Holla Forumsacks in office

So today, brothers, I had an idea. A simple idea, and an incredibly complicated one at the same time.


We need to run for office. More than that, we need to win office. The link I've provided should list all elections in the U.S., state and countrywide, and their dates. It is up to you to find out how to register as a candidate in them.

Do not be a retard. Do not go to a debate and whisper 'Shadilay' into the mic. Do not make efforts to find other Holla Forumsacks in the political sphere.

Do run for office. The highest office you can reasonably attain. If you have no speaking skills, study speakers like Oswald Mosley, Donald Trump, George Lincoln Rockwell, and numerous others.

Even if you are humiliated, laughed off stage, even if you fail miserably, if not a single person votes for you, get up, learn from your mistakes, and try again.

You can do this. You must do this.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth.

Other urls found in this thread:



This guy gets it.

Nigger please, do something useful and shoot a bunch of jews instead.

FBI plez stahp


We need more threads like this.

There's nothing in my state, there's nothing in my county, there's nothing in my city.

Should I move?


Do what you think is best. I do not know your situation, so I can't speak to that. Put put very, very serious thought into what you can do to make your race stronger and more secure. No effort is too small.

Don't you think the people in question should have some experience in the political field first? Going in cold might make things worse, and Mein Kampf isn't exactly a how-to for success in office. I do support the effort though, its something we've needed for a while.

You forgot William Luther Pierce.


Kid Rock is running for a position, I mean fucking Aahnold and Jesse Slaughter held govt. positions.

Jesse Slaughter? What? When?

he prob meant jesse ventura

Career development, particularly when it comes in the form of elected office, is the most reliable, proactive thing that we can put our time and energy into. Work. Get that degree. Develop lasting relationships with successful people because as they move up in the world you will know people in higher and higher places.

You can't get experience unless you get a job.

This has been a project I've been working on for months now. Right now I'm considering the long path by joining a military branch, going back to college, then using this experience to run for a local office. My speaking skills have gone up over the years and I've even gave small speeches to small groups to help kinda red pill the audience.

I'd vote for you.
Don't die for the ZOG.

I was just gonna join a reserve or the national guard, and try and get a position that could help with life after service just in case I have trouble getting a foot in politics. The town I'm in is small, but I feel like it's a good place to start if I play my cards right.


No shit, but you need to make connections, learn to legal system and learn how to legislate in order to be politician today. Technocratic government is required to create efficiency in the legal system. This creates economic and productive efficiency. Then you need to know about ethics and morality, how it is construed or created.
Unless you're smart enough to adapt real quickly, it will be tricky.

I was thinking about this once upon a time, but my mental issues might prevent me.
Struggling to productively read and write responses lately. Too much internet perhaps.

btw I hope people will do this just to see what would happen.
I wouldn't expect success, but it certainly would be an adventure.

I think fresh minds are needed the most right now. Perhaps the less experience the better. We need adaptable, free-thinking politicians. Ones that don't play by the rules ore even understand them at all.

That said I got a few years of legal study under me :^)

Lol. How are things at the Bureau?

I think he's worried about a bunch of autistic neckbeards trying to tell the world "Hitler did nothing wrong" and expecting the votes to just fly towards them.
Ya gotta have IRL charm. On top of that you need to crush your anxieties.

The charm I could try to fling (barely) but the anxieties and the burden of trying to persuade people are the issue.
A better goal would be to start a right wing political party/movement, organizing your policies, planning approaches and working our how to promote them and win over the audience.

Do not for the love of god make a party of rednecks and bogans. You need charm, neatness and a sense of formality. You need disciplined procedures and good organization.

The problem is that no movement has properly got to that level of sophistication. Most have been simple rallies or small social groups. You need to be really active to get this together. Hitler used to go from pub to pub, that won't cut it now. You need to go to unis, you need to go to community events, you need to organise debates with other social movements.

