Kebab game confirmed

So Rami Ismail's muzzy friend(?) is pitching a game where you fight the enemy using 'kabobs.' How shall we remove? for you fuckers wanna see this


who cares about mobile fodder

Why would you want to remove kebab in the first place? Are you some kinda islamaphobe or something? I bet you aren't even voting for Hitlery, you racist goyim.

Hillary has the single largest back history in politics of all available candidates, I'd vote for her simply based on the fact she's most qualified.

Having a bunch of back history is not necesarly good
Especially if it covers state secret trading with her (((lawyer))) and actual gun running that involved the execution of an embassy head, along with the execution of a senator

we already in love with another kebab game

is this a bot

There's already a much better kebab removal game.


>>>Holla Forums


Now that is a good bait


The emails leaked show that Ghaddafi's son was trying to negotiate a surrender when shillary decided it would be better not to negotiate to help out Israel

it's okay when obama does it

Are you legitimately retarded or just unregistered?

Is that really a screenshot from the game?.

i wish there are more games set in middle eastern that isnt call of duty and bomberman.


No it's not and no one implied that.

serb mod when?
