Trump being elected was the first wave

Trump being elected was the first wave.
The HWNDU flag is the second wave.



Watch this video to get you motivated:

We are tired of being told we are worthless because of the way we were born, we are sick of Feminists shoving their anti-man bullshit down our throats.

I have created a d iscord server to use to make plans to attack Feminism.
Here's OP's plan so far:

We need to band together and get as many people to join our cause as possible. Spread the word to other boards and websites. It's time to rise.

Come on faggots, let's do this shit.

fuck off

Trump is establishment and I think so are you.

We already did this and it was called GamerGate.

Niggers this could end up being bigger than Gamergate, we could end up in the fucking history books if you join the cause


your priorities are all out of whack

Nice trips and all but MRAs are comprised of bottom rung losers.
Let's look at this OP.
this is where you fulfill the role of being a faggot OP
Out of a predominantly male dominated movement, the ultra right nationalists are supposed to dry up more pussies… for what exactly? Most rational people realize feminism is a joke at least within the modern context. Whining about men's rights is fucking pathetic.
Leading by example is the best way to spread the realization that patriarchy is best for society. Tying all these unrelated issues together is fucking retarded.
Who is OP? is it not you? What, is this another cuckchan crosspost?
Typical, OP. You reek of newfaggotry.

Kekistan flag should be used to get "white conservatives with strong family values" out to the Northwestern Front.

OP… your idea of 'profit' is the political equivalent of being nigger rich.

You're clearly a fucking millenial if 'leftist salt' is your goal. What does that get you when the mayor, police chief and every other position of POWER in your city is occupied by a spic or nigger today? Fucking baby shit.

The fuck do you think the priorities are?
If my plan sucks so much, do you have a better one?

Meninist sounds very… marxey to me.
So no.

leftist salt isn't the main goal either, that's just on the side.




I just said to lead by example. Just be a strong role model in your community and women will instinctively fawn over you. Not that this is likely for you, friend, as you appear to exhibit a classic beta victimization complex.
This dries the minge.

Ask me how I know you're not from around here. You even appear to be a mkII but still only a small improvement over the original shillbot.

Just remember, it is not the hands that opens the box.

So fags, if my plan is so shit, if you so easily call me a faggot then what the hell would be your plan?

If you do some research you'll find out men have it harder than women. Go to for a little info.

Kill yourself, MGTOW faggot.

Is there some sort of raid happening on us today?

All day every day. The mods and BO are self-confirmed paid shills.

We're already in the history books, and it's not because we're trying to be. Stop looking for attention faggot, and do things because they are the right thing to do.

This is how a thread works;

first, if you get atleast 3 sage, then inevitably the thread will be derailed, atleast 3 shitposts on the top of the thread and what you get is this;

1. mob mentality
2. derail because shitposter gets called out

this thread is dead, OP should have had samefagged with 3 or 5 positive posts so other braindead retards could break the mob mentality chain because thats how pathetic humans are.


It is pathetic to stand against genitil mutilation, i.e., cutting baby dikcs ? You must be one of (((them))). You were mutilated, too, user. Defend youself !

daily reminder

You do realize pol has IDs, right?
The thread would get shitposted and derailed even harder if I did that. Are you retarded?

Yeah, I'm against genital mutilation completely. If that's the issue one wants to raise up then sure. Make it a men's rights issue and that's a surefire way for people to not take you seriously. Make it about children's rights.

Fuck off.


Remember, kids. When considering a demonstration in which you are attempting to showcase your beliefs, grievances, and solutions- ALWAYS look at it from the point of view of a lady.
National Socialists marching in well hemmed uniforms 1937? That gets the vag sopping wet.
fat, balding, manlets in batman graphic tee's complaining about being oppressed? That puss puss will be dryer than the African Karoo.

Women are supposed to be selfish because they love babies as a part of themselves. And it really is all about the babies. The only problem with women is the lack of babies in their lives causes them to adopt proxy babies like niggers, narcissistic men, political causes etc.

White babies solve everything. Sage for cringe.

With all of the issues men face like a rape claim fucking up your life and ruining any chance of being hired in a nice job, while also ruining relationships with loved ones, higher suicide rates than women, more workplace fatalities, no say in whether a baby is aborted, men being raped then sued for child support, what can we do about if if a protest won't do shit?

I don't want to be pissing-my-pants scared for my future when going to college because some cunt decided that one sweaty CONSENSUAL night was regrettable, and decides to cry rape.

If I get divorced but I want to keep my kids, I have little say in who gets to have the kid unless I have hard proof she is unfit to parent.

What can we do?

Not go to college you stupid nigger.

Men should not be taken seriously ?
Are men not equal ?

Not at the rate this country is going. Sure Trump being elected made the left really fucking mad, but he isn't doing shit about men's issues. Feminism is too fucking big.

Stop making it about you. A man's greater virtue is valor. Valor means you are strong on behalf of another. See this man? He isn't whining about life being hard. He's happy to die for his people. Gender politics is DnC. To win women back make everything about your Folk and your children. Ignore what women say. If you promise them strength on behalf of the children of your people they will be on your side.

It's not about me, it's about all males faggot. If a woman claimed YOU raped them even if you didn't your life could be potentially ruined.

Too big to fail ?

cry about it

We already did this and it was called Scientology.

I meant it's super wide spread. The media is completely lefty controlled besides the internet, yet some of the internet is corrupted by the left, like Reddit and Buzzfeed, Salon, etc.

If it were to fail it would be quite a while before it happened.

I was in there, a bunch of lazy retards, gamergate 2.0 faggots.

This reeks of Holla Forums or redditor faggotry, and by that I mean it legitimately smells bad.

>mfw it sounds too… medicated

thanks for bumping retard.

This is a Joshua Goldberg thread.

Stop bumping this shit you enormous faggots.
This is not Holla Forums material, fuck off to Holla Forums or some shit.

If you honestly think this you are more of a faggot than OP.

Thread is already dead, faggots. You're kicking a dead horse.

You mean Avraham Shlomo Cohen-Shekelbergensteinovitz

Cool model, but you need something more tasty, just think think with me for a while.

What else? You're marking their sites and eating some space in the news papers, but nothing else.

Maybe this could be fun to misled the media, and editors. Could be interesting if you just killed someone and need the cops to look elsewhere.

eat a dick kid

It's too cucky tbh.
Men whining like women which is what MGTOW turned into and then essentially trying to do the same thing as the feminists but for men accomplishes nothing worthwhile.

Just do what all guys do, get drunk and make fun of fat whores, cunts, and other undesirables. I mean ffs, this whole gender wars bullshit is just manufactured to keep you from realizing the real assholes you need to take care of.