipment for all that digging? How are you going to transport it to Svalbard? Who's going to oversee it all so it doesn't collapse on you?

[–]one_time 7 points 7 years ago
Serious Question: Are Black people harassed there? Can they go for a small vacation in summer?

You can see us through your screen can you?

Well, if the Jews are stocking their seeds there, it must be part of the "safe zone" along with Switzerland and New Zealand.

Well shit.
Maybe I could grow reindeer?

Well, I can't say about 8pol, but before the split I do remember 4pol meetups being not so white, surely a lot less white than the average Norwegian.

Seriously, get a good job and move to Switzerland or Hungary or something, VERY few people here are going to manage living in Svalbard, and those that do don't need a big Holla Forums initiative, actually they probably aren't even on Holla Forums much at all because they already live out in the wilderness. Going from cozy city or rural America straight to Svalbard is going to fuck most sideways.

NZ is fucked in the event of nuclear war. our involvement with the 5eyes, our spy stations & access points to undersea cables make us a strategic target

brother is kind of an autist. an uncle was schizo. other uncle was a dwarf (a dwarf poet, shit was dungeons & dragons tier). have other one or two other Nth degree cousins who are dwarves too. also grandfather was kind of a psycho.

Infinitypol is much different than 4cucks, we ruthlessly chase off any shitskin and have no "based niggers" posters. I'm completely white despite your d&c

Oh God the Greenland colony threads are back, I was hoping they had died in 2015.

Yes I know this isn't Greenland, same general idea.

You probly shouldn't breed. Get your genome mapped and see if you host any recessive genes.

Are you sure you don't have any 'recessive genes' yourself mr.elitist? No matter how much you circlejerk about a perfect society full of people who have 0 genetic defects and insult other natsoc whites about it that is never realistic. Your contribution to this thread has just been insulting people instead of providing anything and you're looking more like a shill than a fellow to me.

Are you fucking retarded? Tourism doesn't depend on the view of the people there, it depends on how you sell it. If you market it as "evil nazi village" then no fucking wonder you won't have anybody show up.

A lot of people want to be in/see shit in the antarctic, and it's viable to make a fucking colony in McMurdo valley.

I don't even need a genome mapping to see that your skin lacks the thickness gene.

But I want to cleanse Germany. I want Europe to be cured.

I have no reason to think I do. Albeit, my epigenome is probably kinda fucked from a long family tree consisting of smokers and drug users. But I have no retards/mental patients in my family so eh.
The epigenome can be altered through a healthy or unhealthy lifestyle.

If your support of the white race is predicated on white genes, then you should take the time to evaluate genes that spread within the white race. Schizos are barely a notch above niggers.

LOL keep dreaming. Very few on this board are hearty enough to become snow pioneers.

As much as I'd like to live somewhere like that I am fine where I am sweating my balls off in this retarded southern weather. Looks nice, but it ain't my culture fam.

Welcome Goyim, we have been waiting for you.


About time you faggot shills showed up. You guys are really slacking lately.

Don't have to lash out at everything sperg.

>What livestock can be raised there somewhat efficiently?
>Is it hate speech or free speech you communist faggot

You breezed over like ALL of the most important questions.

wow its almost like you didnt read the thread or even just the OP

say what? almost every schizo is also a genius in some way and most in much more than one way. Take Terry the CIAnigger killer for example. the disease in a lot of people doesn't even manifest itself unless they both have the potential for it AND pass through a traumatic event or several while they're infants. And even then it only shows itself around mid twenties and can be treated very effectively if you start treating before you go full insane. people who treat the disease lead normal lives with the occasional crisis.

Wow I said that like an idiot, let me try again.

Sorry user, it's late as fuck where I am.

its okay. I really don't think thread was meant to be a one time thing though user, these things take time to figure out.

this is like the worst place yet. Just because it has beautiful landscape doesn't mean it's a good place to start a colony. it's cold as fuck, soil is dead, locals will have all tiny markets monopolized. under stalin soviets spent shitloads of resources to establish there and still after sending resources and food stopped everyone just left because it's a shithole.

even though colonizing in these times is stupid because everything is owned by someone i believe it's better to just use some uninhabited remote island near africa or australia. at least that way you can grow stuff and be independent.

