I wish he'd take down the portrait of Jackson.
Government Shutdown Averted? Trump Punts On Border Wall, Will Wait Until September
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Well, this will at least become an interesting thread once people start flooding it. Have a bump.
He'll wait 3.5 years then not run again. A couple billion will be spent on planning and surveying and legal bullshit and NOTHING WILL GET BUILT.
Why all the sudden 180s????? What the fuck happened?
The only 180s here are 180D chess moves.
Lmao the chesscuck meme used ironically is still funny
If Trump cucks on immigration it will be unforgivable.
Don't worry, this is all apart of him getting leverage for other important projects through the budget.
The wall will be up by the time he leaves office.
But it should make sense why concern shilling isn't concern shilling but actual concern. Statements like yours (which might be sarcastic) are things one would have to take on faith. We are not a board that has faith in men, at least not to the extent that we don't expect/prepare for the worst.
Wow what a revelation let's dump the drumpf. This is low quality stuff.
Image is very very very important to Trump.
That's dangerous symbolic memeing and he knows it.
What will happen if the government does "shut down"? Its that or the boarder wall is put on hold. Explain burgers
Its a bargaining chip not a liability. Reagan was a faggot, but he used it 8 years in a row to get what he wanted.
Do they realize that the border wall was the critical component? He could flip or bend on almost everything else and people wouldn't care as much. But if he flips on immigration his support base will fucking evaporate.
I'll be honest Holla Forums, if Trump really has betrayed us I don't see how we ever fix things through the electoral process. He was the last shot, the only real remaining attempt at peaceful reform. We can't simply declare a civil war ourselves, our influence doesn't extend that far. So what do we do if he has sold his soul?
Do we go back to waiting for the happening? Because that fucking sucked, I like being proactive.
REMINDER: Trump has asked Congress for $1.5 billion in new money to start construction on the wall, and he wants an additional $2.6 billion for the fiscal year that begins in October.
We are giving Israel $3.1 billion in aid.
So we can afford to protect Israel but not our own border?
The original purpose of trump was four more years of precious time. Don't forget that.
That's a given, but I was hoping things would kick off before the left had a chance to get their grimy hands back on the military.
And the hope was to stop the insanity. Instead, he's bombed Syria because babies, and he's going to meet all of congress on wednesday about the Norks. This isn't a 180, nor is it precious time. It's a 360 and moonwalk away while flipping off his base.
Organize a small tight knit group and take care of things yourself. At least this is what I think some people, not us of course, will do.
I fear we're not getting that wall.
Getting people to realize this will be Trump's ultimate achievement. His failure will finally get the right to faith in democracy.
Seems to be clear at this point. By the time the first delay is over with, we'll be distracted by war and various false flags, etc. But you're right about the upside.
with so many flip-flops can we at least agree that concernposting is now ok ? so many anons have been b& for raising concerns and between real shills and perplexed anons we couldn't hear the signal with all of this noise.
be rational yo, if really Trump is rusing his supporters I'll let you wonder what will happen between the left attacking him and now the voter base unsatisfied. it could be devastating.
So fuck off now with the name calling almost every posts and let's work back together to take some measures and build a plan, ok
t.rational and perplexed user
fuck. Dont remind me. This makes me clench my fucking teeth and just rage. This has to be brought up CONSTANTLY to piss off everyone that voted for Trump, we have to tell everyone if Trump and his cabinet let us down on immigration, and we need actual goals, then we will fucking revolt. If the wall doesnt start being built fucking next month, id say its safe to say we arent going to build it with the current regime.
Heres what I think happened to Trump. (I think he really meant what he said, hes been saying all this shit for a decade)
He is being steamrolled by the (((deep state))) and the kikes in general. He doesnt know how to push back, he only knows how to "make deals" and play ball with them as good as he can. Thats not good enough! This country has one foot in her grave already. Trump cannot fight back without going all against the grain and grinding the government to a standstill, the kikes, traitors, cuck and niggers that infect every level of our government dug their heels in the ground when Trump made a basic travel ban.
This is it. Its up to us and all the other pissed off Trump voters to do it all the old fashioned way. The violent way.
Well, it's as you said. The important thing is that at least this will be the nail in the coffin for any remaining faith the right had in the electoral process. A slave can only free himself if he first realizes that he is in fact a slave. I have some serious fears though that I had been hoping a Trump presidency would resolve.
The primary one being, what about the military? All of the servicemen I know would refuse an order to fire on peaceful American citizens. However, if we have in fact lost complete control of the government they will be receiving their orders from these psychopaths. I was hoping things would kick off under a Trump presidency and we'd at least in name have control of the military. But now…
We've always been Israels attack dog and it's fucking pathetic.
We piss that away on hookers and blow.
Is Trump going senile, does Ivanka have a sex tape, what is it? Did they threaten his family?
He needs to use this as a pivot to get his voter base making the right decisions in 2018 mid term voting. Supermajority or bust. That's what it has to be.
I used to believe that, but all he does is suck all their dicks and get closer to Ryan even when given the opportunities to call them out and get rid of them.
No clue, but you'd think a billionaire would know what kind of threats could be leveled against him. I'm not sure what they could possibly drag up from the muck that he hasn't already had to defend himself against before. I suspect he was compromised from the start and they were hoping to calm the rising populist fury by handing us a token victory. Of course if that was their plan, these rapid and drastic flips in policy still don't make any sense.
To be honest user I just don't understand it. There must be some key piece of the puzzle we're missing. Some buried information only those at the top are privy to. That's the only way any of this makes any sense.
Or maybe none of this really does make any sense, there is no plan, and things are already in a state of confusion and chaos at the highest levels.
Damn OP, you almost had me convinced.
Oh piss of chessfag, we're right to be concerned and you know it.
When you use these terms it only undermines your credibility as a genuine poster.
We should push this since I don't see it mentioned often enough. This is one of the many ways one can make people see Israel as the burden that they are. Anyone that tries to defend this will have a hard time.
Hey fucktard, the wall is getting "delayed". This is substantive. What kind of a cuck considers acknowledgement of this fact a "black pill"?
We voted for him based on what he advertised. So far he hasn't been delivering and his cabinet is filled to the brim with people we would otherwise consider our enemies. Your blind faith is misguided and stupid, zealots are always the last to discover betrayal and the first in the grave.
Nahh he's right. You're a faggot and believe the 1488D chess meme. So you're achessfag
The fact that you act like a frog who thinks everything is cool when the other frogs are screaming in the boiling pot makes you seem delusional. Trump's presidency is a crux point in determining the future, it either begins leading us on the proper path, or it leads us towards our destruction. Now is the time to be consistently checking the water temperature to see if we are boiling, i.e. concern isn't an issue unless it's rooted in falsehood.
Its up to 'us' in the context of the people. Most will not fight. And so they will die.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me for 70 years and I deserve my grave.
On this world, you fight or you die, you consume or you are consumed - and a comfortable life at the top will only make you softer, easier to pick off. You get to the top by being hard, but you also stay at the top by being hard, and thats arguably even more difficult than getting there in the first place.
If this is the path 'we' go down, it is 'our' choice, 'our' action (or rather, inaction) that will lead to the fall of Western civilization and darkness in the West. If such is the case, I must simply throw up my hands and wish these people, wish 'us', well as they shuffle off to extinction - for they, 'we', truly are goyim, and deserve the fate we've permitted.
I hope that such is not so, but I am far from certain at this point, and the reaction I've seen to Trump's actions does not suffice to resolve that uncertainty.
Trump's presidency started off incredibly promising, and took a sudden 180 turn about a month ago when he went full neocohen and (((Kushner))) started appearing everywhere he went.
I honestly think that Trump was legit for the entirety of his campaign. His speeches were so passionate and delivered without a script, and like I said the initial month or so of his presidency had him delivering on a bunch of promises. If you remember, on the first holohoax memorial day he didn't mention jews and said something like "we'll make sure evil never wins again". But in the most recent holohoax memorial day (how many do they fucking have), he cried about muh 6 gorillion and how America must stamp out anti-semitism all around the world.
Trump's been bribed/blackmailed/compromised since the inauguration. He wasn't always this way, and I have no clue what's changed, but he's a totally different man now.
Fucking children. All of you. Yes, the wall could be (((pushed back))) come September and all the way to 2020. This hasn't happened yet, and if/when it gets pushed back again, that's the clue that it won't ever happen. And it may not even get pushed back at all.
