Good, I hope the bastard rots
It's projected he was worth over $30 billion dollars
state propaganda say's "he worked everyday in remote villages helping build agriculture projects for the poor"
Good monarchs are worse than bad ones, because they give monarchy a good name

Other urls found in this thread:èse_majesté_in_Thailand

Good fucking riddance

what a worthless piece of shit

flush him

kek, anyone have a copy of this?

Honestly, the military dictatorship was likely directly a result of his being a vegetable, and the unrest that would spring to life after his death.

His kid is absolutely hated.

We'll likely soon see Thai youth turning to the left big time.

If only Air Chief Marshall Fufu was alive to provide a stabilizing influence.

ITT: liberal scum

Monarchy is closer to socialism than fake bourgeois "democracy", sorry if this triggers you.


maybe all nazbols really are just Holla Forums shills

Do you even historical materialism?


Were you dropped on your head?



I don't even know if this is bait or not, I mean - a Nazbol is fully capable of being this retarded.

Full video here

Nazbol-kun, you're giving me a second-hand embarrassment

lost it


Thank you, this makes me happy. The royal tits belong to the people.
But the party looks really boring. Poodle birthdays will be much better after the revolution.

10/10 made me laugh

Praise the Lenin dynasty. Long live the Red Tsars.

Wow such dialectics






All this hate for a guy is giving me cancer, it's like you're all just heartless and frustrated virgins. You're worse than Holla Forums when it comes to this.


All them (you)s, I can't hold them all

So what, do you just like anything to do with inbreeding?

Is it… normal for a Thai woman to be topless for something like this?

Distant cousins are optimal mates. Even a first cousin is better than miscegenation.

As long as it has hooves anyway.


You have to go back

Nothing surprises me when it comes to nazbol

Lol, I remember the story. Don't fuck with German liquidators.


And never come back.

there is no such thing

I don't want him there either.

I would rather he just left the planet.

Thank you for your enlightening wisdom, National Bolshitvik, so glad to see you are the only one who knows what is TRUE and HONEST socialism.

Hey, be nice to our furry friends.

Furries are comrades too.


You too


why don't you want me in /furry/

No no, I meant I want you to stop telling off our fur-comrades.

We need them to smash the state after all.

This is why you always die after three years.

There is literally nothing wrong with being anarchist and furry. So why not be nice to them?


I'm an anarchist-without-adjectives actually.

I meant the original poster.

why would you want furry nazbols

What? No, I was defending

Are you serious?

This guy lived in the lap of luxury atop the rest of the society unconditionally owing to his descent of being from a line of warlords.

And this arrangement is all ok, because he pays lip service to the destitute whilst amassing hoarding great wealth and enjoying the finer things in life that only people like him can afford without having to contribute nary a thing to society in return.

Was good enough for your parents, eh?


He did more for the people than any of you ever have or will. No wonder you're all so mad.

doesn't Holla Forums see blacks as animals though, so isn't it consensual then?

can someone green pill me on this guy? Why was he bad?

He was a monarch
Because he was a monarch

Especially when he was legitimizing military-led coup d'etats :^)

What is the point of saying this? Let me run with it:

is the inverse of

If you like communism, (2) is absolutely obvious to you. If you don't like communism, (1) is absolutely obvious to you. What am I supposed to extract from your statement other than that you don't like monarchy? I don't like it either

If his rule was legitimate and fair he wouldn't have to outlaw insulting him. Good riddance.

So did he just sit around with his thumb up his ass while his country had a coup like every couple of years?


monarchs aren't equivalent to communists you retard

you're fucking stupid

I can't be, because I'm too busy fucking your mom. Bitch be thirsty.

rekt by

He was a thin-skinned easily-triggered faggot with pockets as hot as the heart of the sun, who lived in obscene luxury while his country became the world's go-to place for ladyboy hookers, rentboy hookers, underage hookers and regular hookers. His country is a would-be TPP signatory and shits all over human rights.èse_majesté_in_Thailand


my fucking sides. When will we enter a point in history where being a billionaire will be a death sentence?

What a baby.

long live the new king :^)