How much is electricity? We could run a bitcoin miner/heat production combo and maybe make enough money. We could start an import of fashion items and an export of reindeer meat/pelts for /fit/ and maybe get trending reindeer coats. maybe even bottled water "Pure from the frozen"
If we can build a compound and sell bonds this is completely doable.

Energy and money are the biggest problems, followed by growing food. Everything else is pretty doable.

Mining bitcoins would i think be viable since there is no need for as much cooling of the equipment and also no need for additional heating. Producing energy would be the issue. There's no fuel around except for coal, and we don't need to delude ourselves into believing that we can mine it because few people here are experienced miners.

you're starting to sound like a LARPer m8.

well ok, mining doesn't require that much experience but it does require some knowledge to prevent collapse, explosion etc.

life isn't minecraft just stop. The thread already explained the mines were owned by the russians. We'll have to find others ways to produce electricity.

Ag Eng here.

You dont understand how far greenhouse technology has come.

I could grow a jungle underground for next to nothing, consuming minimal resources, on led lights

Implying shitskins would ever so much as contemplate moving anywhere where there is no welfare.

No commies, no shitskins. Only intelligent, self reliant people, who can fend for themselves in a harsh climate. Sounds breddy good to me.

Patagonia is beautiful, but wed need some seriosuu logistics planning from an user

Go outside. You might see a tree, or many trees. That's called a forest. Look down, you might see grass and flowers.
For all intents and purposes, a landscape without any of these is a plain, desolate nothingness you humongous faggots.

You have to remember where we are. Holla Forums and /k/ are not as bad as most but you have to remember:

Ad gun laws: apparently they follow common sense of a decent white society. You should have a gun because bears, if you go out of town you'd better take it with you because bears, otherwise no showing off with it.

i saw somewhere that loud noises would scare them away. some chinese firecrackers might do the trick ;) idk though if that would actually work

yeah. on second thoughts, mines won't work at all. the ones that are closed down are probably empty or have a low coal:rock ratio.

Conquer and divide tactic detected again. Please don't bring the trouble here because we don't need it here. I saged my post because it is not relevant to this thread anyway.

Roasting them (and removing their skin) removes most of its nutritional value. Cook them with their skin on. If you have to you can steam them but that's also some double digit % loss of nutritional value.

That was always a fucking stupid plan, what kind of brain-damaged moron would consider an African country surrounded by hostile niggers and even more hostile desert wastelands as "muh le white homeland XDDD". I bet whoever came out with that plan just wanted to muh dik negresses and spawn brown, stunted mongrels.

>Since Svalbard is located north of the Arctic Circle it experiences midnight sun in summer and polar night in winter. At 74° north, the midnight sun lasts 99 days and polar night 84 days, while the respective figures at 81° are 141 and 128 days.[9] In Longyearbyen, midnight sun lasts from 20 April until 23 August, and polar night lasts from 26 October to 15 February.[5] In winter, the combination of full moon and reflective snow can give additional light [Wikipedia]

Somehow, I feel like I would end up suiciding if I were to live there during the 'winter', isn't 'permanent' night depressing? Can a british user clarify to us how does it feel to never see the sun?

If you open your curtains, what are you even doing here?

Would not call the plan stupid, but they missed a strong leader that could guide them.
It was badly organized

Could someone quickly give me a summary of that? I missed it for some reason.

Many of those hostile niggers miss the old colonial days, have talked with some of them and they want the old days back even apartheid.

Vice (loved) it haha

Argentina did but brazil didn't

Artificial womb technology?


This is the most perfect thing about it. This insures shitskins won't be Hyena-like following Whites up there to scavenge off of our societies, like they do everywhere else.
I don't like the gun laws, however. I do NOT "rent" guns, I own them. And you never indicated if there are limitations on what type of rifle we would be "allowed" to own.

