Holocaust deniers are dumb

Ever had a time where a holocaust denier who believes all the guff about a zionist conspiracy running the globe actually put you on your heels with evidence and a well structure argument that didnt boil down to their paranoid anti-antisemitism? me neither…

do they honestly think they're being scholarly? Or do they use said "evidence" as a smoke screen to justify their scumminess. Just trying to understand the mindsets of these people.

pic related
^not funny unless your a brit

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Nice try, Paddy, but you're not getting me this time. I'm on to your leprechaun tricks.

Not an argument

Denying an atrocity that everyone agrees to be true is pretty fucking retarded which is why I fully believe the holodomor did not happen (see pic).

I believe the holocaust happened but I do not trust the numbers nor the way those people died. Vast majortiy of those camps were work camps where people died from working themselves to death, starvation or disease.
People who literally think that entire point of those camps was to "mass murder" people only, are retarded liberals. What's the purpose of murdering people when you can use them as slave labor?

See this>>981397 guy gets it, I'm not denying that jews died in work camps from starvation/typhus due to allies bombing infrastructure , All i am saying is they where not burned or gassed en masse for no reason.

some were slave labour camps some were straight up death camps. this is well known.

shameful tbqfh

If only your shit board had ids

If you don't like it, leave.

and if you do like it, leave anyway

Come on comrade we're both socialists here

And we are talking only about one country.


You do understand that poland was split between the ussr and germany right?

Very few European countries acknowledge that Pol Pots genocide happened aswell


And after operation Barbarossa it got wholly under German control.


Where do you think you are?

they were kulaks

Nobody says this, and the fact that you're too spineless to look back at recorded history and the attrocities associated with your ideology doesn't mean we can't.

Is explicitly starting your wish for another persecution of Jews too PC for you? {*|:^)

ayy lmao

Nice artifact-riddled meme jpegs and pseudo-professional videos made by AIDS denialist bloggers man. Got any more?

nobody says there was no famine
yet the claim it was deliberate is nothing but that
a baseless claim

What did he mean by this?

Sure just because you asked

Yeah idk either. Apparently being the largest backer of every major Sunni Jihadist movement in the world isn't anti-Semitic enough for stormtards.

And it's two stale ones everyone's seen before.

Step up your game or just go back to the containment board already smh.

Syria: Socialist
(even communists participating)
Libya: Socialist
Iraq: Socialist
Egypt: Socialist
Afghanistan: Socialist
Major political party in palestine: Socialist

*And now take a guess
which nation(s) in the region never had a leftist/socialist government in their history?

Israel, Saudi, Qatar…

the right wing wet dream, but keep pretending to be an "antisemite" to cover up for you being an imperialist cuck

The so called holodomor is propaganda that was created to discredit the soviet state. Unlike the Holocaust, there was no plan to exterminate the Ukrainians like the Nazis did with the Jews.

Famines happen all the time. It's not as if Moscow could control the weather.

Ethnonationalist (right wing) Zionist.

Ethnoreligious (right wing) Wahhabist.

It's almost like identitarianism is consistently (and has historically always been used) used to either form an ideological justification or distraction for the universal interests of a rich ruling class. Really makes you think.


Oy vey!

All this collection of images are just "I'M RIGHT BECAUSE I'M GERMAN AND YOU'RE NOT" coupled with pages from books describing what is believed to be the holocaust and "official documents" as if someone were to want to leave evidence of their crimes. If you tried to use this type of evidence in court, it would just be thrown out.

Or, you know, that might have something to do with the fact that they were all located in Poland — that is, far away from the German civil population.

This map indicates which countries recognized the Holodomor as constituting a genocide, not whether they claim it happened or not.

For fuck's sake, Holla Forumsyps don't even bother reading their own goddamn infographics before they post. Those people are the intellectual equivalent of a sounder of rampaging boars.

No, also the vast majority of reputable historians. Unlike Holocaust deniers, Holodomer "deniers" actually have historians who can get their works published in academic journals backing their views. Not to mention the two tragedies aren't remotely comparable. The Holocaust has thousands upon thousands of witnesses, photographic and documentary evidence. The Holodomer lacks all that, save for a couple snarky comments Stalin made about Ukraine. The plan was to work the Jews to death originally, when it was apparent they would not be winning the war they started mass murdering Jews in order to fulfill the "Final Solution". I should also mention that arguing from incredulity - is a fallacy. Which is what you're doing, just because you personally don't think it the reasoning behind it makes sense logically or otherwise doesn't mean it happens.

But nice try Holla Forumsyp, your sophistry doesn't work here.

Ahh yes, like when Senators in Congress accused the Soviets are starving 20 million Ukranians to death? There is not a consensus that the Holodomer was intentional genocide, it is still disputed by historians today.

*just because you don't personally think the reasoning behind it makes sense, logically or otherwise does not mean it didn't happen.