Cliches you love to see in cartoons & comics
Did dragon ball super stealings scenes and lines from that twilight sparkle fight from my little pony? I’m being serious.
The abridged series is the cancer killing the DBz fandom. Goku doesn’t consider himself a hero because he thinks superheroes are narcissistic. Goku saves people just because it was the right thing to do. Not because of fame.
akira toryama Made it no secret that he thinks superheroes were assholes.
You guys are saying the whole Akira saying Goku Wasn’t a hero thing was just a mistranslation Youtube e-celebs ran with?
If Toriyama unironically thinks this he's more of an idiot hack than I thought.
Goku saved shit loads of people during the red ribbon army and king piccolo saga because fighting bad guys was the right thing to do.
The power of friendship is always kino.
Good taste.
Hey Holla Forums
In the anime. In the manga Goku just likes to fight, which is why he constantly makes shit worse just to see his opponent get stronger. Though he's not a complete ass and he'll usually offer to help someone in trouble if it involves fighting.
Either way though Super is nearly as much cancer as the abridged series, so why care?
I was referring to his opinion on capes.
When can we gas abridgedfags?
What kino does this?
Dragon ball always made fun of capes for being silly.
I've always wanted to see some stories where the villains use the power of friendship, but I really never have. Any suggestions?
Well… Android 17 and 18… kinda?
Overall, I don't know about cartoons, but at least in animu there's tons of characters recking people with the power of friendship.
Like in Black Lagoon, where Romanian twins were in so many snuff videos that they became obsessed with killing and literally kill everyone with their friendship/ love for each other.
I once made up some characters which are just alternate reality versions of the main characters and they basically fight over whose gonna stay in the reality they gonna share.
Basically the same motivations, the same "power of friendship", but just killing each other to exist.
Gold and Silver, from Golgo 13: The Professional.
It's not like DB isn't shit, so I'm not surprised.
For some reason I'm a sucker for villains dying by falling off a cliff.