Other than that, it all seems pretty good. There are natural resources in such regions that Whites have the intelligence to take advantage of, and nobody will be nuking Svalbard in WW3, as it has no military value or dense population, and the Svalbard Seed Bank is located there, just in case the world poisons its current crops to death with radiation or chemicals.

It's colder than hell, and you'd have to live in shelters most of the time, so it's no paradise. You would have a great deal of trouble keeping your children from leaving and moving to the shitskin-infested hellholes of the world just to avoid the climate.

Frankly, I liked the idea of moving to the southern tip of Argentina and establishing a colony, much more.
Plenty of wind & solar power, the temp doesn't drop below 40C in winter, and all the beaver meat you can stomach.

south arabia is the worse
but mudslimes would die instantly in the cold

I like the idea, but what will we do for money? Are we really just going to be coal miners?
We'll need to import a lot of resources unfortunately, so we need something to export.

Perhaps we can become a center for cheap manufactured goods? If we lower our taxes on manufacturing below every other nation, we will have a competitive advantage. Although it might still be infeasible to have a manufacturing plant in a location that's iced in much of the year.

It is interesting though. Norway is only a nation of 5 million people. If we can get 1 million Nazis citizenship, we will start having a massive say over their elections. If we can double our population in 1 generation through our high birthrates, we will be 1/3 of the population and therefore a massive say in the elections

Pic related is the election results of Norway. It looks like the largest party only gets 30% of the vote. Meaning that we can have the largest party in the country, approaching an absolute majority.

But it gets even juicier than that. Norway has special election laws:

This means if we spread our people out across the rural counties, our votes would punch above their weight. Also, these counties would be relatively easy to dominate, since the population is low and we would only need a majority in each one. Norway has around a 77% voter turnout. Thus if we had close to a 100% turnout, we wouldn't even need to gain a population majority, just be around 45%.

If you played this right, you could literally have a modern industrial power at your command within a generation or two through immigration alone. At which point you could throw out all immigrants, change the election laws….do whatever you wanted to do. By then Sweden would likely be collapsing, so you could expand in that direction and create a unified scandanavian empire.

From there the world is your oyster

Seems to be a nice place indeed. It should get warmer with (((global warming))) too. Growing crops should already be possible with greenhouses.
Do they produce their own electricity like Iceland?

Like me

Like me

Just had to do that last week. I also had to replace the throttle-body on the same vehicle 2 months ago.

You should see my chicken coop, and the rooms I've renovated in my 200 year old house, and taste the mead or cider I make from the fruit of our trees, or the patio I built, or the utterly beautiful kitchen I built, with it's tile countertops I cut and placed, and the corner sink I dropped in that counter & plumbed, and the wiring for the lights I installed…I could go on forever.

There are advantages to being raised an Appalachian hillbilly.

Where the hell are you gonna find so many nazis. Seems like just a wild dream/speculation to me. I personally would be quite surprised if we managed to get a small village going.

Literally what mudslimes are doing, how does it feel to be on the same level as the shitskins?

No, we'd ensure that Norwegians remained genetically pure. We wouldn't breed to replace, only to gain a voting majority. The goal it to gain control of a political entity with a functioning economy and military. Not to colonize and destroy

Wouldn't it be better to use Finnland as a base
They at least have a high amount of Holla Forumsacks per capita

If the government won't do it, we should do it ourselves.
Why do we wait for the government to provide the means to do this?
Let's take africa through the prerogative of social media forums!



That said..

… maybe we're onto something here.
If Rome is falling - be the conquerors.

All of this is expecting the jew to literally do nothing, while saying what you plan to do in a public forum

Even if they are stupid, they can't be THAT stupid

I once built a sand castle.
A fine granule fortress.


Karma is a bitch.

We don't have millions of people, even if 4cuck joined us. A propaganda campaign which would increase the number to that many? Seems a bit unlikely.
Conquering and invading norway seems highly unlikely at this stage. Just make a little village first and if that works properly we can think of grander objectives.

1 million might be a conservative figure actually. We really did ignite that fire. They're popping up everywhere now, especially with some of my own mates.
Not sure if aware of poe's law though.