Preferably, you would need to "fly low" for a bit and build momentum, then you might be able to push the movement to your intended goals. Of course, you might want to prevent adverse misconstruction of your goals by the people you initially recruit - keep a strong close group on individuals to lead the pack and conform the movement to your ideal. You need consistency too.

well said but
a minimal understanding of the rules is a must.

There is a tendency for one who understands the rules to conform to them. In fact our morals are largely established by knowing what they are first.

If you really want to play this game - get a degree, it will make the job 100x easier because you know what framework is already established and how the government actually gets shit done - the formalities.

Hitler sought executive power by fulfilling the formal requirements. Sure that fulfillment included a very suspiciously convenient fire in the reichstag, but it still fulfilled the legal requirements. If you want to speed the process of getting into the election system, find people with a degree of legal knowledge.
That's probably what trump did. In fact many representatives probably do this.

Read the requirements for registering yourself and your party. You must meticulously look over all these horrible formalities.

And trust me, after looking over legal formalities for years, it is not a pleasant task.
Any law-students on Holla Forums should be ok, you're well on your way. Politics students are even better, you tend to focus on how the law is legislated, rather than what the law actually is.

Agreed. We need to build an organization dedicated to helping *our race*, not getting into office. If we need to choose between compromising on an issue to win a seat at a meaningless committee and helping advance our race, then it is more beneficial to help our race. Golden Dawn is not dedicated to winning seats in the government. They instead focus on helping the people whom the government ignores. That makes them much more powerful than the absent government.

William Pierce was a man ahead of his times, but he was absolutely correct in choosing only to recruit the best of our people.

The reason why Holla Forums will not be able to accomplish this is because most of us are either too paranoid about fbi or we are so obsessed with "muh purity spirals" that we neuter our ability to engage in the real world. Many people here are so obsessed with their own PR that they try to virtue signal how pure they are instead of engaging in meaningful discussion on how best to counter the Jews. In any case, I will try my best to help create or join an American Golden Dawn.

I recall seeing an article days ago about White Nationalist groups across the nation forming a coalition now that Trump is in office, actually.


Webm related. Never, ever be afraid to start small, anons. you have to start somewhere. Work hard, be careful and seek common ground and cooperation with fellow white nationalists. United we stand, divided we fall.

Can't you run for Senator when the time comes?

Thats a fucking powerful speech user.
Good find.

Advice to all anons regarding public speaking and debates, just do it. The more you do it the better you get. You'll start shit, fumble, make mistake but it all comes in time.

Looks like Will Ferrell

Can you provide me with the weapons FBI ? also could you please not set up a sting operation on me ?

Surely we can field some candidates as educated and capable as any political science major, with more of a finger on the pulse of the national sentiment than any ivory tower pedo kike puppet. From what Ive seen, people in government.. not just in America, have no fucking clue what actually goes on, and they dont care.

Back with a webm in a few minutes.

Well as someone that has held political office,run campaigns and was in the political system for over a decade I agree with the idea op presents.What I see reading his and others thoughts on getting this accomplished is sad at best. To win elections especially on the state and local level takes specialized knowledge if you don't have the baking of existing political infrastructure.
I have never seen a idealist that decided to run for office win hell them running helped me win otherwise hard campaigns.

Maybe I should post a primer on how to do elections with low budgets in mind.Best advice I can give is to get involved and volunteer/infiltrate your local political groups if your not a retard you will be in charge of something eventually and have the knowledge and connections to win.

It's certainly true that I'm a political novice. So was Hitler.

What is your advice?

First one was too large. Anyways, here's several IRA members talking about the peace talks with the British government.

I have ran for a state political office, and am a law fag, I can tell you that running for office basically sucking dicks. You need to make promises to people that you have no way of fulfilling. Politics is about access to resources, , and reactions to recent events, focus on those two things. You also have to kiss ass with the local newspaper and the chamber of commerce and the whole slew of special interest groups. Are you ready to promise higher wages to the local paper and pulp workers unions, promise to put bad people in jail while cutting taxes.

