So THPS 5 sucked ass and it has been like 6 years since skate 3 came out and let's be honest, if skate 4 were to ever come out it would be open world garbage. Are skateboarding games truly dead outside of fan projects like THUG pro?
Are skateboarding games dead?
Seems like it, unfortunately.
It's a shame, because everyone I knew said they were pretty excited for THPS5.
If they just made a good game that BUILT UPON THE MECHANICS rather than a half-assed sequel to THPSHD, they could've had a full revival on their hands.
Well IIRC Activision's license to THPS ended on the day THPS5 was released so it was nothing more than a quick cash grab.
all they gotta do is make skate 4 and the world will be at peace
Do you really want modern EA to fuck up another one of their franchises though?
I still play Skate 2 from time to time. Honestly the best skating game of the last decade.
sure beats no skate boarding games at all
I guess people prefer the story over the whole pseudo-Jackass thing. I don't care for both either way, but THUG2 had the superior levels and songs.
Might as well use this thread to shill THUG pro, a mod for THUG2's PC version that fixes a lot of issues, adds maps from the other games, and makes the multiplayer completely functional.
Also I'd like to thank the user that shilled this to me earlier, I didn't even know any of the TH games were ported to PC until you showed me this.
As opposed to?
This tbh. THUG pro is the most fun I've had in years.
I'm sad we'll never get another dave mirra game.
where do i get thug 2 on pc?
Here's a Mega link, you can find a torrent just as easily.
also if you're playing on windows 7, apply the blur fix
life is suffering
Thanks, Chief.
you don't need any fixes or cracks for thug2 if you just want to play thugpro
also bare in mind xinput (not to mention analog triggers) is still kinda borked atm so you would need a external controller mapping program just for the analog triggers on any sorta controller that has em.
Best game, followed by THPS3.
Personally, Tony Hawk's American Wasteland is the best Skateboarding game out there. There are still servers for this game and people play online (talking about PS2)
I've only played THPS on PS1.
What are the best THPS, Holla Forums?
Blackbox, the skate devs, got dismantled by EA, so if you want skate 4, it will be completely different since it will be by completely different devs.
Which brand of skateboard did you nerds use in the games? I almost always used Baker. No real reason, it was something I chose and it just stuck.
You already played it. THPS2 had some great levels, THPS4 was open world shid.
Skateboarding games died the same way racing games did.
A big fucking company (EA) killed the fucking market by pumping "simulation" rather than Arcade style games that are actually fun and eventually all the talent ditched and now nobody can make a good arcade skateboarding game.
You want an idea of how bad it is? Goat Simulator is legitimately a better Arcade style skating game than THPS5
everything that we used to enjoy is dead
did you enjoy skateboarding games? did you play the fuck out of the tony hawk pro skater demo on the playstation underground disk?
everythings gone, everythings crumbling or dust were fucked fucked fucked i wish i could just sleep till i died
3 for the Xbox/Gamecube
Best one out there as a complete package might be THUG, best mechanically one is THUG2
EA threw only arcade racing games, and they all sucked at one moment (NFS, Skate)
EA is pure bad but let's be honest, they are not Activision
ea has done more damage to video gaming than activision will ever do
they crippled rts, they fucked up spore, theyre straight up in part of the "entertainment industry"
Kids don't skate anymore. It involves going outside and not being fat. The permanent death of the genre was expected.
THPS died on the ps2
SNOW isn't so bad but there's nothing to really do besides fucking around and it's a glitchy early access. Free to play and the only shit you pay for is cosmetics though
Not every kid who played skating games actually skated.
Lets just admit that it was a fad and it is over. The shit tier games helped to end it.
Skateboarding is dead
Its revival in the mid 2000s is over, I miss terrible teen skate videos with shitty Bam and tony hawk cameos
This, which is why THPS5 is the worst game of this generation so far.
Skating games are indeed dead. Sorry folks.
For people looking for a PC snowboarding game, check out Stoked: Big Air Edition.
It's basically Skate on snowboards, with a bunch of mountains and a decent soundtrack. Multiplayer is dead, but there's enough single player content to keep you occupied for a long time.
Skate 2 was open world
Yes, because skateboarding is dead.
Activation closed troika, that's enough for them to have a special place in hell.
I only have a physical copy of thps2, should i play that or emulate 3. Ive never really played arcade skate games too much.
Downhill Domination was fun. Like SSX with bicycles.
3 was the pinnacle of the series, plus it was on PC so there's no need to emulate.
no pc
Then what are you emulating on?
Anyway, 3 is still the better game, so play it.
Android + controller
I keep my skateboard in my car because I skate to each of my classes, since it's faster than walking and I only have five minutes to get across campus after four of my courses
So anyone interested in getting together one day and playing some THUGPro?
if only SKATE would come to PC
Where the fuck do I buy this game.
THUG1 was better, you started off as a nobody living in the suburbs with a ghetto-ass board and you work your way up to being the ultimate pro-skater. THUG 2 was more of a jackass video game and the music, levels and story were far less memorable.
I'd love to, user!
Wish Black Box would be reformed to do Sk4te with Tony Hawk.
Skate 3 had one of the best soundtracks I've fucking heard. Especially song related.
bamp for thugpro autism