Special driver's licenses stir anxiety among immigrants in California
Was going to greentext the article but it's one big sob story. Point is, the spics are getting nervous.
Special driver's licenses stir anxiety among immigrants in California
Was going to greentext the article but it's one big sob story. Point is, the spics are getting nervous.
Californiafag here, I don't care if a legal immigrant gets a fucking license. It's drilled into our heads by all aspects of the legal and social system that "Driving Is A Privilege, Not A Right". What justification allows illegal alien criminal scum to be entitled to this privilege? The title of the article already tries to hide the distinction.
You have to think 4th dimensionally. Data in databases never dies, so your membership in the SS database in the hands of a trustworthy and benevolent Third Reich can trivially become the tool of your oppression when the Allied despoilers plunder it.
Or you can realize that the US government has used Census data to round up the Japanese and intern them. And was used by Sherman to plan his march to the sea. And, on a happier note, religious affiliation census data collected by the Weimar Republic was used by the NASDAP to root out the jews.
Always use OPSEC, and always try to perceive how the data you are currently generating might be used against you if your worst enemy captured it in the future.
Personally the worst I do is download yuri doujins and come on here and call shills dumb faggots. Don't think I'm in need of a lot of OPSEC.
The reason they're shitting bricks now is because by applying for the Wetback Special License they're admitting they're fucking wetbacks in a government database. And they realized that this database isn't always going to belong to people who are fine with them being fucking wetbacks.
The best part about this is the narrative that we're only taking the best and brightest.
This makes it Delicious. Sweet and Spicy ICE Raids all day long.
So what the fuck happens if some beaner gets stopped by BORDER PATROL at Camp Pendleton and coughs up a document showing that he's illegal? (as if having somewhere around 15 other Mexifags crammed in the car isn't a clear enough sign). I hope it gets used as grounds for deportation. At the very least, their names are now in a convenient list.
Eh, even trivial things like registering for a political party, signing a referendum petition, donating to a political cause, or obtaining a CCW can get you doxed and be subject to character assassination, loss of a job, or worse.
For example, why the Mozilla CEO guy didn't anonymouslu donate to the anti-queer marriage campaign is beyond me, but eventually it cost him his job. In blue states, SJWs have used public records requests to find registered gun owners and put them on a google maps mashup. I know of people who received intimidating postcards from the police union after signing a referendum petition, not realizing that their personal info would be digitized and made available to their political enemies (who the police union supported). That kind of shit.
That isn't to say to live in fear, but rather to carefully consider ones actions before acting in ways that aren't anonymous.
All true. However, I'm pretty set since my boss openly refers to Obama as a sand nigger. Still, some opsec would be good to practice I suppose.
Yeah, especially if you consider that your comments/actions/tags today might be dug up from some archive two decades from now once the jews decide to implement their final solution for dangerous white male goyim or something. Or because some underling is jealous of your position in some comfy well paying job that you have in 2027 and is looking to make you a social media liability for your company and get you fired, etc.
user I don't contribute anything to society other than training people at a gym, and I'm 25 years old and never even been on a date. Unless women do a serious 180 in by the time I'm 30, I'm killing myself. It doesn't matter what dirt they may dig up on me.
This is why you should never fill out your census correctly.
They'll flood your town with niggers if you report White.
Don't go all blackpill. I was in a similar scenario with women until my late 20's. Thought there was nothing but standard garbage tier women out there anymore. Now I have a great white wife who is smart, redpilled, likes to cook, and keeps herself /fit/ for me. Mostly it took patience and acceptance that being single was better than being with a crap woman.
Yes. All anons should remember this in 2020 census: on your form only fill out the question(s) regarding number of occupants. That is the only information required for apportionment of the House. Any other info requested is just statist skullduggery to be used against you & your fellow whites. inb4 lolberg. opposition to the state is the best position unless/until we finally have a chance at natsoc
I'm really trying user, but it's not getting easier. It's weird too, I'm in the best shape of my life, just beat my PB and benched 235. I should be happy as fuck, and instead I'm in a constant state of disappointment.
god I'm getting fucking tired of this meme
Hang in there. You're among like-minded friends here, so at least there's proof for you there's hope for our society. Also, though it's unlikely that you drink heavily if you're /fit/, remember that alcohol (and other substances) can fuck up your serotonin levels.
Other than that, it's also true that it's not good for the majority of men to be without a wife to serve as the focus of our testosterone-driven urge to preserve and protect. Our male role to provide and protect is the counterpart to the female role to nurture. When these basic drives have no clear outlet then things can go awry… e.g. leading to young men agitating for wars or feeling hopeless about the future. We as humans can transcend & channel our primal drives if they cannot be fulfilled in the traditional way, but it's a struggle.
