What kind of person actually gets triggered by interracial relationships?
What kind of person actually gets triggered by interracial relationships?
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Typically people of the same race and opposite sex of one of the partners in said relationship because they think they own or are otherwise entitled to them.
White men getting angry at white women dating non-white men, Asian men getting angry at Asian women dating non-Asian men, black women getting angry at black men dating non-black women are all classic examples, but it goes all ways.
hate to sound like a raging sjw, but its sexist-racists who get triggered. Ill use more academic language to make me sound socialisty. Chauvinist race-supremists.
People who base their entire identities around their race.
Spooked cunts
Holla Forums
People who want children to have a meaningful future and loving peers.
You can't get ahead if you are an alien to all and you can't be loved without like-blood.
like-blood? this aint fucking bloodborne, take you pseudo science and put it where youre head is, firmly in your prostate. also check for lumps, we all gotta stay safe lads.
We all bleed red you fascist.
Mixed race kids tend to turn out…weird.
Not really
The biggest problem with mixed-race kids is the prejudice of everyone else.
check yourself bruh
Lets not pretend there aren't any legitimate disadvantages to being mixed race outside of the biggotry of others.
Its neither necessary, or true.
"beta" pol/yps
Feels good man
race inequalities in terms of health are almost entirely the fault of class, and not of racial genetics, except for very niche and specific examples like the one you gave. intresting tho.
Elves shouldn't mate with orcs, user
Or we could all just, you know, treat mixed kids like everyone else and not make a big deal out of it.
"But think of how they'll be bullied!" some say. Well shit, who's bullying them? Probably YOUR shitty kids.
elves and orcs are a different species, if youre gonna force me to use this god awful analogy, and so for them to mate is like your father having sex with a pig (ur mother xddd) but blacks and whites are the same species ya dumbfuck. nice meme, nice try, go home.
As much as they spout about cucks, I don't get why they're down with cucking themselves as far dating. You miss out on a lot of sexual opportunities by limiting your horizons that way.
Race micksing is immoral
can high elves and wood elves mix?
Evolution and the Iron Law of Nature is established science m8.
Cool, now explain how and why treating them like shit follows from that.
Hard mode: Don't resort to "people are just, like, afraid of what's different, man."
says who, everything and nothing is established science if you want to get meta. science doesnt make it right. Scientology is established science,
We must see to it that evolution produces better humans so that future generations may not suffer nearly as much as the present-day mixed mutts do just by existing in families that can never actually love them.
Just allowing the mixed to die alone with a little dignity would do wonders for the reconstruction of our people.
People who are concerned about a future planet of the apes.
Are you being serious? Where's the evidence of this?
You can't love non-kin, we see this with the Cinderella effect in humans, and infanticide in animals.
For every well-adjusted halfie there's probably a dozen or so with some kind of mental problem
Any peer reviewed proofs to back that?
I have loved someone of a different race. You should try it sometime
You had desperate lust, not the love one feels when with their own like-kin.
mostly white boys with small dicks and inferiority complexes
Statistically interacial couples ARE happier and more productive. You have to think, what are the primary reasons for inter-racial coupling?
The only bad situation is the first one, and even that is a fad they will either grow out of, or find someone they really like regardless. So there is no negative side-effect I can see to irrelevant shiting. It's also good for the humane genome as we need diverse genetics to prevent illness. Much better than relying on autism causing vaccines. I propose a strong tax subsidy to all married couples who marry multi-ethnically to promote the strongest human bio-diversity which in turn will lower healthcare costs.
leftypol's equivalent would be a prole marrying a bourgeois
you are not even hiding it anymore
boring people
Is dating right-wing?
Because they have stronger immunities to diseases that are prevalent to a lot of single race children?
Well I mean I guess if that counts as weird.
right wing sjws
Almost all of those diseases we have treatments for - and if we don't, its only rather ironically because those diseases have been introduced (or reintroduced) through the high levels of travel/immigration that promote interracial relationships (Chagas disease, antibiotic-resistant tuberculosis etc)
Most of their problems are internalized, not caused by others.
Source? Mixed kids are usually more vulnerable to regional diseases.
People who must be horribly unhappy and never have met a single girl of a different race.
I've been in a bunch of interracial relationships and they all went very well.
White girls are often vapid and shallow and so I don't date them often. Bangladeshi and Pakistani girls are often very nice.
cool story bro
Only Happas turn out weird tbh
People who aren't in a relationship but wish really hard they were.
This is irony I can appreciate. Actually really a fan of this meme.
What kind of person actually gets triggered by people triggered by interracial relationships?
If they all turned out so well, why are they all over?
Protip:going from waifu to waifu doesn't count.
Don't even pretend those things are comparable.
