Is feminism compatible with communism? I don't think it is

Is feminism compatible with communism? I don't think it is.

I think Feminism is more compatible with fascism as Feminism is a superiority movement and not a gender equality movement.

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"Feminism" is a very broad term.

There is such a thing as Marxist and socialist feminism. In fact, it's the original feminism that liberal, gender and radical feminism is a bastardization of.

Feminism is not needed with communism, since communism addresses all of feminism's issues.

Good communists are good feminists.

Honestly your definition of feminism is probably Euro and American-centric. Really talk to foreign chicks and you'll see what feminism really is. It's left nationalism because yes, women are raped and murdered every day in those places and want self determination and autonomy.

They'd be utterly disgusted with the West's idea of feminism just like everything else about the West. Is it any surprise the West corrupts feminism the way it did everything else? Would you compare the integrity and righteous fury of The Black Panthers to Black Lives Matter crybaby bullshit? Would you compare the sophisticated and articulated banter of George Rockwell to "the alt right"? Would you compare your local commie group who says "no boys allowed teehee : 3" and every single one of them is just a dude in a dress to the proud USSR?

No… because you'd think that's retarded. Why am I going to compare these totally legit emotions and ideological points to the capitalist version that intentionally makes it into something it's not?

Honestly mgtow is the only thing to directly come out of capitalism that is it's own thing. Throughout history men have never as a whole felt alienated enough to need their own separatist movement. Which says something about capitalism more than it does feminism.

What does your picture (read: meme) have to do with feminism? This would better be applied to women in general, since they are the most reactionary sex, competing with each other to monopolize the biggest, most potent cocks. Smells more like a strawman.

Congratulations on noticing the obvious, OP.

Also, not every feminist is Olivia Munn

What's everyone's opinion on third-wave feminism? I personally like it.


I get the point of that picture but I'm just passing here to point out that there's nothing wrong with bullying virgin losers and that most of them become alt-right Holla Forumsyps types anyway.


I think its good but unfocused, erratic almost. This is robs due to the first wave that had incorporated the internet and is truly international, which is why strawmen arguments like OP is making really fail to grasp how large this third wave is, and only focuses on the more radical and ridiculous sects of said wave.

*probs *…due to the [fact that this is the] first wave that had…

Did you ever think that perhaps the first is what leads to the second?

Of course you never think you're a nihilist ;^)

all fucking nihilists should be banned

So basically you want women to be disgusting pigs of hyper consumerism but be ashamed for having basic human desires like a healthy relationship?

You're an idiot. That's what I think. But honestly it does not matter. Your women are going to be strangled to death by some hairy trans-man and she'll call him daddy the whole time during the slow murder and you'll dub that as such a progressive and invaluable display of how superior you are to those nigger nations like Syria or whatever. Your model of liberalism is not even sustainable and if third-world nations develop economically, you're fucked as they'll destroy you.

I like their goal of separating gender from language, and social convention entirely, but they get too sidetracked.

oh wait I forgot you don't have one

All socialism is feminist. All worthwhile feminism is socialist.


The gendered language is so fucking interesting to me, i dont agree in micro-aggressions, but its their way of piinting out subtleties in language which have developed over looooong and different time periods and cultures, most being fundamentally patriarchal.

I suppose I'd be considered a feminist to some degree, but I oppose modern liberal feminism: it is an abomination.

…and the left wonders why it is a political irrelevance…

Do I smell tumblr?
This thread smells like tumblr.

we shouldn't let tumblr hold a monopoly on feminism, comments like that totally strawman the issue.

Liberal feminism is shit. Dosn't mean feminism is shit, we should be in favor of the equalization of all social groups to one another.

All feminists are right-wing scum and not my comrades. That is my contribution to this bait thread.

Read a book

it must be hard understanding the plight of women growing up with 2 dads. ur fuckin' gay mate, and your opinions are the gayest thing about you.

Talk to real people

Feminist throwing homophobic insults? Way to confirm you're right wing.

Ironic use, its hard to convey through text, but barely anyone is overtly homophobic nowadays. its almost only sensitive straight people who get rumbled over the use of gay as an insult anyways.
its not right-wing, its funny dude.

Such damage control.

haha yeah mate, damn that user. Exposed me for being right wing despite my very progressive views on womens rights, just cus i used gay as an insult! back to Holla Forums it is for me.


Meaningless platitude. ISIS could say this.

If only.

The ideology and movement that constitutes political "feminism" in the 21st century West is the inevitable slide backward to something closer to pre-20th century traditionalism than to the visions of the now irrelevant socialist feminists.

dude what are you trying to prove? im a Holla Forumsster? cus i used gay as an ironic insult? which you refused to believe?

and its hardly a meaningless platituted, the word progressive requires context, and in this frame of reference (eg. this thread, Holla Forums, Holla Forums) they are progressive.

how is it that exactly? and isnt it a strawman to label the entire third wave as regressive when sects are making huge strides in terms of social conventions of gender not seen in history.

Progressive is a US term for the Democrat party's view of an "inclusive capitalism" that is being aggressively exported. The US Democrat party is a centre-right party.

Most demands from the mainstream feminist movement for the last 20 years or so are predicated on the notion that women are weak, over-sensitive and thus require special treatment and concessions to function in society. Up to and including ideas that women ought to be cloistered away from men in their own spaces, that a man approaching and talking to a woman in public is wrong and possibly even criminal. That they should not be held responsible for their actions the same way men are in sexual encounters. Men's language and behaviour adjusted and policed for the comfort of the women should the women choose to interact with them.

