Start digging for the original.
Start digging for the original.
Original where?
Why is ben such a cuck?
Equating the swastica with antifa…
This could be only good for entry level newfags or something
heres one i found, with (((Spencer)))
Just have, in place of Milo, Hitler with a "what the fuck is going on" kind of was (a dumbfounded look, if you will).
missed opportunity
This is so low quality that it looks like a Holla Forums meme.
>hurr commies are da real gnatsees
Why won't be gas himself yet?
this is a hard one to fix…
God Damn it!
He's a lolbertarian retard.
i'd like to know why antifa isn't some cancerous manifestation of fascism.
It's right here. Do we know why he refuses to post the originals?
The kikes perpetuating this in this thread need to be gassed.
Because you, and the rest of the anons in this thread are missing the point entirely! It's irony. The antifags scream 'nazi' at anyone who remotely disagrees with them while remaining completely blind to the fact that their very actions embody the kies' own charicature of what a 'nazi' is. They're blind with self-percieved 'righteousness'.
I would think you faggots would recognize this, but are evidently too stupid to do so.
let's be careful to not make fascism a bad thing, though.
there isn't enough positive association towards fascism floating around to make this balanced.
the comic creates a negative association with fascism.
as i understand it, fascism is about homogeneity, unification, parsing people properly, and cultural integrity.
it's intrinsically opposed to multiculturalism as a force that disintegrates homogeneous societies.
fascism unifies. multicult disintegrates.
the result of fascism is a multicultural globe where the distinction between peoples is crisp: while the result of multiculturalism is the destruction of this, making the entire globe the same mush.
it's also about some ideal such as the perfect man. there is such a thing are superior genetics just as there is such a thing as superior items.
I remember the original being "Shut up, Jews!" with Kushner and McMaster at the right…
Banned in Berkeley could be a theme
OP asked where's the original
This "leftists are the real nazis and fascists!" meme that Coulter and Hannity and Carlson have been spreading is cancer. They are communists. this is what communists do. Fascists are not the violent ones, Fascists are the ones who stop the violent ones from committing genocide against innocents through the only means they understand - force.
Why isn't she holding a green wine bottle? I smell an edit
I wonder if Ben Garrison actually tried his hardest to make this cartoon as unchangable as he possibly could, because all the edits you guys have put out are shit and I personally couldnt find a way to edit it either.
Not saying Benny won but Benny won
If I remember correctly the original is similar to this but with right wing rather conservative and someone else was in the place of MILO.
Fuck libertarians, god dammit.
Hes done it in the past.
Well now that's just false, both literally and figuratively.
I remember the original being more in this direction before it was sanitized.
Zyklon Ben is a long standing tradition of Holla Forums. Gas yourself newfag.
Lurk moar you cancerous slime. We want people to get called and labeled 'nazi'. The more normalized the perception of white nationalist behavior becomes, the more we win.
Its a gateway meme. Anyone who finds Based Ben funny, is a potential opponent of white genocide.
"Communists are the real Nazis" is the most retarded forced meme since "Dems are the real Racists"
Maybe we need to contact goldberg in the psych prison down in FL and have him edit it. It's hard since there's already a swasi in it. Would like to use the Swasi somehow and shop AH into it, but then will have to make the speakers Jews and that doesn't make sense.
So yeah, ben won this one it seems…
i like this one
Because his target audience is boomer and gen-x normies.
Right wing politics isn't a popularity contest staged for your entertainment.
Its stupid enough to work for normies though.
The swastika is a symbol of the hallowed sun, you fuck.
Ben is returning to his faggot roots, I see.
Who is his audience here? Rhino-cons? Boomers?
I think I found the original guys, holyshit.
Thank you, sir. This is in fact definitely most probably the original.
Why live?
95% sure this is the original.
Not lying, that's genuinely impressive. Most original versions look like Chinese bootlegs of the edits due to their cut/paste nature, but this one looks as though it just came fresh out of the factory.
Nope, it's actually just a Christian cross that Hitler had above the Abbey he grew up in.
It was real in my mind.
t. ((( Christian ))) who thinks Elohim owns and orchestrated everything.
Because it was made by the same people who made the original.
The whole ' "Ben Garrison" made-up person has his cartoons edited by online nazis and he hates it!' is a deliberate tactic to boost the prominence of these controlled opposition cartoons.
They even insert clues sometimes, mocking the naive right-wingers who think they are supporting and promoting a fellow "based" right-winger, but are in fact unwitting CIA meme vectors.
Yes. There is no evidence that "Ben Garrison" is a real person, yet he is portrayed in "uniform" like the rest of the shills, cowboy hat and cigar, for easy caricature memeing.
There is still a Gofundme or Patreon page set up to "help Ben Garrison take legal action against online Nazis."
Where is the proof that he exists?
The generational d&c is so fucking obvious lately.
Yes goyim, hate everyone outside of your own generation, do not have older friends, do not have older comrades, do not work with them, blame problems caused by the Kike on boomers and "gen x normies" becuase you know, they could have stopped the Kike at any time and did not face exactly the same obstacles as Millennials WITHOUT the benefit of ubiquitous Internet for information retrieval and exchange.
Yes, attack the previous generations who had to rely on television for all of their information.
Yes, spread the meme that no Gen X or boomers are red-pilled, after all, very few of them post here therefore they must not exist right?
The Kike controlled opposition is having great success with the "blame everything on boomers" because it taps into the natural urge of youths to rebel against their parents and anything which reminds them of their parents.
really activates these almonds of mine
What's wrong with this picture?
