ITT: Characters with absolutely no redeemable quality about them and did EVERYTHING wrong.
ITT: Characters with absolutely no redeemable quality about them and did EVERYTHING wrong
Why Guts is a good guy.
Started with a sword too heavy for him and increased size so it's aways too heavy. Put himself where it was worst.
Don't give yourself a pat in the back if you're one of the good guys too. You aren't good enough and you aren't doing enough. If you're winning easy you aren't carrying enough weight.
Griffith is the good guy in the story. Guts is a race traitor who just kills everyone around him.
nice try m8
but check mine
These retards.
Griffithfags will be the first to hang on the day of the rope.
Trips of truth.
those are nice, but check these out
oops, i meant these
Better start shortening your necks so you can't get noosed, griffithfags.
Try to name someone worse.
Local retard breaks the universe.
You're forgetting why Griffith got fucked up enough in the first place to warrant his unit's sacrifice. He had a hissy fit when Guts tried to leave and then fugged the King's daughter because he didn't care about the repercussions. Don't even try to spin it as Guts' fault, because in the end it was Griffith who was responsible for his own actions at the castle.
In other words, Griffith fucked up and made his unit pay for it. Had he not lost it when Guts left, we wouldn't even be in this situation.
When have you ever seen a story turn out good when the main character makes a pact with something worse than the fucking devil? Griffith was weak when it mattered. What will happen when he has another lapse of judgement over petty shit?
I have no sympathy for you.
fuck off
Suffer not the griffithfag and his arguments, user. They've been debunked to hell and back, but they don't care. They are beasts in human disguise, and defend Griffith on the internet because a beherit would never choose a simple organism such as themselves. A sad pursuit, but one they will never tire of until their swift and just death.
no wonder
Nah, Griffith was just a fag who became intoxicated by his own power that wasn't even his own. At least Guts earned his power, Griffith more or less sold his soul to the kikes of that world for power. Griffith was just a beta bitch who stumbled upon some power. Without that he would be some random girly-looking fag.
What's wrong with selling your soul? What's the downside? Give a real answer.
Because when you die, those fucks have a verbal contract on your afterlife. Real or not, only a moron would take that chance. Was griffith so much of a retard he chose a lifetime of power for an eternity of suffering? Sounds like a cuck with an axe to grind to me.
So what happens to your soul if you don't sell it? And how do you know that those who own your soul will choose to abuse it?
There is no downside to selling your soul because your soul doesn't belong to you. You can't sell it to begin with. It just means you don't have any real values and are willing to try to steal something greater than you to try and sell it like a nigger.
Why would someone want to buy a soul? What would they do with it?
Who knows, but are you willing to take that chance when the guy offering you the deal has a sword that slices through reality itself? Griffith was an idiot that threw it all away for a bit of power.
Real hard fucking question
So its clear that the soul has value to someone, maybe you ought to find that value first before trying to pawn it off like like a homeless faggot.
Who the fuck says your soul gets an eternity of pleasure and joy? That sounds like some bullshit to me.
Hell if I know. I don't think anyone really wants them at this point, to be honest. Maybe for soldiery?
Nigga, have you even tried to sell your soul? It straight up stops you and tells you that.
Seriously. Go try it.
Heaven and Hell you fedora tipper.
Suck a fucking dick, you mong. Neither heaven nor hell have ever been described in any bible. Even if you are a believer, when it comes to the afterlife there's nothing to believe in.
I believe there is something after you die simply by the fact that I have seen /x/ tier shit. When things like that exist then it's hard to assume in absolutes like heaven and hell vs dreaming for around 4-6 days after death before your consciousness fades. That said, are you really going to trust a book that has gotten the equivalent of the Treehouse treatment when it came to translations?
Step it up faggots. People will do anything to sell their souls these days.
better than template posts.
How much is a soul worth it anyway? What do you do with a soul? How do you know a lack of of soul makes you unable to go to heaven?
How do you know heaven is actually worth going to? How do you know whether you've sold your soul or not?
Dying for someone in battle != Taking their own lives for someone
You can only live through your children after you die faggot, deal with it.
Who's buying all these souls? Can I buy some too? Is there a marketplace for souls somewhere? How long does a soul take to ship? Are they perishable?
Fuck off Marche, who the fucks makes you king nigger that gets to decide what everyone else does?
In the first place, is the soul supposed to be a parallel consciousness constantly synced until departure at death, or is it just your physical dynamo? Does selling it effectively cause a desync between the two, making them more separate individuals? Would whatever strife the soul goes through even be important to the already mortal organism?
What if we're already in hell and selling our soul is actually a pretty good deal?
That's a good point.
oh right, that pops up in AI immortality stuff too. is it basically that?
Gee, I don't know Marche. After all the shit anyone would put up with in the world, maybe they want to forget about how shit earth is and do something fun. This nig can fuck off the mortal coil.
Souls have dropped in value due to an over-saturated market. Satan is kind of pissed because he didn't diversify his portfolio.
I hear God doesn't look at souls anymore, Heaven went private and now uses a referral system.
Also, I can't believe no one posted this douche yet.
what a fucking cunt she was
I cannot wait until Griffith gets kicked around before finally dying like a dog.
How does it feel to be a nigger?
Without a soul your body ceases to function and you drop dead. Hence why selling your soul is a fucking myth, but you can sell yourself into servitude.
I wouldn't know. Unlike the people in that "utopia" who live next to monsters and disgusting creatures. You know eventually they are going to rape the humans.
Fuck did he do wrong?
Unless you mean
Arguably Travis did everything wrong
Griffed adopted the nigger mudslimes into his multicultural empire.
Did you forget that ?
This. I wish Guts would just die already.
How did the manga end?
It hasn't and is probably right that it will never be finished.
