So POL recently I have gotten into The Rune Poems and Eddas as well as Beowulf. It's important to realize that even though Beowulf was recorded by Anglo Saxons, the saga took place in Scandinavia. If you put what's in Beowulf together with what is in the Eddas it becomes clear what the giants(Jotun) mentioned in the eddas are.

The giants/jotun were another race of white europeans that were exterminated by the aesir, The jotun sometimes interpred with the other whites but the Jotun were closer to savage. They were the less civilized version. The giants were also berserkers. The viking berserkers were either part jotun or they were imitating the culture of the giants/jotun.

Its very important for every nordic person to read or listen to beowulf and study the eddas. A neglected aspect of nordic culture is the Irish mythology. The most important one to read is the cattle raid of cooley, sometimes called the tain. The main character Cu Chulainn is a Irish berserker warrior. The gods of the Irish: the dagda(an ancient king), lugh, the fianna… they were all the giants of norse mythology.

Ireland was a sanctuary for the jotun races who were persecuted in scandinavia. This is why Irish people are "the other nordic people". Those of us who are members of the nordic races we need to establish or own bible. A norse heathen bible but that incorporates the wisdom of both the nordic jotun/giant races as well as the nordic aesir races.

The norse heathen bible should include: Havamal, other stories from the eddas, beowulf, the cattle raid of cooley, and it should include collected proverbs and sayings of the nordic races.

Seeing as the nordic people are dwindling in the world I think its important that the jotun and the aesir make peace. If you are a nordic person it doesn't matter if you are a jotun or an aesir. We need to make peace among our kind in order to survive the race war against the nordic people.

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inb4 shitstorm

Stop taking shit you don't understand literally you fucking retard.

Exterminating all mindless fundamentalists would be a supreme act of eugenics.

Is your brain broken?

I am tempted to call you a retard in return but it would just make me feel stupid to do that. I don't know what sort of person you are but it is very silly to think norse myths refer to supernatural creatures.

They are likely stories about deceased heroes and legends of aristocrats. If you pay attention to the myths it talks about a war between aesir and giants. This is a race war. If you look at the myths of Ireland they speak from the point of view of a race of people who share qualities with the jotun.


he's a shill. Learn about the nordic gods (if you have norse blood otherwise fuck off we're full)




You are not from around here

Fuck off back to your shithole.

The story of giants interbreeding with humans and becoming men of great accomplishment and intellect is an old one, and shared by many cultures worldwide. The thing that pricks my ears up about it is that (((mainstream))) historians accept the global flood stories as evidence of a global event in the past, but these stories of giants and ziggurats are mostly ignored.

Now this is just jewish.

I think its important to realize that the giants were not as big as what we think of when we hear the word giant but they were likely very big in general.

Look up the wikipedia article on DAGDA. He is the Irish allfather. He has many qualities in common with the jotnar.

I only got that far.
Into the trash it goes.

Yes Ásatrú is completely exoteric and should only be taken at face value and there is definitely nothing in there about enlightenment.

Reminder that this guy is an intentional shill who is trying to prevent Aryan religions from rising again by doing shit like
and then "promoting" paganism

You're either retarded or attempting a false flag.

Asatru is Jewish anti-racist garbage and NOT European paganism, so fucking off Shlomo.


Better Study the Finnsburg Fragment then too, opps no wait it was stolen or conveniently lost. The further you dig into Ireland, the more mysteries you unlock

Fuck off newfag.

So the religious D&C is next?

Isn't Greek Gigantomachy pretty similar in its thematics?

Think this is relevant to its (((disappearance)))?

You're in the wrong place. Holla Forums is a Christian board.

Scandinavian here. You realise that Beowulf was written by Christians, right? It has nothing to do with actual Scandinavian religion/mythology.

"Afterwards a boy-child was sent to Shield,
a cub in the yard, a comfort sent
by God to that nation. He knew what they had tholed,
the long times and troubles they'd come through
without a leader; so the Lord of Life,
the glorious Almighty, made this man renowned"


The more you look into it, you find the story revolving around a Woman who basically ensnared the others into a trap.

edited by Christian oppressors.


Too many homosexuals and trannies trying to take to the old faiths. If it's your ancestry, take it, but don't tolerate the degenerates. Keep a stiff back, don't meet with any who accept degenerate behavior and don't do stupid shit like trying to share it with people who have none of the blood for it. There is no constructive conversation that can honestly be had on this topic, these threads are like breeding grounds for D&C shills.

