Bill Nye "My Sex Junk" performer Rachel Bloom did a song about molesting a 12 year old jewish boy

You cannot make this shit up.

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I always thought teacher were ugly growing up.

Never understood the whole Freud "little boy wants to fuck his mommy" bullshit.

Typical tricks scholomo

nice try

Thinking back on it now I've literally never been into any of my teachers. I'm a perverted degenerate freak these days but not once can I ever recall having a thing for any teacher. There were plenty of attractive ones but it just never really entered my mind to fantasize about them.

Same, I never thought any of my teachers were attractive.

When I taught English in Japan I felt like I got ripped off since none of my schools had hot teachers nor a hot nurse unlike those lying animes.

I bet this Rachel creature has eaten babies before.

Only like 1% of nips are even remotely attractive.
I had a really hot teacher growing up but didn't want to fuck her because of her leftist views(they were naturally repulsive to me but I did try and look down her shirt all the time heh)

She was a 24 y/o petite britfag with massive tits, can you really blame me?

Nice blogpost Moshe, now gas yourself.

No, it's the mark of a functioning human male. Glancing at cleavage is one of the simple joys in life.

Does this not smack of the same level of degeneracy we saw from that performing group "heavy breathing" amid the pizzagate controversy?

Finally someone gets it.

Seriously? This is the kind of shit that prefaces a society's collapse ffs.

I'm pretty sure this is satire. Bad satire, but satire.

It's all about the subtext. On the surface it's a "funny" video about the fantasy of a young boy going through puberty. The subtext is that it's an excuse to show a grown woman presenting herself to a little boy.

It's like that movie about the little girl from a broken home who runs away with a man to experience nature. Whatever they claim the message is, the real and obvious subtext is to give the directors an excuse to show a quasi-romantic relationship between a grown man and a child.

Or that movie about the guy who ages in reverse. Yet again, an excuse to show adult and child actors in a romantic relationship.


This is hands down the stupidest thread I've ever seen here.


Wow, the Devs were trying to say that secret societies eat human flesh. Way back I cleansed that den of filth during my FNV playthrough.


You know its stupid. Stupid lame shill response

I remember watching that when I was bluepilled. Get some good soundbites and video clips out of it and you might be able to really hurt her.

It's almost like Jews are degenerate perverts that lead nations into decadence and despair or something. Who would have thought?

Jewish women seem just as depraved as their men. They obsess over their vaginal discharge, bodily smells, and shoving little boys' faces into their mushy Moshe pocket.

the comments are fucking disgusting

nah, it's just a cohencidence whenever a nation that enables jewry goes to shit in record time.

To be honest it might have been a lighthearted jab at early adolescent sexual naivety if it were only about an obsession with boobs, since at 12-13 that's a fairly normal fixation. But the constant mentions of interacting with the vagina and listing its anatomy is what really puts it in that Jewish-feminist degeneracy zone. Also the Golda Meir parts were extraordinarily unfunny especially given that it didnt have the kid negatively reacting to her presence in his dream, which could have been at least somewhat funny.
At least they gave a shout out to best mineral.
Yids really are incapable of quality humor, aren't they?

Wait, are you saying a feminist kike is fucking degenerate?

She looks like Harold Ramis

I have no idea why they claim they're so funny. I can count the amount of funny jews on one hand.

They own comedy venues where they give other Jews gigs. They're good at promotion.

Sister went to school with this cunt. She is where she is because of kike nepotism, not because she is in any way talented.

doing a segment on a shitty kikeflix show for 3 minutes? I have no idea who that shrill Jewess is and I read daily mail.

She has a rather successful TalmudVision show.

Youtube now allows live streaming of breastfeeding

check it out - NSFW - but apparently its totally safe for youtube and all kids/adults are allowed to watch it. It's totally not sexual.

this woman has millions of views and hundreds of thousands of subscribers

just for allowing kids to suck on her tits

everyone watch me eat soup while getting my tits sucked

Thanks Youtube!

That's because Freud was inbred jew who had a nurse (or how you call that in English) acting as his mother, so he didn't look at his biological mother as his actual mother. Then he once saw her dressing and popped a boner. Then he concluded that everybody wants to fuck their parents.

Term is Nanny I think though Nurse gets the point across

This shit probably gets loads of adrev money on youtube.

I'm amazed I sort through filth of DM each day and have never seen or heard. Must be with a different publicist than one who works with with that rag.

