I think Holla Forums is going to be in for a rude awakening this November. I wonder what the fallout will look like.
Go to Holla Forums
Someone post the Romney collage.
I can't wait. Not that I think Hillary is somehow good, or better, but I just want to hear their excuses.
I can't wait.
I mean, I actually want Trump to win, but I think it's going to be hilarious.
Whoever wins we get a liberal faggot in charge and extreme butthurt generated in a group we hate.
Is not about trump is about Hillary literally threatening with WWIII even before she gets elected.
You should be supporting trump too you fucking retard
And yes the polls are rigged
If you think the woman who conspired to steal S█████ nomination is not conspiring to steal Trump's chances you.. well, you are from leftypol
Is gonna be funny when Russia nukes your ass ;)
Oh yes it is.
All will fall after the free man is born.
The one is born who has learned the Dionysian art of joy and laughter through tears and sorrow.
I will be there, laughing!
I do support Trump, dumbass, but to think he's actually winning is delusional. Admitting reality doesn't mean I support Clinton.
believe in something, retard. and stop being afraid to stand up for it
I don't believe in Trump, you stupid idiot. I just think he's an easier adversary. He's still the enemy.
And saying that Trump is somehow winning is delusional. It's not hope, it's just mental illness.
Just wait Holla Forums, we will see in november you faggots.
But we want Trump to win, idiot. We just don't believe him to be a god emperor like you delusional faggots. You think he can't possibly lose because you're disconnected from reality.
Actually I don't care that much about Trump or the US. I just hate it when people pretend that Clinton is that much better and believe every shit they read in the media. Like OP said, Holla Forums became a trump campaign board and everyone that dares to say something that isn't related to Trump is considered a shill. I got banned from there for pointing out that Holla Forums isn't a stormcuck of 14/88 LARPboard. I couldn't care less, but I want meme magic to be real and I like mining salt.
Nobody here said that.
I think it will be funny if he wins or loses. It's going to be much more butthurt if he loses, though, simply because Holla Forums is blind to the possibility that he could possibly lose, or that not every white person out there is a nazi like them.
Nobody said otherwise
Nor did I say that Holla Forums wants Hillary. I know you guys are mostly B████s.
WTF is that, I wrote B.e.r.n.i.e.s and it was censored ?
No. BS will be sent to gulag too when the time comes. Trump being elected is actually the best thing that could happen at this point. He will shock people into seeing the system for what it is.
Thank you for correcting the record.
Also, Hillary is the one sperging about "Russians tampering with the elections."
You wrote no such thing.
Admitting that she's winning in the polls isn't CTR shilling. It's reality. Trumpfags won't admit it, but come November they will not have a choice. I wanted a Trump win, but I'll settle for your tears.
delusional anons who think jews control the world and the holocaust never happened.
Why would they be delusional?
They had that colored medication
is not the same as reality santa claus
Pretty sure they just banned you for mentioning leftypol
Polls whose sample demographics are based on the assumption that Hillary is literally just a third term Obama, and will be able to draw the crowds (black voters in particular) that he did?
It's fascinating how people can admit that the MSM is pretty much covering 24/7 for the Hilldabeast, but somehow every poll released by the MSM and others with a vested interest in a Hillary victory are 100% scientifically accurate
It's based on likely voters. What do you think is more likely that:
Every single polling model is wrong
Trump is losing
What evidence do you have that any of this is actually rigged? Why would they even do that? And how will you explain a Trump defeat in November?
And how many pre-Brexit polls had Remain well over Leave?
That isn't evidence that the polls are wrong, only that polls can be wrong. However, even then, Clinton is so far ahead of Trump that it's almost impossible for him to win.
1. the generals won't let hillary attempt such a thing
2. trump's going to destroy the world with his climate change denialism anyways
That is because he is a dirty socdem traitor whose name must not be mentioned.
They may not have evidence that it is rigged, but come on. We all know it is rigged, even if only by the reality that Clinton backers own every major media outlet.
Then you don't know that it's rigged, and have no explanation for why they might do this. They don't need to rig it against Trump. He does it himself. He's profoundly ignorant on almost every issue, and it shows.
Generals can be replaced. Who was that guy the other day who essentially said 'we'll fight Russia any time any place'?
hmmm. I can't argue with that. But really, 4 years with the US already cutting emissions. He'd have to actively try to increase the rate of harm.
Not american but I think it doesn't need to be rigged, the election is determined by district redrawing and, don't americans just vote for someone who then votes for the president?
Not american but I've heard.
Trump is less predictable than Clinton is. He may try to actually do some of the stupid shit that he says that he will.
Like that ever stopped anyone from getting elected.
Clinton committed federal offences in deleting her emails. As a lawyer she knew this. This got what, ten minutes in the MSM. Trump talks about grabbing a pussy and the world loses its shit. This is a bias and this does affect the outcome.
wew lad
Et tu brute?
And congress wouldn't let him. He's entirely predictable.
It sure seems to be stopping Trump.
Not american either but no. Popular vote on a state by state basis.
Pretty much. The illusion of democracy in the United States is a thin one.
He is porky, and both him and Clinton are the enemy. We have no allies.
No, he is right. Electoral voting is conducted by districts.
If Americans actually cared, this would be a big deal. Trump is the only candidate that could have actually lost to her. This is the main problem. He is so incompetent that he couldn't even beat Clinton.
wait what? So if in NY trump gets 200 votes and Clinton gets 199, Clinton can win?
Obama does a lot of shit that congress does not approve, as did Bush the Younger.
It's more that Clinton supporters oen mass media.
Yes. That is exactly what happened in Florida in 2000 during the Bush vs. Gore election.
Presidential elections in the US are determined on a state by state basis, districts play no part. As for the second bit, yes the election is determined by who gets the most votes in the Electoral College. When people vote for president they are really voting for a slate of electors in their state who are pledged to cast their vote for that particular candidate, but the elector is not required to vote for the candidate they have been pledged to. It is very rare but electors have switched candidates before.
Wait, it wasn't districts. It was counties.
I thought that was Yeb refusing a recount in a district, thus Bush got more votes.
I should probably read a fucking wiki
No it's not counties. All but two states determine the winner of the electoral votes on a winner take all basis, whoever gets the most votes in the state gets all of the electoral votes. Maine and I believe Nebraska are the exceptions and they do allot electoral votes based on district.
You're probably right. Don't mind me. My brain is still full of fuck after finishing a research paper earlier.
Do NOT do this!
I for one await the upcoming nuclear apocalypse
Ay Lmao
Feels nuclear, man.