Trump cucked again by random judge
How long will he keep letting these leftist judges get away with this?
When will he step up like his hero Andrew Jackson and put an end to this bullshit?
Trump cucked again by random judge
How long will he keep letting these leftist judges get away with this?
When will he step up like his hero Andrew Jackson and put an end to this bullshit?
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nice democracy you have there 'lards
Should the supreme court be the only court that should have this kind of power?
Either congress needs to completely reform judiciary branch to get rid of activist judges or we need to start WW3, destroy Earth and give evolution another try. Latter is more likely to happen.
Is this true?
Until we kill them. All of them.
Crash the Judiciary with no survivors.
How many sanctuary cities exist in areas where pot is state-legal? He should sick Sessions with a federal crackdown with the promise to back down if the voters there pressure out the sanctuary cities.
Here's a redpill most don't want to hear: in so called liberal-democracies with the so called rule of law, judges have the real power. Not the government, not the medias, not the politicians. Judges.
King Nigger appointed judge did this. What a surprise!
This shit is getting exhausting. Can't somebody just kidnap/rape/xxx these judges' kids or siblings or something? They're bound to be less protected than the fuckers themselves.
Just asking about whether it's possible. It's not a command or a suggestion at all. I'm just wondering aloud in the interest of national security :^)
Perfect. These traitorous judges are giving him the pretext he needs. Just as expected.
This is an interesting idea. It would only be a possibility in California and Colorado, I think. It wouldn't have any effect on NY and PA.
Republicans hold all the power
they have no excuses for letting this continue
There should be no excuses. It doesn't matter why things aren't happening. It only matters that they aren't happening. We need results and anything less is total failure.
Every time these hole in the wall judges makes a ruling that goes unchallenged they get stronger. And (((pure coincidence))) this happening on the MSM's already bullshit 100 day benchmark.
Trump needs to STOP PAYMENT to these cities then let them sue.
fbi pls go.
Wew you faggots must be mad that the wall will be built huh?
The people. When the time is right. The way I see it is a continuation of the inevitable when the people rise up and violently shake off the inept government.
Same people who'll storm the media giants and throw them from rooftops like the fags in Iraq. It's all part of the plan. Stay calm and carry on.
Go fucking figure.
By the way, a low-level official in the judiciary has no authority to tell the Chief Executive what he can fucking do. Trump should just have that guy drone-struck.
Yes, but bush and Obama took more power and did it all the time, of course, no one stopped them.
Congress approved the funding?
Don't be stupid it wasn't advice to go out and do shit. It's seeing the bigger picture of where it's leading to, which should've been obvious the first time it happened if you were paying attention.
Back before King Nigger was in charge.
Either they do, or the government closes down faggot. Make more sonic OC, arguing isn't you retard's strong suit.
I asked a question you cocking sucking piece of shit.
Since when did the Courts have the final say on anything?
Also, Trump is a retard for allowing this. We already voted on these issues on November 8th. Just shut down the government, enforce these orders as per the PATRIOT ACT and the constitution, kill Kushner and be done with it.
Gahhh this triggers me so fucking much. I dont get how USA can have hundreds of shitty judges and it only takes ONE biased shitter to fuck up a Presidents order. Ridicolous.
when is that?
you still think there will be some shtf moment?
they will slowly keep boiling the frog until it's too late and have for decades without you doing anything about it
i would be so fucking happy if that happened. the pot brings in undesirables and my council is thinking about making my city sanctuary
Every time this happens, it sets a precedent and strengthens their position to do it again. Either you Burgers get your shit together and do something about this, or you can forget Trump doing anything in these 4 years, at the end of which he will be painted as an ineffective president who didn't maintain his campaign promises and lose the election.
No because states can't break federal laws which they are doing all the time with immigration.
judge in SF seems to disagree with you
Why does it seem like judges have way too much power in this fucking country?
Seems to me that they have the most power.
because they know they will get away with it and you won't do shit
Because they're unaccountable to the public they preside over and the only judges who are allowed to operate off of their political opinions are fucking commies.
Exactly. They will just keep ruling on more and more things they don't like until Trump has to ask permission to take a shit.
Because, under a good system, this would allow them to keep the government in check. However, since they play both sides, it follows that they'll destroy whichever is saved from being kosher.