Can we please be rational human beings for one fucking second and wait for things to play out before making our judgments?
G_d bless America.
Wow it's fucking nothing. Nice thread, shitbrain.
I think this is probably most accurate.
No. Tell your handler, whether it be someone above you in the administration or just your mom, that the honeymoon is over.
How come we can afford aid to israel, but not beginning building the wall, which would only cost half this aid amount?
Read the article, you idiot. Schumer pretty much confirms that the wall isn't being funded.
Israel First. Thats how.
It doesn't take much to kick one off when the conditions are suitable, historically.
That's a question you should ask HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. You know, the body of the government responsible for funding?
You honestly expect me to believe genuine lurkers on this board are suddenly flipping their shit? Clearly you don't belong here.
So why isn't Trump making this point and using his position to ensure the wall starts? He could easily "sway" the house but chooses not to. Why?
We need to stick a knife in the "wishful thinking" anons. The anons who think it's more important to act as though everything is fine than to have rational analysis. They excuse it by saying that "wishful thinking" is meme magic. Their idea is that if they insist that Trump is the God Emperor and is playing hyper-dimensional chess against the jews, then it becomes more likely to be true. They've created a magical justification to delude themselves. I think this is antithetical to what Holla Forums is really about: brutal honesty and the pursuit of truth.
I've said this before and have been called a shill for denouncing "meme magic", and I find that disheartening. I believe "meme magic" is best considered as our propaganda's extraordinary effectiveness at saying public opinion, given our relatively few numbers. I don't think it actually changes the nature of reality, only people's perceptions of it. And we're most effective at changing perceptions when we're telling the truth.
Most all of the ones I know would refuse it. Some would remove the ordering officer.
Nice redditspeak faggot.
it was quite a problematic post
See you faggots when the wall starts anyways.
>at swaying public opinion
If that is truly the case the implications are terrifying. Because it means that for whatever reason a 70 year old billionaire who has already experienced most of what life has to offer, a man accustomed to dealing with blackmail a bribery, a man who appears to have really believed what he said has either been converted or pressured into submission. Really stop and think about that for a moment, this man has talents, knowledge, energy, and experience the likes of which most of us here can only hope to have.
What does it take to make someone like that break his word? What do we not know? What sort of horrors are lurking in the shadows?
And conditions are not currently suitable, who knows if they ever will be. One of the main perquisites of civil war and internal turmoil is scarcity of supplies. Currently we still have easy access to cheap food, fuel, and electricity.
What about this has been sudden? We've been closely monitoring Trump and in the past month or so he has been backtracking on major campaign promises. The only thing that doesn't belong here is your blind faith. Holla Forums is not for those who are susceptible to cult of personality thinking.
Yeah right after Soros is arrested
Holla Forums isn't one person nigger. If you think the funposting in all the rally threads meant unconditional support for the next 4/8 years you don't know anything about Holla Forumsacks.
Were he threatened, why not do a live broadcast where he named the people responsible and said "This may seem unbelievable to some, but if I get shot, there are standing orders for all federal police and military members to arrest and charge these assholes with treason, conspiracy and murder"
I don't think the Republicans would take advantage of a supermajority if they had it. Not for what the common republican voters of America want anyway. We'd see no progress on fixing gun laws, no progress on the border wall, no progress on dismantling the Fed, etc.
Instead the Republicans would just use their supermajority to push through all the pork their corporate sponsors asked from them. Tax breaks for corporations, but no meaningful simplification of the tax code for ordinary Americans (and certainly no abolishment of income tax). They'd give us "jobs" in the form of inefficient government spending, particularly in the defense sector, but not much else.
At the end of the day we'll never know, and it ultimately doesn't matter. The fact is, whatever the reasons and mechanisms involved, the democratic process has failed us and meaningful change cannot be had simply by voting in the guy that says the right things.
Because he's already dead.
… I kid, I kid. He's probably just got someone with a heart attack gun within range of him at times, and knows it, but doesn't know which one it is.
Republicans are not our allies. Trump does not need more Republicans, that won't make things better.
Exactly, he's old enough that he's off this planet soon enough anyway. He has already experienced most of what life has to offer and I doubt there's much left he really wants to try. His family is powerful and exceedingly well protected.
SO WHAT BROKE HIM? Assuming he is broken, which we still need more time to confirm.
I am legitimately scared by the implications of this if it's the case.
No it isn't. Perfectly stable nations with sound economies can be plunged into civil war (like the U.S. for instance). The main prerequisite for civil war is political instability/government crisis.
Does he want to bet on that vs CIA? With say, an unnamed grandchild's life as the bet?
Kids are the most likely angles. And with five, one still a child, all prone to living in urban sprawls, well…. "Accidents happen, Don, now read whats on the sheet".
This shit isn't Holla Forums. I don't know what sort of community this habit comes from, but it's a reliable indicator of an outsider.
They've been blending in for awhile now because most were hoping against hope and didn't wanna get a ban. Now the mods can't do shit, its getting to blatant.
I prefer playing 360 degree D chess and walking the hell away from this fucking ZOG puppet.
Trump has a platform to hold their feet to the fire on this issue, but is neglecting to do so. That alone is more than enough reason for concern.
We haven't flipflopped, Trump has. I put my political principles before loyalty to a man. I am only loyal to a politician so-far-as that politician is aligned with my principles. If this isn't how you conduct yourself, then I think that makes you subhuman. Anyone who would put loyalty to a man before their own principles is unprincipled.
I supported paulberg simply because he wanted to audit the fed, Trump isn't even going that far.
At least there are other good tell-tale signs of an outsider. They always out themselves eventually. Right now, they seem to be playing both sides of the Trump question, trying to get us to fight each other.
I agree. AFAIC the only thing Republicans is good for is not introducing new gun control. They aren't good at rolling back existing gun control, and in most other respects they're actively harmful. Republicans are nearly as much our enemies as the self-described left the republicans are the left as well, but don't describe themselves that way.
Nice post user. I was one of those delusional wishful thinking bastards swept up in the current of the election. Took me a while, but I've dehumanized and am ready to face what I now see as an inevitability. Some of us may be quantum-powered memetic magicians…..but the time for bloodshed is now. As user stated, it's in the effectiveness of the message. We may set the conditions of a reaction but we need a real catalyst to truly kick things off.
Cite a historical example of this user. Because my studies seem to indicate your typical normie (you know the men who would end up filling out our ranks to form an actual army) need to be hungry to be forced into the streets. Human beings are motivated by needs more than wants, if their needs aren't being met they revolt.
If he really believed his rhetoric he and his family would be aware of what was at stake. He would understand the implications of placing his family above the entirety of Western Civilization and all its people. It would mean he would sacrifice a million of our families to save his own. Which is both understandable and at the same time utterly repugnant.
Fair point. Never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake.
I post around 3-5 times per week, before that I lurked various imageboards for eight years. Trump has been pissing me off, no I haven't posted about it because I don't want to give any shills encouragement.
user, I…
Wasn't that something Obama negotiated before leaving, though?
Israel is set to get about $38 billion over 10 years, according to congressional and administration sources, up from the approximately $30 billion decade-long deal that expires in 2018.
Never tell them what mistakes they're making that reveal who they are, it prompts them to make corrections in an attempt to blend in better. Instead simply call them out and be done with it.
Economy and politics are a bitch.
As much as we meme Trump as an Emperor, he is not one, for he doesn't have nearly as much power and has a LOT of opposition.
I'd rather wait a bit and get a wall, then push hard now and get a government shutdown and a big fat mess.
If you call yourself a realist, then you should be well aware that things were NEVER going to go exactly according to plan - no plan survives contact with the enemy. Adjustments will have to be made.
I'd rather a government shutdown followed by full societal collapse.
At least you're not calling it chess anymore
I think he's saying he prefers to turn around look at the ZOG smug at 'em then turn back around and carry on with what he was doing. or he could just be an idiot… :'^)
and when it isn't?
Frankly, it doesn't matter if it is or not, if the laws haven't been changed in a hard to reverse way about who gets deported and how many people are allowed to come in each year.
This might be a generational thing but who the fuck cares about government shut downs? I've lived through a shit load of them; half the time normies not even noticing it was happening. In fact, most normies, when they were aware of it, would say how it's good because that means the politicians aren't making more stupid laws.
That is, even if we get the wall, if a Dem president tells USCIS to let in a gorillion people each year what fucking good does it do?
Let's go bitches.
I'm bored, and I'm pissed off.
More government shutdowns would be great. The more often they happen, the more people begin to question what we really need our current government for anyway.
Unfortunately government shutdowns never shut down gibs to niggers. If that happened, there would be widescale riots within a week when their refrigerators started going empty.
He kinda did
Woow, I ne..ver… would.. have.. guessed… user…..
Holla Forums would never post a baby face… how cute, you almost fit in…
Even his "muslim ban" was a cuckout. As written it was only going to be in effect for a few weeks, and it didn't even include Saudi Arabia, or in fact most Muslim countries.
Good goy cuckservative supporters of Trump were running around trying to tell frantic Democrats how they should chill out because it wasn't really a Muslim ban….. and they were right. It wasn't a Muslim ban, not even close.
Of course democracy is a fucking joke. The key is to get the American masses to finally realize that.
That particular baby notwithstanding. Fuck off, you know I'm right about that poster.
You think even the average boomer would realize it when they realize their vote is worth just as much as that of an inept nigger. It really disgusts me that niggers have any sort of say in a 1st world nation, let alone lead one for 8 years…
The United States is a sterling example. Our economy in the 1860's was doing fine, in fact we were on the cusp of massive railroad expansion out west, that was the crux of Stephen Douglas's entire campaign. Manufacturing was booming, and european immigration into American cities was exploding. But it was political instability that caused the war, not privation of any kind. America had gone through a disastrous economic slump in 1830 without so much as a whisper of insurrection. Another example would be the Rwandan genocide, which was essentially a civil war and was precipitated by the ruling political caste telling the Hutus (literally) to go out and machete everyone to death. The Spanish Civil War is yet another example.
you are, the "child mind" gaslighting is a classic kike shill post.
One major roadblock is ego. Many Americans have a strong emotional investment in the idea of American democracy being awesome. Being an American and believing the American system is fantastic allows them to feel good about themselves. Believing they live in the best possible nation is something they find comforting.
Nice butchery of that meme.
I agree. I still hold the (apparently somewhat unpopular here) hope that it will come together in time. Jan/Feb were a rocket sled, with those travel EO's — just checked, those are still winding their way through the courts and he will prevail in a Gorsuch Supreme Court decision. My personal WTF came with the Syria attack, though that may have been slight of hand (how much of value was *really* destroyed given the advance notice to Syria?) to outmaneuver the kikes here. But still.
Remember, our ballot choice wasn't between the perfection of Hitler and Trump. No matter how you cut it, Trump will always be a better alternative to the globalist, shillary.
Only ~100 days in so far. Check how long Jackson took to enact the Trail of Tears Friendship. Let's do our best to keep Trump accountable while we hope that plans are being set in action behind the scenes. I want to see that magnificent wall. I want to have ICE put up a deportation counter on their website that hits 6 digits. I want Hitler to come back too.
Feel free to refute any argument I've made in this thread so far, Mr (1). Wishful thinking is for subhumans, claiming that Trump is on track with Holla Forums's agenda simply because you wish were true is horseshit. The pursuit of unapologetic truth is what allows Holla Forums to effectively fight the jews, not self-delusion.
What does your post have to do with his post?
Sure is hard to build a wall what with the largest standing military in the world
The DOD claims 20% of Syria's airforce. The Syrians/Russians claim less.
Both have an incentive to lie, to make themselves look more competent. However from the aerial photography I've analyzed, the truth seems to be that some of the cruise missiles effectively hit and wreck aircraft shelters, while many likely never made it to the airfield. My hypothesis is that the Russians employed ECM with a startlingly high effectiveness.
His post is confrontational yet does not address any point I've made in this thread. I'm inviting him to discuss the issues rather than make driveby snipes.
Curious myself, but I agree a govt shutdown, and all out deletion, is needed.
To put this in perspective, Trump wants to build less than 2,000 miles of wall. Eisenhower built almost 50,000 miles of interstate highway. Our apparent inability to get this wall built is a massive national embarrassment. It really proves just how far we've fallen in terms of political ability and will to get shit done.
you're drunk go to bed
If you have anything of substance to say, then say it.
Maybe we should send Trump some breadfruit.
stop replying to post that weren't directed at you like a fucking idiot
Fair enough, you make some solid points. I just have no idea how it would manifest here in the United States. Mostly because currently there is no truly cohesive opposition force and the militias are pretty much all honeypots. This is of course not even counting the massive power the Federal government wields.
I think the reason I'm so adamant about the necessity of institutional collapse before any sort of armed action is the lack of a weak central authority. Your examples (including the United States) happened primarily because the central governments of those respective states were weak and impotent. If nothing else DC is still quite strong, and wields an immense amount of economic, political, and military power.
Without a serious degradation in infrastructure and supply to the point of riots. Or a sudden and incredibly unlikely decline in the power of the central authority, a rebellion cannot and will not happen. And if for some reason it does, it will fail.
not buying the China currency manipulator excuse. I get ti he probably got some agreement with them regarding how to handle Norks, but in all honestly Chinese currency manipulation is what's actually hurting us.
That fact that you retards actually thought Trump was secretly 1488 is laughable. Not really all that different from the left who thought the same kek
Still supported him myself though.
The ease at which the US electrical infrastructure could be shut down by a very small number of people would terrify you. The communications infrastructure is similarly vulnerable. It's amazing that it hasn't happened already, and there has been evidence of dry runs against the power grid.
Plus Vault7 said the CIA has malware to drop the US power grid. Which China stole. And maybe sold.
What the fuck are you talking about? Learn how to read IDs. Or is this your attempt to gaslight me?
why would you shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane?
At least you can talk. Who are you?
no one cared who I was until I put on the mask
tbf I'd rather he start throwing some of the 50% off the fucking boat.
Half of it was memes for the sake of memes, because during the election it was fun to portray Trump as the next Hitler because it got kikes to squirm. The other half was the wishful thinking. Anons who thought they could make it literally true if they memed it hard enough. It's this later half that needs to be dragged kicking and screaming back to reality.
you honestly can't tell my post is agreeing with you or are you just this desperate with autistic damage control?
Apologies. I am drunk but I won't sleep.
Whatever. We still got our meme president.
The battle never truly ends.
I thought this was a reasonable question for Bane to ask, but the easy rejoinder is "that's how I roll" or something to that effect. Shit, if I were going to throw someone out of a plane I would definitely shoot them in the head first. Why the fuck not?
Some people have survived falling from great heights like that.
Always good to be sure they're dead.
They weren't wearing earplugs and gunfire in an enclosed space can deafen you, that's why not
But CIA had a magical gun anyways that fires bullets without the slide chambering a new one
honestly I think we just have redditfags doing damage control 24/7 because they are prone to fanboyism.
nothing would have been worse than that vapid cunt who tried to ban mortal kombat back in '94
it's the magical stroke gun
i thought he stuck the pistol out of the plane
your mom gives magical strokes
That's definitely a significant part of it, at least. I think during the election a lot of redditors were told that Holla Forums was a "Trump website" and came here with no other real understanding of what Holla Forums has always been about.
Pretty sure the bitch blamed DOOM for Columbine too.
I recall there being a tweet by Trump talking about violent vidya creating killers, but it might have just been him shitposting as always.
This is true, but consider this for a moment as well. If the US power grid goes down, military and government installations will still be able to fall back to auxiliary energy options. They have a great deal of their infrastructure that is not dependent on the electrical grid.
We on the other hand are currently communicating using that very grid. Our conversation is happening because that source of power functions. If the U.S. power grid went down it would be insanely difficult to coordinate and organize an effective fighting force that has any sort of force projection outside of its immediate vicinity.
What you would end up with is a "rebellion" that would make what's going on in Syria right now look simple by comparison. An extended period of isolated communities forming militias and ideologically motivated forces such as ourselves trying to co opt these militias as we do not have the numbers to comprise an effective fighting force by ourselves. The whole situation would be an absolute clusterfuck, at not at all in the vein of the American Revolution or the Civil War.
This is all of course assuming that such an event doesn't prompt a dead hand esque nuclear response. In which case the already confusing clusterfuck turns into absolute insanity and incoherent mayhem.
To put it bluntly, the powergrid going down likely hurts us more than them.
