The Coal Burner Database

What up Holla Forums. I need the assistance of someone who knows about internet law.

I'm building a website / app called The Coalburner Database.

It will allow users from all over the world to send in pictures of racemixing whore who have fucked blacks and will keep a database of all these "women" so that any men who consider dating them can know their dark past. In my experience, I've found that even women who claim they would never fuck a black often have a few darkie skeletons in their closet!

The goal of this website is both to inform white men of their potential romantic interests being coalburners AND to shame women into not being degenerates and fucking blacks.

Obviously this is a million dollar idea but I'm not in it for the money. Just for the good of the white race.

Anyways, onto my point…

I foresee certain obvious legal issues with this website. I really don't want it to get taken down, as I feel it provides a great service to white men across the globe (and Asians and White Hispanics, since I know they probably dont want to fuck coal burners too!)

How do I go about protecting this site, how do I securely and safely host it?

I've never done any of this before so any information is greatly appreciated.

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't know depends on your country it's illegal in U.K. Maybe make it an onion site on Tor.

The best policy is #NoHymenNoDiamond but I see normies will get with any whore.

Pastebin is a good site to write about someone as it shows up in google searches if someone looks them up.

It may be bad karma to hold up someone's past to shame them though it's justice at the same time. Anyone who doesn't marry a Virgin is a cuck tbh. "She told me she's only had 1 partner bro" "she lost her hymen riding a horse/bike"

Women's only strength is their ability to lie and emotionally manipulate to get their way.

From a legal perspective where you host your site, your site is subject to the laws where you host. This means that if you have a site in the US, you post defamatory content of your nature you will likely be forced to take down and might get fined or receive other penalties. Same stuff for the eu.

As for the domain (.com .fr .eu ) etc. The domain also falls under the jurisdiction of the country of which the domain belongs. So make sure to not use a .com or an European country domain as they can still take your website down.

I'm clueless how it works with apps you download on your phone though.

I'm in America.

And I don't believe anything a woman says when it comes to who or what she slept with. They are all lying whores. Some more than others.

I'm in my late 20s and I'm pretty sure I haven't met a virgin since I was in my teens. The world is full of degeneracy and I want to do my part in fixing it with this website.

So if I'm in America can I just host it in another country? Whats to stop me from hosting it in some third world shit hole with no laws?

theres no need for this user
everybody knows "once you go black, you don't go back"
a coal burner wouldn't be looking for anyone but blacks

That's not true at all. They see how life will be living with a nog family and how uninteresting blacks are and try to creep back into a blue collar white mans pocket.

Not true. A girl I loved admitted to me after almost a year of dating that she fucked a black when she was younger. It ruined it for me and I kicked her out and never spoke to her again.

A lot of these degenerate whore think its "cool" to fuck a black because thats what the filthy jew media has been telling them so a lot will do it, realize how disgusting of a person theyve become, then try and go back to a decent white man.

This is the ugly nature of reality.

US can probably get you through the DMCA. Russia doesn't give a shit about illegal content, they probably will allow if your website doesn't grow. If it gets big I don't know. I'd look into what TPB does.
Do not register it under your name. There are companies that can do it for a fee. If at all possible try to pay anonymously and only connect through Tor (add a vpn too if you think it's compromised). So if they get the website you're not fucked. That guy who sold a lot of drugs on Tor long time ago, they got him because one time he used his real name/email somewhere.


Those are the mighty


checked. best of luck on your endeavor. please keep us posted on your progress in the coming months. coal burners and miscegenation in general are a big problem.

Be careful.

You can host your site on onion routing or on FN, but be warned. By having sites associated with these things, you're associating with things more illegal than what you're doing. tl;dr you might get caught in the crossfire of the government.

checked, however I'm conflicted on that "once you go black, you don't go back"
I once knew a nice catholic girl with very low degeneracy level who had a nigger boyfriend during her rebelious teens, for about two months, and who after breaking up with him stayed chaste for several years before marrying a friend and having two white babies and making a happy redpilled and strong family
errare humanum est, and you can learn from your mistakes

Doesn't change the fact that she tainted herself. You say she stayed chaste afterwards, so is that to imply she wasn't with the boyfriend? I.e. she screwed the black guy? How wonderful:
Worst about it, even if she remains chaste afterwards it just gives the vibe of a used up whore trying to play it off as an angel. It's just that, unlike most trash, she realizes she became worthless by fucking a black guy as opposed to due to old age/general whore train. Hopefully fucking the black guy didn't have any affect on her kids considering the alteration that can occur to her DNA should he inseminate her and having a fetus (no matter how small) arise.