Guts married the little mage girl after killing all the demons and also Griffin. It was a happy ending.
Guts got on a boat, Grittith got on a boat, they rammed into each other in a giant boat battle in the middle of a storm, Giffith died after confessing his love for Guts.
Then there's an epilogue where we see Guts playing Idolmaster on his grave.
He let Buddy kill him, so that's at least one thing he did right. Yado, on the other hand.
If Griffith actually died in the manga why are all you Guts-fags so salty?
They're Griffin fags in disguise.
This right here.
Why do so many of you type Griffin instead of Griffith, they're totally different words with different meanings.
A little late to the party there.
griffith fags are truly disgraceful. definitely wouldn't be friends with. i bet you betray your friends and rape their gfs too.
this faggot had all his friends killed so he could be kang. that's fucking it. how does the world need him? inb4 you go back on your words and spit out some edgy "hes the apocolipseee, kill the world" bullshit.
Take your cowardly shit somewhere else, tru a mirror, see if it is not something you remember. Every picture, every post is degenerate. You're looking to degrade others to your level to excuse yourself. People here would only need to become weary due to your pathetic presence. Your choices show on you, they are treason in any confrontation. You will not be made better in spreading your cowardice, others will only be made worse.
I'd ask you to cease spreading it but I know you wont. Just another in a vast number of parasites. No mind to what you feed off.
Your spread is you, you have joined what was done to you.
Any help to you will be betrayed by you, and you will give no mind to that or blame another for your actions. Excuses do not excuse actions.
Your desperation for invalidations to others is no credit to you. You should be against such voyeurism.
You have no truth to spread, only lies you were given as reward for submission. Come back when it wont be to clean yourself upon others.
Nice pasta, saving that shit
Again, you do not get better finding ways to negate good things.
Grifith gave some a beauty they took took too good to be true, and continued to exceed it. Their… Love was a truth, and his betrayal a lie. Their existance is more accurate, their being, feeling, having and needing.
I guess I am withholding better explanation.
He was a truth. That he could overcome anything and they could with him.
He lied in failing that.
The Band of the Hawk had a height to reach that would exceed their dreams, and they would be to his. It wasn't a kingdom they were going to it was more of him.
I am used to others looking to have themseves taken to be better. If they become better I do not begrudge them.
I've always enjoyed imagining that all these edgy sorcerers, demons, kings, evil gods and general Mephistopheles knock-offs don't know either and just like to pretend that they do and then take credit in the off-chance that the protagonists/whoever coincidentally just ends up doing what they wanted anyways. Like, in reality not even they understand how souls work or how to use them.
Minion: "What, you don't have command over them? Tell them to go take over the world or some shit."
M: "Well, don't they give you supernatural powers or anything? Like, prolonged life? Super strength? Necromancy? Uh… ghost… powers?"
M: "Huh. I always thought this worked like Dark Souls where it would just make you stronger or some shit. This is pretty lame."
>BG: "Tell me about it. I admit, I got the idea from villains in popular literature but they never specify what they actually do with the fucking things. I just spent all my money on black spiky armor and started making deals with mortals hoping it would pay off, you know? I guess that's why soul harvesting just remains a thing in fiction."
M: "Do any of those promises of power actually come true?"
M: "So the only thing you've actually accomplished so far is just petty identity theft?"
>BG: "Ehhh… sorta. It turns out that a good 99% of the people and monsters I deal with are complete cretins. Like, maybe, I dunno, at best 20 of the countless millions have had interesting thoughts, know some powerful secret, or can give me something close to useful information. It turns out that most people willing to sell their souls are pathetic. Like, really, really pathetic. Bottom of the barrel, completely useless, and shamefully lazy people. Most of their strongest memories are cringe events like farting class or losing their spaghetti in public in front of girls, or all the time they've spent jerking off to lewd artistry. I seriously have to take a break every once in a while or I'll find myself contemplating suicide."
M: "So… basically you're in control over to what amounts to a bunch of outdated myspace profiles and stale farts?"
M: "You want me to order pizza again tonight?"
I kinda think Yado was a straight up cop out. You have all these tragic characters in lisa, and you have the main antagonist that is a carbon copy of that marshmallow rabbit from Underfist.
There is also Marty. Don't give me that he secluded himself in an island to make up for what he has done. There's a psychological cycle where an asshole (Marty)fucks over a nice girl(Lisa) who becomes a bitch who fucks over an nice guy(Bernny/Buzzo) who becomes an asshole who fucks over a nice guy (Brad) And a nice girl (Buddy) who both become assholes who fuck over a nice guy(Rando/Dusty) who didn't do anything because he just keels over. Marty started the whole cycle. Marty did every conceivable and possible thing wrong.
Pascal's Wager never works. In real life there are too many different religions and ideologies. If you want maximum gains in the afterlife then who do you submit yourself to? There's no adequate answer.
In the world of Berserk there has been no indication so far that there is anything apart from what we've seen. When Griffith becomes a Godhand he is spoken to by god itself who reveals they they are just an amalgation of the human collective unconcious. Demons exist because humans are so fucked up but they also wanted deliverance from their suffering. That collective prayer allowed God to rig certain circumstances so that ultimately Griffith was born to become a Godhand, and the savior of mankind.
Point is it is hard to say if Griffith really sold his soul, because he was created to do so.
It is also hard to say what happens in the Berserk universe if you don't sell your soul. Do you just reincarnate?
Lastly, how would one even go about killing a Godhand? The leap between a normal human and a demon is substantial. The leap between a demon and an apostle even more so. The leap between an apostle and a Godhand? Guts can barely kill apostles and his friends are just competent enough to kill normal demons. How could they even hope to approach the Jesus/ antichrist of their world?
It seems the true wager here is: