Stalker shadow of chernobyl specifically, on GOG. What english mods are available out there? Don't want graphical changes, cause pc is shit, instead what mods add new content and make zone more open?
So, i bought S.T.A.L.K.E.R
Okay, i am actually not incredibly dumb, i am trying to make some sense of this shit.
What the fuck i must choose?
Play vanilla first
But vanilla is probaby boring.
What kind of faggot does this?
you idiot.
No, you want as few changes as possible overall, because you taste vanilla before you add sprinkles. Get the Zone Reclamation Project.
Thanks for letting us know faggot
What it does exactly?
Should have pirated.
Sergei doesn't need more pepsi's. Unless it gives diabetes.
You play vanilla first or you dont play at all since youll stay a secondary forever
Fixes bugs, adds free play after the ending and optionally introduces the filthy casualization you crave
GSC is dead, no one gets a damn cent but the faggot that killed STALKER 2
Okay, thanks.
Don't you dare make this about STALKER 2 because you know the STALKER 2 being developed by the interns would have been shit
Fug, speak of the devil.
It would have been shit, Cossacks 3 is looking good though
Tell me shitposting user, what games do you play?
You know what I miss?
Comfy generals, this and E.Y.E were my refuge with little to no bickering/shitposting unlike the other threads which was bearable but no longer the case.
The board is near cuckchan levels now and not eve these are safe.
I miss what we had here.
Instead of bitching about quality of the board and asking retarded questions like "what mods are good", you could have just used fucking google and made this just a regular stlaker thread but instead you went with the retarded consumer approach.
That seems a different user.
Time to start using color ids i guess.
Nobody blames you for being blind, user.
I'm not sure, I'm still seeing a bit of community - there are Terraria servers up right now, and I've definitely had my fair share of decent discussions lately. Although maybe I'm a bit biased with my prompting quality by dumping these Zenimax images that I do - but then on that note, a couple days back I found the board completely fucking clogged up with threads shilling for the shit that horrible company pushes out and I just couldn't do anything but turn away in shame, so… All the shit at the top of every page is cancer, though, of course.
I'm one of the administrators of the Holla Forums Steam group for E.Y.E., by the way.*
By the way. Shadow of Chernobyl now has a nexus page with all mods from filefront dumped there:
I hope there's some good shit.
Back during the first FileFront shutdown scare in like 2011 I was really worried about the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. stuff that would be lost - FileFront seemed to be a real hub for the game back in 2008, so that's good to hear.
I'm not quite sure if the nexus would be a good idea for getting mods, the community there is nearly non existent
Well shit, that last mod uploaded was this month nevermind then
It wasn't uploaded this month user. It was dumped this month.
Right now nexus is dumping all mods from filefront games (all of them) into itself. Because filefront is going down (it was region blocked for all non-american ips anyway).
OP being a faggot certainly didnt help, I agree.
Glad you're still with us, its getting increasingly harder to find and distinguish veteran regulars from the common shitposter.
Sometimes I feel like everyone else just abandoned the board after seeing its state.
New Gunslinger mod update for the ones interested
Also a reminder that Never Ever is dead
I am sorry.
So, i found this:
It says its faction wars for freeplay start mod.
But where i get freeplay start mod?
Just be sure to play vanilla when given the recommendation to do so.
People make that recommendation for a reason, people want the same positive experiences they had to apply to you too.
Everyone complaining about buying it are just fucking obnoxious though, Ive copies of all three games in pretty much every platform.
So, its in russian i guess?
Fuck. The other version i found is in polish.
Why would you even buy a game if you think it's going to be shit?
I'll usually check if there's any bug-fix or content restoration mods before playing a game.
Genius slav engineering. On wall crt.
Not surprised the same fags who like E.Y.E. also play this shitheap.
He should have bought Fallout 4 instead, i completely agree.
fuck off with your shitposting faggot
i got SoC on launch aswell as CoP both retail and dandy
but the company that made these games is fucking dead so y'all consumerist faggots just throwing money at the kike who ruined the series
Why poor people are so nervous about other people buying video games?
You sound like a huge pussy. Your game a shit and you get no hug box on Holla Forums.
Just installed misery mod for call of pripyat I think its the best you can make out of any stalker game.
Shadow of Chernobyl is completely fucking unoptimized for dr11 cards, especially Lost Alpha mod.
CoP was lacking some action compared to SoC
Nevertheless it gave me lots of fun, i always do blind playthroughs because i don't like to spoil myself anything
I am not going to reinstall the game just for this so i'll ask here:
In CoP there is a big open field with tunnels underneath, in one of those you can reach a big area underground where it seems like sparks fall from the ceiling at random intervals, what puzzles me is that if you try to cross beyond this area, you get teleported back to the beggining of it.
Does this have to do anything with the "Oasis" several stalkers were referencing?
I recommend AMK Autumn Edition. It's like a full hurrcore mode with dynamic roaming slavs and mutants.
Yes, I remember getting pissed because I just couldn't figure out how to get past it. I kind of forgot how I did it, but once you do get past it you'll reach the oasis.
The sparks show the correct opening you have to go through to not be teleported back to the beginning. It's a trial and error situation.
Freedom sucks
Fuck off slav, you're not getting any of my money after what you did.
What he did?
Call of Pripyat. SoC is just "walk down the corridor: the game". I don't really get why people like SoC, I even tried to give it a chance until I finished the military warehouse or whatever and it was still boring as hell. Terrible game.
Call of Pripyat is one of my favorite games, though.
Lurk more
Vanilla is boring, I just want to explore freely (with none of the bugged missions) have as many areas to travel, have a reasonable amount of diverse gun variety added and have the most complex version of the a-life system.
Is there a mod that follows this?
Im in the mood for some stalker today but here is my problem.
I enjoy the misery mod, i personally think it adds a lot of atmosphere (to a game that already has a lot) but i dislike how hard it is, i mean i cant really explore while dying of radiation all the time, or those rad storms.. jesus
Anyways is there any .cfg or something i can tweak to make it more playable?
Thanks in advance
There's a truth somewhere, that such mod does not exist. And combining other mods is impossible.
What i did?
Just give time to CoC and its addons to catch up, might as well get some artifact transmutation in the mix.
i dont think people actually finish their damn games.
This is the worst damn stalker thread I've seen in my life. All of you faggots should be ashamed of yourselves.
You know what the saddest thing is? The overwhelming shill presence on cuck/v/ actually gives the illusion of actual discussion. You've got a choice between a Holla Forums where nobody talks about anything but politics and shitposting, and a Holla Forums where shills have been paid to talk about vidya.
Better have some grenades with you there.