I'm conflicted on this, on one hand it gives white men some security. (there's always a chance a woman is a coal burner and didn't make her way to your site.) On the other it gives shit skins a white women dating site.

It's best to learn from others mistakes. Ideally she would be shunned and every woman would know why.

If you're a 14yr old Jap fapping to anime girls and pretending to be a White Nationalist.

Everyone else here will never have sex again if they lived by that ethos. Hymens can be broken by a fucking bicycle.

she was and is still a close friend of my female cousin, who shared with me all of their adventures, and I trust her to be truthful
by "she stayed chaste" I mean she had no dates/relationships/sex with anyone for a long time. She wasn't with the nog boyfriend anymore because after the breakup he was rumored fucking with a few other girls for 3 months before leaving the region (rumored to have relocated in a nigger area and being a nigger) then much later she met her future husband and married him the following year
she comes from a very conservative background, so I've no doubt that she may have felt a bit like an "used up whore" after two months blacked
but I believe that before her wedding night she only had this one other partner, and that was several years before
her parents were somewhat pissed at her for the black guy stint, but forgave her. Father's a great guy

indeed, but not all mistakes are terminal

Pick one.

To each his own. Although a more extreme notion, just because a child fucker feels sorry for what he did afterwards and never does it again, doesn't mean they don't deserve punishment for it. Same thing her, they deserve punishment/ostracizing (i.e. no man should have to take care of damaged goods).
Anyways, we'll wind up talking at cross-point. I will consider her trash for her crime against her race, religion, parents, and future husband. I will consider the guy a cuck for taking care of a BLACKED girl. And, I will not consider the parents good parents for even allowing this to occur (they might not have been able to keep her from dating black because of "muh racism". However, the second sex became even a notion possible in the relationship all hellfire should've come down on the daughter and boyfriend).

kys Sinead

I see your points, but a large part of the responsibility for her misadventure lies both on teenage rebeliousness and on liberal society waging a conquest war of degeneracy on young and impressionable minds
fucking a nigger may not be terminal if it's clumsy teen experimentation, with condoms, to try to affirm her autonomy to herself, to get rid of the social stigmas among her peers of being a "prude" and a "racist" at the same time, and if the experience cured her of the desire to try any other degeneracy before she could create a family with the right guy
in today's world (or 10 years ago) it is not possible to prevent the notion of sex from entering the mind of any reading-age children
and parental anger was NEVER a sufficient barrier to teen stupidity and experimentation, for all of human history
it's in part because she had strong role models and a clear notion of the hellfire that sluts, single moms and degenerates would have to go through in the future that she ended this misbehavior before it became unsafe

There are certain crimes against one's parents which are unforgivable. Some worthy of being disowned, some worthy of death. (There is a reason why patricide was at one point the most heinous of crimes).
What you state is true with regards to the "war" and all that. However, that doesn't change the facts. Again, just as a person who was abused doesn't have the right to abuse, a person who is exposed to degeneracy is not absolved of their wrong in committing degeneracy.
There is nothing to cure though. Should I let my wife try having sex with a bull so that she can be "cured" and not want to do such a thing again? (supposing one makes the experience horrible). This isn't burning one's finger on the stove and learning from the consequence, it's something much graver.

I've known several women who have become coal burners. One thing common between all of them is that they had overly protective fathers. It was to the point I'd give one a ride home or just be friends with them, and I'd have to deal with their dipshit fathers throwing a fit for no reason.

in her case, this would have prevented her from ever marrying and having legitimate white children, and would have sentenced her to a life of liberal misery
the reaction you suggest is close "honor murder" and it's shitskin-tier

The responsibility lies completely with her, along with the consequences. I wonder if you would be making the same excuses for a oil driller.
This is another thing to look out for, either her parents were unable to raise their own child properly or her children are likely to do the same. Either way poor breeding material and not something I want associated with my kids.