Because the Jew wasn't to go back to the book of Judges. Of course, even then there was one head Judge so it was basically a like a Monarchy.
This is what happens when you try the whole "separation of powers" shit. You get no leader. At least before, the underclasses had to unified against their Monarch.
Now? It's 3 governments all pitted against each other with each government split 5 ways between themselves and the CIA pitting them against one another.
That would require having a set of balls, and not being the jews' bitch.
Prove me wrong.
This situation is all the more demented when you realize that no one tried cutting the funding yet.
So they blocked something not even done yet.
Dubs confirm.
The only good thing we've gotten from him so far is getting /r/the_donald to fight with Antifa retards.
Legal pot doesn't really change a State. It's still hard to get and you get drug tested more. It's also more expensive somehow.
King Nigger appointed tons of these little shitbags as a contingency plan. Specifically for the case of someone like Trump coming along and rolling back the tide of shit he calls his "legacy".
Surprisingly prudent from his point of view, but I have zero doubts that (((someone))) advised him to do it.
if all that follows is some bitching on twitter again, Trump needs to take that portrait of Jackson down in the oval office
he would have rode to San Francisco on horseback and shot the judge
Couldn't he just executive order this shit or something? I wouldn't know since I'm not a burger
No. He did that with the "Muslim ban", but it can't be enforced if a judge declares it unconstitutional.
Okay guys! Here's my 4d chess theory!
Trump wants to collect all the names of the people who oppose him so when he declares martial law he can arrest and execute them!
Yes, as per the Impoundment Act of 1974. But Trump still has ultimate authority on immigration according to the Constitution, it's a question of whether or not he's willing to exercise it, and not be another impotent neocon Republican who just puts up a show of fighting back.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Trump has the potential to go down in history as the greatest reformer of our age. Not century, Age. All he has to do is man up, declare commies terrorists, seize the banks, end the Fed, reorganize the military, and bitchslap China.
But that would imply he's not a cucked boomer.
Time will tell. I honestly hope the man finds his guiding star.
This. So much this. It fucking hurts me to think how far we've fallen.
So basically, the judges rule the US not Trump?
Time to start mailing Pepe's to the judges.
democracy is and always will be a sham.
Precisely, the entire system needs to be scraped.
but of course, also notice the lack of any resistance when the leftists had their president in power. The entire thing is sick.
He could call up the national guard/army have the traitorous judges and government officials arrested and shot for treason.
worst president ever
worst post ever
do we have to gore-spam again?
Fucking Trump fags we tried to tell you but no. Eat shit and die all of you.
Fucking useless pieces of shit.
Not even close
These half-men idiots set the bar pretty low.
too bad he's turned into an impotent neocon Republican
The only inevitable outcome.
We're not even a third of the way through his first year in office. You defeatist cocksuckers need to relax or fuck off.
He's not defeatist he's a realist. You're a useless Trump cuck and should make your way back to TRS faggot.
hello shill
hello israeli
You are doing nothing productive, faggot.
Why are we defeatists if we're not throat-deep on his cock?
Trump needs to remember who voted him into power, and it sure wasn't the fucking pink-haired quims and their legions of mestizo faggots that he's so hellbent on pleasing.
Deport them all, lock up and execute the traitors who enable them.
How fucking hard is that?
Fuck off.
You might not have noticed when you had Trumps orange cock so far up your ass that he's a jew shill and has done everything in his power already to further the jew cause. So go fuck yourself.
I am. You're not. You keep memeing about muh elections and thinking this shit will change "legally". It won't.
kill yourself, shill
if you aren't already doing that you never will
You're drawing a false dichotomy. There is plenty of time for Trump to enact his policies and no reason to believe he'll be ineffectual.
meh, i dont give a shit. who cares about california? its a lost cause and a red herring. just let it eat itself and focus on your little slice of land.
The only faggots I've seen using le orange are redditors and shills.
how is he going to do that if the courts and even the cucks in his own party keep shutting him down?
Only shill here is you. You keep trying to push this fucking civic nationalist BS.
Trump will give you an extra ass pounding today.