You are now aware that the ((( IRA ))) was a Jewish invention to get Catholics and Protestants to kill each other
Think, Rhodesia, but across religions, not races.

This doesn't appeal to me in the slightest. I'd rather follow the Trump approach and be successful on my own and then slide sideways into politics rather than asskiss my way up the chain like a good goy.

Dont be retarded, the IRA are against the kikes, and the UVF openly support them. Thats not a Jewish nose, and despite being a traitor, he was not a Jew.

Well it differs by state but I'll try.
You need a budget you can win without lots of cash but you will still need funding.A good resume being a teacher,police officer,veteran or small business owner is good for conservative voters.A timeline!!! This is critical you need to know what times things happen (like vote by mail) or the deadline to get your candidate statement paid for.

link talks about candidate statements if you are in a state that has them and you can't pay for it forget about winning.
www dot surveyandballotsystems.com/blog/best-practices/successful-candidate-statements-in-seven-easy-steps/

You need to go after winnable elections if you live in Berkeley forget running for city council.

You need to look like a legitimate candidate people like voting for winners making this façade is important.

Perseverance you'll need a lot of it I've seen a Jew be recalled and be elected to the same seat 2 years later. He would run for everything and he did win sometimes even wining a seat in the state legislature,but he was a self funding attorney.

The details regarding Mailers,bulk calls,slate mailers and signs are to mutch for 1 post if there's enough interest maybe I should put together a detailed summary with tips and tricks to do it as low budget as possible.

Thats funny because becoming trump levels of success always means dealing with politics, because barred becoming extremely lucky, you're going to have to deal with the same stuff.

This.people won't support or vote for strangers in local elections you at least have to know these people not necessarily kiss their ass.

He should use that webm as a tv ad when running, really really well done

Don't be afraid, half the people in office right now are literal retards, the other half are corrupt businessman.

bump due to Grade S+ webm in OP

So, Holla Forums basically.


I figured on perseverance, especially with the clusterfuck that is our government. I'll digest the rest, too. Thanks!

Forgot to tag.

I'd suggest becoming a leader or advisor within your own space. Use that to further your goals. As for influencing wealthy and powerful people, being capable and loyal goes a long way. Do not betray your friends, those who support you, or those you identify with.

Haha could you imagine if goofed junior run for office? lel

To achieve a position like Trump you must understand to rabbit hole level at minimum; politics, law, economic factors plus manipulation of them, the main groups plus methodologies, at least basic technology, business, especially manufacturing as this is a large basis of workforce/warfare, along with a decent command of speech/oratory/NLP and understanding what people want.


It's all about goals. If your goal is simply to slowly work your way up the ladder, somehow become president after many years in office, and then go 1488, then no that won't work. It'd take too long, and the country is too quickly facing the demographic cliff.

What you CAN do, however, is get into lower levels of the government and use your position to talk about our issues. For example, what if there were a single congressman in the House that brought up how there's no proof that assad gassed anyone, it doesn't make sense, and that it was probably a false flag that the US gov't is in on, all to instigate a war on israel's behalf?

All it takes is a few people in key places to even just bring up questions that will conflict with the ZOG narrative. That can be all it takes to get people to start questioning things. Nevermind having someone in there directly advocating for and bringing up issues concerning White americans.

If you're going to expose the jews, be ready for the jews to attack you. They will try to kill you. They will try to kill your family. They will dig up every bit of dirt they can find on you, they will try to jail you, they will do everything in their considerable power to destroy you and everything you are.

I mean, I know he is FBI, but I think this sends people conflicting signals.

Very true. It probably doesn't need to come to outright assassination though. Usually. The kikes have plenty of other tricks up their sleeves. Step out of line, and they'll do things like throw millions or billions of dollars against whatever good goy decides to run against you. They'll also use their control of national and local media to make sure people only hear bad things about you.

