Alex Jonestein being Sued by Chobani Yogurt

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ahh, the old take em to court jewing I see. This might just go bad for chobani actually, specially if they are going for a PR angle, it legitimizes alex jones and his comments as being something real.

greek yogurt is fucking disgusting and so is anyone who eats or makes it. fucking rapists

911 confirms Kek thinks greek yogurt is a catastrophe

Icelandic yogurt is god-tier imo

But that rapefugee did work at chobani. Good luck with your counter suit filter man.



Reminder: The ceo of this company just came here from turkey in the 1990 and immediately was put on the board of the new york federal reserve.

Does this prove that he is not paid op

Finnish yeast yogurt is best

Probably theater for us.

The kcal/protein ratio is batshit insane. Get fats elsewhere and it's amazing.

It proves he isn't controlled by the Greek Yogurt industry, that's about it.

So they hire refugees.

What can they take Alex Jones to court for? For saying that they're hiring refugees who are overrepresented in rape statistics. Thus they're contributing to the importation of refugees by giving refugees oppurtunities?

It's not even a lie, slander or defamation that Alex Jones is trying to do. So goodluck in court Chobani, fucking retards.

Well shit. Good info user.

i can respect that, i'll consider icelandic yogurt next time i see it

Alex Jones in this case is completely right. There is no real evidence to use against Alex Jones on any charge that I can think of. This is horrid PR for the yoghurt company, but they dugg their own grave when they decided to employ rapefugees.

Whats the dispute? They hire a lot of refugees, so they bring a lot of refugees in. You hire them before they come, thats how they get a work pass in the first place. Theres no case here, they do in fact - import rapists and TB having sub-humans for jobs that they would normally need to pay a white to do, and they pay these third world shitskins less than minimum wage, too.

I say make it backfire. Spread it around that they are a large rapefugee employer and are responsible for the types of people who do these crimes.

Well I was speaking on the subject of greek yogurt in general. That Siggi's one looks alright, but I personally eat the 0% greek Chobani shit because it's 3g sugar/120kcal/22g protein per serving (4 in the bigger tubs). 88g protein, doesn't get more /polfit/ than that.

They are supposed to be American, and yet they proudly kick whites out of the market for rapists.

Holy shit, I recently tried some Skyr and it is fucking amazing.

I blend it up with cacao nibs in the morning allowing me to sustain high energy levels all day.

It smells like wet asshole

What is that? Be honest. It's cum isn't it? It looks like cum

Boycott chobani

Don't ever buy that shit again and tell your family members about how a shitskin is using the company to bring shitskins here who will eventually overstay and rape.

Fuck them, hit em in the sheckels.
No one I know buys that shit anymore. Costco Kirkland brand is where it's at

Gonna have to boycott our currency too since the guy heads up the NY federal reserve. Citizen of Turkey.

Where do you buy it?

Sounds like a case of good ol fashion western justice needs to be dealt to that fuck head then.
Trump is inadvertently taking care of things though. First step is fucking up there H1B jewery which is in the process. Then we deport the existing ones.

The owner is good friends with Soros so this will be interesting.

DONE! Boycott is on!

I get the skyr at Shoprite. I think Acme and target have as well.
I get the nibs on amazon now, cheaper.

They also have a whole milk version, not just low-fat. It's incredible.

Is that true? It makes sense then. Isn't a Soros group also suing Jones?

So I guess the jews decided to burn Alex Jones then? Even after he did everything they wanted… typical this is why you never trust a jew.

Not in the least bit. Filter man is 100% CIAnigger asset.

except that you're obviously supporting a kosher turkroach who floods the US with rapist hijra jihadis with every purchase, you unbelievable faggot

This could be a grand moment! Think about it: Jones gets burned by the Jews, Jones begins his journey towards the real redpill that was in front of him the entire time. He then proceeds to redpill normies left and right as he takes them on his journey with them.

First I'd heard of this. Fuck Alex Jones, but, you know, fuuuuck Chobani even harder. Thanks for the post, never buying their swill again.

He's tied up with 2 jewish whores & their/his kids.
So I don't think he'll ever go full 14/88 he might try to release stuff on some of his handlers however.