Polite sage for offtopic
Thanks dude. I don't drink a lot, but I'm tempted to every single day to just get blasted. As far as finding a wife goes, it's like I said. Unless women do a serious 180, it's not happening.
If you're referring to a horrible personal deformity or something like ichthyosis, then that's one thing. If you're talking about the social aspect of finding a mate, that's something completely different.
You're not going to find a virginal 21 year old woman who is 1488 redpilled on the JQ and holohoax. Instead, realize that women are socially malleable and that they can come around on philosophical & political perspectives once they imprint on you. So, just as a for instance, don't necessarily write a woman off if she is mildly in favor of gun control, because that kind of shit can usually be changed.
My wife used to be more of an independent type, was someone who never cooked before she met me, etc. Now wants to be a stay at home housewife. She recently unironically told me that if her college self met her current self, her younger self would probably spit on her. But she also says she's never been happier in her life, as she now is fulfilling her role as a nurturer and feels safe & protected if she lets down her guard and is a woman. This is something the typical limp wristed males of today's culture don't understand.
This realignment of her perspective was a process that took quite some time, BTW. However, a good wife is worth the investment. I attracted her by being alpha, which of course is not the same as being a dick. Again, hang in there… some of this is based on random chance interaction with women. Just remember, 10 years from now, if you're happily working to secure a future for your very own white children, how it felt to be your 25 year old self and try to lend a hand & a whitepill to another user if you see him struggling the way you were.
I'm just referring to the overall state of women. The majority of them just don't seem to give a shit anymore. The man is there to give her social gains, nothing more. It's fucking annoying.
checked. wonder how hard that data would be to obtain.
Haha, user, I totally understand. Felt exactly the same way. Thought that's all that was left in the world: soul-sucking harpies. I'll not lie, it took years to find a quality woman.
Shouldn't be too hard for ICE to obtain, even though California is trying to block it. Fucking statists rammed through RealID back in 2005, so driver's license info is a de facto national ID. ICE doesn't have to get the data directly from California anymore. Suck it, globalists. Statism backfired on you for once.
If you're asking how hard it would be for the public to obtain, that would probably require a leak from one of /ourguys/ on the inside. But really, we just want ICE to get the data, and it shouldn't be a problem for them.
Head's up, there's a thread about neocons and dems threatening a government shutdown over the wall. Shills are already running rampant in it.
There is a branch of my family that all live in this one town. Or rather, the women of the family all live in that one town. The men of the family have all either drunk themselves to death or moved out to the countryside to get away from the women. Every single one of them. All the women do is call the men and nag them when they want something and eventually the men give in and give them whatever it is they're demanding so they'll shut the fuck up.
You forgot the best part of the article
the post basically sums up exactly my experience as well. i'm pretty sure this is just how it is.
driving a motor vehicle is a commercial act there fore priviledged
. traveling is a right. so jump in your automobile and travel by means of private conveyance
Isn't that a crime?
I find it funny you'd rather swallow a black pill and say "fuck it" than to accept that the sky is, in fact, blue and not green.
Women were always like that. But they also imprint, and the interactions they have with men over their lives make or break them.
So, get an young one who isn't shit or illegal that you find nice to be with and work on her. Be a better option than all the degenerates that will want to lead her astray so she wants to keep you as well as her man, the provider thing being a nice afterthought.
Wildly inaccurate ideas about how the law works and what rights are.
Sovereign Citizen argument.
Nigger-tier literacy.
This checks out. Enjoy your tazing the next time you're being detained by a corporate agent of the state, freak.
well i recently heard on OPB that we're doing the same thing here so that people don't have to get a passport to fly domestically (within the US)
no cries of racism or "anxiety" in the immigrant community here
fucking california, man
The majority of residents in california are the "immigrant community".
Wait, you burgers need passports to fly within your own country? That's dumb.
One can hope they get taken into custody, afforded all the same rights as US citizens and let off Pinochet style in the Gulf.
After all, this is commiefornia and even their federal boys aren't based.
We need to become friends with the wetbacks and give them rides right to ICE front door like this based latina does
No but you do need photo ID to prove you're not a terrorist and that your ticket really is for you.
Make these fucks take the shitty bus and stop filling out roads with spics. Every fucking day in Cali i see the bean nigger drying like shit on the road. When is ICE coming back for more raids?
I hope by bus you mean the bus back home user.
Considering the state acted on the creation of the road by the people for the people with the peoples money, that yes driving is a privilege as every use of the road destroys the tax payers road every little bit. reducing said destruction and financing it all at the same time is the goal.