Brother, I hope to god you're right. As edgy as this place is, I don't want to see the US drowned in blood. War is good for no one, except the kikes and their buttbuddies in the military industrial complex.
But Trump needs to get shit moving. We're out of fucking time. We were out of time 10 years ago, let alone now.
no, fuck off yid
What can legally be done to stop these judges?
Because your "little slice of land" is on it's way to BECOMING California. I don;t care where you are , you're not safe from cucked politicians and the rising progressive stack in government.
you need to stop caring about legality
you won't beat cultmarxist in their own game
He'll do exactly fuck-all and it'll take you 4 years to realise it. Then you'll still try to convince yourself that you can get change without actually seeing any misery.
There are no legal ways to stop the ends of whites as a majority. Fucking get it already. You either accept that nothing will change or you accept the hard realities of what needs to happen for change. You cannot have both.
Courts don't fucking matter. Trump works off of Realpolitik. He will do everything in his power to fuck them because they tried to fuck him. All he has to do is threaten to flood them with judges like the commie kike piece of shit FDR did to get all his unconstitutional bullshit through.
Cucks will be weeded out in the midterms.
Creating a public opinion/social media campaign that latches on to the idea, resurfacing harder the next time this happens. We need memes against the 9th circuit, that's where all this shit is happening. Who would have the authority to dismantle the 9th? What kind of reasoning, if any, would have to be posed? Are there any legislative restrictions to appointing a new number of judges to various courts? What can be done against judges who don't recuse themselves when they're obviously biased?
Answers to some or all of these questions will guide our path forward.
As opposed to what letting Hillary Clinton win?
None of the other republi-cucks had a chance and were basic bitch neo-cohens.
Did you really want to live under 8 more years of leftist garbage?
Think of it, Hillary spawning even more sjw/feminists type of anti-culture fucking up society even more. Never mind, open borders, anti-gun agenda, stacking supreme court,high taxation,& possible hate speech laws.
I thought those jewish-faggots turned against Trump.
This guy really believes in the jew-the-jews meme. Fucking hell TRS is leaking.
when? how?
and replaced with what?
Am I Trump?
Republicans who want to enact policy and actually win elections
not even a shill, faggot. I'm just not blindly following Trump like some of you redditors.
Form a class-action lawsuit against the judges with the defense that they are violating the preamble of the constitution;
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Your jaw is made of glass.
Checked and yes, I get sick of these fucking Trump devotees that keep thinking they'll get change through peaceful means. Won't fucking happen.
As predicted, the whole political establishment is showing it's true colours against Trump.
Activist local judges can overreach and take down national-security related Executive Orders, both sides of congress trying to stall him down.
His own party refuses to work with him on the very basic things that they have been promissing for YEARS like repealing Obamacare, will not help build the wall or even do anything to help the American people if it gives credit to Trump.
Despite all the success the Trump campaign has brought them, they show for the millionth time their allegiance to their Jewish Financers and turn right-wing agendas into globalism. This gives you a feeling on how americans think, that despite importing 100 million non-whites who vote democrat in the last 30 years and completely controlling the media, both sides of congress, and having middle-school tier voting registration processes that allow millions of fraudulent votes to be cast, the democrats still manage to lose. Can you imagine what would America really look like if it was actually ruled by the will of it's people?
(((Right-wing media))) is being dismantled by it's own owners, while google and other internet companies, including even wikipedia, are now openly filtering and censoring content. Youtube is also willing to self-explode and has already demonitized all of it's content creators, simply because the site, despite all the censorship, is almost entirely a right-wing anti-MSM platform and a big threat to the establishment media.
All while they try to blackmail Trump over complete bullshit allegations of collusion with Russia. Not to mention the refusal to prosecute Hillary and Obama who were not only openly colluding with mass-media, rigging primaries, frauding debates, receiving money from foreign entities, but also using the intelligency agencies to spy on the Trump campaign. Not to mention the burial of evidence relating to pedophile circles.
The goyim are getting redpilled by the system being forced to show their true faces, soon there will be no room left for a political solution if things are kept this way…
he should stop drinking fluoride then it also turns the frogs gay
Read my previous posts, I'm not a trumpkin. But I'd love it if he found his balls and MAGA'd. This country can't take another 4 years of limpwristed dickwaving. He needs to double down and start cleaning house, both at home and abroad. And I don't mean useless wars for Pissrael, but bringing back our factories and slapping tariffs on any cocksucking traitorous company that exports production while importing finished products.