Still, I think it's important to realize that the ONLY PURPOSE to getting one of /ourguys/ into office is simply so they have legitimacy and reach a wide audience when they made redpilled comments. We're not going to solve our problems democratically. The goal isn't to get a WN elected who will then magically GTKRWN. The goal is to reach out to as many people as possible before things are too late, so that we can start the revolution.

And on that note, getting a Holla Forumsak into office would probably take too much time regardless. I think it'd be much more interesting if we made concerted efforts to focus on politicians one at a time trying to redpill them. So we just decide to pick Rep. Joe Blow (R) from Anywhere USA, and then everyone on Holla Forums decides to bombard this one politician with redpill content. Emails, calls, letters, tweets, whatever. Do as best we can, focused on a specific person already in office, and try to convert them. Either that works or it fails, and then we move on to another politician. Start off with smaller-scale politicians and work up from there.

That's a great idea. We've done it before, to Molyneaux, to Garrison… Why not to Cruz, or even better, to Democrat politicians?

And of course, Trump is a game changer. Who is to say that a Holla Forumsack can't run - and win - the Presidential race? It would be a superhuman effort, and it would be littered with incredible amounts of danger of every kind. But he who refuses to enter the tiger's den will never catch it's cub.

Unless there's some secret Holla Forumsak who's already a billionaire, that's not happening. Trump is one in a million in terms of his intelligence, wit, charm, and skills of persuasion. Not to mention having enough money to be able to totally self-fund his campaign and tell the kikes to take a hike. And even then, he still has to kowtow to the jews, as we've been seeing.

Having a Holla Forumsak rise through the ranks of office and build up enough clout to even dream of running for president would take too long. By the time one of us actually built up enough clout and experience to be able to tackle such a feat, many years (probably decades) will have gone by, and it will already be impossible for a conservative white man to win democratically due to demographic decline.

Being a billionaire is not a requirement. Of course, the system is designed to cripple less wealthy candidates(I wonder (((why))) that might be) but it's not impossible to win as an average person. Trump, despite being anything but average, has proven that.

Because really, what carried him more than his brains was his refusal to back down. I think he also spent less than 300m during the entire campaign? He let the media do most of his advertising for him.

I think he also spent less than 300m during the entire campaign

Yes. Which is why you need to be a billionaire to pull of a feat like that instead of just getting all your Good Goy Points from jew-run super-PACs

And again, you have to realize what the demographic situation is. I doubt a conservative will EVER be able to get elected again after ~2024. We're very quickly reaching the tipping point. With every day, more whites die, and more shitskins reach voting age.


t. municipal political consultant

The Sanders campaign raised somewhere in the neighborhood of 200m from small donors.

Small donors being idiot college students who maxed out their credit, took out loans they couldn't pay, stole money from their parents, etc etc.

Trump's voter base was comprised of hard-working, employed Americans. Ranchers, fast food workers, servicemen, all walks of life, and they outnumbered Hillary's voters. The legal ones, at any rate.

Now, take a moment and imagine Trump, who took headlines over by not being some random beaner's bitch, calling for donations like Boynie Sandals did.

Of course, with Trump being a billionaire this actually may not have been a good move for him. For a nobody who actually needed the donations, though…

Can we start saying "because the beauty of the White Aryan Race must not perish from the earth"

Sounds so gay when we make it about women.

How is the weather in Tel Aviv?

t. Andrew Anglin. gb2 DS and make some more edgy "white sharia" posts

What we actually need is a smart version of Forrest Gump or Chancey Gardner who will actually play stupid long enough to make it past the (((veting))).

tl;dr hide your power level

Well yeah. Really, the only truly required trait is intelligence and insanely good strategic skills.

Too complicated and long-term a plan. That's why I'm advocating for concentrating our memetic warfare on individual targeted politicians, one at a time. We were able to turn lolbertarians like Zyklon Ben and Molymeme into /ourguys/. We can do it to politicians too.

This is 100% LARPing, but imagine if we actually did have a Holla Forums candidate and that candidate literally used Holla Forums as its strategic advisors? If our people are able to use weaponized autism to track down ISIS training facilities and Shia Laboef's locations, imagine what could happen if we had a candidate who legitimately looked to Holla Forums's collective consciousness for advice?