How many of you guys would actually be ready to go, if the chance was there and you would not be alone?

Me. need to wait for 1 more year before i turn 18

Not just chans - ostracized white pride groups, isolated people who believe in white pride but are never vocal about it.
It would be a magnet or a meeting place for millions of people - if the world really did get out.

Plus it's norway, the home of vikings. I bet many metal heads would be enthusiastic about the migration to a place where they can finally be more open with their attitudes and beliefs.

If I could find the cash to get there.. maybe.

We'd need a few thousand to get momentum first, then many more people would start to go there.
The only issue I have is climate and production issues. Not a lot of farmland there.
We would have to invade sweden shortly after immigration.

I'm game :^)

Believe it or not, but I have been working on a similar project for the last months.
I have created a website, and have buyed a lot of equipment.
Will make a thread the first may, and the place we are going is a bit warmer :^)


this is an issue.

im form Patagonia, i doubt this will work, the land its kinda cheap but the only feasible thing you could do here its rising sheep or guanacos (a kind of lama). wind power plants are extremely efficient here, that´s another possibility.

Doesn't that use a lot of power? When i looked into growing shit inside my apartment (autistic shit like sweet potatoes, not dudeweed), even LEDs used a shit ton of power if you didn't want your crops to look stretched out and anemic.

We Hyperboreans now

looks comfy




Can nonwhites get the fuck off Holla Forums? You shitskins have to ruin everything.

LMAO that's close to living in an antarctic research base. Look to Patagonia instead.

fuck this, I had cold weather I hate the winter and it is way more important to clean up yurop than to run away into the arctic


How much does the land cost?

BEET representing

Yes Jew. I do. Desolate, frigid, nothingness.

Not a single tree.

There are other options besides city and barren tundra. The natural environment of Europeans is the forest.

They are neither of those things. Sweet potatoes are a long season crop, you can only just barely grow special cultivars in the warmest parts of Canada. And you get a terrible yield. You just plain can't grow them at all up there. And there's nothing special about them nutrient wise. Quit spamming hippy vegan bullshit.

Svalbard is rightful norwegian clay.
Stay out, you international mutts and mongrels.

I don't think there's much point to colonizing Svalbard any than it already is without significant improvements in energy technology. If you could get a Thorium power plant or two up there, it would be quite easy to set up an entire contained ecosystem for agriculture.

The dangers of energy technology improving is that it allows more non-whites to settle in the colder climates. Therefore it would be best to colonize these areas first and set up strict policies for whom can and cannot settle or visit.

This is war. Not that I plan to move there. But we must think about the future in a wider scale.

Not bad; land is much, much cheaper.

Welp… Svalbard is compromised… fuck

idk, we going full on commie block here?

who wants to build a crab shack just north of them?

I found a good map of that place.

False. Savantism is quite rare among schizos.
Sure, you'll find a few Teslas in the bunch, but the vast majority are incapable of understanding reality. most schizos end up homeless or shooting themselves in the head.

The smart schizos game the system and spurn any soft souls near them.

The thing about schizophrenia is that you are dissociated from the universally accepted ideas of "reality." I guess I can liken it to life without the state.
Without a government, you're free to do basically whatever you want. The best and brightest in society excel under these circumstances. But even the slightly above average are fucked without the existence of the government and all securities that come with it.

As for schizos: those who would otherwise be geniuses anyway are not bound by the presuppositions we all take for granted. They're free to view the world in a way which is vastly incongruous with the general population's perception of it and can use this view to allow them to go beyond the limits of human understanding. Everyone else, however, will find it near impossible to function in normal society because they lack that baseline understanding of reality.

soon we'll have fusion power:


The point is to preserve the seeds of all these plants, not to grow them right the fuck there. The benefit of keeping it up there in the cold should be apparent.

ive seen something like that

So, because the people there are all white, happy, and sell-adjusted, they are all probably rather liberal and think racists are evil degenerate people with no sense of proper Christian charity, who don't deserve to be tolerated in any civilized community.

