BAMN is a cult. They prey upon minors and are on the front lines at Antifa. How do we stop them?
BAMN is a cult. They prey upon minors and are on the front lines at Antifa. How do we stop them?
Other urls found in this thread:
Resist them. Fight them. Ridicule them. Expose them.
So basically, we keep up everything we are already doing.
kill them
That's a special kind of mystery meat. Still have no idea what kind of blood had to slosh together to create such a nasty thing. Flip+spic?
More like BAM!
what's with these low quality halfchan threads
kys OP
looks phillipino to me. spanish and asian.
We make a better thread next time.
Get BAMN out of the education system,
Follow the money, always follow the money, get alt-media to do hit pieces on the organizations which fund their revolution. These fuckers are helping rioters get lawyers and helping them get weapons, armor, bike locks, clothes and banners.
I can grantee you that the Unions would instantly drop 15 pallets of wood boards around Berkeley, and 29 porta-potty, to help these fucking degenerates build barricades if they asked and OCCUPY a city.
Pic related.
Weird synchronicity user. Was just researching hermetic ways earlier this fine evening.
She is protected by leftist Teacher Unions. CFoT, DFoT. Look at all the teachers who want her to teach your sons that their family jewels needs to be cut off. Look at all the organizations that want her to show your daughter how to be a slut.
Did you know these organizations will defend even a teacher who is accused of being a Pedo?
Fuck California, you could start a thread everyday about some shit organization out of california. Meanwhile this organizations have already left that state and are trying to sink their teeth into the heartland. Seriously, don't stare into the abyss with California, find some place where there is still hope. Your goal should be to somehow funnel all these shitty groups back to California and contain them there. You are trying to cure cancer of cancer here.
Just to remind you this isnt the first time Northern California political machines were involved with cults. Just off hand Jim Jone's People's Temple formerly based in Ukiah had enormous pull in san fran politics. Faggot Harvey Milk was tied into them as they voted and agitated as a block directed by Jim Jones. not breaking this link bc theyre not lugen-presse.
Not really, I don't really see a whole helluva lot of people trying to expose them
When can we kill them?
Come on user, you don't want people to think you're a fed infiltrator do you?
Killing them is retarded because all it does is make them look like martyrs, this is psychological warfare
You say that while they hunt us for sport, fucking cuck.
Not everyone has free speech, if you catch my drift.
Is that you, FBI-chan?
I say that knowing exactly what they're doing. I'm not saying don't back down, or back away from beating one of these low lifes, they definitely deserve it but killing them is only going to make more people sympathize with them. We need to attack them ideologically and never back down if they feel like getting into a fight, beat their weak faggot marxists asses in the ground and make them reviled all over the country
In good time FBI, but on OUR terms, not yours.
hello cia … your timing sucks DO IT NOW
As soon as you stop posting about it in public bulletin boards.
Ayyy time to drop my BAMN cult folder. About 6-8 months ago an user who is in it for a while posted here. Check this shit out niggers.
And give the left leverage instead of waiting until we have it for ourselves indefinitely?
This is why you suck.
Progressive leftism is ideological bug-chasing.
Teacher Unions aren't the only unions you should be looking into.
SEIU (Service Employees International Union) has a history of violence and use similar protesting and aggression tactics that BAMN.
Then the only solution is to end the unions and her in a final manner.
There is a point where ending the threat, in the most literal sense is not only acceptable but an obligation, in spite of all muh pr arguments. The right, meaning those opposed the cultural marxism have been and will be painted as terrorists and extremists indefinitely with lies and omissions no matter what we do, pr can't get any worse and we might as well wake up to the fact that they can't paint the image any darker than they already are at some point.
OP, I've infiltrated mooched off of gloriously! cults before and even shitfaced drunkenly ran propaganda for one. in exchange for booze. BAMN is definitely a cult. There's one problem though… the kikes are the ones who decide what is legally defined as a cult. The original anti-cult organization was created by kikes, for kikss, because laughably the kiddiekike is easily converted into dangerous cults. In fact, the kikes invented the term "dangerous cult". So, you can use this as propaganda perhaps, but it's likely a lost cause to seek official recognition, at least in the west. This would work in Russia though I bet.