Well, the judge made his decision.
Now let him enforce it.
t. Andrew Jackson
Since when lol
How many police departments did Obama restrict funding from because they didn't arrest enough white people
How many schools did Obama restrict funding from because they passed too many white people
Feel free to take this to court and totally defang the left's main method of national control: extra-legislative restrictions on funding
wtf i hate white people now
What a load of bullshit. For DECADES, the executive branch has used its weight to punish local gov't that doesn't fall in line with federal funding withholding.
I'm so goddamn tired of these rabid judges. They all need to be put down like the dogs they are.
My question is how is this allowed to happen?
One would think someone maybe the military would stop playing pretend and get pissed off enough to seize power or at least forcibly remove the cancer.
since they know Trump isn't Andrew Jackson and won't do shit about them
the system is rigged against you, white man
Who controls the military? The fucks at the DoD. And who controls them? Lobbyists. And who controls them?
(((They))) do.
Unless it gets to the Supreme Court, pretty much indefinitely. These blockings were only supposed to be used as an extreme measure to halt Executive overreach (aka what presidents do in banana republics like Venezuela)… it wasn't meant to be used as a political tool to just throw a monkey wrench in the system for ideas the population voted for.
Trump needs to go after these judges hard. They need their power stripped severely
I should probably go in the woods and plot a bombing of a federal building with me and 20 WN friends huh Mr. Smith
yes, the only language your enemies understand is violence
I don't blindly follow him, Abraham, but I sure don't shill against him and call him orange.
shill samefagging with a proxy
be sure to filter that cuck anons
Why doesnt trump just forcibly relocate them under the NDAA
Gee thanks FBI you always know the path forward
Hasn't every judge that's done this been fired? How do they not see the writing on the wall?
Personal, private, face-to-face violence is more effective against them. No need to get the kike media involved.
weak excuse for cowardice
that's what I meant
No one has enough testosterone & sense to do what's right enough to set a toe out of line?
The left on the other hand does whatever the fuck it wants…..I'm starting to think humanity deserves everything it gets.
As long as (((judges))) continue to change laws, there will be nothing legal you can do to stop it. That's the whole point: to make resisting the implementation of their goals illegal.
But considering how they can interpret any law already in place in any way necessary to achieve any end they desire, it's not like what's in the lawbooks makes any difference. Anyone who stands in their way is already guilty. Of what? Doesn't matter, they'll find something.
I'm pretty confused by all this judicial bullshit, prior to this I thought only the Supreme Court could block presidential actions not every random judge out there. Also as there's judges that support it the whole thing is particularly nonsenical, rulings that its alright count for nothing, only rulings against it matter apparently.
he judge is Judge William Orrick. His number is 1(626) 229-7250
CAll this fucker up
Absolutely not. That will do literally nothing, in fact the judge will go straight to the media and say he's being harassed by ebil neo-nazis, and the left will make a mini-celebrity of him. Nothing will be accomplished by mean phone calls.
Trump was cucked…because HE IS A CUCK.
Fuck him i'm voting for a commie next time so we can have ww3
People like Trump in congress are far fewer in number than you think. He has extremely little support in government.
Only two kinds of people are capable of even making it on the ballot: people who are rich enough to fund their own campaigns (99.9% of whom are kikes), or people who are so deeply absorbed by the Jew hive that they have proven themselves worthy enough drones to earn funding. You can vote them out in midterms, but they'll just be replaced with somebody just as bad.
You're playing a rigged game.
yeah it is about PR shit-for-brains, but aside from that, what do you hope to accomplish by leaving a federal judge impolite messages on his answering machine? You think he's actually going to be intimidated into retracting his ruling, or even remotely modifying his position? Well fat chance dude. The left would only increase their momentum, because mean messages on answering machines are both a cause for them to claim oppression, and simultaneously make us look even more impotent than we do now.
don't you have some nigger in a maga hat to praise?
