Twitter - Cruz himself Newt Gingrich -
They're calling it the "El Chapo Act"
What this act would accomplish is that it would channel all confiscated wealth from drug dealers to funding the Wall.
Claims of drug kings having the potential to providing millions of dollars for the project has been quite an eyebrow raiser.

Other urls found in this thread:


Oh, and he also has this tedcruz . org/l/build-wall-make-el-chapo-pay/
It's a Cruz contribution website so I'd be hesitant into trusting him entirely but we will see.

Absolutely fucking beautiful

wtf I'm a #CruzMissle now

Every cent is valuable, and this would also frighten the Hell out of drug dealers.


Hahaha, top Kek. Shills are wrong again.

Get your popcorn boys

wew el rato is seriously in danger of commiting suicide by shooting himself through the back of the head while tied to a chair

Nailgun to the back of the head suicide with 12-14 nails. Happens all the time that one time

I like the idea, but I still hate cruz and gingrich is about as trustworthy as cruz. They get no redemption, but they get a thumbs up if it goes through.

Is Cruz a revolted elite?

you dubs suggest so, still no redemption

He's getting there?

Lads, what is kek trying to tell us?

Kek is here

Anime redemption arc, as a villain he was spurned by his superiors as a hero he gains all the victories that were denied to him. Of course if he goes that route he's going to die nobly at some point to show the baddies mean business.

no, no redemption for the spic whos father probably actually helped kill JFK. He does this for us and he can have a pat on the back


Rato confirmed for entering the mid-boss redemption arc. He will learn of his father's crimes and turn against his masters at a crucial moment.



Newt, Rat, kek


Fresh OC

He's acting more like Trump than Trump is right now.

The courts cucked Trump on the sanctuary city funding today and all he's been doing is tweeting about the goddamn holohoax all day. Not trying to get blackpilled here but this faggot needs to stop this already.

Good idea! Someone give this man some delegates.

You didn't even try you lazy faggot.

He's probably smart enough to see where the political winds are blowing. It's fine if he stays in line, but you should NEVER trust him.

The Jews didn't give him his delegates..
So he gave them his WRATH!

This. The second the space jews possess him it's over.

he's trying to get a kickback off Trump
I wouldn't trust that rat one cent

stop this, this instant, Cruz will get no support here other than his bill.


They don't call him El Rato for nothing. Keep a close eye on him.

You don't reward those who bend the knee?

That shit was hilarious, not gonna lie.

they get a piece of cheese, not the entire fridge. Rato is just trying to use the opportunity to get voters for his next run, its obvious. Do not fall for his trap.

I'm giving him memetic cheese wedges.

fine, but no more the that.

I'm a cruze missile now

Dubs confirm only cheese bites



"I'll be yowah huckleberry"

MFW the Cruzmissles were right

Sure thing

I still wonder what the joke ending would be like.

Hi shareblue.

Not an argument.

A Jeb! Victory would've been the joke ending.

El Rato needs good boy points for 2020 elections.
Still its good to have him on board.

Maybe 2024, couldn't see him running in 2020 as he drew closer and closer to Trump


Reminder that there is a universe whereas the poll machines malfunctioned and a guac surge actually happened.

This is good

The courts overstepping their boundaries has nothing to do with either the literal or figurative meaning of cucking somebody.
We've been using the word long enough now, so you should be able to properly use it, ask your handlers for assistance in case you need some help.

This just in!

He has the shitposting gene in him, that's for damn sure. This could be a pretty good redemption arc tbh fampais.


Maybe not the whole time, but losing THE DELEGATES DAHNALD really turned him around looks like.

We memed the redemption arch into reality, don't you see? He is now Soarin' Ted, not the same Ted, a practically different entity than Lyin'.

I don't know user, I just don't know
I'm still rolling for nailgun suicide

Well what do you expect from a fucking leaf.

He will soar the winds, preying upon the kikes that screwed him. Like an Eagle.