GDI, is that you again DR? You find the sickest fucks every time.
don't tell me… fml just purge it all.
Nah I just saved the screencaps of the guy. Have some more though.
That's because, user, at some point you realize that a lot of social clubs are simply replicating high school / jungle / whatever. Here we have a group of SJWs that take in marganized teens (usually runaways from foster homes, always fucked up because they were molested) and preys off them.
Hell, the fucking military functions on the stupidity of teens to think that some nebulous "GI Bill" will help them if the nork doesn't kill them after their first four tours.
The Mormons are indeed a cult. The RCMP are just jarheads like Marines, same training actually.
BAMN is sending out the lesser known leader right now because Yvette and Shanta are getting too exposed and the normies are waking up.
Hoku Jeffrey and Adam Lerman are who they are sending out now
Defend Affirmative Action Party is the affiliate that BAMN uses to get into the colleges and reshape the student politics. Just like how they use entryism to force their ideology on the teacher's unions, they are doing the same thing with student governments on campuses.
We can take them out too but we need to find out (((who)))'s funding this whole thing.
Maybe we should get some digs on the mormons? They are a strange lot, though they're also some of the last breeding whites in the usa.
The UEEA has a the 501c3 status registered under Donna Stern.
What could be an IRS issue though is that BAMN is stating 501c3 status and taking donations, but they have no designation that I can find. They are affiliated with UEEA, but each nonprofit has to be separate for filing purposes as far as I know. We need more people to dig on this cause if they fucked up, the IRS will get them.
BAMN isn't a social club, it's pure marxist/commie indoctrination camp. Psychological warfare functions like this, by trying to educated retarded, easily manipulated kids to so called "rise up" and cause chaos. KGB did this shit for a living and it's pretty obvious there's a larger power behind all these "radicals"
tried talking to the survivor group, they don't want to talk
Please go away
When will they learn?
They cant, because this is the shitbag detail. Shitbags cant learn.
we have a similar issue here with certain unions promoting illegal actions and being essentially sanctioned by one of the two major political parties. it gets coverage, but dies to a whisper
I bet she fucks like a wild woman
We sit down with them and have an open minded discussion.
don't, they destroy leftists by recruiting them to a cult
Holla Forums has been running a pretty successful campaign, and amazingly did it without coercion. Humor can be incredibly powerfully and far lefties are antithetical to humor.
BAMN is outright enlisting using cult tactics. I'd suggest keeping the cops hot on theit heels with their obviously illegal bullshit, but it's clear the cops are looking the other way.
My suggestion is to keep the shitposting course. As we've seen, they only double down, and even normies think they're fucking insane.
Here in Vancouver they keep the poor poor and the homeless homeless just for the grant sheckels doled out to alleviate the Homeless issues. They use antifa to fuck up anyone actually trying to help because it'd destroy their poverty pimping racket.
Yep, I'm here. With destroyed I'm plum out of ideas. Anyway, if any of you want my advice or insight, ,just make a thread on /tok/ and ask questions. I'm not giving out anything that would allow a trace, though. Best safe than gang ass-raped!
Speaking of assrape, this came on my twatter feed, a rare moonman. Just one problem.
zip ties, bring zip ties, catch the antifa and leave them in the street, carry them to a designated zone, bonus points for a ballpit or playpen, if the cops decide to let them go, we know things are fucked, and at that point id say it's basically some sort of left wing death squad-esque world.
This sounds very similar to the shit Maxine Waters pulls in Commiefornia. Could you provide some more material on this? I've been doing research on the June 2nd 2016 San Jose Trump rally, and I've singled out SEIU, PSL, and La Raza as the organized instigators of all the attacks that day. If what your saying is true , this could provide much more evidence for my future report on San Jose.
Here, have some links, author is purplepilled, but there's no denying the awful shit going on.
VANDU the Drug dealer's union!
They're unironically commie terrorists from the 70s.
I heard they are "child abductors" but is there any tangible evidence or even more than anecdotals?
The commie police will charge you with unlawful restraint. Just get some pictures of them with their mask of and release them. That's all we need at this time.