They went better than the other ones, don't be a pedant, douche.
w e w
Any sane person should.
Also, mixed children who need bone marrow routenly get triggered by their incompatible, mongrelized, nature.
is there anything wrong with being white and dating asian grills ?
Holla Forums literally can't stand the sight of a brown person walking down the street minding their own business.
I've never seen a white country before. What does it look like?
no such thing
I live in the UK. It's a white country. As in, it belongs to whites
property is a spook
In what way? What is the mechanism that controls this sort of property?
That means every nigger and faggot that lives there belongs to you too. Cukced again, hahahhahahahahahahahha.
well if it belongs to the whites then you niggers have done a shit job of it
You can make your pedantic arguments, I don't care and it doesn't matter because that doesn't take away the anger me and many others feel about pakis/niggers and how they simply DO NOT BELONG HERE.
The government and media is desperately trying to normalize it, to make it seem like they are normal people who have as much of a right to be here as we do.
Well no one's buying it. We evidence of that during the brexit and the tremendous support for ukip and Tories
don't worry, neither your feelings on the issue
I could point to thier rape gangs and shit. But that would be a bit dishonest on my part because we want ALL of them out, regardless of criminality.
Honestly you can't understand unless your British. You can't understand the fear of being replaced, of becoming a minority in your own fucking country.
brexit was actually ok neo-liberalism needs to die and quickly
no such thing
You are already a minority. Everyone is, they've just tricked themselves into believing otherwise. After all, in Britain there is only one of you and 65,224,403 people who aren't you.
I get triggered by how fat they are.
As a brown person who was in the UK lately I didn't know there were Trini rape gangs
This is why the left is losing. You refuse to talk about the real concerns of people and instead dismiss it with intellectuality. People feel like That (tribalistic) regardless of how logical it is to do so. You need to at least pretend to address it
How fucking insecure are you faggot? What are you even doing here, go back to Holla Forums
We'll get you therapists to help you work through your delusional inferiority complexes and latent homosexuality.
You already admitted your feelings are illogical, which is good progress
literally not my problem
they asked for "immigrants" by supporting capitalism
The fact that the are people on this board not operating like that proves it's not inherent in human behaviour.
I didn't know every single black person was a rapist?
Freud poster is best poster
But they are statistically more likely to commit rape. And no, statistics are not spook, Stirner's IQ is much lower than the people who record the stats.
Whites, specially anglos are statiscally more likely to be cuckolds
do you really want to play the statistics game, cucko?
Got any viable stats on that? I've had to kill a black man to defend my store. I know them far more than you do.
sure I do cucko
sorry to hear, maybe you could have offered him employment
See this is what I was talking about. You are using leftist rhetoric to defend what is essentialy a despicable nigger robbing a store. There are no normal, logical humans that would emphasize with criminal scum.
quit your memeing sir, use logic and normalcy.
And you are using racist lingo to make the disenfranchised preliterate who was stomped on look like a sub-human whilst simulte9iniously making your slavery to the capitalist system seem like a legitimate en-devour.
I mean shiiiieeettt, don't try and throw critical theory around here and expect it to work in your favor faggot
0/10 you are not even baiting him
Do I have to bait people?
Nobody on this board has a high enough IQ to do that.
if you plan on shitposting yes
too bad IQ is only useful at determining high functioning autism
So everyone who was worth anything had high functioning autism?
IQ is affected by material conditions, it makes sense that people who spend hours and hours developing neuron connections studying would be able to solve a quiz faster than people who had to work from their teenage years
feel free to provide a citation that proves a truck driver, carpenter or janitor is not able to perform the same job after the same years of education
also, not only that, but feel free to prove a person with high IQ can perform the tasks of a medic, engineer or scientist without education
after all, IQ is the only thing that matters
They do need education, but without a high IQ they wouldn't be able to learn such things. IQ is not a measure of knowledge, it's a measure of your cognitive ability. It doesn't change much throughout your lifetime. You may be able to learn trivial facts, but without the cognitive ability you won't be able to apply the knowledge .
citation needed
I can provide a citation on how poverty affects IQ
poor people usually come from poor backgrounds, which means they can't afford higher education, and even if they do, they won't be able to achieve the same as a rich student
try spouting less pseudoscience next time
I wish he robbed you.
Due to his low IQ he couldn't devise an effective plan and died. It was natural selection.
feel free to reply to
Is this reply supposed to be sarcastic?
Facts are never sarcastic. Your IQ never increases by more than 5 points.
feel feel to reply with facst againts
but it can decrease by more than 25
try again
I did, did you even read my link
How is brain damage relevant?
your link doesn't disprove the ones I posted, you didn't even quotes the sentence that does
I tought you had a high IQ, yet you don't know how to have a coeherent argument?