Michael Obama stuff is true.
Anatomy doesn't lie.

Jones response

Its high energy.

How many times does he claim the jewish Holohoax 'survivor' George Soros is a Nazi?

Soro's admitted it himself on video. So he is not wrong.

No, he admitted to being hidden by a gentile traitor (with a kike wife) who took inventory of jewish property, to avoid being shoah'd. Jonestein went from claiming he admitted to being a "top Nazi" in that video (before it was widely available) to calling it a "white wash".

Yes and yes. He was working with Soros to bring refugees in. He's not even trying to hide it. That said, if this guy can sue a news source like Jones and such, what is stopping people from suing CNN and the rest of the fake news crew?



Not another Soros goon, and if you guys haven't checked yet, they're going all in on silencing their big political enemies in media, wonder how many we'll have left by the end of the year.

fage(pronounced fa-yeh) is the last stand of implicit probiotic identity



In case none of you remember, three sand niggers raped a 5 years old and pissed on her, then a judge tried to cover it up. Let's not fuck this up, this is our way into a gigantic shitstorm of righteous fury.

This is an open secret. There are two Chobani factories in the US, in Idaho and Upstate New York. Both factories take place in towns with extremely active refugee resettlement programs and they hire those refugees. I saved some rumors from an Idahoanon on cuckchan and will repost them below.

This has also led to predicatable health issues because handwashing is a social construct.

nbcnews. com/health/health-news/moldy-chobani-yogurt-posed-health-threat-tests-find-n150116

Here's my master list of notes on the Twin Falls, ID rape case. The short story is that 3 Muslim boys molested a retarded 5 year old girl, pissed in her mouth, and recorded a video. The oldest boy was teaching the younger boys where did he learn that? The family of the girl arrived and the Muslim families tried to bribe them. Prosecution was slow as fuck. The Feds threatened prosecution against people who said false or inflammatory things. Meanwhile the local media called anyone upset about this Hitler. Also neighborhood Muslims harassed the retarded girl's family into moving. All boys given a slap on the wrist and no one reconsiders sending more refugees into Idaho.

wnd. com/2016/06/explosive-new-twist-in-idaho-sex-assault-case/#!
breitbart. com/immigration/2016/07/26/geller-muslim-migrants-devastate-community/
refugeeresettlementwatch.wordpress. com/2015/06/20/something-smells-in-twin-falls-idaho-what-is-going-on-with-the-refugee-program-there/
https//refugeeresettlementwatch.wordpress. com/2015/06/17/idaho-more-controversy-surrounding-refugee-resettlement-in-magic-valley/
breitbart. com/big-government/2016/07/12/mother-idaho-girl-raped-refugees-authorities-withholding-police-report-family/
breitbart. com/big-government/2016/08/04/exclusive-5-year-old-victims-father-saw-video-of-twin-falls-refugee-rape/
breitbart. com/big-government/2016/08/07/local-twin-falls-media-spins-refugee-sexual-assault-story-away-rights-victim/
slate. com/articles/news_and_politics/cover_story/2016/07/sexual_assault_case_involving_refugees_in_idaho_in_the_age_of_donald_trump.html
breitbart. com/big-government/2016/08/08/twin-falls-refugee-rape-victim-activists-call-attorney-step/
idahostatesman. com/opinion/article86409577.html
breitbart. com/big-government/2016/08/12/twin-falls-police-officers-refugees/
breitbart. com/big-government/2016/08/09/another-disturbing-sexual-assault-twin-falls/
breitbart. com/2016-presidential-race/2016/08/17/read-the-scary-descriptions-of-refugees-by-idaho-refugee-agency/
breitbart. com/big-government/2016/08/23/twin-falls-idaho-family-five-year-old-victim-rape-refugee-boys-refused-personally-accept-donation-given-local-city-councilman-publicly-insulted-th/
breitbart. com/big-government/2016/08/11/twin-falls/
thegoldwater. com/news/2510-Alex-Jones-Outs-Chobani-Yogurt-Chobani-Fights-Back-with-Lawsuit
breitbart. com/big-government/2016/06/28/seven-refugees-active-tb-sent-idaho/
dailycaller. com/2017/04/08/idaho-refugee-boys-admit-to-sexually-assaulting-five-year-old/?utm_campaign=atdailycaller&utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=Social
amren. com/news/2016/06/idaho-town-torn-by-alleged-rape-fear-of-refugees/

If these people show up in your hometown they are bad news. Shut them the fuck down. If you can sue them, prosecute them, expose them, and smear them do it. They are called VOLAGs and they are trusted by the State Department to help bring in refugees.


