Simulators and Immersive Shooting





Due Process:

Ground Branch:

Interstellar Marines:

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Wait, that's exactly what this Relock game is. That's fucking awesome, why have I never heard of this before?


Try Insurgency. It's a little realistic, the matches are short and I would say it's pretty arcade-y

Most of these are in EA sadly. Had a bit of fun with reciever, heard Interstellar marines was shit.
Arma seems okay I guess, couldn't get myself accustomed to the keyboard layout.

user, stop, you're only making it hurt more.

Why? Is it canceled?

I really just want magazine checking, chamber checking, mag dropping, chamber release, and safety (for my autism)

Also a lower ready would be awesome in every milsim

Why would you post a picture of rainbow six 3: raven shield and then not link to it?

Its still a very good game. Sadly fuckers at ubisoft are so shit at DRM that it fucks over playing on lan.

that looks really really good. is there a multiplayer mode? sort of like goldeneye n64 but with autism

i really like insurgency. its got its flaws, but its fun to get couple friends onto a team and play for an hour.

due process looks like it could be a lotta fun if you're not a autist who can't handle voxel graphics

I had tried Interstellar Marines during a free week end and it was pretty fun but desperatly empty to the point where you sometimes had to wander around like a lost soul to find the one enemy you missed.

No, and there's only three weapons without mods. It's also staggeringly unoptimized in ways that directly damage gameplay, all the enemies are complete crap, and winning or losing depends entirely on RNG and annoyance.

Receiver is fun as shit, I don''t know what are you talking about. The game itself is relatively simple, but the weapon mechanics are fun to learn and the game can get pretty tense if you don't ration your ammo.

It's not going to stay in Voxel, infact they already have desgins for the Cops and Baddies/terrorists/robbers/punks/whothefuckknows.



I have a burning desire for a single-player first-person tactical shooter, where I can issue squad orders from in-game and/or from a map screen. Using cover, suppressing fire, smoke grenades, etc. Not casual as fuck, but not milsim autism, either. Like the original Ghost Recon aka the only good one and Rainbow Six 3 and Full Spectrum Warrior, all rolled into one.

i saw that after i checked out the website. it all looks really good and the game looks like a lotta fun, would love to get some anons to play.

whats your beef with voxel? that its overused? lazy? reminds you of the thousands of hours you pumped into minecraft?

And being funded by the same fund as LW and the 3.3 millo' man.

The turrets usually work fine but are dull. It's completely unclear as to what is actually needed to kill the drones, and their attacks of rushing at you frequently clip through you and have all sorts of bugs. Once you leave the starting three cells (blocks of gameworld) the game stalls for a half-second every time you enter a new cell, because it's loading all the data. Besides being annoying, this loading doesn't pause the game, and turrets waiting just outside the entrance to the next area can take potshots at you and kill you whilst you're stuck. Combine this with ammo and cassette drops being completely random and arbitrary, your progress is complete RNG. Sometimes you get a fat stack of ammo and tapes in spitting difference of the start, other times you can go dozens of cells without a single drop.

The weapon mechanics are fantastic, but the game was blatantly abandoned outside of it's Game Jam development period, and it's far better just to jerk off in the Shooting Range rather than fuck around with the game proper. It's a bad game with one very good idea, and a metric ton of wasted potential.

Daily reminder that "immersive" is a meaningless buzzword that bad players throw around to pretend they're hip.

Any game is immersive if you stop bitching like a millennial and focus on it.

While it's true you can immerse yourself in any game, I think it's not unreasonable to call certain games that encourage or facilitate more immersive appraoch in enjoy the game.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R, System Shock, things like that. A keen attention to the small details instead of trying to fulfill every feature to fill up a bullet point list for the marketing.

Don't tell me Legend of Grimrock having a difficulty where map is off + providing a printable blank map to draw yourself isn't an immersive practice.

The current textures are still low-res, almost minecraft-style. I'm not sure if it's going to stay like that, however. I like the style, personally.

u wot
This is not more than a gun simulator tech demo

Fine, but there's also a game stacked on top of that, which is absolute garbage.