Of course, that will never happen. But it's fun to think about.

People said Trump and his presidency would never happen.

Thing is, when we do get Holla Forumslacks in office the shills are going to go into hyperdrive.

I've thought about running for years. I'm kinda young(26) for office but in a decade or so would be perfect. I'm attractive. attractive wife and 2 blonde haired green eyed boys. kinda stereotypical. I know about the Jews and the calf they worship. I work for (((them))). That's what led me to Holla Forums. I'm articulate but, in a debate or QA setting I would expose my power lvl. I would seek Holla Forumsacks out for counsel. For maxim red pilling of Whites and not being labled an extremist. Holla Forums gets shilled a lot for a reason. they're are some brilliant ones out there.

Day 1 of a Holla Forums Presidency.
- Israel nuked
- Non-whites "either self-deport or be shot on site"
- Soros and other kikes like him "Wanted: Dead or Alive"

Day 2 of a Holla Forums Presidency.
- Impeached

Would be really fucking fun to watch.


This is honestly the most practical thing any of us could do. Afterall, it isn't like there are enough people from Holla Forums in politics/you'd trust them if they told you. So, it isn't like you can have your Night of Long Knives/Great Purge to gain full control.

Day 3 of a Holla Forums Presidency.
-civil war

Day ??? of a Holla Forums Presidency.
-We win the civil war, cleans our society of traitors, and create a society that benefits our people.

Actually a more practical thing to do would be to focus on taking over local political positions first. And by that I mean positions of power; The local police chiefs, the governor, etc.

We need to gain control of institutions. You can elect a Holla Forums president, but without the backing of institutions, he will have little real power.

op is correct in that it can only be a good thing to have Holla Forums anons in positions of power. Out of every problem or criticism of the plan, none of them can deny the fact that Holla Forumslacks gaining more power is a good thing.


I keep an eye on a few different lefty, progressive, and basic bitch resistance type groups. I can tell you that they are organizing for their own people to run locally and begin a leftist take over from the ground up. They are recruiting a lot of normie face bookers, networking, having drives, and connecting to other groups. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THEM. They have organization skills, they have backings of Soros, and they are recruiting lots of moderate liberals who don't know any better. Leaders of these groups will run and a massive blue voting block will follow. WE MUST ORGANIZE CONSERVATIVES TO COUNTER THIS


This is how to actually make a difference. Your sphere of influence has to be one that you can actually maintain properly. I personally think it's also worthwhile to focus on retaking the areas the left currently controls that have more power in terms in raw influence than political positions, eg. law courts and educational institutions. Imagine the possibilities if the SJW creation factories were being run by Holla Forumsacks instead.

"Welcome aboard, Superintendent user."
"Glad to be here! So, let's talk about common core…"
"Oh, there's plenty of time for that. First, let's go into this small, dark room where we've strapped your family to steel tables wired with car batteries and have a little chat about your revised job description."

Not going to lie, I'd giggle all the way to minimum security prison.


That would probably end up like in Turner Diaries: kikes worldwide would collapse while repeating "it's like anudda shoah!".

State congresses can get pretty damn big.
New Hampshire has a state representative for every ~4000 people. But they also pay you borderline nothing.
If you're a charismatic guy there's a decent chance to get a seat there. Other states are would be more difficult with California borderline impossible.

School boards are a good target too. These Jews took over a board and defunded it because they didn't want to pay for it in taxes because they went to private school.

Barely anyone votes for these, so if you have a large enough friend circle it can probably bump you over.

Let me say something you all are seeming to be missing. It's something that every politician understands.


You must start local. Mayor, City council, state legislatures, and on up from there. You might check out the PLE communities on stormfront to get some ideas of places that might be more open to smartly closeted 1488 running for office.

Also you need to brand yourself as anti-globalist. Don't be sperging about jews ever.