I am not talking about brain damage, again try reading the link I provided instead of getting all butthurt, cucko
have some more
go ahead, keep being an angry caged cucko triggered by facts
Not really, it's just that they're not in an optimal mental sate to be tested.
Are you going to keep linking blogs, or post facts?
people generally are able to read less than 200 words per minute, I posted my links 2 minutes before this post of yours and they contain more than 400 words
meaning you are replying out of assrage, instead of trying to have a coherent conversation
funny because your posts are literally sourcing "howstuffworks"
moreover, If you weren't an angry little cucko, you would find out your own sources prove you are fucking stupid
gg faggot
Because those tings are not measures of raw cognitive ability.
Right(whatever you mean by raw - I assume you are using this to refer to logical and abstract reasoning). Which is why he said it doesn't measure intelligence, only certain aspects of intelligence. You aren't reading what he's posting, go back to Holla Forums/ or stop shitposting and have a coherent conversation.
From one of your sources.
The fact that you don't read your own sources and just copy and paste them because the title seems to align with your stance shows that your are really assmad about having a low IQ so you're going on a tirade against the concept of measuring intelligence.
then feel free to prove only raw cognitive ability is the responsable of people with high IQ are capable of performing as surgeons, engineers and scientists by the without "creativity, social skills, wisdom, acquired abilities or a host of other things we consider to be aspects of intelligence. "
we could have solved this if you had provided a ciutation for this when I asked you here
but of course you didn't because you are a buttmad little cuckold
moreover, if your retarde site (that proves your whole argument wrong since it states IQ is an imperfect wayt to measure intelligence) implies you cannot increase your IQ how come many scientist claim learning more than one language does?
By how many points?
like living in a ghetto, having to start working at 10, or becoming homeless one big portion of your life
sorry, nothing in my sites prove me incorrect, because all of the sites I provided claim IQ is not a static figure
nice projection, Ive read them plenty of times
feel free to prove low IQ is a relevant figure
which isn't IQ, as your sources and my sources claim
also I am not angry, just because I am calling you a cucko doesn't mean I am angry, I am simply stating facts
My source never claimed IQ was invalid. It presented the opposing view as to not be biased. Most psychologist use IQ test to measure cognitive ability.
Why even bother arguing with me? You can't out think me.
Man you're great at erecting strawmen cuck. He never said that was incorrect. He's pointing you are conflating raw cognitive ability, with intelligence.
Knowledge and intelligence are too different things.
Nice job having such a low IQ that you can't even comprehend what I say.
And you have yet to substantiate your claim that a low IQ would be relevant to be able to apply knowledge. Can you do that so we can be over with this conversation?
I don't have any study saved regarding the exact number of points, but I have several about how it increases brain capacity as a whole
it does
you linked this sq.4mg.com
meaning that claiming mental ability as a whole cannot be determined by IQ alone
your deductions about IQ are wrong and you are an angsty cuck because of that
The critics said that, not the data.
Try and get a retarded kid to do math on the same level as a gifted kid. You could give them the same lectures and the gifted kid will always do better.
And the critics said that because it was not supported by the data. Show us where it is.
feel free to provide said data
citation needed
also, feel free the socioeconomic background of the retarded kid isn't a major factor on his IQ development and originally IQ score
It's in the link. Read.
People don't get downs syndrome from being poor.
this link sq.4mg.com
too bad, it clearly states "IQ tests are only one imperfect method of measuring certain aspects of intellectual ability."
we aren't talking about mental illness and disease, remember that?
you probably don't because you have both autism and ADHD
Low IQ is an inherited disability
Low Iq is also developed due to material conditions
might want to provide a citation that prove otherwise
A large number of the study of twins reared apart was undertaken by Thomas Bouchard of the University of Minnesota starting in 1979. He "collected" pairs of separated twins from all over the world and reunited them while testing their personalities and IQs. Other studies at the same time concentrated on comparing the IQs of adopted people with those of their adopted parents and their biological parents or their siblings. Put all these studies together, which include the IQ tests of tens of thousands of individuals, and the table looks like this:
Same person tested twice 87%
Identical twins reared together 86%
Identical twins reared apart 76%
Fraternal twins reared together 55%
Biological siblings reared together 47% (studies show that reared apart about 24%)
Parents and children living together 40%
Parents and children living apart 31%
Adopted children living together 0%
Unrelated people living apart 0%
One could use the above data to argue that environment was as little as 10% responsible for IQ.. Note that 13% variation is simply due to retaking an IQ test. On the genetic influence on intelligence, I feel that Herrnstein and Murray's conclusion of 60 - 80% is supported by data on twins. Since IQ is fixed for life by around age five, environmental influences on IQ have a limited time span.
Since IQ is fixed for life by around age five, environmental influences on IQ have a limited time span.