Holla Forums here
make it a distributed service that anyone can host on an onion, use open-source database software and make the database entries automatically save to a .txt file to mitigate data loss if your service is taken down.

use a clearnet service that you make open source to display the data - this service should also be distributed and anyone should have the ability to host it.

No, it's terminal. It's a symptom of social disease. My theoretical daughter would be homeless if she ever fucked a nigger.
I've dated several, even the "It was only a phase :3" types are straight up sick in the head and may even be carrying nigger-DNA.
They always either come from or create broken homes and nigger-fucking is likely a sign of some underlying mental illness that makes them betray their race.
You should seriously consider killing yourself in a painful manner(drink bleach or huff butane and light a match in your mouth) if you defend race-mixing in any regard to any level.

Interesting. I live in one of the most cucked states in America yet we dont have revenge porn laws. Either way, I dont plan on posting pornographic pictures of these girls. I don't want to stoop to their level of degeneracy and become a smut peddler. I just want their names and probably faces in the database.

This is true! I read that if a man cums inside a woman a small amount of his DNA stays with her forever. This means if you have kids with a coal burner your children are technically part nigger. This is all the more reason for the database.


Nope. Still terminal. The toll is non-negotiable.

People like this are so ineffective at anything involving persuasion. You have to subtly manipulate them until they think its their own idea that theyre disgusting people. This is applicable to most aspects of life.

I 100% guarantee that the redhead in that pic has fucked a nigger.

I imagine he scared away any white guy who would want to date his daughter. I saw her later on. She was a single mother with a mulatto daughter.

A lot of the girls that adopt pro-white symbols without ditching all the modernity and attention-whoring that comes with it do it as some kind of apology for betraying their race.
What you want to look for is girls with stable families that have a natural aversion to subhumans(they may be ashamed of this aversion - make sure they don't stay that way)

You can personally handle it that way, but there are obvious drawbacks to weakness and compromise.

If you let women get off that quickly, their behavior spreads. Don't kid yourself about the nice catholic conservative girl with one misstep bullshit.
Do you really a woman who had nigger cum on her lips to kiss your children?

I certainly don't, and especially women who got sexually active at a young age mean trouble in later life in my experience. It's like imprinting a very sexual mind on them, and the 'chaste' face she puts up now might well be a guard against exactly those deviant wishes running wild inside of her.

In short, women need to face the consequences of their actions. Stop apologizing for them.

Do you have links to any good resources I should look into regarding this? I've done some distributed programming (p2p client) but this is my first foray into any type of web development. Definitely something i'll look into.

This TORanon is different from me (who you've been talking to), but I do agree with the general feel of his post.

I hold certain virtues above other things. Maybe you're willing to compromise your virtues, but is it worth it? I don't know, maybe if all the good white people were gone and it was a necessity for propogating the white race, I'd consider it. However, at present, I don't believe it's necessary. Therefore, I wont compromise my standards, for standards and keeping virtues true (I would hope) are a thing whites do.

Depends on the language you're using.

Generic ones:
>>>Holla Forums and read SICP.
I think there's a >>>/poltech/ too.

Newfag-tier ones:

The other scenario is that they think its cool and normal to fuck black dudes when they are in HS. Most whit guys are still beta pussies until they are in their 20's so the chock full of swagger niggers who will hit on every single woman until they get a taker end up fucking the coal burners in HS and early college. However by the time college rolls around there aren't many niggers left because niggers don't go to college in large numbers. Midway through college women start to actually think about their future and they realize that niggers have no future and they need to get with a trust fund chad chad or find dewby beta bux. They might not think in terms of chad, niggers or dorks but they do recognize who has a career and resources to support them. And that ain't niggers.