Could replace friend circle with Holla Forumsacks. Just need to figure out a way to subtly convey that you're /ourguy/.
Might be an idea to start a Local Politics General or something too, where everyone can post about these kinds of things by mentioning ZIP code and candidates or whatever.

Don't set the goals too high. I think a reasonable end goal would be some redpilled senators. That may be even out of reach. Having mayors of towns with us could help a lot. Look at all these lawbreaking sanctuary cities. Also don't forget the judicial system. Lefty judges are pains in the ass. It'd be nice to not have all these roadblocks to the laws our people want.


Israel has nukes too though, can't nuke them, you'll trigger the samson option if you do


I've posted in this thread and only this thread in the past four months yet I've been banned… we need to have pol in the real politic or else we fade into oblivion.this thread and idea are important BUMP!!!

Problem solved. They will only end themselves that way


seems like Holla Forums has finally decided to take the



okay; thankyou.


i think it would be a good idea to redpill your friends a bit, form a bit of a social club with the best of your people (make sure to screen everybody in this stage in case of alphabetbastards) and slowly start taking over the parts of government that are neglected, use cryptocurrency as a monetary system, grow your own crops, distribute it amongst the poor who get neglected by the government, form vigilante patrols to take out niggers and other undesirables, hell, try to smuggle/machine some weapons to form militias until the original government is completely obsolete in the areas. what sandniggers can do in sweden, we can do everywhere, form nogozones only accessible to whites with their hearts in the right place. only thing that can go wrong is ZOG bringing democracy but with trump in office that's a lot less of (but still) a danger

Bump this thread for genius.

While we're at it we should also try to infiltrate (((the media))).

I won't be a politician, I'm not good enough for that, but damned if I won't do my part in the long game.

how bout pic related then

Thank fuck some of you are starting to see sense.

Remember people, normalfags care about local issues more than they care about the Jews. You can deal with the yids once you're in power. But you won't get into power if you constantly sperg out about the ziomatrix.

The reason its important to be actively antisemitic is because if your movement isn't explicitly anti Semitic from the outset you end up where we are now. Jewish power is insidious.
It also goes against the ayran ideal of honesty and you leave a black whole at the centre of your ideology.
People not part of your inner circle will either view you as a kosher cuckservatives and not wont anything to do with you or they'll feel conned.
The kikes will make it about them and forces you to take a stance anyway.
Its besides the point because Joe Owens isn't plying a meta game to gas the kikes but instead he's legitimately went full civic retard.
There are two types of people that push this meme.

Read the thread and realised I replied to bait.

Should I try to get this thread stickied, you think?

You can try but I don't think it will do any good in the long run. If anyone from Holla Forums were to ever step into the public eye, no matter what, Holla Forums and such would declare them zog and while the left and associated cucks tears them apart.

Do you guys really, honestly think you're not transparent?

WTF this schizoid OP

OP here. Those are not all me. I have no earthly clue what happened, but the ID numbers must have gotten changed up somehow.




No matter how much you try the ZOG will never let any openly hostile elements gain real power. If you go down the road of politics you either get booted out or become part of it.

Do you people really think you're not transparent?

OK this thread is shilly as fuck but not a bad idea. I'm fairly certain these threads get deleted, obviously raids r bad especially to get Holla Forumsacks into office :^) Even if it's something as minor as town council, comptroller, or if you can manage state representative (good luck with Senator) you can work things on a local level. Also someone just dumb and ignorant is much better than a kike actively working to destroy our race.

Saging because Jesus Christ this thread is a big fat mess.

How is the weather in Tel Aviv?

Not saying you shouldn't try. Just be ready to for an alternative to a political solution.

Watch this.

This thread has more of what growing kids need. Bumped.

Research your constituents and never neglect to, "speak" to them every time you make a statement or action. Love your people, and be loved.


They have money and celeb appeal

You aren't going to change the system from within. You need to destroy it.
Build a movement and wait for your time.

No one is ever going to vote for you. Enjoy prison after you break the rules.