From the article you refuse to read because it hurts your fees fees because you have an IQ below 140.
it isn't as I have provided citations that prove IQ changes during mature life
I read the article, hence why I provided you with data thats proves it wrong
citation needed
remember IQ is not a valid way to measure intelligence
None of your sources proved that IQ can increase significantly past 5. They prove that it can fall, but not increase. My data proves your data wrong. I see no research, just opinions in your blogs.
Not to mention that one with that david kid who lost over 20 points was just one example, they didn't have an adequate sample size, just one kid who literally went full retard.
moreover, the same cite you are quoting has this graph
which clearly shows a steady incline in IQ points between the ages of 16 and 30
they show it can be reduced by up to 25 points, due to enviromental factors, moreover they show a direct correlation between proverty and IQ
not only that, but the site you are quoting has said that
and that there is an increase in IQ from the ages of 16 to 30, as this post states
Your data proves itself wrong as I have mentioned in this post
the site you are quoting, that contradicts itself as I have pointed out in this post, and that proves IQ is both not a valid way to measure intelligence and that it increases between the ages of 16 to 30 cites "howstuffwork", your argument is invalid
yes they have, the average being 13, that girl being one of the highest cases
That's called brain development
That IQ causes poverty? That seems to be the case.
Do you read what you type before you post it retard?
Do you even know that there's more than one person in this thread, dipshit? Can you not distinguish two people by their typing styles?
that graph isn't for "brain development" it is for IQ, hence the points on the y axis
it shows an increase between the ages of 16 to 30
it even says, and I quote "IQ peaks between 25 and 29 years old", yet it later contradicts itself as you quotes here
The site you are quoting is incorrect, has cherrypicked sources and clearly holds political bias, maybe because it was made by a caged angsty cucko like yourself
citation needed
it isn't of course, since poor kids are rasied in poverty, kids cannot control their material conditions at younger ages, its the material conditions that control them
No, you "both" type the same.
unlike your sites with the small sample sizes? Genes determine the development of every organ in your body, including your brain.
Did you read what he typed? He pointed out the fact that the site contradicts themselves. Pointing out the fact that genes are a key determinant in brain development does not change he fact that the graph contradicts what was earlier said, and not only does that graph contradict your contention that IQ is static from age 5 onward, but it contradicts the data and conclusions reached on the website it's posted on. The site cherrypicked data.
I never even said that IQ can't fall significantly. I even said it did, my original argument was that you can't significantly increase your IQ past adulthood. You guys found blogs that say your IQ can fall, but nothing about it increasing.
the only "small sample" are individual cases, which in total account for a 13 point average drop in IQ doue to material conditions
so does the material conditions
I have certain cognitive abilities because I was lucky enough not to be born in poverty, being able to go to school at a young age instead of begging for money and so on
your original argument was about how IQ determined your well-being
you claimed here it was past 5 years old
you cannot change the date at which IQ stops increasing, first you claimed it was 5, then 25, then "past adulthood"
you are a backpedaling cuck mad he is wrong
Nothing you posted disproves that IQ effects your living standards. Poor living standard effecting IQ negatively doesn't mean that IQ doesn't positively effect living standards.
If you correct for that 13% the increase between 16 and 29 is almost non-existent.
I am not arguing IQ affects your living standars, because people with good living standars come from a family with good living standars, while people with poor living standars come from families with poor living standars, as I showed here
thats right
living standars affect IQ, which is why rich people tend to be able to enjoy better lifes studying instead of working for 14 hours straight
it isn't
the thing you don't understand is that those average 13 points aren't a fixed variable, the brain falls under the stress of poverty which leads people to score lower, up to 25 percent in some cases
you see when you have to worry what you are going to eat tomorrow you tend to not be able to put a black square where it should
anyway, I have to get up early tomorrow to get my surplus value stolen, you are a cuck and your argument and site is wrong
No you didn't. You said it remained static after 5 years of age and that instances of it dropping(such as the boy with brain damage) were isolated instances with "small sample sizes".
Which no one ever claimed, at least no one ever claimed that it was a non-factor. But someone growing up in poverty does not have control over their material conditions. Therefore, someone growing up in poverty is much more likely to stay in poverty than someone who isn't. Material conditions positively affect IQ.
Furthermore, comparing a retard to a gifted kid as a means of proving having an average, or below average IQ prohibits someone from utilizing knowledge they've learned isn't very convincing. You might as well have been comparing a white cancer patient and Hussein Bolt by their ability to run a marathon, as a means of proving white people can't be good runners.
Percent, not point. The fact that you can't distinguish between units and percentages shows that you are an incompetent retard.