Back to Reddit you goi
What we need is DOTR . It is seeming more and more to be the only solution but we're all too domesticated…
wew lad
Totally not a shill
Dubs wasted, and no, I'm not sucking Trump's cock but neither am I bluepilled enough to think that mean phone calls will change jack shit, and do anything but embolden the left. Usually they have to make shit up about harassing phone calls, because no one on the right has an IQ low enough to think that such petty shit is worth the time.
you first needledick.
Can't Trump simply veto the courts if he wishes?
this is Holla Forums
s-so I have to keep paying cities that harbor invaders via my tax dollars because a single judge says so? I just don't understand how one judge can essentially shakedown half the Country, forcing financial support for ILLEGAL immigration, while stealing authority that is clearly within the purview of the Executive (securing borders).
I don't condone violence nor am I saying anyone should do this this is just an observation:
Isn't interesting that with all the mental defectives, junkies, and schizophrenics in the US than no one goes after some these judges/government people.
I guess most high profile shootings are indeed false flags.
judging by the amount of time you are spending being a defeatist cuck not you
You do know you arent fooling anyone right?
you have the money?
Boy you're REALLY clutching at straws now, huh?
What am I trying to fool you with/into, mongoloid?
So what this judge basically said was "You have no choice but to give federal funding to cities who are literally breaking law by protecting illegal aliens?
If a Holla Forumsack with his mind to it cant sockpuppet his way onto a ballot then you are right there is no hope because everyone here is a bunch of lazy fucks.
That you belong here
Well since this is a district court judge, he could be removed via congressional vote.
SHOO SHOO Holla Forums
but won't because they are all cucks
William Orrick did this.
He's not Jewish, despite his parent's extremely Jewish sounding names.
But oh gee, would you look at that?
A SanFran judge is stopping his city from being defunded. Congress needs to vote this fucker out.
William Orrick did this.
He's not Jewish, despite his parent's extremely Jewish sounding names.
But oh gee, would you look at that?
A SanFran judge is stopping his city from being defunded. Congress needs to vote this fucker out.
Shit, it told me that first post didn't go through.
Gosh, it's starting to look as if the kikes' strategy of monopolizing the law as a profession is paying off. Is Trump going to have to personally deal with literally every single judge in the federal judiciary before they allow him to flush the fucking toilet?
What would be in the US best interests is for Congress to dissolve the 9th circuit since they are specifically there to be Obama's lapdog even when out of the White House.
My suggestion would be to call up your representatives for both House and Senate, provide evidence of the 9th district being specifically used as Obama's pet court, and push them to remove it.
Keep pushing, kikes. I don't think (((you))) are going to like it when we stop going through the courts.
Biggest mistake the founding fathers made was enshrining the Jewdicial system in the constitution. It's a great way for a small percentage of the population to control the rest.
They didn't. Read up on Marbury v. Madison.
A wall? How about against the wall.
Interesting. I'm an aussie so didn't know about this
You're sounding an awful lot like a shill.
It's appalling, marsupial-user. The Supreme Court just announced it had the power to review the rest of the government in 1803, and everybody just went along.
But every (((judge))) lives in fear of a )))President((( with the stones to ignore their bullshit. Courts' power is essentially moral; they can't enforce shit.
What I meant to say was: they can be voted out by congress. It sometimes happens with problem judges who do things like this.
The FBI of course :^)
Then it may be time to identify all members of the 9th circuit, find any and all amount of info that can be found on them. Dig into them, find any connections (like any to the CF) that they might have that ends up dealing a heavy hit in delegitimizing the 9th circuit in its entirety. Next is putting the consensus in the populace's heads that the future rapes, murders, and debt accumulated by illegals within their state/city could have been prevented had they just followed through on not making the city/state a sancturary 3rd world hell hole. Rack up and total damage cost and etc.
So where is imakikey and his impotent trumpcucks from the spicer thread? Is trump shareblue now? Everyone here antifa?
It's so weird that you faggots self-esteem is so low you idol a reality TV goy but still have the energy to drag your self to the PC every day without offing yourselves.
I already have a list of names:
then we're practically free to take care of
They dont. Neither does the president.
We, the people, do.
Always remember this. Democracy is easily corrupted, subverted and owned.
