Stephen "the cool brother" Baldwin claims female Hollywood executive offered him roles for sex


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Jew broads do like that big goy dick.

Fuck Ben Kingsley. Stephen Baldwin took him to fucking acting school.


yeah I bet you've fucked plenty Jewish 'broads' :)

what's the downside?

what a fucking sexist bigot, I bet HE tried to rape HER and is now making up stories, luckily despite the fascist in the white house we still have LAWS that make sure that women are innocent until proven otherwise. I hope he gets jailed for verbal rape.

I hope you get murdered for ironic shitposting.

i'm listening and believing.

He's not saying anybody raped him, just that they offered him some sex and he said no. What's happening here, despite them being old kikesses, is really nothing wrong.

I don't know, sounds like (((fun))), doesn't it fellow channers?

You sound like a faggot, that's one thing for sure.

Enjoy dying alone.

Both of Trump's sons have backslicks.

>>>Holla Forums

Gay detected, I bet you would rather have sex with men.

Says the guy who goes off on autistic tirades over casual hetero sex.

And both a in deep with kikes.

Never once stated that, degenerate detected! >Because if you're not sleeping around with depraved whores, you must be gay!

Well gee, that's the fucking problem. There is no such thing as casual sex, because sex in itself is mean't for procreation, And with that comes a lot of things that should be well-known to faggots who have atleast been lurking here for 2 years, were as if you sleep around with bunch of different partners your ability to connect on an emotional level with another person decreses and it will most likely lead you and your wife to get divorced in the future. I thought this was common knowledge on here?

Casual sex is a product of 20st century propaganda, social-engineering movements from kikes in the 1920's sexual revolution, the 1968's cultural revolution and so on. It really took a turn during the Hippie-era which was entirely funded and co-ran by CIA-spooks. And that has led to cultural wasteland of shitty relationships, no traditions and fucked up families with broken homes that leads to broken sons/daughters who in turn will never have meaningful relationships either.

So shut the fuck up learn something for a while. You have to have some kind of humility when people of greater knowledge about the world is trying to teach you something. Or you can as i said before, end up dying alone, ruining every single person you ever had a relationship in process.


Did Thanksgiving vacation start already in America? =^)

t. manwhore that isn't saving himself for his waifu

I just want the 1980s back.
Get off my back.

I hope u go to jail for antisemitism and hate speech

Bio-Dome was pure comedy kino!

I guess that's why he never became as (((famous))) as his brother who did what the jew asked of him.

couldnt agree more, but what do you think about pauly shore

He was the Jerry Lewis of the 90s. A misunderstood genius.

I liked XChange.

I'll kick your ass

Wait wait wait what? I remember Brendan Frasier being in this instead.

That was Encino Man

No it was this, or it was somebody other than baldwin. The archetype doesn't fit baldwin at all. Damn time travelers.

Faggot spotted.

Didn't he have a fight with his retarded libral brother over voting for Shillary?