no contest, but 100% systematic rigidity and Wh40K-Inquisitor-grade response to any deviance from fash-puritan dogma sounds a lot like virtue-signaling from someone who hasn't been a father yet
and it would cause your wife to be 95% more likely to divorce you, make you lose your parental rights and any chance to prevent your children from falling further due to lack of guidance and a burning example of bad guidance chasing them away from you

yes actually, when you're close enough from someone else you can percieve lies and omissions, or their absence

wait before you have a daughter and have to compete with the whole world to raise her for 16 years before you make such a statement

even in the legal world, it takes a long time and the meeting of minds of many people before complete responsability can be ascertained, and there are almost always extenuating circumstances to be found even when judging the cases of fully rational adults
in her case, not only had she not yet reached the age of legal responsibility, but she also had the whole liberal media and the society of her peers having inflicted liberal degeneracy on the whole fucking planet for longer than her whole life
her example with her family proves that your "They always…" is false
no u
I never did that thing

If you hit on most women you meet, then you will have a very active sex life. It is not hard to have several girlfriends on hand.

Look, if in some wack-job world the girl dated a black guy in the most classical of sense (i.e. at worst hold hands) I could deal with that. If the girl masturbated (i.e. not puritan level insanity) or had looked at a lot of pornography, I could deal with that. However, the situation considered isn't so easily amended as those situations stated above.

It's a cool idea. We could even have it here. Would lower miscegenation rates if every girl knows that once she touches a nigger, we don't want her back. Ever.

Let me guess, she also went to church every Sunday and was getting her life on track?
I sincerely hope you find the perfect "ex"-coal burner for you.

okay, I completely agree that deviance is a spectrum
but "dated a black guy in the most classical of sense (i.e. at worst hold hands)" is in fact worse than contemporary quick-meaningless-hookup on a psychological level for the girl, and not better on a social-standing level for her daily high-school surroundings, because in today's hypersexualised world the sexual act has lost its mystique, its importance and most of its consequences (blame the jews)
but the world has changed, and this social degeneracy has transformed in the eye of any spectator your ideal of purity into an idolization of an unattainable ideal
your first posts didn't reveal you were percieving any nuance

yeah, well, forgive my french, I learned burgerclap in fucking books
if by "on tracks" you mean being in a happy and stable looking mariage with a 5yo and a 3yo child, yes

Wasn't criticizing your English, rather the fact that when told the responsibility and consequences rest on her, you moved the goal posts to legal responsibility.

this is not moving goalposts, this is comparing a situation where parents -the holders of parental authority- have to judge the behavior of their offspring with the situation where a judge and jury -holders of social authority- have to judge the actions of a suspect
I was making the point that such a comparison is valid, and that even for professionals with specialised education and with experience in the subject, pronouncing a judgement is a non-trivial affair, implying that applying dogmatic rules to a complex interpersonal situation in a familial setting is the surest way to reach disastrous results, will break families apart, and guarantees that a misbehaving girl will never get a chance to redeem herself because this would cause her to lose the only support she ever had

There is no redemption from willingly race mixing, none. Doesn't matter how old she was, what her parents did, or what the media and "friends" said.
In the eyes of any sane person she, and her family are now trash, deserving nothing but scorn. If you cared anything for your race you would socially ostracize her at every opportunity. Instead you encourage her behavior, assuring that "misbehaving" girls will follow in her footsteps believing that, they too, will find a cuck to take care of them later. In the processes some of these girls will end up creating mongrels during their "harmless misadventures".

What makes you say that?

Kek I was just about to call out sinead too.

She lost her virginity to a negroid. That means her sacred bond was formed to a monkey. The husband is cucked.

The coal burners I knew had no fathers. It's really not a father issue unless you take it to the point where the father shouldn't have raised his daughter around blacks because n the first place.

Good on you user. I think running this on a .onion will be your best bet. Or find out where they host 8ch servers. If you make it to where people post so you aren't liable for the content. I don't know how you would do that through a design stand point.

I feel truly blessed I was able to marry my high school sweet heart of which is white and a virgin when we where married. I don't tell people that often. It seems the social norm to ostracize people who admit this sort of thing in public. We should do more to get rid of this stigma.

This is the worst part tbh. There was a time for forgiveness. People just abuse it now.