The people vote in a party, the party then votes on things while other parties vote against them. We need true democracy or not at all.
you have to go back
Separate thread, with the intent on digging into the 9th circuit. Make it its own operation. Enough is enough with letting the "shroud of mystery" cover these fucks.
I…. I never thought about that. How can you destroy these people though? I'm pretty sure they're completely immune to any scandal that doesn't involve taking bribes (AND EVEN THEN).
You make it pretty obvious…
The point is to delegitimize their power. Make it known to the regular normie populace that these judges are easily compromised. any ties or donations to the clinton foundation is a good one, I would dare say Planned Parenthood but only in regards to the blackmarket trafficking of infant parts harvested from unknowing women.
Either lurk more or go back; we don't give a damn about pr we just want our walls and our deportations.
If I call you a regular retard, will it alleviate your suspicion?
Tough shit needledick, I'm here to stay.
I get you…
Oh maybe not; I'm not saying we don't do this if the info presents itself, but this kind of thing never seems to work since normies don't care.. .but it's something.
Alright, we need a digging guide for fags who have no idea but want to contribute with an emphasis on how to distribute the information to normie land in a way that they'll care. The high value targets of digging are obviously sex scandals and corruption, but I guess everything should be consolidated somewhere.
reported for being a nigger
Sorry, I forgot how sitting around on Holla Forums saying "muh PR" and calling everyone cucks solved political problems. Maybe it's time you Holla Forums stereotypes got off the board so we rational people can have actual political discussions and figure out solutions, without morons cluttering up the threads saying stupid one-liner shit like that that adds absolutely nothing to the discussion.
The distinction might be that the coercive federalism that caused the country-wide drinking age was imposed by Congress (who have the power of the purse) whereas withholding federal funds solely at the executive's discretion is a bit more legally questionable.
The biggest circuit court in America. It has way too many judges. Some of them are older than evolution, but most were appointed by our worst presidents. Here's the tally:
Nixon Appointees: 2
Carter: 7
Reagan: 3
Bush I: 2
Clinton: fucking 14
Fag-Bush: 7
Obama: 7
Vacant: 4
No wonder it's a fucking synagogue.
sure is reddit in here
If you'd addressed my point rationally from the beginning, you wouldn't have had to expose yourself as such a whiny faggot. Congratulations!
Jesus christ, man the fuck up and grow some skin faggot. We're talking about actually getting shit done and all you're wailing about is 'but muh pr'
Go have tea with john mccain and your other moderate pals if you're not going to make even an attempt to fit in.
You're not talking about shit. You're saying "muh PR," calling people cucks, and attacking every person who dares to have an actual discussion on the topic. You're either a shill or a gullible moron who came to Holla Forums and adopted the behaviors of the shills who attempt to undermine actual intellectual discourse.
Jesus H. Christ. Judges keeping their position for life is such a catastrophic mistake.
Only 5 appointed by good (Nixon) or half-decent (Reagan) presidents. 30 fucking Bush/Clinton/Obama appointees.
There were a good amount of shabbos in attendance. There was a huge shitstorm about doing everything possible to keep the kikes out and the kikes won.
Underrated post. Finding information on these creeps and blasting it all over the web is a good way to delegitimize them to the (white) public. Take away the false authority of muh jewdishiary.
Any tips on how to nail them dead to rights?
I strongly suspect the Clinton appointment were a quid pro quo. No evidence, apart from it's Clinton.
Start digging, autists:
Because it isn't called the jew-dicial system for nothing
Once upon a time I was a recruit for D0dee OIGfarben.
I was strongly encouraged to exit the program after political and ideological differences. After 6+ hours hooked up to a polygraph my benzos started to wear off and they (a literal posse of psychs who never introduced themselves) kept asking pointed political questions.
Those godless heathens have no sense, user. They still use polygraphs - they're just digital and a lot more sophisticated than a line bopping up and down.
They actively pick people who have dirt, exploitable personalities and people who as a result of aforementioned will easily sell out for shekels and or little goyim.
there's nothing to discuss, it's the kikes
I kind of hope Trump shuts down the government next year just to get the Republicans in Congress to piss themselves before the election.
I went through the chain to see what the fuck was going on and that was literally all you had to contribute. Congrats on wasting so much of my time.
Pic related is Susan P. Graber. Wellesley Class of '69. Followed by Yale Law, '72.