We got memes, and at least one cuckservative in SCOTUS (a hell of a lot better than the alternative we were facing. God only knows what sort of nigger-jewish lesbians Hillary would have nominated.)
We never trusted him, but we had to try.
Trump is a shitposter, which garners respect in it of itself. Him hating on vidya is merely a consequence of being a boomer. Honestly I respect the man but this throwing bones to kikes even at the slightest level is still unnerving. I'm not buying the "PR" excuse because he really doesn't need to be loved by kikes, hell they all worked against him in the campaign, their vote means fuckall.
I kind of wish I could look at the universe where Hillary won via crystal ball to see what happened.
Seeing the media squirm and over up everything Hillary does while Anthony Weiner gets thrown in prison for baby rape could be interesting.
If I had such a crystal ball, I'd look into the timeline where Hitler won. Then I'd probably cry myself to sleep every night for the rest of my life.
notice how nearly every post that ridicules panhandling to kikes seem to be the most inane. A bot could do this.
if I had a crystal ball I would try to get rich and out-kike the kikes tbh
Buddy, I've been military. I've been at bases where we couldn't go to work because the power went out, and the few backup gennies had very limited fuel.
Most government buildings don't even have a generator backup. Hospitals sure, but again, no fuel once their on-hand supply runs out (and that won't be but a day at most).
Gas pumps take electricity to function. Guess what happens when the whole country has the juice go down? I'll tell you:
Per Congressional report in 2004 on EMPs, if the power grid went out for an extended period of time, 80-90% of the US would die due to inability to run water, heat, comms, sewage, AC, hospitals, life support, and food delivery. With everything down people would go nuts trying to fend for themselves and ruin any chance of fixing things properly.
Dropping the powergrid is a hard reset. At least the nuke plants should shut down properly.
wait, what I meant to say was every post that ridicules posts critical of pandering to kikes seem to be inane.
im going to bed.
Left out the foreign nations trying to intervene during said "rebellion" making it even MORE of a clusterfuck
It's shit like this that scares me.
Knowing how to survive during a disaster is always a good skill to have, even if people think you're a little nuts for it.
Living like Varg in the "wilderness" certainly isn't my thing though. But knowing how to make a fire, filter water, and preserve meat is doable.
Probably subhuman redditors, rather than bots. But honestly, they're basically the same thing. I call them NPCs because I think their depth of reasoning is too shallow to qualify them as fully human.
Nonissue. Side door was open to throw the guy out anyway. Also, if your life involves throwing people out of planes I imagine OSHA hearing protection guidelines are further down your list of occupational hazard concerns.
Yes. Almost posted that, but my autism censor kicked in, warning me of a potential debate about these occurrences that I really didn't care to have. Heh.
Reminds me of that scene from the end of Escape from LA. Not a very good movie. I'd push the button.
Exactly, which is why we shouldn't be banking on the power grid getting taken out as some magic bullet to eliminate the government. It's not, it's a recipe for absolute disaster from which there may be no recovery. We need to find a way to take control that doesn't involve destroying all the infrastructure we're going to need when the dust settles. That being said, I don't have any answers and it's pretty discouraging actually. In order to win a conflict you have to know how you're going to win going into it otherwise you're dooming yourself to failure, and I don't see how we "win".
If anyone has any idea of probable paths to victory I'm all ears. Remember, our solution doesn't necessarily have to involve full on revolution or civil war. That's just one of the potential scenarios, albeit a popular one when it comes to theorizing.
trump has revealed his true colors
Eh, I didn't think anything was going to happen until more democrats got purged from Congress anyway. The ICE deportations were a nice surprise. BLM getting shutdown this summer is really going to be the best part of 2017.
Well there's by ballot, which is waiting for Hitler, Slowly redpilling, and revolution, which is unlikely.
I favor redpilling in the same manner reddit and SRS or was it S4s? managed to bluepill masses. In other words we infest chatrooms and groups across the internet and secure leadership positions, promoting our fellows and shutting down anything antiwhite.
Given around ten years of this I hope to see companies competing for customers focused on how far red or blue they signal, rather than the bluepill status signaling they do today.
The government shut down for a few days under Obongo and literally nothing changed.
Basically it's like every non-essential government worker didn't show up to their job. Meaning all of the bullshit organizations like "the committee for ancient African arts" and "the league of X butthurt minorities" and "butthurt hippie commie organization for river smelts" weren't in effect.
Honestly the government should "shut down" permanently.
Yeah uh, we just tried that with Trump and this entire thread is about how that strategy appears to really, really not be working out for us.
This is in part why I started my own business and we've actually been fairly profitable so far. I've kept my power level concealed but the goal is to slip the redpill subtly to as many people as possible. While I like this strategy best as it's cleanest and probably the most effective, it has the downside of being a fairly slow process. And unfortunately for us, time is very clearly not on our side right now if demographic trends are anything to go by.
Any other option that I could mention for that hypothetical is not something I would want to post online because I don't need to get v& on charges of inciting anything. I do not suggest committing any form of violence or other crime.
But strictly for educational purposes, read this (may be online for free, I haven't checked, my library has it): amazon.com
A few points from that book: you have to do preparation of the battlefield before you can have a successful campaign. And you still might not pull it off even then. Look at what our own Revolutionaries did pre-war in that book. Realize it's much harder fighting a government in its own home than fighting its forces away in your home, the odds of success for the guerrillas (with great losses of men) are actually decent when the govt is the away team, but when they are the home team all bets are off.
Don't expect to survive any such attempt personally if you get involved: you sow the wind, you reap the whirlwind. Only a True Believer should be poking the bear–the bear has claws.
This is going to be what defines Trump's admin. When he drops the b& hammer on the kikes leading these nogs it will be a fun happening, and even if he chokes there's going to be a happening as a consequence.
the nogs are still in hibernation and /ourguys/ are already seeing blood.
Of course user, everything we say here is purely hypothetical. Holla Forums is a place for discussion of current events and trying to decipher what the fuck is going on, and how we can navigate it without all dying horribly. That being said I would recommend reading "The 4th Generation Warfare Handbook" as it provides a great deal of useful insights into insurgencies and civil unrest. If anything this book is kind of what drove me away from the idea of a conventional revolution or civil war in the United States. We want an engagement we're likely to win, and the odds of such an action being successful at this present period are a coin flip at best and doomed to failure at worst.
I personally have no interest in provoking an armed conflict in this country for the reasons listed above. If it comes it will be the radical left that starts shooting first. I still think we can accomplish our goals with a minimum of bloodshed. However, I don't see a clear path to accomplishing this as change by ballot appears to be failing us.
This is all so frustrating and tedious, I really wish I was just a dumb fucking normie who wasn't concerned with any of this shit. It's obscenely complicated and realistically there's very little we can directly do to influence the course of events.
It would be a great PR move to fund the wall himself, he is a billionare after all
Another reason this is good is liberals have been express donating to build armies for protesting/destroying the wall. Now they will have to spend more money to keep these gangs of useful idiots angry for several more months.
People should read this post.
This is worrying.
His wealth is mostly not liquid, he couldn't possibly wholly fund the wall himself or rely on wealthy donors (considering they're all the biggest fucking globalists).
Maybe he could pitch in a million or two, but we wouldn't get the big, beautiful wall like that.
You should read this thread.
We are worried.
None of our elected officials would dare to cut that aid, voting no longer works.
Well, one other thing notable from the book I linked is how few people are actually needed for a revolution or guerrilla movement to start. The level of opsec/commsec/infosec you'd need to do it would be more than most would believe.
I saw a lot of Constitutionalists and general pro-liberty, right-wing people in the military. (Obviously it's not as true as before the women and trannies and other SJWs really started being allowed to feel at home.) But even they would likely be pushed into firing on Americans if it was combatants and the inevitable propaganda machine was running full tilt.
Any conventional revolution would require guerrilla warfare first, and battlefield prep before that. All of those things involve various crimes eventually (see book), so starting such a thing is a path you don't get to dip your toe into.
>Will be checking yours out as well, but "4th gen" smacks of being written by Lind, aka "Col I'm completely fucking wrong about how an air force should be structured"–read "The Revolt of the Majors" here (etd.auburn.edu
storm, reap the whirlwind
Anyway I think and have the right idea as far as how to gain institutional power, it's just a long shitty wait.