If you kill them then they win.
Why not paint their hands with red paint? Red with a black stripe. Distinctve.
gah damn that flat toned voice just kind of pounds on my eardrum
Knock it off with this shit.
If you're going to tell anons to citizens arrest them, then you should be explaining the SIGNIFICANT legal risks they'll be taking.
If the citizens arrest doesn't result in a conviction, then YOU can be arrested for unlawful detainment. That's a serious crime.
Have some more evidence. Skip to 27:00 for the fun parts but the entire thing is worth watching.
How is anyone under the impression that these groups aren’t state funded/ approved of? Can you imagine if Nationalists marched on the streets and shouted the opposite rhetoric through megaphones?
It's Highschool all over again, pagentry and enforced opinions.
Why stop them? They are playing right into our hands already. The more these imbeciles try to push their bullshit, the more they wake the masses to what they really are.
i keep seeing this pattern where older people engage the cameramen into conversations and then antifa guys come either shut them down or get violent with them. the older people doing interviews are just there to stall and divert.
Keep doing what we're doing but ultimnately we sever the funding. Many of these groups (probably all) get money from Soros et al.
When we have our revolution many will want to take revenge. We should be more practical and capture the foundations (Carnegie, Ford) and use that money to fund projects that will serve the 14 words and enhance the prosperity and health of our people.
Got some great new content here. Holy shit.
First off, this is a tacit admission that communism doesn't work, from the commies themselves!
And more Commie evidence
is this the real life?
Problem is that they have the same idea as the roman catholics and think it's "God's plan" to import spics and find them wives. Also they're creepy as fuck; half of this "signs of indoctrinated bamn people" shit i'm reading sounds like your average mormon woman.
There is a chance for divide and conquer. Antifa and commies don't like structure and clear leaders. BAMN is basically a cult that dictates what antifa and the others do.
We should help educate antifa about how they are being used by a bourgeois elite group of leaders who are using them.
Reminder, Twilight was written by a mormon housewife, and every creepy thing Sparkleybutt Cullen does to Bella is what mormon women believe a loving husband does to his housewife. Mormies are also into necromancy; IE baptism of the dead.
Notice the Molochian Golden calves at the start of the video.
Compare this to what the jews are up to and idgaf in the slightest. Mormons are pro-Christ, jueden are anti-Christ, it's that simple.
Mormons are willing slaves of the Jew. Shabbos goyim down to their day scheduling and even tithing.
Holy friggin shit
I look forward to throwing a party with my redpilled as fuck family when we get to watch a livestream of bamn getting waco'd
I don't care what anybody else says, Mormons are a fucking cult.
I dunno, OP… how does one USUALLY deal with insane zealots?
Reminder that not only are Mormons a cult, their theology is whack. Native Americans as the lost tribe of Israel, Israelites crossing the pacific ocean to get to America, American Jesus, and that's barely scratching the surface. Also, if Joseph wasn't killed he would have started a revolution with the american indians to overthrow the US. They can have Utah, but man do they creep me out.
that seems like a very good idea
then felarca could get killed by ANTIFA and ANTIFA would have more reason to be declared to terrorist organization when the lefties cry in agony about felarca being killed
two birds with one stone
I don't know if that will work. Antifa works on blatant lies. They call themselves anarchists then demand military ranks after getting their shit kicked in. They claim to be for the poor and minorities but they're overwhelmingly upper middle class white kids. They know the structure is there and that she's burgoise. They won't turn on her because she's in the ranks. They might snipe at her if she says something problematic but they won't excommunicate her.
Yeah. I notice there is a fracture in the left. They push moderates away, but the ones that stay generally become more radicalized and more chaotic. nine out of ten don't even know enough about the ideologies they support to begin with, and the ones that might have ideological differences, see it as a means to an end (fighting le nazis).
Break their leaders, dose the members with acid, redpill them until they become our footsoldiers or break mentally. If all fails, shoot them.
I'm on my car driving to Ivette's house right now. I've got my AR-15 with me.
Yvette Felarca is a child kidnapper
She is also responsible for all the deaths and injuries of those she leads into "battle". What are they fighting for? Certainly not freedom of speech. They are militant communists who seek bloody confrontation without any repercussion from authorities whatsoever. FBI should arrest her a long time ago.
Anyone have the video of this tiny bitch not-so-subtly punching that dude in the gut in front of police while they do nothing?
I want you to know I'm doxing you and everyone else in that chat fam.
I don't know if anyone else made this connection yet, but back during that Sacramento rally attack Yvette Felarca was in I noticed the dude in the back holding the yellow PSL (Party for Socialism and Liberation) sign.
And its the same type of yellow sign used in the back of Bob Creamers office, and several other anti-Trump rallies.
That looks like a mass produced Soros sign. Is this cunt owned by the kike?
Its the exact kind of yellow Soros sign that's been seen at anti-Trump rallies, BLM rallies, and even as far back as Occupy Wallstreet.
Really need to start enforcing the law here.
Unfortunately our Judiciary system can be trusted to always illegally fuck over Americans. Trump might need another SCOTUS appointment before this is a viable option.
It's been noticed, yes, all these groups and people get everything from the same source: Soros.
If we complain loud enough, and demand they enforce the law, they will. That is how America works.
Agreed. And yes the king kike himself is probably payrolling her like he payrolls PSL.
Good videos to spread.
Some goyim should start protesting outside of these court cases. A show of support/force would certainly push the envelope. Street "politics" and oratory would also ensue. I think this would be a positive thing if it were done by disciplined people.
whos this guy?
And these Soros-backed groups aren't only responsible for the shit going down in Berkeley, but also the June 2nd San Jose Trump rally assaults.
The digits speak. We must name the communist as we name the kike! They fear "the red scare" propaganda as the kike fears the light of day. These laws were put in place to stop this very bullshit that we fiht today, and we can use them as intended.
I would also like to point out the handbook for defeating communism. Masters of Deceit, by J Edgar Hoover. ignore the bullshitnlies spread by the kikes of the (((history channel))), this man was a hero.
him covered at fight
Marxist Miyagi
The way forward is distributed surgical attacks on the logistics of the leftist political machine.
There are three crimes which are surefire convictions regardless of actual guilt, drugs, CP, and NFA violations.
Because the legal machine cannot help but investigate, prosecute, and convict on those three, especially against peons.
And unlike framing someone for murder, you don't actually need a dead body.
All it takes is a plumber, to frame the local apparatchik for a sawed off shotgun.
Got a guy who works at the Apple store?
Guess what?
He just dropped a dime on professor trigglypuff for CP
Is it illegal?
Sure, but so is punching people.
Why take a bulldozer to Harvard, when you could have the US Marshalls do it for you?
War is the precise application of unrestrained savagery, with the aim to prevent the enemy from even being able to carry out action.
Rather than fight your adversary's actions, fight his ability to take action, this is the crux of war.
The federal prosecutorial machine is a bloodthirsty leviathan, a soulless meatgrinder, I say give it some meat, it won't say no, it can't.
A guaranteed conviction is a more desirable outcome than an accurate conviction.
And really, why kill people, when you could send them to federal prison on multiple felonies?
In death, they might be martyrs, deny them even that opportunity.
The important part is that none of this requires following complicated instructions or protocols.
Chickenhawk aside, J Edna and Senator McCarthy were the true heroes that held back the red menace while they did.
Also the towelhead in those pics was sighted at the earlier San Diego Trump rally.
Except it's not a soulless meatgrinder, it's a jewish machine that grinds up whites and spits everything else out. The way we do this is by alerting enough whites to the problem that whites stop adding to the problem, then we kill every jew on the planet.
And the first step is to name the communist. The communist is always under the command of the jew. When the communist is the enemy, and the world sees that they are the leashed hounds of the kike, they will consider them one in the same, and our work will come to fruition!
The normies don't know shit about antifa, but THEIR PARENTS remember Communism! And their parents are the ones footing the bill to send them to the indoctrination camps that are the universities.
honestly we should be doing this already by now. I used to have contacts in the hitman scene on tor during the earlier days. maybe I should start doing it instead
These dubs do not lie. A lot of these hippie commies pretending to be the next Red Guard parents were probably radical lefty socialists themselves back in the 60's and 70's.