Just like Hillary Clinton, who also graduated Wellesley '69 and Yale '72.
These fucking people, man.
Europoor here, it is a pleasure to finally all the US a banana republic. Get your shit straight burgers, stop dreaming of the DOTR that never comes.
Don't act like it's much better for you over there
Cool. Loads of solutions. Hey stupid, tell me, since you're all about violence, how many judges have you killed today? None? Then shut the fuck up, shill.
This makes the meathead base angry at the judges not Trump. Just like failing to get the wall funded makes the base angry at Ryan. Trump seems satisfied to ride that anger to another term. He's failed every time he has faced congress or the courts. He doesn't seem bothered. Lob a few missiles and everyone cheers.
That's some degenerate shit, faggot.
This is where I am placing my money. He is getting them to out themselves.
Shill steps in to attack another person who doesn't just scream "duh kikes! kill the judges!" as comes to his defense. You two couldn't be anymore obvious. (24) and every single one was either an attack on someone or telling people to kill people.
Agreed, but the one with the superiority complex is you. Please prove me wrong and have Trump wrestle power back to the people.
Fucking KEK
Whoever is shilling us now.. They are my favorite shills its so fucking fun watching such a bunch of tryhards be so bad at the game.
This. Just today I saw how Paul Ryan managed to delay funds for the wall until 2017. The traitors on the Republican side need to be rooted out.
wewlad, nice narrative
Really hoping he can get wartime power with NK so he can purge all these faggots.
Looks like Sessions got work to do again.
Oh how right this man was………
Still, even a broken clock can be right twice a day.
I like that my idea is catching on, remember, courts ruled enemies of state regardless of citizenship have no rights in a state of officially declared war by congress. The president has been able to do pretty much anything he wants during congressional wartime authority
It's a good start, but I still think digging needs to be done on the 9th circuit and shit.
I agreed with it the second I read it in the spicer thread. I always wondered if Trump was toying around with that idea, but it never actually occurred to me after the NK shit started.
I think you are right, I think its about time we start digging on these fucking judges. Why we haven't already been doing it is beyond me. Before I'm called FBI, there is nothing wrong with doxing judges, they are public figures like any other public figure.
You'd think after the travel ban smack that there would've been a call for digging on judges, but I guess no one came forward with the idea. I was being hopeful, though. Well, enough stalling and waiting. Make these fuckers fear for their careers and image.
nothing in that article states he was "fired"
how would the AG do that anyway?
What if my clock is broken because it has no hands anymore?
I gotta hand it to you, that would suck.
This is what you get, great satan.
Never gonna fix this shit from the inside. Stupid to think otherwise.
I'd tell you to go back Carlos but a judge banned me from doing so
Nigger l2read, he dismissed the federal judge, you are basing your reply off what that Walsh said.
If you clock is broken, you get a free invite to the white house and massive press attention the last time i checked.
The judge was not fired, merely insulted.
Please try to be less retarded in the future.
never go full retard
Sometimes people on Holla Forums really disappoint me with how lazy and stupid they can be.
Anytime an illegal alien kills an innocent person, remember this face. And remind him every single day he is at fault for all of this.
Why not hit the judge with Sedition?
But how is this different from Drumpf preferring to hire people he trusts and knows personally? :^)
Would not grab'er
Trump has experience in the real world instead of quid-pro-quo circlejerks, so his selections are based on actual results
Is that why he has Kushner in the WH?
Why not hit the judge with Sedition?
Because it's not sedition.
If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808; July 24, 1956, ch. 678, § 1, 70 Stat. 623; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(N), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)
Trump is nepotistic as hell. That's why Kushner is in the WH. It has fuck all to do with competency. Anybody who says otherwise needs a hole put in their head.
But I don't think you understand, I want it to be sedition!
Of course but they weren't "on our side"
that changes the equation entirely
I know. I know. But, you can always talk to Congress about expanding the sedition laws.
Friends close, enemies closer. Cover even closer.
Kushner is the most powerful non-elected man in the world since Kissinger. I'm waiting for Kushner to bomb Cambodia (or something).
Why the fuck can't that decrepit old kike die already?
I know, right? He's what … 180 now?