And how does having good problem solving skills not lead to success?
the fact that I confused percentage and points just shows being able to have a discussion in your 3rd language at 2 am is hard
lmao this retard thinks "which square comes next" helps you deal with gangbangers, police, and exploitation
next time you get mugged, why don't you tell the robbers A) was the correct square figure
Your buddy did.
thats right."
He straight up said problem solving skills do not help you attain success.
Being able to notice patterns and solve problems would actually help you a lot in avoiding police and gang bangers. If I get mugged I can use my problem solving skills to turn the tables. Are you retarded?
He claimed it was not significant, and I agree. Yes, if you have a higher IQ certain task will come easier, it is not a be all end all. And it does not explain why people in poverty have lower IQ, that is largely due to environmental factors.
"Problem solving skills" are not universal to all situations. IQ does not measure sociability. "Turning the tables" requires intelligence not measured by an IQ test.
Because you're conflating "problem solving" with knowing what square goes in the circle next.
feel free to rpvide a connection between IQ problems and real life problems
how is an IQ test relevant to having to deal with debt, homelessness, seggregation and so on?
citation needed, a gangbanger with low IQ will have a better chance of survival in a ghetto than a sheltered medical student found in the same ghetto
the problem is the patterns related to whatever IQ test you took are completly unrelated to the problems found in real life, since it measure cognitive ability, aka, being able to solve problems for the sake of solving problems, not being able to solve problems by noticing patterns that are unique to each socioeconomic class
if you made a test considering how to survive in a shitty neighbourhood in south africa, and applied that porblem solvinga nd pattern recognition to a poor south african citizen and a rich new jersey fratboy, the south african would come at up
just like if you created a test, based on how to have a succesful life as a frat boy in NJ the fratboy would come up top, guess which type of test is more useful, the ones with squares or the ones related to real life?
of course these test don't measure cognitive ability just by itself, but by considering a plethora of other situations and abilities, which is why your site quotes
now let me ask you something, cucko, Are you retarded?
It was established earlier that genetics play a larger role. Your brain is developed from instructions encoded in your DNA.
genetics are affected by enviromental factors, or are you also an evolution denier?
Sheltered med student can make drugs and become a big time supplier.
It takes thousand of years for environmental factors to influence genetics via natural selection.
It was established that poverty can affect how someone does on an IQ test by up to 25%. It can decrease your IQ significantly.
no, bureaucracy, social skills and so on
once again you proved to have a high degree of autism
the knowledge you acquired on how to control chemistry is irrelevant when they want to mug you or rob your car to sell it for parts
I have provided links on how simply being raised in poverty affects your brain development
just because it takes thousands of years doesn't mean the changes happen overnight, there are slow mutation on the genetic code
you have proved time and time again to be retarded and completly clueless
maybe try going back to your echochamber
The gay ones who do those confuse me more.
Slept with a guy on meant on 8ch a couple of times (I'm half hispanic, brown skin). He fell to the Holla Forums anuddah shoah propaganda meme and doesn't talk to me anymore. Atleast I can brag I seized a stormfagfag's means of production.
Its all they ever bitch about. If a white women getting murdered get more news than anyone, black men or white men or muslims.
top kek, good for u comrade
Again no valid arguments from this low IQ retard.
just like if you created a test, based on how to have a succesful life as a frat boy in NJ the fratboy would come up top, guess which type of test is more useful, the ones with squares or the ones related to real life?
Which test would determine if someone can function in, and help to maintain a prosperous society, and not a shit-hole?
nice asshurt, did it really took you all night to come up with a reply? where you that buttsore?
What kind of person actually gets triggered by happy white families?
Are you unhappy lad?
There is isn't a single argument for the legalization of race.mixing that isn't based on feefees. Not one.
There is no reason either to pick leftist feefees over aryan interests.
Nope, just asleep, now demonstrate to me that you even have half my IQ.
There is no single argument for the regulation of the romantic lives of individuals that isn't based on feefees. Not one.
There is no reason either to pick fascist feefees over personal autonomy and dignity.
Demonstrate IQ is a relevant figure first
I already did. iqcomparisonsite.com
I wouldn't be were I am if it wasn't for my IQ.
The furthering of aryan interests.
You feel personal autonomy is somehow a reason to allow race.mixing. Why should I give a fuck about that feefee of yours?
aka; rationalization of your emotional reaction to things you dislike
Because if you agree to not control me, I will agree to not control you. Let me date who I like and I will let you date who you like, and there will be no need for conflict between us. Otherwise, I and everyone else who agrees with me will try to kill you for trying to control us.
yes, the problems solved in IQ tests are irrelevant
and I already proved you wrong
you are on an internet imageboard doing circular logic trying to defend a claim about IQ using a site that contradicts itself and claims IQ is not an exact way to measure intelligence
try again
The "aka" tell for an emotionial reaction to an argument you don't like.