Its just like how Yuri Bezmenov described the demoralization tactics first planted by the soviets, but was the liberal americans who cultivated it into a garden of new useful idiots.
Way ahead of you user >>>/tok/7
I've already infiltrated the heart and soul of the hippie movement. By the end of summer, they'll be /ourguy/
They're not technically dubs, but Kek approves nonetheless.
What more do we know about Yvette Felarca and Shanta Driver?
We know Felarca is a middle school teacher at Martin Luther King Jr. in Berkeley CA. We know that she teaches social studies. We know that she has wanted to take students out of class to attend protests. We know that students in her class speak broken English despite being 11-12 years old. We know she's violent. We know she's a flip. Is she an immigrant? Should we be calling for her arrest or her deportation?
Shanta Driver has less info that I can find. I found her bio. She's a Harvard undergrad and Wayne State University law graduate. She's in her own practice. She's chair for a BAMN associated non-profit.
h t t p : / / ii s . s t a t . w r i g
ht . e d u / s o s / b i o _ P r e s e n t er s / sh a n t a _ d r i ve r . ht m
There's the Secret Survivors of BAMN who are a bunch of communist faggots who managed to get out of the cult. Their stories are anecdotes about being abused by BAMN, but there's not much info about the leaders in them.
Hold on user, we need to actually understand the law before we apply it.
The Communist Party of the United States, or any successors of such party regardless of the assumed name, whose object or purpose is to overthrow the Government of the United States, or the government of any State, Territory, District, or possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein by force and violence, are not entitled to any of the rights, privileges, and immunities attendant upon legal bodies created under the jurisdiction of the laws of the United States or any political subdivision thereof; and whatever rights, privileges, and immunities which have heretofore been granted to said party or any subsidiary organization by reason of the laws of the United States or any political subdivision thereof, are terminated: Provided, however, That nothing in this section shall be construed as amending the Internal Security Act of 1950, as amended [50 U.S.C. 781 et seq.]
(Aug. 24, 1954, ch. 886, § 3, 68 Stat. 776.)
bypasses their name changing kikery and clearly delinieates the intent for whom this is intended to be used against
Literally what the John Brown Gun Club, Antifa, BAMN, Soros, and the rest of them are trying to do
On the note of hippies again, I want to point out a poorly known fact. Hippies are Tribals at their core, not communists. Fully decentralized, as much so as the legion, but with a cultural identity. I think you can all see where I'm going with this. They have socialist tendencies, but they're closer to National Socialism than any other ideology, they just have no centralization. With that said, there are always communist infiltrators, and these are known as Yippies or more commonly, douchebags. and the real hippies absolutely hate them. The old hippies (rightfully) blame the (((yippies))) and the (((media))) for the destruction of their movement in the late 70s and with the right redpills, and enough of pic related, I'm confident they will come to our side. That or I just had too much of pic related while teaching hippies to hate, and that "The Man" was always code for ZOG
This deserves it's own thread and a sticky. We must push this with all of our might. This is the silver bullet to slay our enemies, and our memes shall be machineguns.
Praise Kek, Sieg Hiel! Thank you Hoover!
Don't they claim to have 20+ chapters? I couldn't find a list anywhere.
This would be a good starting point, knowing where they are actually located.
Also, the site
DR Here. They are called yippies because of ((Abbie Hoffman)) and his Youth International Party, YIP. This is their flag! They are degen communists!
Anyone remember the anti-war protest scene from Forrest Gump? The guy in the afro to Forrest's right is Abbie himself, that degenerate kike!
I already posted about this in another AntiFa thread
Very interesting how History repeats itself. This is how the Yippies gained prominance. Originally, the left's fave was Sen. Robert Kennedy (the brother to JFK). He was going to win the nomination of his party. He wasn't a traditional dem either. Think about Bernie Sanders. He was the Bernie Sanders.
Bobby was shot then that means the second-place winner was traditional normalfag Heubert Humphrey. Humphrey was like a Hillary of the time (not corrupt, but moronic and old-fassioned). The Republican nominiee was Richard Nixon.