I've always wanted to do something like this, however, instead of coal burning it would be "girls who've taken nudes of themselves". Of course, it wouldn't be complete due to some people keeping things secret, however, it would do well to label people. It would include name and sufficient information to know who they are in real life along side with at least one of the nude photos (maybe the whole collection unless it leads to too much overhead in the database). The tricky thing would be is a lot of girls do this shit in high school snapchat etc. i.e. underaged, i.e. CP. Even if it was built, it could never be shown to the masses on the overnet and would remain a thing only on the undernet for those who know of the undernet to find (i.e. pointless towards the endevoer of ostrasizing/keeping women from taking nudes).

[citation needed[

believe called micro-chimeras.. only occur in the occurrence of actual fetus forming.

Wouldn't it be better to have a database of all toll payments?

And desguise it as a dating site?

So people come there and see thousands of examples of why it's bad to burn coal.

I'd contribute to getting this thing running if you would include a section on coal burning men as well. But if this comes from the "I hate white women even more than Jews" motivation I see a lot on here, I'd have trouble working with ya.

This guy is right, no one gets a pass.

Buy the domain with bitcoins. Which tld? Do some research. Use Cloudflare to hide the location. An .onion won't be seen by anyone whose getting pussy.

The premise of your site is defamatory in nature. Unless you have video of a cunt with a nigger, you're making baseless claims. You couldn't post someones sextape anyways. So what then? Fagbook posts where the slut talks about bbc? Some invasion of privacy bullshit. So think about what will qualify as being a nigger fucker and source the posts yourself. Otherwise you'll run into aholes setting people up.

Would it be possible to monitor everyones faceberg relationship status and save the history of it? Should be able to avoid the defamatory nature of the site that way.

I got good at asking a woman about her blacked past. three that I know of ended up marrying white betas and kept their past secret. One married an indian doctor. One was blacked early in high school and became an escort addicted to cocaine. She was retired and clean when I met her but was still fucking blacks on the side while she was looking for a white bf. Another was ruined for relationships, bitter and alone. And the blonde one ended up a bitter single mother.

I would ask but none of them knew what the blacks last name was or if he had siblings. They fetishize them and are never in a public relationship. Pretty racist if you ask me.

Most of them had a mental illness and all of them went through a "rebel phase". I think they got the idea through the msm.

Oil drillers are rare even among race mixers.
Race mixing men usually go for Asians, Mr. white knight.

So how do you go about it?
I guess "ever fucked a nigger?" doesn't really sit right.

Epigenetics tell us that a woman's womb 'remembers' every sperm that touches it and she passes some of those genes onto her kids

Yeah, it needs to be an .onion otherwise some unfun coal burning bitch will end up suing your ass. I wish you the best of luck.

Did you at least have him charged for the damage he caused to your automobile and for threatening your life?

It is just like these fatties that "needs feminism and body positivity.

That is the point.

100% predictable response. *tips fedora*

Finished upvoting all the fashy threads on THE_Donald pleb?

And have 15 white aryan children, kill 50 niggers before breakfast too, right Schlomo?

Ask me how I know you aren't white nigger

Host it in China. The Chinese give absolutely no fucks in regards to complaints. A lot of their IP space is black listed (lol, irony) though. And if you do host it in a shithole country, be ready to fend off endless hacking attempts. I suggest a lot of reading on hardening your server before you set it up. Keep frequent back ups off site. It's a question of when you'll need them, not of.

I would play the liberal-leaning "open minded" kind of guy. i have a great poker face and after years of hearing the wildest sex stories I hide my reactions well.

Just ask questions about their degeneracy. They love the chance to be open and honest. I ask first about "ever have public sex?" then threesomes, anal, etc then they get so turned on and think I approve of all of it so they go on to talk about black guys. Usually they realize they've gone too far and they pull back and retract. Although the escort thought I was turned on by the sex stories and told me everything. I was turned on by her massive tits, but inside I was screaming.
I did get to the point where I would straight up ask if they fucked black dudes.
When there is a gap in their dating history, and they dont have any black friends… "why did you used to go to the hip hop bar? Isnt it only for blacks?" "your best friend hooks up with them? Whats the best way to meet them?"