What just happened?

we broke the fucking universe , good fucking job man. this is why we cant have nice things

The civil war arch will be Trumpians against the Neocons

no thank you

Desecrating the Prince of All Saiyan's divine name

I thought the idea was to get Mexicans OUT of the country, not getting all of them part of the state

I miss them days of Jeb! memes being pumped out. I never knew how many laughs Jeb! could provide before the primaries

Why the fuck would we want to annex the spic hive itself?

Go home Paco, you had too much tequila

Do you even remember Dragon Ball? Have you even watched Super?

He spelled Vegeta's name wrong, moron. Thats what I was talking about

Oh, carry on then.

And he still needs to beg for claps.

Don't forget the feels.
The god damn feels.

I wonder if he's having some guac while playing in some turtle sanctuary in Florida somewhere?

I hope he is, I really do.

WTF, I love el rato tonsil stone man now!

seriously though, I can't get a beat on Cruz. One second I hate him the next he seems almost ok. The fuck is with this guy?


I feel like there's a silver lining to it, but I'm probably just full of shit.

no way hose
even if that was in any way legal, it's impossible for cultural reasons.
And even is it happened anyway they would dodge conscription harder then a rich hippie drafted to nam

What the hell did Trump do to Cruz?

Ok, how about we conscript by state & oops, it's texas, california, illinois, & forida first for the draft. Same thing really.

Holy shit, do you mind if I start saying that again? I forgot this was even a term & I feel like bring it back. We gotta use this in normal conversations to trigger mexicans.

I've met quite a few hippies ok deadheads and rainbow family who were proud of their kills in Nam. Shit, I've spent many nights around a fire with them as they tell me stories about getting post cards mailed to them, dipped in LSD, and volunteering to be the point man while tripping balls, gunning down commies like it was the best days of their lives!

Why does it seem like law that people on this board must fuck up idioms?

BTW, the reason you can't draw a bead on him is that he's a lying fuck politician, what a surprise.

Yeah, I guess he just flip flops a lot. At least he's been doing the right thing ==lately== anyway. It's a doggy dog world out there, & politicians are a diamond dozen.

They did have some dinner at the white house some time ago so there is that.

Redemption arc confirmed.

doggy dog world

Who got suicided by nailgun?

Let it be clear, El Rato had a chance early on to be part of Team Trump but bit the hand that could've fed him.

Now the Kikes have given up on him, yes, he seems to be seeking "redemption" but only because he no longer is in the Chosen's good graces but he is still a slimy rat and we should never trust him. Ever.

Richard Talley, CEO of Denver-based American Title Service

>mfw we now have an excuse to exterminate Mexico
Fixed that for ya.

He won, and his guy Bannon is in the WH. Now if there was some way to take care of Paul…

There is always a way

It fucking happened? wew, but the problem is, the Democracks and Cuckservatives will still oppose it even after getting the dirty money to fund for it, just wait for them saying that this should go to the illegals or to Mexico.

This, and a neocon cuck at that

He has yet yo make a fucking statement about it. It's like he's watching his Presidency getting fucked by PEOPLE HE CAN IMPEACH and just sitting in the corner watching it happen


You bet it happened.

pic related

I just check back in occasionally :]


Make HSBC pay for it for their dealings with the cartels including money laundering.

the deal which was done to buy off the case and all such deals are unconstitutional and the extracted drug money will pay for the wall and private security guards in dangerous border towns in mexico.

but that will never happen as it means the tafts,the rothschilds,the cartels and the british royal family would not get their cut of the us/mexico drug trade.

p.s. bernie should of won.

Based Trump.

I have read this on both posts of rato and the el chapo wall building fund.
I dont believe rato sr. killed jfk but was rather just another bit player in the whole sordid bay of pigs cluster fuck that jfk inherited when he was elected.
Kind of like what Trump inherited when he got elected.

Fresh OC.


El Chapo will give
5 million, ten million, twenty million, a hundred milllion.

So who is Piccillo?

Right after the accordion player and before the Jerry's Kids Chorus

Basically there needs to be a military invasion of the City a la Operation Mayhem in FC.


Where's the sound?

Only if we purge the natives.

No way. El Rato is just trying to garner support from Trump, because the shills are trying to get people off the trump train.