I don't think breast feeding is that "sexual" but I do find it strange she lets children with teeth chew on her nipples.

that being said, I have an erection.

Probably because yours were. I had multiple teachers who were 8/10, even one who was a perfect 10. If you'r not attracted to beatyfull women when you hit puberty, you'r just a fag. Also, teachers are not "mommy", pretty big difference there.

what pissed me off about the whole breastfeeding in public thing is that i didn't give a shit about it in the first place, but the propaganda was so fucking hard.
i never gave a shit.
it was attention whoring, moral grandstanding, and retardation on a gigantic scale.

most of those views are probably from those people who got caught up in the breastfeeding in public prop and are still going "you go girl".
fucking disgusting.
fucking normalfag cattle.

oh god.
in comments section.
fucking shit, it's worse than i thought.

Are they planning on turning every man into an ass man or do they want us to stop having children altogether?

(((media))) hype for one, the media tells you they are hilarious, so there is some confirmation bias going on
also, why do you think most of their shows need a laughter track?
because they're not funny at all
and the goyim that watch are so dumb they need to be told when to laugh
I think in the early days, jews were the only ones pushing (((entertainment))) that was transgressive of christian values, which got a laugh because it was "naughty" humor
there's only so far you can go with that before everyone is jaded though
I also think this is the reason chans are funnier than anything else out there, because WE are now the ones transgressing jewish values in the same way they do christian values
their humor is stale and used now though, whilst ours is still fresh
transgression is funny because it lies beyond the edge of acceptability and allows you to heartily mock social norms and conformity
tfw shitlord edgelord

that jewess is going to be so hideous when she ages…

i'm going to say
reduction of the world's population would ease our consumption of resources and reduce the amount we shit all over earth.
i'm not exactly against this depending on the rate and the way it's done. corrupting the spirit of the people is out of the question (brainwashing).

but to do this alongside mass immigration or specifically to us is fucking disgusting.

They aren't reducing world population, only the White population. Niggers still breeding at record levels and crossing into Europe.

yeah i'm well aware.
immigration is our top issue.

anti-racist hitler is our top redpill.

I bet you were hot for daddy.
Most of Holla Forums are IRL fags



that picture ain't helping.

call it out in the comments and ask her on twitter for a justification.

don't troll,just condemn.

If they know they cannot push the peadophile agenda on us they will have to drop it.

He must be stopped.

hehehe….stupid goyim!


Fucking kikes

Much more so, actually. There are some Jewish men that don't really care about anything but shekels. Their women are always huge degenerates, though.

>van Halen is the son of Dutch father, Jan van Halen and Indonesian-born Eurasian mother
>Also known as Michael Anthony Sobolewski
>Lee Roth is of Jewish heritage

thats how a jew's mind works. ("everybody must be like this!") endless projection.

Why do the mods keep deleting threads about Ivanka wanting rapefugees????????

eh, she doesn't? and one of the servers is down.

This. I can guarantee you if a Holla Forumsitician was offered the chance to produce something we'd present more or less our real opinions to an audience that we hoped to influence under the protective shield of satire.


Jesus Christ I hate Jews

I'm not sure if it's sincere, but after the initial backlash she got she also mentioned that she was surprised people could tell she was jewish. I'm personally of the opinion that many young jews have totally bought that they are "white" while concurrently being immersed in jewish culture which is completely blowing the OpSec of the elder kikes.

The tramp stamp of degenerate audio/video.

wheres the youtube video so i can leave a non-conforming hate message about the Jews?

Checked and Heil'd
The jews think they're diminished our perceptive powers through their decades of indoctrination. We know a subversive kike when we see one.

What's his name Holla Forums?

Stuff like this is what helped push me from edgy humor about killing Jews and Hitler Did Nothing Wrong to sincerely believing that Jews must be wiped off the face of the Earth for the betterment of all mankind.

You are over blowing that song op. It's old at this point but it's the boys fantasy. Now I'll wait for the kike , shill, (((you))) responses. There are more important things to talk about, namely kushner and is influence over the white house.

I looked her up and she doesn't seem to have any relevance to Nickelodeon. What was the context of that tweet by Dan Schneider?