I would also play some hip hop and rap and see if they knew the lyrics. They always do.
I was sure the woman wasnt a coalburner if I mentioned blacks and they automatically said they hate them. And oddly enough it was always the brown skinned Italian or latina women. Most asians too.

Man, that's a great idea. It's unfortunate that someone already came up with it though. You might have heard of it, it's called 'Facebook', almost everyone has one now. Girls on it are obsessed with sharing everything about their life, and if they fuck black dudes they'll probably be posting pictures of themselves at the club with them.

Otherwise, you'll probably never know, since if it wasn't documented on Facebook it probably isn't anywhere else.

Great idea though, the in>>9801665

Side story,
one bitch I was seeing made me wait 3 months before we had sex. Turned out she was seeing beta bux ex bf. Her dad was a super cool guy and was happy for any guy to take her off his hands.

We were at a restaurant and she was telling a story about when she was a waitress. She had a "hot black guy" customer who came in with his young daughter. She told him she would go into the bathroom with him right then but he was shocked and uncomfortable in front of his 5 yr old daughter.
She didnt finish the point of the story because she could tell I did not like it. Later I found out she only knew the street names of the guys she fucked.
She married beta bux.

that right there is the problem.

He was just tired of her shit. She was 30 and still asking for daddys money. When the whole family tells you she is the disagreeable princess, even in a playful way, run. just run

Or he was livid because his daughter is a giant whore who fucks niggers and he assumed, with good reason, that any guy with his daughter was fucking her too.

I see foresee a problem with accuracy. How do you prevent someone from just posting any woman out of spite or revenge? Maybe there should be some criteria like including screen caps, photos, etc. But then again some girls will fuck professional athletes who keep it very discreet so just because there is no "proof" doesn't mean it hasn't happened either.

This is gonna get controversial real quick.
Expect bitches to condemn this for pointing out their whoredom.

And expect other bitches to actually be affected by this and avoid black people.
This is harsh, but funny.

what a cuck.

You just reminded me of another one. A drunken hook up. Now that I think about it, 3 more. Two doctors who would fuck anyone and an actress who bragged about fucking pro athletes even though she was 200 lbs.

I fantasize about a way to tell all of them their wife was a coalburner to see how they would react.

You guys are high as a kite if you live in the West and think you'll find a Western girl who is a virgin at marriage. Let's square something up, the United States is not only a cesspool of degeneracy but its got one of the highest obesity rates in the world. 68% are "overweight" which is kind of bullshit because weight =\= body composition however 35% are obese and it's rare to be obese and not actually be obese (guys who lift, athletes, etc). The dating market is a train wreck here in the US.

Good fucking luck kid. There's probably 1 woman per 100+ miles that fits that criteria. Then again some of you faggots probably want to fuck 15 year olds and you try to use that as your reasoning.
Anyway, as I said before, we live in a cesspool of degeneracy so your best bet is to take the best looking and least fucked up woman you can find and set her straight. Then marry her and have lots of children which you raise right.

You may be better off creating a 'Slutfax' website instead, similar to Dontdatehimgirl.

Pay for the domain in BTC or use a prepaid debit card with a fake name. I feel as this may have been tried before but kicked offline by a horde of whores later on though.

same here, but I had to grind through a lot more emotionally. I was with a girl for almost 5 years. I thought I thoroughly vetted her at the beginning, literally turning her life upside down when she was 19. Then, 5 years later I was on the brink of proposing to her. Not even 3 weeks from the date I've set for a cringy proposal, I found out that she had two mudslime boyfriends before we met (she told me she had only one guy before me) she lied about by not telling me, althoug I specifically asked her, poked around her friends and so on.

no homo, but I was emotionally very invested in her. I really loved her and thought she was the one. After I found out (a friend of hers I was working with slipped) and checked it to be true, I left work, went home, packed all her shit in a bag and threw it out the door. When she came home (she was living with me in my apartment) I let her in to grab the shit I've missed and her still being baffled threw her out whitout saying what it was all about. The next weeks she was like a deranged cat, trying to get me back until her female friend who slipped told her and then she never tried to contact me again. That's what kind of a fucking whore she was.

