Is it possible to prove that the universe doesn't solely take place inside of your mind?

Is it possible to prove that the universe doesn't solely take place inside of your mind?

fuck off

Is it possible to prove that it is actually your mind?

You know what they say, it only takes a single bullet to kill the whole world.

How Can Proof Be Real If Facts Arent Real?

you mean like if you shoot a nuke???

Kill yourself and we'll see if the universe is still around.

You got it all wrong

We are how the universe perceives itself

Do you get it? You arent the important piece

We really can't prove much, we can create models that show how things work with a strong enough level of accuracy to apply them to the world and to show that things within this model work without having observed them. Einstein discovered mathematically that the universe was expanding and it was later Edwin Hubble who was able to observe the redshifts of distant objects in space which showed that everything is pulling away from the point of observation which lined up with Einsteins prediction that the universe was expanding.

I doubt the world is in your mind but I can't disprove this, however I can't disprove that the world didn't come into existence with this thread and that we simply have complete memories of everything that had happened beforehand. If that's any consolation.

CHIM is the awareness that they are fictional characters, actors in the dream of the Godhead. To achieve CHIM means to realize you do not exist as an individual, but manage to keep your individuality. Think of it as 1(I exist) + -1(I'm not real). Normally, you would get 0, and "Zero-sum", you cease to exist entirely. CHIM is when you add 1 + -1 and get something OTHER than zero.

The difference of Zero-summing and CHIM is complex, but a simple version would be: Zero-sum - This is all a dream, I do not exist. CHIM - This is all a dream, I can control it.

It grants powers beyond that of the Aedra or the Daedra, as they are all part of the Godhead. CHIM could allow you to make a Daedra Lord cease to exist and remove any knowledge of them from existance, make them a begger, or strip them naked and place them in a cage full of spikes. Think of the construction set, or console commands. Someone with CHIM has all those powers.

Achieving CHIM gives a person unlimited power over their reality. The downside is, by realizing it is all a dream, they lose much of their ambition, because they realize the pointlessness of, say, the total domination of everything around them. The two people who, for a fact, achieved CHIM, Vivec and Tiber Septim, mostly used their powers for the good of the normal, everyday man.

Vivec used his divinity to help save Morrowind from Dagoth Ur, and arguably attempted to give the Nerevarine the instructions on how to achieve the power Vivec had(36 Lessons of Vivec).
Tiber Septim started the Empire, uniting the races of Tamriel in peace.


The very word is unknown to most TES players, but Amaranth is the most important thing in TES lore. In this blog I will elaborate on it.

Amaranth is the step after CHIM, CHIM being the state of being that allows for total manipulation of the current universe, but not the creation of a new one. CHIM is achieved by realizing you are part of a dream of a schiznophrenic, and therefore realizing you do not exist, yet still retaining the ability to say 'I am'. Without retaining that ability, you Zero-Sum. Zero-Sum is the act of stopping yourself from existing, literally realizing yourself out of existing. It makes no sense, and it shouldn't.
Back to Amaranth. It is one step after CHIM. It is the act…

Of Escaping the Dream of the Godhead.

The Godhead is the schiznophrenic dreamer. Amaranth is when you 'mantle' him, waking them up and starting a new dream.

Amaranth is the power to create entirely new universes.

If you've ever experience a lucid dream it's probably very similar to Chim and Zero sum. once you realize you are dreaming your dream evaportes but if you are strong enough to control it you can do whatever you want.

I only have limited control over my Lucid Dreaming, for a short period of time I was able to control one dream, it's a pretty cool experience, I with 100% accuracy detect nightmares and can shut them down, I'd say it's worth bothering with Lucid dreaming for that one thing.

I fucking love how the Elder Scrolls does all that meta shit. Meta shit in general is so fucking cool, but the Elder Scrolls does it in a really interesting way.

That's the plot of homosuck

Is it possible to give less of a fuck? Existential nonsense is nonsense. If it turns out that is true, what then? Will life change? Will that change what you believe you must do? Will it change who you are? Fuck no.

Argonians are absolutely adorable. Morrowind absolutely had the best argonians. Look how adorable that thing is.

Argonians don't have penises

Amaranth is basically being outside of the godhead's dream, right? Not sure if I understand it correctly, but it seemed like becoming another godhead, and no longer being related to his original dream in any way. Most people in TES have stopped worshipping Anu, because he is effectively gone from THE godhead's dream due to achieving Amaranth.


Isn't there like a special board for your breed?

Oblivion Argonians with vampirism looked kind of sweet

No bully

True. Plus, honestly, with everything else looking massively terrible, they never felt that bad. I mean, at least in comparison to everything else, what was absolutely terrible.
Vampire lizards are pretty sweet, regardless


Life is meaningless. All is ruin.

Always assume this world is real, until and unless you have good proof otherwise. Better to treat a low-stakes situation as high-stakes than vice versa.

How come I was able to kill Vivec?

Are you sure you did?

Yup, what else filled azura's star if not his soul?

i like the fact that you could accidentally think yourself out of existence

Ever wanted to ninja kick people as a skeleton?

Play pic related and put in the invincibility cheat.


Ehhh not really, the only thing similar is the creation of new universes through overcoming a challenge. There's a physical process involved for creating a universe in Homestuck, no self-realization as not existing while still retaining individuality involved.

God help me, I spent more of my life on that shitshow than I care to admit, and he didn't even have the nuts to end it satisfactorily.



You all belong to the Demiurge. If you didn't then you wouldn't concern yourselves with such crass materialism and pleasures of the flesh like are celebrated on Holla Forums and the imageboard at large.

I know your pain. I stuck it out even after it became shitty because I wanted to see how it ended. For years I waited, and we got something that barely even qualifies as an ending.

I heard Matt Dillahunty give a good argument.

I watched his videos, when I was a young atheist, who was at first perplexed by his hatred for religion, but I later kinda got it and learned a lot from the debates, then I reversed back to that he really is kinda cheap by only dealing with superstituous nonsense, like a professor who claims he is a good debater by debating children playing in a sandbox.

Argument goes like this:
If you are in fact the only mind in the universe, then you basically hold every single and often contradictory belief at the same time, which makes that mind completly insane.

You might as well talk of different persons and other minds inside that mind. Except for nomenclature there is no reason to think that all these minds are part of one greater mind. What I mean to say is, if everything indicates that there are many seperate minds in the universe, you can't just redefine and classify it as all one mind, SINCE this new definition actually doesn't help us to understand anything about the world better, in fact it's the exact opposite. The world makes less sense.


