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No one has ever said that.

Chihuahuas hate dogs that are strong and loyal, and are plotting to make all dogs devolved little monstrosities like themselves.

Its only small dogs who have a tendency to be bad dogs, big dogs can be good or bad depending on if they are trained by niggers.

all dogs breeds make good dogs with the exception of those that are genetic dead ends (pugs, bulldogs, shitzus, large amount of smallbreed dogs)
dogs also inherit their owners traits.
shitty owners will always have shitty dogs.

Reminder huskies are the best doggos

That's not even a husky wtf





Chihuahuas, the Jews of the doggo world?

That is the smile of a broken man.
Actually her smile looks pretty broken too tbh.
Guessing they're regretting it.

does anyone have the archives/scaps of cave/pol/?


almost all dog breeds make good dogs with the exception of those that are genetic dead ends (pugs, bulldogs, shitzus, small breeds for the most part)
rampant inbreeding has devastated several breeds, mostly in part due to selfish ignorant breeders who selective breed for retarded cosmetic reasons (i want my pug to have a curly tail! lets breed em till we get one with a spinal defect that gives us that trait)
there are several breeds right now that would simply die out without human intervention, namely bulldogs(cant mate or give birth without human help) and pugs(some breeders have variants where their eyes are simply too big for the socket, leading to a myraid of health problems)
if we want to preserve our best friend, we need to regulate the breeders and vigorously shut down any puppymills.

dogs also inherit their owners traits.
shitty nog owners will always have shitty nog dogs.
responsible owners will always have good dogs.


White people are the only race who actually have a deep care for dogs.

And it's not just because, for instance the Saxons/Vikings had apart of their culture that the dog should always sleep on their bed for when an attacker may come in the night the dogs movement would wake owner and the dog would deal with the attacker while the owner readies himself.

listen the last huskie I saw died when I was 8 and he was a mutt

Maybe an English bulldog in the future

This is 100% true, you heard what's happening to the Tibetan Mastiff's over in Asia?

I'll let you in on a secret: They're not eating them.
They're actually putting them down and giving them to shelters in droves because they're not "fashionable" anymore.

even the dog knows better, just look at it's confusion and disappointment.

Just acknowledge the malamute next time

to the bottom hoooooo~~

sage cuz why the fuck not

Weirdly enough this actually what got me over my yellow fever a while back.

Dog: "Why are you holding a human that doesn't smell like you master?"

Where can I get one from Asia? It's sad that chinks can't appreciate such doggos

This. Also pitbulls are fucking fantastic dogs. Anyone claiming they are aggressive nigger dogs is a fucking idiot. They were bred BY A WHITE MILITARY to be extremely athletic, loyal, brave, obedient and mild tempered, as an ideal soldier should be. A military has no use for uncontrollably aggressive wild animals. When niggers and mexicans abuse and torture the fuck out of them and force them to fight they end up like any other abused dog, only much stronger and much more fearless than most breeds making them more dangerous. It's disgusting that Holla Forums often blames such a perfect dog for the souless torture inflicted on them by subhuman trash.

Tldr pitbulls really dindu nuffin dey good boys damn it I mean it

do you suffer from a mild form of autism per chance?

Nevermind, seems like they are expensive as fuck and it's not recommended to bring them like that by airplane, they treat them like shit while travelling

updated this post here

because for some fucking reason i cant delete it

Presenting the Georgian Shepherd Dog, one of the cuddliest and largest doggos in existence. Smart, loyal and used to hunt bears.

He's actually right if you think about it. This is an extremely low effort halfchan-tier OP. I fell for it because I love dogs but really should be saging to be honest.

The same used to be common in the middle east with horses during the 70s-90s as people abandoned them when automotives became popular, eastern Europe and a lot of the US also treats animals badly and euthanize excessive amounts of animals due to budget reasons and a lack of pet population control mainly

It's a great redpill to the Muslim loving left to show them or ask them about how sandniggers treat their dogs. I was redpilling liberal cunts badly during the election over a few sandnigger videos and they'd then ask their progressive Muslim chick friend about whether she cares about dogs. I guaranteed a few more votes and a bit more islamophobia.

They exist here in the US, just rare. A neighbor had two of them when I was growing up. Super smart and mellow like you'd expect from such big dogs. Not particularly friendly but it was a shit neighborhood. They liked me though, I think they just ended up less friendly because all the brown kids always trying to piss them off kept them on edge.

dailymail. co. uk/news/article-4075978/Hundreds-Tibetan-Mastiffs-abandoned-Chinese-breeders-world-s-expensive-dog-breed-fell-favour-rich-powerful.html
Hopefully that's it.

You know you can usually measure a race by how it treats dogs, not evening memeing.
- Hate dogs because their book claims they are evil.
- Scum of the Earth.
- Would rather eat dogs than bond with them.
- Complete fucking cunts.
- Pretty sure they've been known to eat them as well.
- 50% of the crimes.
- Fight alongside them in battle, live with them and care for them.
- When they die we're crushed since we lost part of our family.
- Created the western world.

Well atleast they gave me that option instead of sending him alone, too bad I don't trust chinks (they are the Jews of asia) and a trip to China is really expensive. Sad I can't rescue some of this beautiful dogs

Niggers are terrified of dogs because they didn't evolve alongsode them for the last 20,000 years like whites did. That's why it's in our instincts to love dogs. I dated a happa girl back in highschool who didn't give a shit about dogs. Holla Forums is always right.

Sheepdogs are the whitest dog, prove me wrong

you'll never see an arab goatfucker-er, I mean herder - with a dog

They are also terrified of water and thunderstorms, neither of which a rare occurrence in Apefrica. Still can't find any explanation for that.

Because like most primates, most niggers can't swim.
The same reason it scares dogs; they aren't intelligent enough to understand. At least dogs have plenty of other redeeming qualities though.

My dog is a blonde, like all good dogs.

Coyotes and wolves have no place as pets just like some humans have no place in civilization.