Prove Ben Garrison is a real person.
You’re too stupid to be considered human.
Your script is showing.
Then why are you replying? If I'm so stupid, no one will pay attention.
Yet you reply anyway, with your out-grouping attempt.
You shill-defenders are one-trick ponies lately, all you seem to have is "stupid/retarded/autistic", seems like you're working from a Reddit playbook.
Post proof that "Ben Garrison" is a real person.
That makes no sense.
en.wik ipedia.o rg/wiki/Schwurhand
"The Schwurhand is a heraldic charge depicting the hand gesture that is used in Germanic Europe and neighboring countries, when swearing an oath in court, in office or in swearing-in."
"The use of the gesture dates back many centuries. Recruits of the Pontifical Swiss Guard at the Vatican City use the sign when swearing their oath of allegiance to the Pope, in a ceremony performed on 6 May every year since the Sack of Rome in 1527. The use of the three digits is said to symbolise the three persons of the Holy Trinity.[1]"
First pic related is Reichswehr, not the SS.
Yea Ben Garrison is one of our nigger killing idols and if you don't like it then fuck off, nice one Benny we love you no homo.
If these cartoons exposed the "deep state" then they would name those behind the scenes, not their public side puppets.
Show evidence that Ben(jami?) Garrison is a real person.
Killing Blacks would improve the Jewish situation how exactly?
Yeah, and Christmas is an old Christian tradition in Germanic Europe and neighboring countries where one venerates the lush pines of Bethlehem and their succulent red apples, while donning the sacred mistletoe, burning the non-yule-log of desert burning bushness, and placing candles to symbolize the light of god and not sunrays twinkling through branches.
It's wrong to assume that National Socialism was pagan based purely off of your images though, which was the point i was trying to make.
that's quality
Serbs used it too.
( checked )
Fair enough, but my point was that calling the swastika, one of the most iconic sun symbols some faggoty ass christian cross is just reaching "reaching" levels of epic proportions.
Even if we disregard the "sun" then it's still not a fucking christian icon.
I'm at work, laughing myself into near tears.
For the Serbs its an orthodox symbol for the Trinity.
It also pisses kebab off to no end as well.
That's retarded, I had a legitimate conversation (via email) with this guy years before pol started harassing him. He wrote a lengthy reply. He's a real guy. Please off yourself.
nice touch with the zyklon b
well there is no real proof, but he genuinely felt pissed off once when he came here to shitpost
assuming he exists is just simpler than the contrary
Stop watching fucking TRS Ben, you forever-lolberg fucking queer.
Top fucking kek mate well done
How in the fuck does he get Nazi symbol from ANTIFA, what in the total fuck??
Literally the group who faught against fascist Germany.
Ben is a fucking retard.
Retards who char bypass instead of using their brain to produce 75 fucking characters of content should be permabanned tbh
Lurk moar newfag or kys
he's going with the whole "ANTIFA ARE THE REAL FASCISTS" delusion. They are not fascist they are fucking commies.
Wait. That doesn't work, this does.
It's a common meme among conservatards. I'll just pretend it was an excuse for Ben to put a huge swastika in his comic.
Thank god someone posted the original
This shit always rustles my jimmies to the max. Fuck off with this shit. Terms like fascist and national socialsit have actual fucking meaning. They do not mean "hurr everything that I don't like".
I get why braindead liberals throw out those terms like candy without any meaning, but it bugs the shit out of me when people on the right do that. No, you faggots. We already have terms to describe these people. They are COMMUNISTS AND ANARCHISTS.
Logic doesn't work on leftists. To rustle their jimmies you have to evoke negative feelings in them by fighting on their level.
Cuckservatives have been trying the same tactic ("democrats are the real racists!") for decades. It doesn't work.
Don't call Antifa nazis or fascists. They're anarchists.
That is not a Jewish nose:
The Jewish nose is bent. It looks like the number six.
The 7th year boys' class is dealing with the question of how to recognise a Jew. The teacher, Birkmann, has
made various drawings on the blackboard to assist the class. The boy Karl stands before the board with a pointer
and explains the drawings.
One can tell a Jew by his nose. The Jewish nose is bent at the tip. It looks like a figure 6. So we call them
Figure sixes. Many non Jews also have bent noses. But in their case the nose is bent up, not down. They have
nothing to do with the Jewish nose.
Encouraged by the teacher, Karl points out that the lips are another distinguishing feature; they are usually
puffed up. The eyebrows are: Usually thicker and more fleshy than ours.
From the eyes one can see that the Jew is: A false, deceitful person.
The best scholar in the class, Fritz Müller then comes to the front and continues. Fritz points out that Jews are
usually: Middle sized and have short legs. Their arms too, are usually short. Many Jews have curved legs and
are flat footed. They often have a low slanting forehead. We call it a retreating forehead. Many criminals have
such foreheads. The Jews are also criminals. Their hair is mostly dark and often curled like the hair of Negroes.
Their ears are very big and look like the handle of a coffee cup.
Two other boys add their contribution. One deals with variations, such as blond Jews, and the other with the
peculiarities of Jewish movements and speech.
The Jew talks nearly always through his nose.
He often has: A repugnant, sweetish smell. A fine nose can always smell a Jew.
With these answers the teacher is satisfied.
He turns the board round. The following verses are written on it and are recited by the children:
From a Jew's face
The wicked Devil speaks to us,
The Devil who, in every country,
Is known as evil plague.
Would we from the Jew be free,
Again be gay and happy,
Then must youth fight with us
To get rid of the Jewish Devil.
shouldn't the bandanna be a skull mask?