According to old legends Æsir is the ancestors of the swedes and Danes, and Vanir is the ancestors of the Norwegians and Icelanders. 75% of the Norwegian population died during the great plague. The country was then gradually repopulated by European migrants.

The original Norweigan population had cro magnon features (and many still have). Norwegian vikings were the one to populate Iceland and colonize parts of Ireland. That is why these features are now common there.

That's your giants. Just blonde, blue eyed, pale skinned European hunter gatherers.

But you do know that Snorre Sturlason was a christian? And so according to your logic the sagas has nothing to do with Norse mythology?

Look up the The Battle of Gabhra


fuck off

If it's hip and popular and niggers can become members, it's not worth pursuing.

Tbh, women and libs are more of a problem than actual fags. They are trying to spread the old faiths to people who lack any credible claim to that heritage. You don't have to like fags, but Odin sucked dick for magic, so if we want to have sorcerers in our armies, we kinda have to deal with them being amongst us.

I support this deep racial awareness.

I haven't read any of those but I just ordered le morte d'arthur and the four ancient books of Wales to understand my celtic Briton ancestors.

I'll check those books you listed too.

This is literally Marxism. Destroy the European fundamentals and create a race of rootless goyim slaves….


How do you feel about native Britons anyway, Nordic anons? The Celtic races of wales and Brittany France. The earliest Welsh literature details wars between the Britons vs Norman's and Anglo Saxon invaders in the stories of King Arthur.

The nordic myths are similar to the greek ones. They refer of conflicts between men in prehistory. When I say prehistory i refer to the time people started to develop civilizations before they decided writing is better.
Therefor the strugle between the aesir and jotun can only refer to a civil war in modern times but was fought between two religions. Religions politics and every asect of life were almost the same thing. Proof are the examples of ancient Egipt and Rome. In fact those civilizations developed cults that I will refer as Sol invictus.
The fact jotun still exist in record is because one can't completely eradicate a religious cult. I assume the cult of Odin and aesir managed to dominate the jotun even if the difference between the aesir and jotun isn't that big, the same way Zeus managed to dominate the cult of the titans.

Wodin was a traitor,
Aesir are Asians,
paganism is a ploy.
Come home to Wr.Alda and find out your true roots.


Weirdy I was just researching Asatru. I liked the Nine Noble Virtues and their emphasis on gender differences and equality. It attracts larpy bullshit though.

Also I find the lack of monotheism deeply unsatisfying. I'm ok with gods lower case as aspects, egregores, archtypes etc. But I need a God upper case in my religion to point the way to the infinite.

My idea of god is a mixture of Bhagavad Gita and Hellenic myths. A supreme source of everything but also his agents (Demi gods), daughters (angels/muses).

Everything has virtues so I smirk when people bring up that when describing Norse religion. Shows just how little they have to work with.

I really think the idea of personal angels is the key to virtue anyway. See angel thread for details.

So, its the Sargon shill. Wotanism/Wotansvolk is the only acceptable form of Asatru worship. 14 words, user.

en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Wotansvolk

OP stop projecting the filthy christian (jewish) concept of religion onto Europeans. European religion is non dogmatic. This prevents all religious wars.



OP, I rever our ancestors like Odin, and strive to live up to his standards, but you need to fucking start over. Ignore the yuppie whitewashed "asatru" bullshit. Seek the truth, you won't find it in such groups. Odin's ONLY desire was 1488! He gave his eye, his pain, his life, his soul for us. Do not cheapen his deeds.

Aesir were likley Vedic Aryans migrating through Poland and Germany, Jotunn were nordics from Jutland, Götaland, and Gotland (Likley Jotunnheimr). It's also fun adding finno-saami myth to this, with Kvenland and Kalevala (Land of Kaleva the giants) as the finno-ugrics came from the north east, the Ural mountains.

You haven't read shit, Odin didn't give a shit about people. He is the reason for war, his only goal is to make strong enough men so he can get them killed in battle so they can help him during ragnarök. He just wants his son BaldRr back. Thor cares about people, and everyone of north european descent are sons of Heimdallur.

Here's a tl;dr, you lazy fuck.

You have to go back!