Whatever problems anyone has with Alex Jones and/or Infowars he made a factual report. The reason he is being sued is because the people profiting off of human misery don't want you to know they are doing it. Boycott Chobani and share the news that the owner is a Turkish Muslim who imports refugees, with bad hygiene, to work in his factories. Chobani is Islamification and they need to be stopped.

Yeah this company is Cancer. Last year we posted about them and called for a boycott. Time to do that again with double the data force and I don't even like filter man.

At least I'm not a manlet.

This time there's a chance to raise a nice shitstorm, and filterman will be able to amplify the meme magic, once it's over, fuck him.

As kek is a manmade joke I would suggest that if the one truth is giving us a message through the digits it's that you're a jew who's shorted that company with alex jones, and you know full well that catastrophe was also manmade, by you fake jews. Fake jews and your fake news.

I thought I remembered another thread on this motherfucker. And he lives in UK with big shekels and brings in animals to work for slave wages to the West.

How can you tell?

What a typical Jewish response. It's almost like a child that gets caught doing something it knows is wrong.

This is an engineered take down on Jones

Well, was the rapist working at Chobani?

The rapists were children so probably.

This is either child labor (illegal) or Chobani's hiring rapists (bad PR). That's a bad thing no matter what.

Well, this is a yogurt I would never buy.
Not because I give a damn about Jonestein, but because I don't like the idea of financially supporting any company that employs rapefugees.

No matter, though…my wife makes her own yogurt, and it has zero additives or any other Jewish poisons in it.

If you really want to hurt Chobani, bring a small razor blade with you to the grocery store and puncture the lids of all Chobani yogurt.
They will be forced to take them back and Chobani will lose money.

The k*rdish menace strikes again!

Nothing wrong with the product per se but the company hiring only illegal immigrants is a soft method to create neets and automation.

Interesting. Sounds like the Jewbani yogurts need to be destroyed before they can do more damage.

Just called them up and shit all over them. Key points are that they have 300 refugee employees in the twin falls area, and it doesnt matter if it was actually one of their employees. That they are attacking the guy who exposed them in order to cover up that they are responsible for giving the rapefugees the opportunity they needed to be in the community in the first place, and how their CEO is a Turkish businessman, running an American company - politically, promoting rape etc for the benefit of foreign people.


Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday: 7am – 8pm EST
Saturday and Sunday: 8am – 5pm EST

I think a really good term to use would be "Rape enabler" for these people, because thats what they are.

I was joking. Chobani hires refugees, but I don't know if they hired the children or any family members.

Just put the phone number on a Craigslist ad in 3 major cities for a free running truck. Also get more of their phone numbers. Maybe crosspost this on cuckchan or even Holla Forums to get some prank callers. That being said do so at your own risk.

whenever youre at the grocery store make sure to poke a hole in a chobani yogurt or two for the rest of your life.


Fuck Alex Jones. Take your celeb worship thread to cockchan

Chobani shill GTFO.

Stores have insurance for "shrink". Anything that goes bad, or has a bad seal, or was dropped on the floor - they get the cost back. Might as well have sold, the insurance pays.

it looks like the glue I used for flyering.

NYT vs Sullivan 1964 provides good precedent for Alex Jones. Basically you can't win a libel case against the press, as a public figure, unless you can prove the publisher knew they were lying and were acting out of malice. There is a plausible case that Alex Jones told the truth, ergo he couldn't know he was lying. As for malice that's pretty subjective to prove. Enjoy reading the case.

en.wikipedia. org/wiki/New_York_Times_Co._v._Sullivan

Full text of the case:
nytimes. com/1964/03/10/text-of-the-supreme-courts-opinion-in-libel-case-against-the-new-york-times.html

It's also a pure coincidence the legal firm the roach hired is owned by Soros.