Why don't we dig for career-runing dirt on Nye? Odds are, hes a pedo.

are we gonna start having to >>(2)

that was some of the funniest shit I ever took part in here
This is what happens when you deny science. You can't understand how in soviet america ''Science Labels (You!)"

we ran her off and they all went unlisted. She actually tried coming to one of the Holla Forumss (I forget if it was half or full) and then went home in tears crying "How can they know?!?!? I NEVER MENTIONED IT ON ANY OF MY GOYBOOK PROFILES!!!!"
The reaction was so hysterical it might've been genuine.

the mods of that Bill Nye page seem asleep, you should spam this video in the comments there where Rachel appears. It's mostly angry T_Ders and 'concerned mothers' going there so that'll really push this crazy cunt's music vid out into the open.

actually the weirdest thing I noticed since I got redpilled is that the funniest jews don't come out of Hollyweird at fucking all, they're imports from Jew Yawk, aka it's laced with a healthy dosage of Italian-ish SoL subtexts and 'old world' neologisms.
Mel Brooks/Kaminsky, Broadway
Jim Abrahams Chicago theatre, then Broadway (Hot Shots/Naked Gun)
John Landis, Theatre then TV sitcoms (Top Secret, Beverly Hills Cop, Three Amigos)
Larry David, Brooklyn network TV circuit
Jason Alexander, same
It's almost like being a one note overspecialised trust fundie makes you a tryhard jackass with no imagination

I would have laughed more if it ended in 4444

Don't ever look up Spy magazine then, their editor was like Skwisgar on Metalocalypse. He's had the wrong kind of fascination with killary since 1992.

lol actually just mentioned this on the womb thread.
Their own children are turning out some of those most susceptible to their propaganda, in a completely unironic way. There's been antifa jews beating up other jews in Columbia U over their "white privilege" for awhile now.
"No, no, what are you doing Mihel?!?! Stop eating things out of that trough, it's only for those meshugge goyim!"

I mean, you really had to ask? Don't tell me you're next going to be surprised KISS aren't actually demons from outer space.
Hey, here's something really surprising! Pee-wee Herman ''isn't 'german!!'
that said, there's nothing wrong with that shit at teens and up, what made it not a thing in the US was as a 'new country' with lots of land to be settled, only old biddies had the time to be teachers while everyone else had to work damn near 24/7 til the industrial revolution. It's basically just pure chance that made it 'not a thing' until all the hot bitches got free college from big daddy gov. Hell, Lichtenberg married one of his pupils and that was over 300 years ago.

>…because the larger purpose behind art and storytelling is for us as humans to see ourselves reflected back to us, and seeing your story and identity explored through art is incredibly validating.


It doesn't get more explicit than this. This kike has just revealed the mindset. To them, storytelling is not a means of framing yourself with respect to your culture and traditions, and it is certainly not about taking inspiration from tales of heroism in order to strive for virtuous living. No, the real purpose of storytelling is to provide a vehicle for indulging your narcissism.


(((Rachel Bloom)))


We should be the world's storytellers then.

She looks like a less ugly version of (((Lena Dunham))) which ain't saying much

and what she's holding in her hand

I know this is unrelated, but we had some gay debate about wage gaps at our school, and I'd like to have some sources for it.
Can someone link me some shit? I know, I'm a lazy kike.

Start your own thread, nigger, or find a related one. Where do you think you are?

Same here, except for my high school gym teacher, who was 27 (I was 17). Pretty sure she was a dyke though. One time I saw some fat semi-retarded kid basically standing in the gym staring at her with his hands down his pants jerking it in public during class while her back was turned. Female teachers were a mistake.

The same bitch who sung that degeneracy made this webm

(((THEY))) Know.




Fuck I had like 40 saned names for Dan "get in the van" Schneider. Can't find them though.

Actors and musicians have been telling on kikes forever. MJ was the most obvious. Remember when he sang Sue me, Jew me. Kick me, Kike me. and all those times he hinted he was sexually abused by kike execs as a child.






All these great threads getting sunk and this piece of shit is up.

Kill yourself.



It really is disappointing how big of a piece of garbage Bill Nye the phony scientist has become. He's completely different now, as if he went to literal poz camp in order to have a second chance at a career.

Shameless ripoff of Drawn Together. LoL at the jews not being intelligent though.


truly ahead of his time

Normies now know

How are you just now learning who Rachel Bloom is? This chick has been in web media for years.

It's not molestation, it's distasteful, crude, disgusting, an explanatory view on the jews and how they see the world, pathological, Freudian, annoying, and overall low quality but it's not about 'molestation'. She's a degenerate kike.

Schieder was/is a sick sadist pedo. This video isn't that, it's just weird 'internet humor' by people who aren't internet cultured.