That said though, even though I think it's a good 3 1/2 years too early to be worrying about it, the redpilling and co-option should be ongoing regardless of whether or not trump fails to keep his campaign promises.
People are much easier to lie to, than to be convinced they are being lied to. Fools like matching digits, yet at the same time the Jews themselves love matching digits. We all notice matching digits and things coincide and collide in this reality. It's a crazy ride, user. Enjoy the show.
With heavy opposition from Democrats, moronic Republicans willing to backstab and sabotage their own party, the media, and a large portion of the general public, the wall was always going to be one of Trump's most difficult policies to actually follow through on, and was the one I had the least hope for and expected to not pan out. First comes to the battle of even getting it funded and the circus that will be, next will be the actual construction which will likely give a huge cry from the media as well as protesters, then will come actually finishing building the wall. And even then, what if Trump is voted out and a liberal get's voted in? You know what they are going to do, right? One of their major campaign promises will likely be "tearing the wall down", they will try to meme it as tearing down oppression or whatever, and then even after all the trouble getting it funded and built, it will be voted sometime to it being torn down.
The memes were fun, but the election is over. Now the reality of politics is starting to creep in and I'm sure Trump is feeling the heat of it. Trump's entire presidency is going to be him either cucking out to try to gain some leverage or getting cucked by even his own allies.
It's time. I feel alive for the first tIme in years. I want blood
Trust me, no you don't. War loses its luster really fucking fast when you're faced with its horrors. The less blood we can spill in taking power, the better.
I fucking hate this piece of shit.
You left out the part where fucking idiots try/do blow up portions of the wall during construction, leading to more bullshit and making it take longer.
Yes, I do
Despite the Israeli wall being really effective, like 99% effective, it's only good with laws behind it.
A Dem voted in (and presidents are cyclical between parties) can just say "meh, we'll keep the wall instead of paying for demolition and environmental impact statements" and then have USCIS declare that everyone who wants to is allowed to immigrate with a simple form, no limits to number of people accepted, and the border won't be patrolled at all.
There needs to not only be a wall, but laws keeping out immigrants that can't easily be overturned by cucky Repubs and Dems out for votes.
I don't see abortion repeal or education reform happening any time soon either. That's why I was hoping he would keep pushing the same bills or slightly modified ones on these issues every month so every month we get reminded of which congress members need to get purged.
Inb4 the fuckers are making Berlin Wall comparisons.
Soooooooooooo many shills and blackpills.
Only real anons can take "CHESSCUCKS" back and make it funny again.
Force your fellow user to explain his reasoning instead of relying on a Dilbert/Donalder meme to hide how stupid they are.
Chesscucks. Take it back
Yup, you bet there will be criminal acts against it, especially if it's becoming realized.
Good point.
I think Trump went out with a bang too early on some things, like with the terrorist country ban. I think he should have been more patience with those.
You know it's going to happen. Even if we assume Trump ends up being a good president, accomplishes even half of what he proposed, and last 8 years, I fear that once he's out they will immediately enact legislation to try to undermine the wall even if they don't try to demolish it.
and remove the shills!
Another nigger shill
This is the last straw.
If there's no wall right now, millions of me won't participate in the government in a constructive manner.
Fuck Trump if he doesn't do this shit. It's easy by his own admission.
No excuses anymore.
Republicunts have majority, this should be a non-issue.
Chess explanation is no longer valid.
We all voted for Bannon, we got kushner instead
Fucking jews, will we ever be rid of them?
Have you considered maybe there are so many "shills" because we're not all shills? Maybe we're anons who supported Trump just like you and have serious concerns now? When has Holla Forums ever fucking been about blind faith and wishful thinking? Answer, never. We are seekers of the truth first and foremost and if we suspect we're being deceived we intend to find out how and why. Stop deluding yourself with wishful thinking and misplaced faith, face reality in all its ugliness.
TL;DR: Zealots are the last to detect betrayal and the first in the grave, we are not zealots.
The wall already started, 20 contractors are building prototypes in San Diego to be voted on June 1st. They don't need 1.5billion thru a spending bill except to fuck with enemies. The US yearly budget is 3.8 trillion. Any bumfuck department has 1.5 billion to appropriate. Even making the US army engineers build it would be within discretion.
Congress budget is for obamacare and tax reform. If noone sees the benefit that married couples making combined under 50k will pay 0% income tax. The affect that has on ability to raise children.. Then there is way too many low IQ tards here right now.
post some more long sentences so I can ignore them Senior Concern Shill.
Seems Republicans were afraid of not getting their 60 seats in 2018. If Trump's intention is to constantly sacrifice symbolic victories in order to push through things without major opposition, then I will get tired of winning.
I know I'm not the guy you're responding to, but I really can't stand these kinds of patronizing posts. It's like an emotionally distant mother giggling and saying "No, sweetie, that's not the way it works" to her son who's been driven insane by her refusal to acknowledge him.
You can call people "le edgy," or blackpilled, but I have no trouble believing that there are people who really have had enough. At this point, I've pretty much withdrawn from all social engagements, I subsist on cheap food, and I have long since given up on ever being happy in this world. I'm not terribly worried about whatever "horrors" we'll be dealing with on down the line. Maybe you're an oldfag with a wife and kids, or a nice house. All I have is stuff I'd like to get away from.
The tax code is longer than shit, probably the only law with more than 10,000 sections in the world
He's putting Congress' balls in a vice. Either they fund it this week or they deal with a livid public until they do fund it.
Compelling argument, how about gassing yourself?
And what makes you think you'd be happy after the dust settled? Lets say we won a miracle victory and everything we want is achieved without so much as a road bump. What then? Will you suddenly become a happy, productive, functioning member of society?
Make no mistake user, we live in a fucked up world. But happiness and purpose are internal, no set of external stimuli will ever fill that void. I'm not an oldfag, I'm single, young, and don't have a huge amount of money by any stretch of the imagination. But I have studied enough to know that war is terrible, especially civil war and it's not something to be excited about. I have siblings and extended family I don't want exposed to the kind of abject hell a civil war would visit upon this country.
If it comes to it, so be it we'll fight. But don't labor under the delusion it's going to be some glorious campaign of conquest. Some set of events wherein you become someone of worth by killing or dying. If you don't consider yourself someone of worth now, you'll revert to that if you survive whatever happens.
Who said anything about being happy? I don't count on living to see victory, so I sure as hell don't expect to be having backyard BBQs afterwords. I don't think I have anything to live for, so mostly I just want to see a change of scenery, people doing things they haven't done before, so on and so forth.
That's a common behavior amongst liberals. He may have been one until recently.
Life is a bloodbath user. You can escape that fact for a time, but it will catch up to you.
So your entire reason for supporting any of this is just a change of scenery? Fair enough. But not all of us are content to subsist off crap food, wallow in misery, and then throw our lives away like a cheap piece of garbage. If blood is going to be shed there needs to be more incentive than "a change of scenery" for me.
I've never been a liberal in my life. Life is a bloodbath in the sense that we're all headed for the same place sure. But if you want a shooting war in your own country you'd better be offering something worth the price of admission. Because the price is going to be high, and you won't be the only one paying it.
It's easy to talk about how much we want a breakdown of the system when thinking in a vacuum. It becomes less appealing when you start to consider how it will effect those around you.
I think it's great that you are holding strong in this mess. After all, someone's going to have to do the real job of building a new society when it's all said and done. I just don't plan on being there to help with that. Sorry, but that's just not my thing.
You mince my words. Have you considered how many things must be killed in order for you to continue to live?
Most of us would be dead in the process.
A man dreams to live a purposeful life. With no jobs, no culture, and no future, many of us have no purpose.
War gives purpose.
I recommend Pataya Beach, look into the abyss - I did.
So how exactly are we going to save our race if you're all jumping on hand grenades? You're all a lot more use to our cause alive than dead.
I guess that's why we have guys like you.
Maybe, if there was some serious movement to fix things. Frankly, I haven't seen much of that. If there was a real leader, pushing us towards a goal, and telling us exactly what to do to get there, I'd probably try to keep myself around as long as possible, if nothing else, as a moral duty. Unless and until we're at that stage, I'm sticking with an absolute madman mindset.
I'd try to start something myself, but with the charisma of baked cardboard, I'd do more harm than good in a leadership role.
It's been good discussing this, but I have something I have to take care of this morning. No, it's not anything illegal. I gotta go now.