At the Chicago DNC in 1968 the Yippies attempted to get street permits to protest and hold what they called "Yippie Olympics" but they were of course rejected. This lead to the riots. "The Democratic Party represented death" was one of their campaign slogans for their toung-in-cheek nomoniee "Pigasus" who was a pig they bought from a farm.
Thing is that the hatred for the Democratic Nooniee even amongst the average joe was so high that this led to Nixon winnning essentially by default.
After RMN was president the Yippies turned their sights on a new target: deligitimizing the presidency of RMN. They were succesful thanks to the Watergate conspiracy in his second term.
Doesn't this all sound like the modern day, with AntiFa being the Youth International Party and President Trump being Nixon?
I have an updated form of his writings called Steal this Wiki, used to train Antifa back during Occupy WallStreet.
Read their fight section, good for a laugh, but the cooking sections are actually useful in terms of logistics and feeding lots of folks to satiation.
We should make a new thread collecting these things and hope it gets stickied.
You don't, stupid. They're the ultimate redpill. They're so fucking batshit insane that they'll turn more to our cause than any number of gay twitter memes.
AntiFa is the same. Challenge them, but not so much as to dissuade them from their activities. They need to be in the public eye as much as possible. Challenge them just enough to show there is resistance.
VERY interesting, but can we tie this PSL to soros/clinton/bob creamer?
Are there any links beyond the design of the signs?
the BIG scoop would be tying Felarca or Shanta Driver or BAMN to soros or clinton or the DNC.
A smaller scoop would be tying them to other known violent groups.
What vid is this from?
Was BAMN present here?
Whatever you thought of their politics, the Yippies were honestly 100x better than Antifa. Leftism back then was still mostly not anti-white, and many embraced it because they were the only ones pushing to end the war in Vietnam.
The Yippies seemed mostly healthy outsiders, hippies who unfortunately imbibed too much leftism at a young age, and most of them outgrew it pretty quickly once it was evident Vietnam was winding down. By contrast, antifa seem almost without fail to be people with mental health issues, like the angry kids at a Tumblr convention.
Compare the 2 images.
I always wonder how they delude themselves into thinking their opponents would be intimidated by their 'though' looks. Or how they can kid themselves into thinking they would stand a chance in a fight.
If I get someone like that, as soon as we clinch I'd make sure to 'accidentally' rip out those piercings.
I think they're more narcissistic than you realize. They're not thinking of hos the world sees them so much as being absorbed in doing it to themselves, much like women who get tattoos. That guy looks like he has some massive self-hatred going on.
Another thing is that I, like most people, am genuinely pretty nice. I rarely want to hurt people, only neutralize them if I'm in a conflict. But with someone who looked like that, all sense of empathy would go out the window. In some type of "antifa vs …" riot, he would be a fist magnet. I bet virtually everyone here would feel the same.
a) The reason they were more mentally healthy is because they were raised in healthier homes, lefty degeneracy hadn't yet spread so far. And because if they were promoting a wholly degenerate image, nobody would have joined.
b) Their founders were either useful idiots or knowing underlings of the KGB.
Communism adopts whatever the trend is at the time to recruit supporters. Back then it was the hippie movement, so western Marxists suddenly saw themselves surrounded by "make love not peace" signs with inconspicuous commie insignia in the corner.
Now, after those people went on to effect their culture, the degeneracy has set in, and trans niglet rights are the trend, so marxist movements adopt that instead. Its always just an image and never the outcome. The means to their end.
The idiot yippies were the first step on the road to a USSR takeover, which ultimately never happened. If anything, they're worse than what we have today, because they rejected what was a fairly healthy culture. These days, the kids at least have the excuse of being raised surrounded by marx and shekelstein's propaganda from day one.
That's often something that pops up in my mind with guys like that. Radical feminists have that too; this pretence of 'rejecting beauty standards' can be a cover for a sense of insecurity where they take "I feel shit bc I'm ugly" and make it into "I'm ugly by choice lol". If that makes sense.
I saw that in cringey/autistic/weird teens in highschool, too. Some of them purposely make themselves ugly and awkard and weird to pretend it's a choice. Those often become edgy metalheads or emos or some shit. I bet there's a psychological explanation for it.
Even if you weren't out to purposely mutilate them like a psychopath, to me, there is still the point that those things can damage me in a fight. Most piercings won't, but those spike things, if you punch or fall on that, it will hurt you too, and that overrides any sense of 'not needlessly hurting people' in my opinion.
But of course, it's also just a nice feeling, to make those kids understand that they don't scare people, that trying to look tough can backfire easily. Since they are used to people avoiding them for their looks, once you move past that, they tend to get uncomfortable, because their main manner of repelling and intimidating people suddenly has no effect on you, and they need to scramble to actually BE tough on the spot.
In addition to that, if you were an early 20-something white guy in 1969, Marxist theory was still about you. While there was a growing focus on blacks, Hispanics, and feminism, the main message was still class-oriented. They wanted to help you against the military industrial fatcats who started the wars and were destroying the environment…. My point isn't to defend their ideology, but it didn't imply any masochism to feel a part of it. The same phenomenon happened with Bernie Sanders, especially in 2015. If you look at his rallies, often they were a sea of white, and if only whites could have voted, he almost certainly would have won the Democratic primary.
For a very brief period, in the earliest days of OWS, that also seemed relevant, as it was initially targeting companies like Goldman Sachs and white male leftists got involved, then they were quickly scared off with the progressive stack and other forms of liberal sickness.
It's very similar to cutting, which is almost always a female phenomenon. Lots of crazy piercings and heavy tattooing are one male equivalent.
I'm theorizing here, but I think its because the KGB had a clear end-game, and could get involved if things started "weakening the worldwide revolution". People like Soros seem to be concerned with their own individual influence and, to a lesser extent, Israel.
I think we're seeing the result of an ideology outliving it's masters.
As for Bernie, I don't think it's related. He is the living embodiment of weakness, and blacks can't support that. Dem wasteland survival genes have their uses.
On the other topic, the most common male variant of embracing ugliness is
When the yippies were exposed to the hippies for what they are (parasitic kikes), they lost their support base and turned to the punks to fill the gap. 40years later we have antfags. I'm going to do everything in my power to get the oldfags of the hippie movement, the god damned Elders of the family themselves, to stand up WITH RAGE IN THEIR EYES, and name them for what they are. If we meme it, we will awaken the hate within the hippie, and as per he natural laws of polarity, it will be a hate with equal power to their love.
This tbh
At least they don't beat around the bush. They want the full dissolution of the United States.
seen that one vid of her jumping in that white guys face pushing up against his chest basically assaulting him and screaming,I wish it would have been me I would have given her one warning to desist after that I would have picked that nasty little piece of mystery meat up and dumped her as hard as I could right on her ugly face breaking her fucking neck in half.
user, you may be within your right, as communists have no rights, but treat this like highschool. Put her in a trash can. We know how they fear and hate the trash can, let's give them more reason why. Perhaps we could all bring trash cans, and just stuff them in them, lid them, and leave. The demoralization and lulz would be amazing.
I understand and really they are working in our favor by acting like idiots.Its just something about that bitches smug fucking non white face makes me see red.That self entitled little shit with her (((affirmative action))) harvard bs is a joke she thinks she is some fucking intellectual yet listening to her talk she is obviously a low iq shitskin and when anyone puts their hands on you giving you apprehension of receiving a violent injury is automatic license to kill legally to protect yourself.
Good vids of battle on channel
There's something you gottta know about commies man, it's all for show. Everything they say, everything they do is all for show and never is consistent. They want to degrade the situation worse. This is the core and the root of them: mass-self-suicide-by-self-destruction.
Everything else is just window dressing and a cheap plaster wash to delude normies with.
Best way to do that is to spread knowledge of edgy Hoffman-esque tactics among the antifa mixed with edgy mickey mouse text files like from totse.
This one in particular:
This one in
Black girl with the red head wrap thing is Maile Hampton from the Sacramento area. No dox pls. :^)
great links and infos, thanks all
this thread so far
Did some quick research. Going by her surname, she comes from the Philippines. Also lol at the idea of her being loving and compassionate
Learn to take screenshots for fucks sake.
No more than 15 words to a line, 10 average is perfect.
Not bad.
Did the KGB also help Woodrow Wilson get elected?
Just keep embarrassing them until they do something really stupid and the Feds deal with them as they need to be dealt with. Its not if but when.
Also play up the BAMN / NAMBLA pedophile connection.
Fucking hell, that's not a shoop? Glorious.
Am old-ish hippie and can confirm. Against the (((man))) and hate (((commies))) too. But love America, American people, and American history. Don't want that erased.
We're all confused. What's to lose? You can call this song the United States Blues.
Commies do not have the right to live.
Berkeley mayor has a cat named "Che"
Their acronym/name literally is "the end justifies the means," and they're a bunch of militant communists? Jesus. It's a good thing they're a bunch of ineffectual pussies in the streets, but I do fear the power of the leftist mass psychology and brainwashing in ((media)) and ((academia)) and the powerful impact it can have on social and group-think dynamics in young people. I actually just think the best strategy against these faggots is to keep trolling and agitating them.
The more they act out, the more stupid and crazy the average person sees them as. We just have to make sure the right assholes get painted with the right brush, as the ((media)) will try to paint everything negative as /ourguys/ Even if the mayors and authorities in big municipalities and metros are cucked we can still do a lot just by turning more of the middle against them. Don't push right wing shit too hard, just enough to get the thoughts, ideas and memes out there while the left has these retarded, public meltdowns.
Any experience with the rainbow family? They're starting to fracture and some anons, myself included, are planning to redpill the estranged members.
Mormonism is just another goofy religion, but its people are mostly quite nice so it's one of the better religions around. It's especially nice for white people since they promote having lots of kids and making sure you care a great deal about raising them well.
We need to turn them into the monsters they make Holla Forums out to be, then normalfags will turn against them. They'll be attacked from both fronts and won't be able to distinguish who is who.
Yvette is SUCH a cunt. The guy in the video should have just crammed that stick up her twat and let her slide slowly down it.
That smug, confrontational face at ALL times. I'm surprised she didn't send some of her cult members around to try and take out Tucker.
Seriously, she needs to be dealt with.
Shit, I'd forgotten about that. I wonder if that user ever finally drove that faggot's head into the floor? Or did he let his girlfriend do it so it wouldn't be a "white male hatecrime?"
You have to be smart about it. Prep up and wait for shit to hit the fan.
Even PEE ARE is needed to keep the normalfags contained in their slumber.
I followed your thread for months. Is there an archive of the Robert Ambalung(?) infodump?
Keep on being you, been checking out some stuff pertaining to human trafficking in SF but haven't gotten anywhere, non-profits are a bitch to navigate and I have very little online research talent.
Will make a thread if I get anywhere though.
Shill for them. Encourage every single lefty to join them because everyone who eventually leaves them is completely disillusioned and burned out on activism.
It's very eye opening to watch all the (((marketing))) in the becoming-legal DUDE WEED LMAO industry in Canada. A bunch of kikes installed themselves as the 'licenced producers' by essentially making a deal with Weedman to keep delaying smaller operators. Of course being kikes they got arrogant and greedy and now the DEA and the SEC are up their asses for smuggling and money laundering.
HI Greg. This is why my lawyer said doing an interview was a bad idea BTW. Also the fact I know Eby and you're off base on him. Take your message.
I want to see this bitch hung and beaten like a dog to tenderize her meat for making some Chink spare ribs from her.
Fucking degenerates. I was on a forum site for all of five minutes, back in the day, where one of the members had some sort of weird-ass five-way marriage where a bunch of leather biker-looking motherfuckers wore locks around their necks instead of rings. They were actively recruiting for young men to join their marriage as "sons" to be trained as part of the family, with the intent that they would become "parents" and eventually spin-off and make their own "families." The second I saw everyone congratulating the user on his new "adoption," I realized that it wasn't the place for me.
That's not the worst idea I've heard, but my only concern would be accidentally influencing a bunch of normal kids into joining them and being brainwashed and abused.
nation wide concealed carry