"who I like" is nothing but your feels, and I don't care about your feels, I care about rational arugment that aren't based in your feefees.
Appeal to fear. Not an argument, just your feefees.
the "aryan" race having to be protected is a feefee
Oh wow! There's sight differences in IQ among professions! Why don't you get me a study about the socio-economic background of the janitors verses the doctors.
Flynn Effect > your argument.
And your personal opinion about who I like is nothing but your feels.
They carry over into math, and basic reasoning. Hence why nearly every school uses them
IQ tests don't have algebraic operations, geometry, physicis and so on
try taking an actual IQ test first
you mean spacial awareness, basic reasoning depends entirely on the conditions and the "basic reasonings" seen in IQ tests are therefore subjective
medic, enginner and science schools do an IQ test instead of a test about the subject that was tought to students?
you are a retard
I don't give a fuck about real life relationships, but most of the time when there is one on TV in shows, it is done to be more progressive, not because they were the best people for the job. It's usually a black but not too black woman, or a clean shaven black guy who looks and sounds professional. That is what bothers me.
I admit. If all that I felt was stripped away from me, I wouldn't give a care in the world about it.
Luckily I'm not a plant.
And now it's time to put down the mindnumbing libertarian muh feels meme and recognise that there isn't such a thing as reasoning based on PureLogicTM.
They don't measure creativity, social skills. It is a "massive oversimplification" of cognitive ability. You can memorize the logic of mathematics without having a high IQ, it just takes practice.
No they are not a measure of intelligence, just particular types of reasoning. So not only is IQ affected heavily by material conditions you grow up in as we proved earlier, but it is essentially useless as a medium to measure "intelligence". Notice how in the last link, the study they conducted showed that those who suffered from anxiety score lower on short term memory test. Hey, I wonder what can cause anxiety? Oh yeah, not knowing if you're going to be living in your house next week.
Yes there is, the most logical thing is to deal with your own life and leave others alone unless you have a LOGICAL reason for wanting to get involved(like seize the memes of production).
nice blogpost
you clearly are as smart as one
feel free how you are not appealing to emotion
and now without using logical as an adjective meaning "that which matches my ideological feefees".
feel free to create an argument that could convince a plant, you'll get a like from me
You can have logical reasons for wanting to control someones life. In the Republic, Plato says he wants this done for the sake of efficiency. You just lack the capacity to come up with a good reason.
Efficiency is based in feefees. There is no such thing as a standard for efficiency that isn't based in wants, and there are no wants that aren't based in feefees.
Well besides the fact that this article sites the daily beast as a source as well as something called "Librul news today", I found a few things peculiar.
Ahh yes, so social class does impact IQ! This article is written rather poorly, and rehashes the arguments of "The Bell Curve"(which has been debunked dartmouth.edu
Though it is true that IQ has dropped in certain countries, particularly among school boys this could be due to more immigrants coming in who haven't been exposed to the Flynn effects benefits. If IQ were dropping among whites, we'd expect white birth rates to be going up. This is clearly no the case.
Read a book. You've just debunked all of philosophy I see.
There is no standard of measurement according to which blacks and whites have the same intelligence.
Europe was once dirt poor too
Iceland and finland are far more inhospitable than zimbabwe.
I didn't say that, I simply made it clear that the muh feefees argument is a dumb cliché that collapses on itself. It's pure ideology and you should leave that shit on halfchan.
What about musical intelligence?
And now they aren't. Your point?
[citation needed]. Also North Africans who were exposed to trade were advanced( see Egypt).
You're proving my point by scraping the barrel like that, and it really undermines your flynn effect theory, as their "musical intelligence" has clearly gone down.
That it's no explanation for the disperancies in intelligence.
It's basic geography.
No it hasn't they're at the forefront of the music industry right now.
It doesn't undermine the Flynn Effect. Black IQ has increased about 5 points since desegregation and most niggers live in shitholes like Detroit and Flynn.
Yes there is. The material conditions are not the same. They are not comparable. Europeans were not dealing with imperialism less than a century ago.
So you have to substantiate your claim. Go one and do that. Prove Iceland is less inhabitable that central Africa.
ERRR wrong. Forget to post this.
Was gangnam style the greatest compilation of all time?
That you're going this deep into capitalist ideology to find excuses shows where your real priorities lie.
It does since their music is getting dumber by the day. Miles Davis is dead.
I didn't say central Africa, I said zimbabwe. The zimbabwe that is extremely fertile and used to be the breadbasket of africa, as opposed to iceland in which only a few vegetables that are adapted to the northern climate grow.
You don't understand England.
Lol what?
No, but Danny Browns new album was really good. If you think I meant "most sales" rather than "innovation" then you're retarded.