Hell, if you're suicidal, find your nearest kike lawyer and kill him. Rinse, repeat. See how many yids you can take down.
To think one group of people could be so angry about the copypasta thread and how fucking wrecked you faggots were in it is laughable. A bunch of angry, sweaty, nerd virgins getting paid by the post getting absolutely buttflustered, spincter splintered, and doubling down on the oldest trick in the kike's playbook. Posting lugenpresse articles and pretending they're not lying through their matzo encrusted teeth. I can't even imagine he absolute anal devastation the slightly more competent discord niggers faced as 4 of their retarded associates replied to copypasta as if it was a real response.The absolute shitter shattering power as all of the discord niggers realized completely destroyed their narrative.
And most rectum ravaging of all
Having to admit the holohoax is a lie in order to try and get a one up on Trump.
Maybe next year will be better huh guys?
Give it up. The Trump Train's final destination was Israel. We bought tickets for the wrong trip. It's time to see what we can do from where we are now, no more delusions, no more hope in false idols.
Let's say Africa's population growth continues. They will hit 4 billion in 2100, and will make up over 80% of the world population in 2200. They will cause over 10,000 species to go extinct and immigrate once they run out of resources. What's the peaceful solution?
People have to die.
If war breaks out, I suspect at least 70% of Holla Forums is going to die.
In order for any group to have a chance at being successful, members have to die.
If more people outside of the group die than within, it's successful.
WEW, good stuff nigger
If you're reasonably intelligent and dedicated there's no reason you couldn't serve as some sort of adjutant.
In all seriousness the only long term solution is space exploration. Not even joking, survival is only guaranteed if we don't have all our eggs in one basket. We won't see the first settlers land on another world in our lifetime. But if we can buy enough time that such a project can be undertaken, we have a chance as a race.
The alternative of course is genocide on an unfathomably huge scale.
That's a logical fallacy. You have to remember we as a people have a far smaller population than most other races. So if our losses are too severe it won't matter if we inflicted double the number, we'll still be eviscerated. This is literally exactly what happened to the Germans on the Eastern Front. They inflicted far higher casualties on the enemy, but they were not able to replace their losses as quickly and were eventually crushed.
You forget we're on the threshold of bioengineering breakthroughs.
Assuming shit gets mad scientist in the next big war like it did in WW1 and Vietnam, we might see a solution to our population problem.
Mhm, as I've said there isn't only one solution, we have multiple paths. Imagination what will happen if the Chinese research into genetic engineering and gene mapping becomes reality. Suddenly all these issues become irrelevant because we'd simply be able to GATTACA more of our people into existence. Hell, maybe we'll end up creating a race of 170 IQ, 7 ft tall Aryan untermensch with gold eyes and silver hair. The sky is the fucking limit if we can just keep scientific research progressing at a steady pace, and not permit it to be destroyed by the left and their hordes of 80 IQ mongrels.
Just hours after Trump was Inaugurated he filed to run for the 2020 election. Trump has had several rallies since. He's still running, he never stopped, there are no brakes on the Trump Train.
If that wall is not built, he will never be reelected. Never. Not when that was his main selling point
Before he disappeared, Jazzhands (yeah yeah the kike stuff eceleb bullshit but this guy was usually on point about stuff) was saying that funding for a border wall had previously been allocated under Bush. Granted, Bush probably had a smaller project in mind.
that's only if we have control over the tech and not the kike, otherwise it will just be used to make a super virus to kill all whites.
What if I told you that the real "outer space" was just beyond the south pole, and "landing on a new world" was what happened to (re)start USA?
The world is actually far bigger than you've been told. The flat earth idiots are controlled opposition. Both the small blue dot and flat worlders claim we're trapped and there's nowhere to escape from our rulers. See? False dichotomy.
In reality, the earth really is less curved than a 25000mi circumference spheroid predicts. Measure it and see:
Problem is flat earth fucks then claim everyone's trapped in God's petri dish rather than wondering if the planet might not just be larger. This middle proposition is never brought up, because it reconciles the oddities of both the current round ball and flat earth models, revealing truth.
"The earth bulges at the bottom", nope. No images show this. Besides, there are no images of the whole earth from space that are not composites wrapped around a CGI globe and retouched in photoshop. Why? To keep you from realizing the truth: Our whole world is really just the north pole of a bigger planet and there is much more to explore. We're already homesteading the new world, but elites want to keep all the other continents for themselves.
p.s. The "nordic aliens" are just like illegal aliens. Strangers from neighboring lands who retained some tech from the last cataclysm.
Protip: Elites keep slaves ignorant. Rulers who need literate peons lie to them and fill their heads with as much bullshit as possible because Knowledge is Power, and Kings don't give peasants power. Everything you know about space is a lie. Don't waste your time on that tax sinkhole, we can explore outwards instead of upwards.
Redditors are truly infuriating, reading stuff like this makes me go throughout the day, thank you user.
Polite sage for off topic
Europoor here, what's a "government shutdown"? I've seen it referenced on Breitbart as well without exactly explaining what it is. The government takes a time out and stops working?
I don't believe he was always like this, but after he had that talk behind closed doors with ((some people)) he came out a broken man. Everyone on Holla Forums recognized how utterly defeated he looked. Of course its all been memoryholed now and we're left with the people who worship Trump because they have no real religion or anything else to worship in their lives and the mods are encouraging the religious worship behaviour that refuses to have any kind of "wrongthink" (aka criticisms against Trump) so the board is becoming increasingly polarized towards the extremes (hate or worship Trump with a passion) instead of just civilized discussion.
And thus, worship and moderation has killed Holla Forums. I warned you guys about worshipping Trump. I warned you about all the "god emperor" bullshit. And now we all have to lie in the bed you made for us. You filthy degenerates.
We need to build a bigger wall.
I'd love to see hard evidence, however I theorise that such opinions spreading is likely another result of the demoralisation, no one knows what's true and what's false anymore. space is the only way out. and if the next war goes sufficiently mad scientist we might just get there… I miss space elevator
This is fun stuff. Before clicking your silly video I'd love to see it drawn out with like "here's the earth and here's the rest of the earth".
As I said before, this should terrify you. What information could they possibly have presented to an egomaniac, billionaire, populist with maybe a decade or two left on this earth, that turned him into a broken man? What blinders did they pull off that made him this way? What does the real world look like?
it's when the annual budget doesn't get approved and as a result all movement funded agencies stop operating due to no funding.
The budget funding works like any other bill, it has to go through congress and then gets signed by the president but if either one refuses to approve the funds is when problems start.
*government funded agencies
Thanks, sounds like a huge mess.
maybe they threatened to kill his family?
This is what you get with chesscucks and blind loyalty, he fucks you in the ass because it's the least path of resistance. If you weren't so busy sucking his cock opposition could be formed so he doesn't think the first thing to do is fuck his base in the ass.
We also in light of his neo-con dominated policies abroad, should stop supporting his increased military spending. It makes no sense if we get nothing we want and the neocons get it all.
That was the general consensus. Personally I think Trump just wasn't redpilled and thus wasn't ready for the truth that the ((special interest)) had as much power as we know they do and are literally satanists.
You're not dividing us you dingus.
I stopped supporting him the moment the Syria thing happened.
First Hillary wasn't going to prison
Muslim ban was a flop
Next We were getting in to foreign affairs we have no reason to get to
Israel getting US shekels was to be expected but still disappointing
Now this shit with the wall
He keeps going back on all his promises to the point that he is no different to a standard republican president. Unless he starts making huge strides to bring to the table what he promised then his support will quickly dry up among everyone but the biggest cucks and they won't be enough to keep democrats from cleaning house in the midterms. The next few months will decide the course of his remaining time in the White House and maybe even the fate of the white demographic in the US.
you're on the wrong board cuck
Oh look it's Shia LeCuck. We are more than divided you faggot, it's most of the board versus the mods and reddit at this stage.
Midterms are going to be a bloodbath because he has done nothing to energise the base. Then he has no power to do anything. Then he loses as the kikes he sucked up to stab him in the back. He is getting zero new votes for his current trajectory.
Fuck off, got a much better chance than the normies
Do you honestly think you're convincing anyone, Holla Forums?
You are still on the level of cloppers and furries no matter how much you want to project your problems on our board.
