F-Zero sequel/remake/reboot confirmed?
F-Zero sequel/remake/reboot confirmed?
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Keep dreaming son
If F-Zero got a sequel it would be akin to Kid Icarus Uprising, Federation Force, modern Fire Emblem, etc. A totally unrelated spinoff game designed to capitalize on a series' past success because Nintendo thinks there's not much more to be done with it. Would it be good? Probably not these days, but you can hope. Worst case scenario they would give it to another studio ala Starfox Zero and we all know how that went.
Platinum only did graphical assets and it was still a good game so why did you even mention it?
I should have said KIU was actually really good despite being an unrelated spinoff but let's face it, that's an outlier in a sea of shit.
He didn't say it was.
Not really. Gyro controls don't work well or add much to the gameplay in a rail shooter, as opposed to their use in Splatoon. Other than that the game is a somehow more linear Star Fox 64 with worse alternate vehicle sections and less replay value outside of score/time attack shit that can all be completed in a single playthrough.
Only if it has the art and musical style of X. That's the one facet that GX/AX was inferior in.
But user you forgot the most important question
Those sound like good gimmicks.
Where are the awesome arcade-racing devs at anymore?
Because I haven't seen a kickass arcade-racer anywhere since GX.
I don't think any studio exists that can top this game anymore.
Sega knew EVERYTHING about making arcade-racers.
There's a few indie devs trying to recapture their nostalgia for those Sega games, but they all miss a few important details.
This is absolutely not a premise that builds a 10/10 game all on it's own. We've seen plenty of other entries in the futuristic fantasy racing category that don't even come close.
It was made great by the skill of it's designers.
There is just no studio or group I can trust with it.
And if I had to choose one, I would have to base it on my estimate to how well the studio can handle taking on a new genre.
tbh, Mario Kart 8 got so many Mario Kart details fine-tuned so perfectly, I'd imagine that team would be the best at taking a crack at making a new F-zero. They understand good track design and have an attention for detail. They just need to be able to take that perfectionism towards a game with more complex handling rules, no items, etc.
I really want a game that plays like Yakuza, but you are Captain Falcon.
Build me an awesome, crime and scumbag ridden, alien underworld, and let me kick ass.
This game was cool and got even cooler on supersonic league
Do you really think they could make better F Zero than GX?
No, it'd be F-Zero NXX
Nintendo speculated in the past there'd be nowhere for this series to go. Can we prove them wrong? Are there any changes we can make to the formula that'd make it better?
Fuck you, maybe next time will be different.
Seriously, these games are great, but what do they have to do to sell?
What if they just throw in Mario, Samus and Link as playable extras for publicity?
What if they add waifus to save it like they saved Fire Emblem?
Looking at videos and I really don't like the track design at all.
It seems padded with lots of pointless straightaways.
And the corners seem lazy and not very complicated.
For how fast everything passes by, it's still very slow paced and lazy, due to how padded the tracks are.
Even on "supersonic league" it looks boring.
I would definitely say Mario Kart 8 team has way better track design.
Mario Kart may be slower, but the courses are very dense, and have some complex corner geometry.
Casuals pls go
Well all that's needed is new Tracks, 30 Player Online and Track Maker with GX Gameplay
That is all
I'd dispute that Awakening's girls "saved" Fire Emblem on multiple fronts, but I don't want to derail the thread, so I'll refrain this time
This, this is it.
If you really want to round it out add in another cheesy and balls-to-the-wall hard story mode for good measure.
Sonic And All Stars Racing Transformed?
(Unrelated, there was an arcade version of S&SASR but I'm pretty sure it was a huge flop)
I hope that if they make another F-Zero, they add Ganondorf as a driver.
After all these years of being a Falcon clone, Ganon deserves to get his own F-Zero vehicle Gerudo Dragon
do emulators not exist in your world?
NX is just a codename though, like Dolphin (Gamecube) or Ultra 64 (N64). They'll probably name the actual console something retarded like "New 3D Wii Fu". F-Zero is dead, sorry user.
If they had that in addition to racing on par with GX, it would be GOAT for me.
There are a few parts where the guitarist seems like he's out of his comfort zone (in which case it's better to just do something less hard/complicated), but when he's in there he's in there. Overall 7/10 much better than most vidya guitar covers.
This was one was pretty good.
Transformed is a kart racer, not an arcade racer.
They had good track design, but totally flopped the items hard, and the game had lots of glitches.
I know items are not part of F-zero, but that's poor attention to detail from the team.
I have no idea what happened to the team that made GX/AX. Are they even still working for Sega?
I don't know.
I think it's impossible to even track.
I mean, even without big studio closures or absorptions, individual team members can shop around all over the industry and end up anywhere.
I remember when I heard that the person who designed the character in PS2 Shinobi also designed the armor in Vanquish.
I mean, it made sense because of the 4-eyes thing, but there was just no way to anticipate someone from that Shinobi project was then at Platinum.
Guys just get new jobs and move somewhere else. And if they're not a celebrity dev no one gets notified.
That's why when I am considering dev-teams I would prefer to consider more recent work.
Why the fuck is Nintendo obsessed with needing some new ideas for F-Zero? It's perfect as is, don't touch anything. Just give us a brand new game on par with GX that looks nice, runs at 60fps at all times, new tracks, new vehicles, a track editor and online. That's it. That's all you fucking need. Goddamn.
Looking up credits and such, it looks like a lot of the team went to the team who makes Yakuza (and Binary Domain).
What if they added another layer or two of complexity to machine stats and tuning?
Pls no
It needs more than just being GX if it's going to sell and return as a regular series. BoTW shows Nintendo can do something great if they really try. So let's just see what they've got going.
Even a straight-up remake could be pretty good, simply because the Wii U/NX's hardware would allow lots of nonrepeating visual clutter to be placed close around the track, magnifying the sensation of speed.
If I were to pick something off the top of my head, dynamic track elements and perhaps a bit more air control might be cool. Something a little like the obstacle courses in Distance/Nitronic Rush, but not all over every track or as ballbustingly hardcore.
Track editor+online
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