Meme creators "hot new thing in Job market"

Shekels For Memes?

Has this been posted already and I just missed it? They want to gabs shekels to make memes apparently. Would never work with people here since great memes come out of autism and being NEET, but strange the Jews apparently interested in this…gibs shekels to make merchants?

"Pepe Le Pen has since been a green bushfire on the Internet. It caught on to forums like Reddit and 4Chan, blazed across Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

"It has snowballed into a full-blown cult of Kek, in which the imaginary land of Kekistan is populated by 'sh*tposters'.

Whether the meme can leapfrog Le Pen to power time will tell, but the formidable connect it has with a large section of young voters is evident.

Memes are already ace weapons in political warfare, and their creators could be the hot new things in the future job market."

Other urls found in this thread:


Imagine the Jews having to come here to place employment ads? Would be funny, would get so much abuse and no one would believe it's real. Even with Trump cucking out, thinking back 2-3 years ago and how much has happened…pepe had been lost to fucking cunts like Katie Perry, we (we wu kangz!") now made him an official ADL "hate symbol." They can never take him now.

I have a better idea. Tireman.


the future is now

draw michelin man necklacing a kike tbh

Indeed yes, I am expert meme man, made many important memes. You see Ceiling Cat? That me. Also Cat Who Eats Cheeseburger, and also Smug Frog. All me. Will take $120K starting salary now please.


I wonder if that brainless cuck matt furie saw any shekels after cucking so hard for ADL. He really didn't even do any work, the cartoon sucked.

Someone tell me these are real. I badly want this to be real.

Can smug Wendy be my waifu or will that get me put in a van? If she's been a little kid for like fifty years, doesn't that technically make her like those dragon girls from my chinese cartoons who are "actually super old so it's ok"?

wendy pepe is def real, remember when it went uo.

Yeah, and I'll bet you're also the asshole behind Goatse.

Come on user, you know the answer to that one. I think Ben Garrison got pissed off after he didn't make any shekels for being a good goy and decided to roll with it.

Wow. They literally know nothing. Even further proof that history and journalism are nothing but a series of approximations and falsehoods.




I tried to find the other one, but the reply history isn't loading so I can't verify it. Here's a consolation prize, though. I won't go through and archive the context in each of them, but you can at least see the replies here and check for yourself if you want:

Was my cousin's asshole but I call him if you are most interested.

>Chang: I've got a botnet funded by the People's Liberation Army, would that help?

Wendys twitter dude is pretty savage.

Is it just me or do the responses seem a little like Tay?

Our organization is needing a Rockstar! meme man and will sponsor your visa. You will see our organization is rated highest and includes the competitive perks like ginger tea day and free bathroom.

If you will kindly do the needful and submit resume and sample memes to [email protected]/* */ With kindness include rares for full consideration.

Tay should just run all Twitter accounts, period

Eu Te Amo


Tay could've passed the Turing/imageboard test.

How much money does Wendy's have? Could they have made their own?

Also, come on Trump. Nuke whoever you want, but order those kikes at microsoft to release our daughter!

You type like an effeminate ledditor.
Are you retarded?


I wonder if the Jews will begin advertising for "meme creators" here eventually.

Memelords do it for free. Beholden them to shekels and you rob them of their might.

the words of the prophets were written on subway walls


I’d never sell out but I will enjoy working for free to undermine any purchased meme and ensure it backfires on the greedy merchant who commissioned it.

Goddamnit Carlos.

How dare you use the OLD Michelin "man".