Alex is going full smug on this. topkek.

Interesting. Also bump.

I wouldn't want to see what Jonestein on groghurt looked like in the alternate universe he was employed by these guys, eugh. Probably another Echenbald.

I'm not an experienced yogurtier, I normally /jewce/ like cernobitch, so yogurt's one of my 'cheat' desserts. I like some graham crackers or other flat or stick-shaped cookies or candy and those "pie-flavoured" Kroger's ones, like to clean the whoooole cup out rather than have some stuff stuck at the bottom and sides like with a spoon.. Tastes like the pie/pie filling but without the useless crust. Only use 4g of HFCS "sugar" rather than the average of 22 and 21g protein. 40 cents apiece so costwise evens out.

How's costco's? Got a container nearby?

found the /gif/er
pls stop molesting your resin doll waifus, thx.

oh, they do aaaaaaaaaaaaall sorts of fucking, BELIEVE IT!!!
they're also fucking the average normie's pocketbook, re-labeling and shipping out expired batches rather than disposing of them (see vid)
Also changed the ingredients without updating the package or mentioning it anywhere.
Need to look into Hamdi's background here, perhaps he's really a (((Hamdi)))
Rapefugees are just one of many degeneracies!

It tastes exactly the fucking same as regular yogurt you dumbshit. It's just regular fucking yogurt that is cultured for longer to increase the protein content. Either you are comparing sweetened flavored yogurt to plain greek yogurt and are too stupid to understand the 'greek' part has nothing to do with it or you are literally insane and are imagining a difference that doesn't exist. Either way you should kill yourself.

Those macros don't lie. Never seen it before here in bumfuck nowhere though sadly.

Fage tastes way better than anything else, too. The whole fat variety is delicious.

Cabot has an interesting, distinctive flavor, and the 2% is 22g protein/cup. I use it for protein shakes. It's pretty cheap too for some reason.

Would anyone believe me if I said I had sex with her? She drinks a lot and likes manlets.

my condolences

Post order 50 qurans to his house.

fucking nice bro. I always have greek yogurt in the house (finnish yogurt looks better for this I admit) and cocoa powder, think I'll start this

Money is what is stopping people from CNN. Their law team will leave you in an abyss of debt. No one will take the case pro bono either because it's likely to go nowhere and the cost would be absurd to warrant zero consideration.

you know this a felony should you get caught

True, but premiums go up, so they may stop the provlematic products.

After doxing him, an user should behead him and post the severed head on Holla Forums for the lulz. Then bash it into the ground and hose the flesh and brains into the sewer.

Can we spin that "Humble water filter salesman sued by vicious Amernian genocide denier" meme with this turkroach ?

i'm picturing a drone, left in the store, which the criminal activates and controls after closing time.

spotted the jewish manlet


OP is a faggot

I, for one, look forward to the verdict in Chobani's favor.

Sneak one into their factories instead to record some good shit.
Rapefugees are notoriously unobservant. It'd be like playing MGS IRL. They are basically not paid enough to give a shit.
I've seen some funny ass clips from factories with rapefugee workers, someone slips and breaks their arm and they just leave him their for the full shift. Think it was a Ford plant in the southeast. Also another time something fell off a conveyor belt and beneath some pistons, but it didn't impact the production, so it sat there getting crushed over and over for about a half hour.
Get a drone in posing as a deliveryman or some shit and leave it at the back of the production line, and nobody will bother to open it unless they actually do reach the back. Then fly the drone up, hide it in the ceiling until the next day, and take some photos/video of the copious amounts of rulebreaking.

chequing for quads.

Fuck off Chobani shill.


check em

Do tell.

his post is refering to the icelandic yogurt you braindead retard ,which outside a price increase there's nothing else notable about it except the usual marketing bullshit talk you hear for everything else

No, look closer.

eh cums in ur yogurt and doesn't give a fuck