Damn, the world has gotten noticeably worse in the past few years. Nice that someone is finally admitting in an unequivocal manner that fiction influences people and their development. Assigning agency to those without it is one of the true crimes of our age.

This remind anyone of that MK-Ultra "Finger Family" bullshit that's all over youtube? SPOILER don't let your kids watch youtube


Odds that old Bill is more than just a faggot and an actual kid fucker just went through the roof.

Are we doing anything to destroy these cunts?

Jews really just need to get gassed already. This shit is fucking insane.

I wanted to bang my 8th grade literacy teacher and college Calculus professor. Other than that, all of my teachers were unattractive or guys.

She's married to Schneider, and also worked at Nick before


Pure exhibitionism hidden under the protection of "motherhood." They're no different than the whores who give up their modesty for cheap plastic beads. My wife breastfed our kids in public, but unlike these whores, she'd cover herself and our baby with a blanket.

What IS she holding in her hand. Is that a tampon?

Anyone have the tweet or comment where she's freaked out because she can't understand how all the "bullies" found out she was jewish?



that's a tranny, right?


this kiddo wants to talk to 'grown ups'.

You know, men with beards.
not men with a cunt

Considering that some specieses of sipider prey on other spiders, just like some cobras prey on other cobra and snake specieses, it's like jews are the Homo sp to prey on other Homo sp.

You know, that probably fits in with how Pedosta-y he acts around those plebbit screenshot people. After hearing about how he acts, about how he really actually hates kids, yeah it fits. Also a lot of (((Nickelodeon's))) staff since the Iranian Clinton cultist Cyma Zarghami took over are Childfree-Hardcore tier as well. When you read up on (((modern))) Nick execs, it's no wonder the network went to shit. The previous one, (((Herb Scanell))) encouraged the development of Avatar, Hey! Arnold, Rugrats, The Angry Beavers, Rocko's Modern Life, and worked on Catscratch, The Brothers Garcia, Taina and Dora. Kike or not he knew where the real money to pander to lay. in fact one of the first things that nasty woman did was cancel all of his shit but Dora when she took over.
I bet you could find a lot more than Dan if you could get some of their old tartlets to talk.

I never heard of her either and I have a normie media channel

Yea, don't forget how degenerate ((Steven Universe)) has gotten. First it was just a mild coat of miscegenation but now it's a wall-to-wall lezz-out fest.

What the name of these kinos?


There were three teachers in my entire schooling career that I was ever attracted to. One was in fourth grade, and she was 25 at the time. I didn't know anything about sex, so I just knew I wanted to kiss her a lot and hold her hand. Second was in sixth grade and while I was aware of sex, it was still a lot more 4th grade thinking. Last was my 10th grade teacher who was 20 at the time. I was borderline in love with her and often tried to make a move on her.

Only times I've felt something like that, and they were all single 20-something year olds. So I don't know if they're even relevant



I've been into my math teacher.


Most modern people have been unwittingly programmed with a "nature as mirror" ontology. See Rorty's book (Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature) on this, leftist interpretation of Nietzsche, etc.

Same. but it was mostly because I liked her daughter though.


This is old as fuck. I have been a fan of Rachel Blooms comedy for years, though lately her social media garbage and Bill Nye cringefest has been disappointing me.

The song isn't about molesting a 12 year old, the song is about a 12 year old boys hormonal change but not understanding anything about how sex works.

It was werid back when it came out, and what some 20 something actress knows about being a 12 year old boy is stupid. her claim is her and her now husband and friends were all talking about how they experienced puberty and all the misconceptions they had.

It fell flat back then as one of her weak songs.

Now it's biting her in the ass. I'd argue it shouldn't but she's fighting for a world where despite the context, you can be slandered and shamed. So fuck her, call her a pedo. The more I learn about people who I used to enjoy, the more I despise them.

Finding the Jew here is easy, Rachel Bloom talks about it all the time. If you want to dig deeper, look into the PR companies managing all these peoples social media and booking their gigs.

Rachel Bloom became unbearable the moment she stopped managing her own stuff. Then she became political out of nowhere, despite living in Jew York and HelL A, so it's not just relocation and culture.

DOD was hiring PR companies and when GamerGay dug up info on that's when shit got real bad and the whole media turned on what was an internet bitch boy slap fight.


More faggots than Holla Forums?

Dan "The Hymen Divider" Schneider?