Which had been under colonial rule for an extremely long time. Zimbabwe also wasn't open to trade, whereas we see nigger states that were open to trade are more advanced. Being open to trade is part of geography. Have you even read Guns Germs and Steel?
Since when is academic achievement, which is heavily linked to IQ not a metric by which to judge intelligence?
Zimbabwe was only colonized in the late 19th century.
The exchange of brothas for boom sticks didn't lead to any innovative advancement, not in the Swahili states, not on the gold coast. There was in fact a trade network on the zambezi river spanning from the congo to the african east coast.
Since English society was wrecked by the cultural revolution of the 60's with only foreingers being left largely untainted.
Lol mixed race kids tend to be funny/friendly imo. Unless they were raised by salty coons in the hood.
If IQ were static, you wouldn't expect white IQ to be going down as much as it would appear by the school records. You can say whatever you want, but I just provided you with an example where niggers perform superior to whites. Funny how race realist become environmentalist as soon as the tables are turned. You can't expect me to accept your environmental explanation for why whites are performing worse than most ethnic groups(and why white eastern europeans do worse than somali's) while at the same time, denying environment as a major factor of intelligence.
Zimbabwe while having lots of resources, lacked animals that could be domesticated for agriculture. They're "resources" are not nearly as "abundant' as you're making them out to be.
Why can't there be genetic and environmental factors?
Which is 99% of the problem with arguing anything about the relationship between genes and intelligence - if you claim there's a relationship you get strawmanned by blank slateists into 100% genetic determinism.
Leading to retarded shit like this, i.e. "the children of Nigerian doctors and engineers perform better than the white English average, ergo racists BTFO"
Second generation immigrants, which disproves the "regression to the mean" theory which is the crux of the "black IQ's are largely static" argument. Racist are "btfo", the point of anti-racist is that IQ isn't static, and improves with material conditions. I have proved this. Second generation immigrants who grew up in superior material conditions than their parents saw improvement in their IQ. They previously performed worse than whites and now they are performing better. This is all anti-racist want to prove.
Holla Forums why the fuck should I care about your bizarre eugenic fetishes? It's my life and I will do what I want with it.
If having stupid children was that serious of an issue, most of you would be sterilized anyway.
Why would i need an argument to convince a plant? I dont care about ur feefees
Try to prove we should defend aryan purity without appealing to emotions
Its like you cant or something
And it was a plague ridden shithole
Your life is owed to your people, you ungrateful runt.
bullshit. People like you teach that irrelevant shiting is wrong, and their existence is an abomination. No shit, they're going to have mental problems if you or other racists teach that people should only love their own race. Fuck off
You really think some wealthy white asshole gives a shit about your poor, oppressed, white coal miners? Get real. "Your People" are the workers of the world.
How many schools teach bi-racial kids that they're abominations? This almost "MUH FEELZ" as the class struggle nonsense.
You really think some Kenyan potato farmer cares more about you? No he cares about his people.
Most of the 1% are Jews and so don't feel empathy to us, nor should they given that we are not kin.
Seriously, the rates of people who need bone marrow transplants are not that high. People in general have a hard time finding marrow donors. But it's usually due to the lack of donors, specifically. Take that fear-mongering shit to Holla Forums
I'd rather help a poor white guy than rich black guy.
Then who's teaching them that they're abominations? You did say that they're mental problems stem from being taught that their conception is unnatural.
He doesn't even buy his own bullshit anyway. Nobody is against mixed couples cause of transplant. It's just an attempt to justify ad-hoc.
It's not untrue, given the Iron Law that only like-animals will breed with other like-animals.
I didn't say school, fucking idiot. When you're giving an argument to someone, you are in fact teaching him something. It doesn't have to be a professional teacher, for God's sake
I doubt bi-racial people are told they're abominations on a daily basis.
You've obviously never been to the South
I spend my four years of HS telling one this, I made a point to.
The only abominable part about this is that someone is gonna take this b8
Meant to say interracial marriage, not irrelevant
Even 4/pol/ thinks Hitler was a leftist, when will we accept him as our true glorious revolutionary leader?
t. not a nazi
The world is such a piece of shit today because of these so called " your people" faggot
We MADE the world that has been assaulted and drowned down.
Kill yourself, cuck
Life in the western hemisphere was only bearable for a couple of years after the second war, it was shit during the middle ages and obscurantism
Pure, unadulterated ideology.
I agree, why can't it be that? Because race realists think that the ten point difference (which apparently is a "massive disparity" between whites and blacks) is solely due genetics. If even five points of I.Q. are the result of environmental factors, why do they have all these hair brained ideas about solving all our problems through ethnic hegemony?
Because even if 5 points are due to environmental factors the race realist ideology completely falls through, so it HAS to be about race and genetics.
