Finland Advocates “Physical Removal” With Commemorative Coi

Finland Advocates “Physical Removal” With Commemorative Coin

Finland has released a commemorative coin marking the events of the “Winter War” in which outnumbered and outgunned Finns slaughtered Soviet invaders.

On the back of this coin, a scene appears of a Finnish tribesman executing several Communists. We can tell this is an execution because the rifle is leveled at them as if about to be immediately used. This calls to mind the statement by Hans-Hermann Hoppe from his book Democracy: The God That Failed (2001):

"In a covenant…among proprietor and community tenants for the purpose of protecting their private property, no such thing as a right to free (unlimited) speech exists, not even to unlimited speech on one’s own tenant-property. One may say innumerable things and promote almost any idea under the sun, but naturally no one is permitted to advocate ideas contrary to the very covenant of preserving and protecting private property, such as democracy and communism. There can be no tolerance toward democrats and communists in a libertarian social order. They will have to be physically separated and removed from society."

Physical removal of Communists is necessary for people to own property, including themselves, and all egalitarian thinking is on the Leftist spectrum and therefore properly seen as varieties of Communism. With its approval, Finland again signals the right path for dealing with this problem.


"USA, 2016: replacing a President w/ ex-slave to virtue signal.

Finland, 2017: depicting the execution of communists on money.

I'm jealous."

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Can I get my hands on that coin already? I want to carry one on me at all times.

Finland and Russia still regularly have diplomacy fights. It's almost yearly news here in europoor. Since the MH17 shooting down with the increased military they really have been at each other throats.

great idea!!



Heil Hoppe









Good start, now they need to start advocating physical removal of shitskin.

Amazingly based, anyone who calls out Democracy as being the same thing in effect as Communism has my respect, and probably would have had Rockwells.

Although libertarian society still allows the Jew to do his butchers work, I should add.


Must have one!

This was unfortunately immediately pulled due to massive butthurt from the left.

Actually the scene on the coin depicts a nationalist White Guard firing squad executing pro-soviet communist rebels.

calling bullshit on this

have a look at the mint of finnland yourselves. nothing. (but they do have a multiculturism commemorative coin)
I sent them an email just in case, but i'm not getting my hopes up

Dubs confirm. Fingolians have spoken for the third position.

Turns out the guy who designed it is a lefty faggot who just wanted to cause controversy on the Finland 100 anniversary year.

The coin itself looks like shit. I don't mean the scene depicted but rather the very industrial looking fake gold on fake silver chuck e cheese token look they went for.



Worse than that. It wasn't bull or a hoax.
yle. fi/uutiset/osasto/news/drowned_asylum_seeker_child_civil_war_execution_special_coins_spark_online_fury/9581393

there's probably a mint in Texas that would make these coins

It looks like a 1€ coin.

The 1€ coin is made of two alloys: the inner part of cupronickel, the outer part of nickel brass.

OP you got it wrong
Not winter war, but civil war.

We had, and still have a commie problem of our own people.

I don't have (((cable))) so I wouldn't know except from reading here.

Thank God there's still SOME people with sanity in this world.

Jesus Christ. That was painful to watch.

I'm fine with a nigger on the bill tbh, Jackson is still cussing the kikes out from the afterlife for putting him on a Federal Reserve note.
It makes me want to use fed. notes less and imo that's a good thing, every 20 I get will go straight to the "buy gold from my local pawn shop" drawer.

Fake news, buddy.