Trump laid his first moves in the chess game in the starting months. He'll be stepping up his game up slowly until the midterms when Democrats get slaughtered, change into 3rd, 4th and 5th in 2018/19. His whole 1st term will be rallying support and purging the Republican party.
When he hits the second term, he'll go all out. Same as Obama.
You are just millenials that can't appreciate the long game in politics and have to see the results now. If he'd do it your way he'd just be bogged down in the political quagmire like Obama was with his Bummercare.
Real politics is a patient game of 4D chess and I don't think it as a meme. Becouse this game will last for far longer than Trump's candidacy. Until Communism is eradicated.
is this serious or are you just trolling?
by putting jews, neocons, and shitsjins in positions of power?
now I know you are trolling. Your entire post is empty platitudes, you can't bring up a single thing that Trump isn't fucking us on. If this really is 5648468D chess then he is clearly shit at it since he keeps doing exactly what the Jews want.
Could be he was just a loudmouth reality goy the whole time?
Calm down Holla Forums at least you weren't put behind faggots.
Wait, /cuteboys/ are faggots right? My condolences for your board being the lowest of tiers of degeneracy.
In 8 years, when you'll actually get a job from the Trump economic boom and start browsing Holla Forums seriously, you'll see what I meant.
He doesn't need to, Trump already did that by sucking off the neocons.
Are you ready for the mother of all bubbles, user? Even Trump himself said we are in a bubble.
I agree, still incredibly pissed about what he said about DACA.
What did you expect?
Ready? No. Expecting it? Yes.
That's their new strategy. The people agreeing with them are forming a false consensus.
They're working harder at fitting in these days too.
At this Saturday's rally chant non-stop BUILD THE WALL DEPORT THEM ALL.
I have my Bitbux and silver so let it rip.
Also chant END DACA without stopping
For anyone that hasn't been paying attention:
Prototypes are going up this summer with the start of building the main wall planned for September.
They already have funding for the initial building of the wall which I imagine is why there isn't much pressure for fitting it into this coming budget.
Democrats at the moment are trying to spin this coming bill as the main chance to stop Trump's wall building and some Republicans are believing it.
Trump understands the value of a good PR move, which is still needed to some extent in order to help rally Republican congressmen to his side. He likely doesn't want to look bad near the 100 day mark since the news is making a big deal about it, so he likely is wanting to do the rally near the 100 day mark to bring focus onto his recent accomplishments and energize voters to pressure congress to give him the budget he wants when he needs it for the wall (which isn't really quite yet).
The wall isn't even going to go up within a year since it is a massive project and will instead be built over the course of several years. So I'm not sure there really would even be a need to panic over funding for it immediately when it's already clear that they have money for it in the short term when starting it. Do people think that we only have bills passed that affect the budget once a year or something?
Well rused, zogmaster.
Tfw 17 underage b8
Tfw cucked matriarchal family with brilliant mom that went insane and won't work anymore and blue-collar childless stepdad
Tfw when poorfag as fuck with no funs, living in enriched suburbia
Tfw even if I got a job, I've been hospitalized for trying to sudoku (go figure), so can't pass background check for funs even if I was of age and could afford them
Tfw will go out as alone and forgotten in death as I was in life
I never stood a chance anyway. My only wish is to run away when SHTF and hopefully find a militia that would let me fight with them and arm me. I would give everything, including my meaningless life, for just one chance to show the (((international elites))) that I will sooner be a rotting, martyred corpse in the street than a cuck submitting to the sick world they have created.
user, plz. A glorious, heroic death is the only thing some people have left to look forward to.
I didn't think that trump was going to pan out at all, to be quite honest. But, it was either him or Clinton. I felt a message needed to be sent. But I knew that things would not change much. We have many commercial leaders of very large companies, along with some big money, that are progressive pushers.
On top of that, the populace is sharply divided (especially when you factor in immigrants), the courts are mostly Democrat, and the republicans are worried about keeping their office. We only stalled for time. Even the majority of mass media parrots the progressive narrative whether it is truth or not.
There is no way to fix this without it getting bloody. For things to get better, and for us to remain free, blood will need flow, and drown the streets as it is in Syria. Everything from the military to the FBI should be considered compromised. The CIA is a democrat controlled agency and Obama might as well still be president. For the supreme court, we ended up getting a moderate who is likely to swing left rather than a constitutionalist, that was initially promised. Scalia, Gorsuch is not.
Trump is not king. And he has no support. The media attacks him daily and still maintains it's tainted narrative. Only violence can cure this disease now.
Are you deformed or what?
Who gives a fuck about the wall. Now I
want right wing death squads mowing
down beaners and burning them and
their houses with flame throwers.
user you are responding to an anti Trump poster while acting as if they were pro Trump. There are shills on both sides trying to make it so anons cannot have a real discussion about these issues. The user you responded to is one of the most obvious. Do you think an user that supported Trump would say to take back a term that was invented by Holla Forums instead of just the 4d chess meme itself? Every image they have even says chess cucks. They are clearly not actually pro Trump, and clearly shilling so other anons can respond to build an anti Trump consensus. If actual anons were able to converse about this without the constant raiding then this would have been resolved long ago
I can at least take comfort knowing death is near
Who is Trey Yingst?
Is anyone honestly going to be surprised if he doesn't build the wall? He's already back tracked on almost everything he said he would do.
join the army
Explain timezones please
You don't need to join the military to get survival or shooting skills. If you're joining for that reason, you're an idiot.
Go camping? Ask someone to teach you how to shoot?
Go to school or join the military and gtfo.
Again, go to school or join the military.
Go out and force yourself to interact with people. Develop hobbies, find interests and you will make friends. If it makes you feel any better I'm 24 now and it took me until about 22 to really feel comfortable with myself. I still don't really enjoy parties much, but I can go to them and interact with people without wanting to kill myself now.
I used to be like you in a lot of ways. I frequently had thoughts of joining the Marines so I could go die in combat as opposed to killing myself and disappointing my family. But with time I grew as a person, I worked to become someone I wanted to be. I'm still working towards that goal but what I have learned is that if I want to truly live for the West and my people, I have to learn how to live for myself first.
I would strongly recommend watching Gurren Lagann, I think it should be mandatory viewing for any young man to be perfectly honest. It's one of the few Holla Forums approved anime outside of Legend of Galactic Heroes.
Dude I don't fucking know, everything has been an absolute clusterfuck for the past month.
If you can refute anybody's arguments, than do so. Wishful thinking is worth fuck all. Wish into one hand, shit into the other. See which fills up first.
I would like to see them try to tear it down. I'm pretty sure lives would be lost if they tried to tear it down after it was already up
You're making a mistake Trump, nobody is going to be there to meme you out of the pit the left is digging for you right this moment. Throw us a bone or face resounding silence when they manage to impeach you.
Whats really funny is that this bubble will pop AND NOTHING WILL CHANGE. Some people will cry some people will kill themselves. A lot of people will not be able to retire. A few kikes will get rich. A few more kikes will lose fortunes but no matter what the machine will not stop. It is too large and too much is dependent on it. They will just continue to patch it up and wait for the next bubble to pop.
Not really, "chessfag" is pretty damn accurate at this point.
Same here. Normie canon fodder when?
Or he was just an expert showman with plenty of television experience, and if you read Art of the Deal, you'll know he was a master of manipulation for a long time.
The only thing that holds me back from completely believing this, though, is his Florida speech on globalism; it seemed authentic. But so do some actors.
I never trusted him because of all his ties to Netanyahu and Israel and marrying off all his kids to well-connected kikes, plus his father was also extremely philosemetic. When you read into jews for years, you just know that, "With jews, you lose," is just a fundamental truth.
In a way I'm glad for all these flip-flips because at least now we can know where we stand in regards to Trump, instead of just speculation and wishful thinking, and plan accordingly.
God stop being a little bitch. Read some Holla Forums books, start getting /fit/ (yeah, workout faggot, it's going to help you alot in the future) finish school, DONT join the ZOG army, you will just fight for (((Our Greatest Ally))) and comeback with perma-crippled or in a coffin. Get a gun and start practicing, enlist to a camp so you can learn survival skills, and as soon as you finish school, find a job nigger, don't fall for the college meme.
Some sauce would be nice. I want to believe.
Yes, I've been saying this for years, but the only problem with that is all this influx of election cancer newfags don't notice it otherwise, and they've obviously stopped the lurking for at least 2 years prerequisite.
You're on Holla Forums, git gud.