I'm so tired of people getting excited for presidential elections, when it's in fact the judges who make the decisions.
Jews are the real-life basis of vampire myths. He probably drinks the blood of white babies.
That's kinda how it works. Executive, Legislative, Judicial. You can't just throw out the Judicial branch because of hurt fee-fees. If you want to overturn Judicial decisions, you have to amend the Constitution through the Legislative. Remember: It was the Judicial branch that decided negroes were 3/5ths of a person until the Legislative passed the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments.
and the judges are appointed by?
Your "educational" posts really turned this frown upside down (smile)!
The United States is a country run by the Courts. But yes, by all means, keep for your politicians who make the real difference…
*rubs hands*
*keep voting
you wouldn't believe how easy it is to black bag someone, pump them full of heroine and crash their car in a ditch with them in the driver seat.
nobody has to actually die.
As if there's any doubt.
I'm so tired of people getting excited for presidential elections, when it's in fact the judges who make the decisions.
Gee, what a (((coincidence))) that all of Trump's landmark executive orders just happen to always land in the laps of leftist judges.
Gorsuch has been on the SCOTUS for two weeks and Trump still hasn't appealed the travel ban block, so it looks his alleged brass balls must have fallen off after the primaries ended.
here's a real redpill: in a liberal democracy, there are hunderds of competing factions that overlap in a Venn diagram of alliances and feuds. it's basically a split between anarchy and oligarchy.
This is absurd, how is it legal for these judges to betray the will of both the president & the people
Can someone tell me why we even have a fucking Supreme Court if one low level district judge in the middle of bumfuck nowhere can just unilaterally decide law for the entire country?
Because the lugenpresse will lionize anyone with even a shred of "authority" that goes against trump.
stopped reading there
So stop considering the judges authoritative if they're giving the anti-whites a place to hide behind.
This has been going on for a while.
I think there should be a campaign of people in "Sanctuary Cities" refusing to pay local taxes. If enough people did this it would be too many people for them to do anything about. The problem is employers automatically withhold payroll tax. How do you stop them doing this? They think they've got their federal funding now. Let's see how they like it if we boycott local taxes.
Let me let you folks in on a little secret.
Some of the biggest right wingers I know have been pushing for legal weed for decades, and love this current situation of states' rights vs. federal law.
Why? Because aside from drugs, all the coercive EPA, EEOC, Obamacare and other bullshit is pushed down on the states. Federalism isn't supposed to work this way, and it was the DUDEWEEDLMAOS who were the catalyst for some of you to get pissed off and explore why this was happening.
You're welcome.
Makes me wonder what kind of freaky shit led to the stories of werewolves and other beast-men
first hawaii judge welcomes immigrants mainly because we get most of our assets from tourism.
it was expected for even california to go against it as well.
Until you are a Judge surrounded and protected by state, county, and a federal police state everyday you go to work you have little idea the power and ego this creates.
Judges need to die
Democracy is fucked up bullshit, but he's free to ignore the judge's orders. Judge has no power over him whatsoever. Either he's cucking or he believes that the court bullshit is a pretext for congress to call for his impeachment.
HELLO FBI, did you think we'd actually DO anything? LOL PR IS WHERE IT IS AT!
He could pull a Yeltsin and have the military bomb congress while in session for all I fucking care.
Bunch of useless fucking bureaucrats.
pic seems good but is classic deflection and d&c
(Hitler dubs checked)
You claim the full amount withheld on your W-4 back as an allowance. Anyone can do this without penalty.
Excellent video.
The shills are desperately trying to use this to paint Trump as a kike stooge.
Idiots don't realize that Trump just has to play the waiting game. He gets to appoint Supreme court judges for the next 4 years and only has to wait for a few current ones to die.
I'd like to point out that any mention of "sending them to court" is ridiculous, because court is just another judge waiting to fuck shit up. Either Trump submits to judges authority or he doesn't, it's his choice whether to be a cuck or fight.
How long until then, 4 or 20 years? Sounds like something Jeb would done, not man of action Trump.
King Nigger deliberately appointed hundreds of activist judges. It a guarantee that everything he put into place stays after he left office. it's like King Nigger is still president.
I can just imagine in 4 years time
Repeat till fade