I'm downloading LoL after not playing for 3 years, since i need something to waste my time with and i'm shit at dota

i'm downloading LoL after not playing for 3 years, since i need something to waste my time with and i'm shit at dota
anything i need to know in order to catch up or is still the same half hour grindfest disguised as a game?
planning on playing shen/lee sin/zilean

Pick blizkrank. Tank the enemy tower until you have 20% hp. Run away. When you get chased hook the other guy under your tower. Easy first blood. Abandon the game.

Buddy i think you got the wrong board

fuck you

that's pretty basic stuff, i meant do i need to know changes n shit that have happened over the years


wow things have gone downhill

i don't disagree with this, but i still felt like dota was a bit more boring

You have to play with friends for it to be fast since riot are a bunch of faggots.

Or play support.

Have you guys considered suicide?

but i just wanted to play video games

You are the death of video games. r/gaming is where your kind lurks.

no bully pls

Get the fuck out of here. Go play your shitty casual game or don't, just leave either way

user pls don't be mean

I'm nice to faggots that don't start League of legends threads, fuck off


lost first game
what the fuck did they do to shen's abilities, vorpal blade is absolutely horrible right now

what, i don't get an opinion?

Nope. 8/v/ has become just as bad as the SJWs and leftists they claim to hate. Can't make opinions with SJWs, can't make opinions here either. Discussion about video games, whether good or bad, is dead everywhere on the Internet.

Every hero is made of skill shots now and it's utterly unfun to play. Play Dota.

that's pretty annoying
i remember they changed zilean to have a skillshot instead of his perfectly designed bomb
shit was really lame

They made him into a raping machine. He is way better than he used to be.

how exactly, i don't quite get the improvements
do i just auto attack now?

Well get used to that shit because with every hero rework they add yet another 4 skill shots to the hero.

I tried to do that and got permabanned because some asshat broke into my account. Tried to appeal it? They blamed me.

Pretty much. You can spam Q without getting out of energy and sustain with that little shield zone that block everything.

Just don't the game is unplayable at this point. Play smite or something if you need your moba fix that bad (although its quickly going downhill fast after being a solid game, Hirez loves powercreep). I played from beta until they forced dynamicQ into everything and remove team builder. Games now take forever to long to start and 9/10 times people are crying about something because everyone who still plays LoL is suicidal.

I feel bad for the teenage idiots that are playing the game because of riots heavy handed marketing + illusion of esports/competitive environment. So they drown thousands of hours into a game that hasn't been objectively good since Season 2. Ruined before they had a chance.




but lanaya has a cock, where is it?


got any windrunner stuff?



You'd have a more productive time learning afrikaaner.

A lot.


haven't even played the games (nor do I plan to) but god damn the Winter Wyvern's voice makes me stiff


I've played the game recently, unlike 99% of everyone here who shit on ASSFAGGOTS.

That said, the game has gotten progressively worse since season 2-3, I don't advise playing it.
I know it's a meme, but you'll honestly have a lot more fun playing Overwatch.

Here's a basic rundown of what's up though, just in case you still want to play:

Tanks are OP unkillable fucks that shit damage. If you don't have certain champions on your team you'll flat out lose to certain tanks.

ADC is the weakest role in the game, except for ADs that can abuse the new ridiculous armor pen items, and even then they get shit on by tanks.
Twitch, Lucian, MF, etc.

Support is as unfun as ever. Nothing has changed. They hardly impact the game and are completely useless.

Mages are generally useless, aside from a few notable ones.
Vlad. Usually banned.
Swain. Usually banned.
Azir. Usually banned.
Fizz. Usually banned.
Malz. Usually banned.

Assassins shit on mages, and are part of the reason why ADCs and Mages are useless. The new armor pen items are ridiculously good on them, making them do essentially true damage to someone with no armor items.
AD Assassins include:
Zed, banned in 82% of all ranked games.
Talon, ridiculously strong but no one plays him.

Bruisers are OP unkillable fucks that dick on tanks due to the new Triforce change. Bruisers are currently top tier bullshit.
Shit like Irelia, Jax, Hecarim, Shen. 3/4 of these are usually banned.

And that's pretty much it. The game boils down to if you've got the OP on your team you win. There's hardly any way to outplay to an Irelia fucking your entire team 1v5.

Again. Don't play the game. It's awful, and Riot is an awful company.

first off
you're all fucking wrong.

no fuck off,
if you're a nigger and you have black cleaver, you can shred through anything and go fast, even then you can buy the balanced endgame armorpen items that shreds 45% instead of 35% compared to season 3/4/5

you just have to rng harder to win

user, you have brain damage.

Seek medical help, it's not too late.

The first step is uninstalling that piece of shit that is getting into you and making you lose your head, your health and friends/family if you had one to begin with.

The second step is to get some taste.

Its not too late user.

LoL is dogshit run by blithering retards who don't know how to make or balance basically everything about it.

defending LoL automatically makes you the nigger

The past 6 games I've played in d5 have had a hecarim in them. It's either hecarim, volibear, or Reksai.

3/6 of them have had a Jax or Irelia in them.

ADCs are universal because no one wants to create a meta where they're not used.
The meta is so fucking stagnant that of course there will ALWAYS be an ADC. No one wants to change, and the Mordekaiser fiasco doesn't count.

Lmao. You've got to be shitting me. You don't actually play this game, do you?

The new LW shreds 45% BONUS armor, meaning it's 100% useless against people who have no armor, and marginally less useful against tanks who have 100-200 armor.

To compare, the old LW used to be 35% flat, meaning it would go through base resistances and factor in ALL armor.
It would have some effectiveness against everyone, instead of being a situational piece of shit.

There's a reason why people got LW 3rd/4th in s2-3, and why it's usually built as the LAST item you get as AD now.


Look at this triggered nigger defending muh lady LoL.