That's because you're stupid and can't work out when the shills are about without someone holding your hand. You need to git gud too.
It's not just Holla Forumsacks versus the mods and reddit (and your typical drama-stirring shills that play both sides). Kushner bots are very real as well (I would not be surprised if the one you replied to is one; they all post similarly to that, following some script). You can say they're in the same camp as the mods, though.
wait for what?
Dems aren't the only ones against it, cuckservatives in congress don't want one build either
We never trusted or believed in Trump, but we still had an obligation to try. Shills do not understand or comprehend this. Trump was never anything more than a mainstream Democrat from thirty years ago, and Holla Forums was always aware of that fact. Only shills are so stupid and oblivious that they think the God Emperor memes were sincere.
I voted for Trump because I knew one thing for certain: if he delivered on the wall and deportations, we would be one step closer to securing a future for our people, and if he did not, then it would turn every conservative leaning white in this nation entirely against Democracy as a system.
This is a win-win scenario for us. The shills and astroturfers are, as always, one step behind. The real 1488D Chessmaster isn't Trump. It's Holla Forums.
I remember many years ago, before Holla Forums even existed, there would be occasional Trump threads on /n/ and /new/, maybe Holla Forums. It was probably the same OP every time. Somebody would make a post saying how Trump was great and would one day be president. Everybody mocked the OP and said that Trump was a reality TV buffoon. We'd say OP was just a moron who watched too much television and cared about celebrities.
That attitude continued right up until Trump said that some Mexicans were rapists and he'd build a wall. At that point almost nobody on Holla Forums thought he could win, but decided to support him to fuck with normalfag politicians. We all still thought he was a joke, but now he was our joke. Somewhere along the line dumbshit redditors started coming to Holla Forums and either lost sight of it or never understood it in the first place.
I think civil war is exactly what they threatened him with. If there's one thing that would keep him up at night, it's the possibility of being remembered as the guy who destroyed America.
You know that shit is controlled by Congress right? You niggers know nothing about how this republic works.
These cucks must be razed
The last government shutdown cost between $12-$24 billion and cost America about 120,000 jobs
So if you dont think it was a big deal, you werent paying attention back in 2013.
OP is a fucking shill again. This thread states absolutely nothing.
holy fuck you trumpcucks have no rational train of thought
Ya Trump seems like he oversold himself to put it nicely in his campaign promises. I hope I can be wrong in how Trump lives up to his promises but the more things get pushed back, the less likely they are to happen if they don't get outright cancelled in the first place
You know what many people say too?
yet every day thousands of people allow paramilitary forces to walk in and simply take their kids or themselves away for frivolous reasons that are clearly unconstitutional. Or their guns or homes and all sorts of shit. Often they roll over for common nobody criminals too. Also virtually all people simply chicken out when go time happens (despite most claiming they would do 'something'), hell in dallas yesterday they had some guy ice himself and his boss, while the entire fucking building cowered in their little closets and begged for a strong arm to come and save them. People claim constantly that when push comes to shove they will strike back or do something worthwhile, but when pushed they roll over. If you are not willing to strike first at the first threat and instead constantly draw imaginary lines, you are a fucking coward and will always roll over. If you have nothing you will take an aggressive stance on and fight for, you have nothing you will ever fight to defend. The will to power is simply absent. Notice even pedogate didn't produce any vigilante justice of any sort, despite providing far more proof than most court cases? Lots of talk, but no action means those with the will to power walk all over anyone else they please.
Also, most soldiers have never been in combat anyway or have shit training, making their worth iffy at best when insurgencies are complex and detailed operations. And most are actually after an paycheck, respect, or permission to 'get some' over some nebulous idea of ideals. Very very few are iron willed enough to even speak up in the military when their officers are in the wrong normally, don't bet on any of them openly actually DOING something of worth against such officers when the entire fucking military system comes down on the officers side for even frivolous shit. You think most are going to just toss their own lives away for a bunch of fools they don't know? And that is before you factor in propaganda and lies that would be fed to them about their targets and why they have to go in and free the fuck out of their fellow american's from dem ebil nazi's. Or the sheer number of shitskinns and power tripping faggots the military sucks up to. Sure, maybe some small percentage of soldiers will rise up and try and talk some sense into everyone, but what do you think happens when doing so immediately has them arrested having sympathy for the enemy, or are even shot off hand for insubordination? The majority will straighten up and turn in any of their fellows rather than the same happening to them.
This is all shit that has happened before in history across the world. The same fucking play will happen here. Virtually every active soldier is locked into the system by design btw, you 'defect' in any way the system will also round up your family and anyone close to you for having association with a dissident. Standard SOP when dealing with an domestic insurrection of any type by even 'good' regimes in peace time. Go look up what happened to the families of soldiers whom jumped ship during Vietnam or WW2. Shit will be far worse for any open civil war type shit. And the way they specifically structured the military since Vietnam has been to subvert the power of local commanders and force them to be beholden to higher, if a colonel cannot walk off with his unit and operate independently there is almost no chance of the military in part or whole of revolting. Internal purges can then begin once a few lower ranking joes walk off with their weapons, further cementing centralized power as commissars of some sort or another come into play to ensure fealty to the system.
When someone has a gun to your head and a boot up your ass, you tend to toe the line like a good little goy. It is human nature. Revolt requires independence and capacity to think and stand on your own. None of which is trained for btw.
If you want the military on your side. You have to target their families and make it clear anybody working for the system is free game. But few people have that kind of ruthless drive to succeed, and thanks to our propaganda and focus on 'muh rights' or 'muh humanity' coupled with the idea of how 'good guys' act I wouldn't depend on that as well. The system is far from beaten even now kids. DON'T expect cucks in uniform to side with you. They refuse even now to defend us, and are rewarded for helping support the system which is crushing you under its heel already. What exactly do you think it will take to convince them to rise up when you yourselves with nothing really to lose refuse even now? You have nothing to offer them but an hellish war and a rope around their necks if they support you. While if they stick w the system they get dosh and a uniform so they can go off and fuck pretty little cock carousel riding barracks rats or their fat fuck mclard wife. May not be much, but its something.
Best stop looking at the world thru rose colored glasses and propaganda filled ideals based off of the noble movie soldier. War kicks off on our streets anything and everything is on the table, and right now the government holds all the cards when it comes to the military. And what few are lost, are easily replaced since mandatory conscription will likely be a thing overnight.
You want a future. You need to sit the fuck down and start looking long and hard at reality. Because what I said is only the tip of the iceberg and your dreams of how war is do not come close. And should any of you kick it off, you best understand you are getting drug into it as well, by both sides, whether you want to be part of it or not. And by default remember being here means you are already a troublesome dissident whom can be easily demonized and attacked for our current stances. The low hanging fruit for the system to clamp down hard as fuck on people as both a threat and convenient propaganda tool early on.
This war hasn't even begun. And you are already marked. So stop lying to yourself.
The last one was over trivial shit in the grand scheme. This is Trumps signature piece, he should have been prepared to do everything. Because he's never getting it now. If you think anyone is going to fear him in the next vote over the debt, you must be joking. He caved on the first pitch. He has no leverage and Republicans don't give a fuck about it, they have cucked him every stage of the way and are laughing at him. He fucked up. End of story.
If a fucking Dem Pres (God forbid) tells ICE or whoever to let the illegals come pouring in again, the wall wouldn't help anyways.
Regardless how you feel about Trump, it should be obvious that he really is just one person. He can't make any change on his own. Everyone else is practically against him, even his so-called allies. I will be impressed if he can make any big strides but I doubt it, I truly believe his entire presidency will just be him getting cucked all around him. There's a reason why some of his policies got a bit softer once elected.
And at the time we all agreed that it was a legal strategy and not necessarily an intention to run
smdh fam
autism is cancer that needs to be bred out of our race
go home Holla Forums
are you some sort of 12 year old "gen-zed" kid
I think that's what they're afraid of and why both parties do everything in their power to avoid government shutdowns. If the government were to ever shut down for a month or two and people realized that the world didn't end and daily life goes on, they'd finally realize for the first time that federal government is just giant money making scam and start to wonder why it needs to exist at all.
Gay. Trump should have shut it down. All the shit that gets shut down would be useless bureaucratic nonsense anyway. And after showing that the shutdown does nothing, he could fire them all.
But no, this is NuTrump, the Jewish owned puppet.