No, the problem is that you don't have any scientific evidence to back up your claims about people's biologies. You think it would be pretty easy to figure out a genetic reason why there is a "massive disparity" between blacks and white but so far it hasn't been found.
Putting aside "muh jews!" as an explanation, why do you think that is? Why do you keep relying on the Bell Curve and whatever random sociological studies that only help your perspective?
So we have to hurt our own claims?
Its not an honest look at the environmental and socio-economic factors. You clearly don't care about the truth, only validating your ideology.
But we have the whole fields of evolutionary biology and evolutionary psychology you should thank "right-wing" thought for.
Because you don't get grants or tenure for studies that lead to "politically incorrect" conclusions - you'd probably have more luck trying to prove Marx was right about everything in the University of Chicago economics department.
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
Oh really? So why do you keep posting these socio-logical factors and not biological evidence of race realism?
Its been over a hundred years since Darwin, around a hundred years since the brain was studied insistently and around 60 years since the discovery of D.N.A. According to pol academic and cultural Marxism didn't really get its vile, Semetic teeth into science until the 70's. How come race realist science doesn't have anything to show for itself before that?
And he doesn't have any scientific evidence to back that up despite being the seminal researcher for D.N.A, its just an assertion.
That don't show shit.
Because we've posted the information a million times and it ought to be common knowledge now.
My people are who I declare them to be, not who you declare them to be. And people you look like do not care for you.
Scientific evidence that genetics play a role in their I.Q. being lower?
Nice memes, my property.
That explains why they are dumber than their immigrant counterparts.
And people who have similar income do not care about you either. A Peruvian copper miner would rather save a Peruvian banker than a non Peruvian copper miner.
Only the ones that receive free lunches, which proves that poor people are stupid and exploiting them is natural and ethical since they're not much more complex than animals.
White people don't get free lunches?
The study was about white students who receive free lunch vs immigrant students.
Gee it turns out you can reverse hundreds of thousands of years of evolution with a free lunch. Boy oh boy those environmental factors sure aren't important in the face of hard genetic determinism.
So we can conclude from this that blacks are superior once put on an equal level with whites. Interesting.
Nope, just that poor people are stupid. Plus blacks students have their scores curved so they don't fail. Hell, they have to modify the SAT test so they don't fail.
Your people are your bloodline, plain and simple.
And you owe them.
Leftists did, and yes, they are dumber than are immigrants.
Are poor white people stupid? Why?
How come you are posting a journal about American education when we are talking about England?
What did they do exactly?
Poor people of all races are stupid, exploiting them is natural.
Destroy the social fabric which lead to an explosion of crime, abuse, fun and broken homes in the 1960's.
So race realism is bullshit?
How come that only affected the whites and not the blacks?
Because it wasn't their social society that was being wrecked.
top jej
keep sperging pls
I never said that you don't need education, but a person with an IQ of 80 would never make through any reputable med school.
And you base this off of what, exactly?
This doesn't mean it's a meaningless metric, though. It just doesn't mean what stormcucks think it does, and a couple of storm-ish tentured academics like Gottfredson.
feel free to prove it is just because of IQ
Also I already posted a source that shows that the average IQ of medical workers is well above 80.
Said who? Yer dusty ass? Please take that primitive hivemind shit back where it came from. A bunch of hoodlum trash in the city are NOT my people, and you can go fuck yourself for trying to force others to like people they want nothing to do with,
Prove to me that IQ is useless. And no, not measuring emotional doesn't mean it's not a valid intelligence indicator.
We're just discovering a lot of this stuff now. You are aware how complex the human genome is, right? Please stop pretending that all the secrets of our genes and genetics were discovered some time in the '80s, and that "race realists" or whatever they're calling themselves now are just dragging their feet on accepting it
the chart you posted simply cherrypicked them from a plethora of charts found in this study, several of which do not follow such a strongly determined pattern at all
more over, you still have to prove that it was caused just by IQ alone
You maid the claim that we should use IQ to determine intelligence, can't back up your claim or what?
Also, practically every person involved in a scientific field relating to humanity has assumptions and agendas involved. I wasn't implying that HURR DA JOOZ DID IT, simply stating that the kind of person that would be involved in the study of human genetics probably isn't as objective as they think they are, especially regarding the interactions of genes and human behaviour
I don't agree with him at all, but I would take articles like this with a grain of salt, this topic is prime clickbait material. Tons and tons of candidate genes have been found, but almost none verified.
This. Every organ in our bodies functions based on instructions coded in our DNA. Why would the brain be any different?
Geez. You white nationalist cunts are more shallow than a Hollywood socialite.
Why can't the Peruvian coal miner care about both of them? Is that too foreign of a concept in your mind?