
Also samefags about his love of bbc here

Previous bread

Other urls found in this thread:


You’re still a bore sudocuck. I just hide all your threads.

fug wish I capped that post about important jenny alerts

What's your game now smiley?

So you're done deleting and fake permabanning then?

My god you are pathetic.

Nice projection.

I don't even know why BO is this mad over some bag shitter to begin with. Something about a poll of queen of Holla Forums but who gives a shit it has been so many months since then, a random poll doesn't mean anything, the board's content reflects far more.

This has passed beyond that into some petty contest of autism now. The waifu shit is just window dressing for the pissing contest.


Sudocuck, sudocuck, where is your buck?

He's (you) like a girl who talks shit, punches you, gets slapped then starts crying about what an evil monster you are.
See? Maybe if you were better at blending in it wouldn't be so obvious. Protip: the fact this thread is still up kinda gives it away. You never answered btw: why was this
allowed and even janitored along with a meta post about new moderation? Is this just your weekly visit to stroke your e-peen and be a big guy for jenny?

Can we finally make waifu threads a bannable offence now?

You're literally the drumpsperg. Butt out.

This. Either that or limit them to one at a time. A cycled quarantine thread could work too.

I'm still not sure why Holla Forums's choice for queen is reduced to a FAS sloth or a designated bag shitter. Like damn niggas get some better standards

You lot really have no idea how the mind of the average Holla Forums user works do you? The board would be swamped with waifu threads just because if they did that. Even non waifufags would do it.

You lot really have no idea how the mind of the average Holla Forums user works do you? The board would be swamped with waifu threads just because if they did that. Even non waifufags would do it.

*clears throat*


Margaret threads are already a bannable offence though?

t. OP


and stop pretending it's not about "queen" status. It actually is that level of autism.

All Holla Forums waifus are fucking trash, like I said you niggas need some better standards


It's pretty obvious with the exception of the Margaret guy, the others are all being done by a vol or bo. I said this months ago, ban one or ban them all but they always defend the Jenny threads in particular.

The others are all annoying repetitive and formulaic, like every other form of shitposting on this board. I used to think it was just someone from leftypol trying to make the board unpleasant to post on by chasing everyone away. The tendency to just immediately shitpost and assert everything is reddit.

I think it runs deeper than that though based on how mad they get when anyone with tits is posted.

So why is only Marg not allowed? She made videos about star wars and other tv related stuff + had a thread about her channel getting targeted deleted literally right next to a thread about pewdiepie allowed to stay up. Not only that she was originally a gamergate eceleb which is how this whole fucking site began, meanwhile some brony who only started making disney vids a year ago is allowed threads about her feet and tweets about horsies. BO wants a no rules board where he can upboat what he likes and bans what he doesn't fine but don't bitch just because anons don't play along and pretend this is reddit.

There's more than one, asshat, I just happen to be the best at ban evading.

I like the way you think user


t. pedokike


Is it true your waifu has to shit in a bag attached to her gut?

She doesn't shit. Is it true yours is a feminist surfboard who's never said anything remotely clever?

You wish grumblecuck :'^)

Ayy yo I was defending you tho.

Aiight, fuck you then.

Sorry didn't read that far. BO kind of put me in a bad mood and ruined my day.

Holy fuck you waifufags are the worst.

What's the point of wearing a bra when there's nothing to put inside it?

are you blind?

Eat a dick that's the whole point faggot, BO pretending this is his personal subreddit.

Well, he is the board owner, and you are a persistent shitposter/spammer with austim and poor taste in women.

Why don't you make your own board, dedicated entirely to posting pictures of this wench you are so obsessed with? Now fuck off, and take your waifu and her shitbags with you.


What did he mean by this?

Funny how this is the designated shitpost/super serious tv discussion board all depending on Margaret. Kinda proves she really is queen, huh?
Why don't you put your trip on and stop referring to yourself in the third person, faggot? You're so in charge yet too pussy to post non-anonymous. Sad!

lel, as usual you're doing it wrong, dummy.

Confirmed in charge as fuck



no and no
Yes, as it should be.

Just wait 'till Blissfit hears about this

Just wanted to say, you fags are gay for hating on Emma Watson so your post is the spam you deserve I guess.

It being deeper is definitely the only logical conclusion. My guess would be that tits are hated here, because the board is run by a catty bitch full of tit envy. It's so obvious now in retrospect considering the signs such as the use of feelings as an argument, which as we all know is something only fat women do.