Being still an emotional train wreck I dug deeper the weeks after that, just to find out what kind of degenerate shit she was doing with each of her mudslimes. Everything she said I was the first one she was doing it with was a lie. The pictures I've seen she sent them, the messages. It gave me the death blow and pretty much all my libido was nuked in blink of an eye. Three years passed and I've never tried to date a girl again, because my urge is simply dead and I know that I will never recover. It's ok and I can live with that.

I'm not a MGTOW faggot, but it's prety much GG regarding women for me. Other than that, I'm still doing my /fit/ stuff and life goes on.

I switched to European women and have never looked back. Occasionally I meet a few american fatties who hit on me. I don't even think of them as women, its like getting hit on by a gay guy. Im flattered but it aint never going to happen.

Idk, seems a bit extreme, man. Did she not act right in the 5 years together? Do you suspect something went on?

That's a good thing.

You fucking fsggot why are you white knighting some cunt none of us knows from your anecdote? Are you the nigger fucker trying to play it off with the "muh friend" angle?

At most you can claim him just throwing her shit out was extreme, but dumping her was not. He saved himself from a life of misery where, more than likely, he would've become Mr. Beta Bux.

No and that was was the biggest mindfuck. She was perfect, almost too perfect. Her friend slipped while we were talking about mudslimes during morning break, by saying "your gf had her fair share of experiences with them".

Nothing was extreme about what I've done. I SHOULD have beaten the shit out of her for stealing 5 years of my life and for making me an emotional ice cube regarding women. Because I live in europe, I didn't fuck her up, because our justice system is favoring muh wimmins.

I'd advise against it. Your bandwidth will cost a fortune

Not really, it means they fetishize them and think all interaction with them is 'forbidden therefore sexy'. If you know blacks in your normal life then you know they are not worth being around.

ah, i understand now. in europe mudslimes are your coal and women only get with them for the forbidden bad boy factor.

i feel your pain. Sounds like it was more than just two?

nah, it was two mudslimes. One she was having a fuck relationship with for 6 months and the other one she was 2 years with. The relationship with the white guy was her first but after that said mudslimes followed, which she lied about.

And there I was, wondering what a great woman she was, because she didn't have a bf for two years and resisted the cock before she met me.


So you basically want to LARP an illegal hate website into existence because you got cucked by a woman you werent even dating?


Oil Drillers are not coal burners. Men will rape or take women as contraband, dominance, or sexual hunger. Even slave runners would fuck a colored girl when they wanted.

Men are the ruling gender who can have children up until the day they die. They rely on themselves for protection. Whereas women can only have children for a 30 year span and only a limited number. This is why women have to be protected. If a woman falls to a nigger then she is tainted and becomes damaged. Whereas a man who deep dicks black whores is cucking the niggers.

Whereas a man can stick his dick anywhere and is more of a front to niggers when he fucks their women. Why do you think niggers are still butthurt over slave owners who used to fuck black slave sluts? All this cuckold shit is their attempt at revenge.

This goes twice for the Arab men as the Arabs have been fucking millions of black slave whores while they castrated black men.

That cunt has literally no standards. Not only is she disgusting enough to talk about fucking other guys in front of you, she doesn't mind fucking some dude with his daughter. Still feel blessed that she told you because the last thing you would ever want is to be with a mudshark piece of trash.

She was a Kabbalist's dream come true. I'm actually feeling sick to my stomach right now.

Sounds totally legal, they have it for doctors, why wouldnt they have it for whores?

How can you even believe this guys lies? This is probably what weimar jews dreamt of.

Oh boy, when there is a gap either it was because she was not over her ex or she "wanted to find herself" by whoring it up. Its why I never trust non committed women.

She was ugly inside and out.
I have bad news for you my friend, she was not a rare bird. Many women take black guys from the club and aren't asking their last names or how many siblings they have. Or aids status.

Its why I just straight up ask nowadays. If they say yes then I walk away. They can lie but I tell them I will find out eventually and its just wasting both our time.

Why are these lies? What am I raiding?