The main difference as far as I can see is that the modern feminist is demanding back all the benefits of the traditional female gender role that their forebears were willing to trade away; protection and provision by and at the expense of their male fellow citizens, at-will segregation from the brutish men so as not offend their delicate sensibilities and all the rest, but now with the state and corporate bodies acting as intermediaries so they can receive these benefits without the obligations to men and society that have traditionally accompanied those things.

The academic feminists and their disciples are careful to couch it all in language that suggests modernity but the meat of what they are demanding is very Victorian in character.

good points made actually, i do still think its not entirely representative, and only shows the most extreme members point of view, but that is still needed.

You already reached a conclusion as evidenced by the dumb comic you posted.

But if you want the truth, rather than being compatible, feminism is a natural conclusion of the communist ideal, just like anti-racism and other "liberal" or identity politic ideologies. We should understand that liberation of the proletariat ends up being liberation for all. Idpol tends to look at specific and unique manifestations of a core problem, but fails to address this core problem, confusing the symptom for the disease. Redirect them. Part of the reason why the Black Panthers failed was due to segmentation within the party, some of which was fueled or exacerbated by sexism.

im going to revert to the
argument, because youve chose a definition of progressive that suits your argument, so ill choose one that not only suits mine, but is also widely accepted as true;
an advocate of social reform.
"people tend to present themselves either as progressives or traditionalists on this issue"
synonyms: innovator, reformer, reformist, liberal, libertarian, progressivist, progressionist, leftist, left-winger; formalneoteric

wew lad, can you chill with the
shit now please, im evidently not

Yes, you evidently are.

i dont suppose youd care for a hiding, young man, because you are most certainly on your way to one

You don't fool me.

if its is, indeed, to be fisticuffs good sir then i shall take no great pleasure in beating you, however i will do it anyway. Prepare yourself, the day i fight an unarmed man is not anytime soon.

It's not *entirely* representative, no. But "extreme" or not, I would argue that this is the prevailing line in academic feminism and among the "professional" activists from which the bulk of the rest take their cues. There do exist self-proclaimed feminist who disagree - sometimes stridently - with this line of thought. But they are in the minority and are mostly pariahs in mainstream feminist circles. They aren't the ones steering the ship.

But just as Cold War Marxism-Leninism is not *entirely* representative of socialist thought - there did and do exist leftcoms and trotskyists and others - at some point we're going to have to address "Actually Existing Feminism" and whether it is really a genuinely emancipatory movement. As somebody who for many years would proudly assume the label of feminist for myself, I no longer believe it is.

The irony is that I have interacted with a number of feminists who - once we've cut through the tribalism and jargon - have views on the topic that are almost indistinguishable from your saner "antifeminists" or the many radical gender deconstructionists among the MRAs. There is so much worthwhile common ground between many of the camps that have sprung up around this issue and I really find it sad that tribal hostility and mutual misunderstanding is preventing progress and effectively ceding the field to the reactionaries in these groups.

Did you actually use brocialist seriously in a sentence as if it was actually something someone should ever be ashamed of ? I've been seeing more of you retards lately. The amount of idpoler posting on here now is getting to disgusting levels. What the hell is going on?

r/fulltriggeredism wants to play

Seriously man. It's getting bad. It's not like it's one or two guys anymore. This place is fast on it's way to becoming an idpol ridden shithole on par with r/socialism.

Are you shocked? They probably come directly from Reddit and were banned for not remembering the 150th trans pronoun or some dumb shit.

This is part of their penance. They're going to screencap their "dank trolling" against "brocialists", say ten Hail tranny-Maries, and beg for their freeze peach to be restored by a private company holder who isn't even the fucking owner is just some slob running a sub-group of an otherwise huge website who could easily just wipe out the whole God damn retard club.

I have no sympathy at all for Reddit "socialists". Honestly if someone told me they went to /r/socialism I'd probably kill them right there and take my chances in court. I figure my allyby is they were probably a felon. Or I can pretend I was fighting "a far-left terrorist".


This is what happens if you tolerate feminists. They make it all about their idpol.

Yeah well I warned everyone. It tends to be a snowballing effect. The more idpolers post here. The more other idpolers think they're in good company.

Actually the original feminism was bourgeois feminism. Rights for rich women, as poor women were in the same movement as poor men who both wanted basic stuff like the right to vote, a livable pay or a shorter work week.

This post is why nazbols should be toleraated tbqhwufam

Feminism was originally Marxist. The first "feminism" that called itself such started in the mid-20th century largely with the works of Simone de Beauvoir.

The suffragettes were only associated with feminism much later by liberal feminists, they never used the term.

fuck off you meme spouting retard

Were you born this ignorant or did you have to work at it? Jesus, the Holla Forumsyp influence is strong in this one.

You're a massive retard Yui but this time you're right

The opinion of a known mythomaniac! That's me convinced!

Adolph Reed said it best…

"[Identity] politics is not an alternative to class politics; it is a class politics, the politics of the left-wing of neoliberalism. It is the expression and active agency of a political order and moral economy in which capitalist market forces are treated as unassailable nature."

You're full of shit and lying.

Welcome back to Earth, Buck Rogers.

That pic is so thinly veiled straight from

'is feminism compatible with communism'


'lol look how dumb women are'

Nah he's right. It's just a female supremacy movement. You're the one thats full of shit.




Nazbol avata/name rfag with nothing interesting to say turned off his flag, I see.

tbh this is a forgivable mistake since feminists have been incredibly successful at defining women then way.