Why do you people find human nature to be a dumb argument...

Why do you people find human nature to be a dumb argument? Shouldn't a society be based around how the average human functions?

mainly because it has been used to argue for every philosophy/politics under the sun
"monarchy is human nature, without a strong king humans descend into mob rule"
"humans are naturally cooperative and communal animals, capitalism forces us into competition creating bad social cohesion"

I shiggy diggy

1: It would, that is why we come up with the republic
2: Capitalism creates cooperation, companies compete against other companies

How the average human functions is based on the society he lives in, not the other way around. This, and nothing else, is the true "human nature".


Well firstly we dont really believe that there is any set in stone human nature, but rather that people behave differently depending on the material conditions they are surrounded by.

Although even if human nature was a thing, and as it's typically described 'people are inherently selfish', if you actually understand how Socialism and Communism function you would see that it dosnt really conflict with it either.

That seems an odd example to bring up.

These aren't the same. Nor are they the same as competition is human nature. Humans are social animals, that's a description of the species (and it doesn't mean every human is social, but it's a trend), cooperation is based on material circumstances - if we didn't cooperate with each other nothing would ever get done.

It's not an argument resting on 'human nature' in the same sense counter observed reality and history of human societies like 'capitalist competition, every man is an island' does. (which tries to ascribe a greater 'nature' that drives us all, to a behavior which would leave us perpetually stuck in (abstract) might makes right)

That humans are cooperative "in nature" as an anthropological observation, is not a 'human nature' argument on the same level of discourse as 'humans are naturally greedy so fuck everyone'. Almost seems like a post made solely to make that false equivalence.

tbh a society should be irrespective of human nature.

If you have different preferences or behaviors than me, that by no means implies that you should have more or less political power than me.

This. The 'human subject' is a meme which does not exist. Leftcomrade once again proving why we are best poster demographic.

I was listing two opposing views justified by le human nature
That was my point

That humans are cooperative is not justified by "human nature", it's an observation of humans in nature. People get things done working together, that they otherwise couldn't. People survive together, whereas they die alone.

These are two very different kinds of "human nature" - was my point, and not equivalent whatsoever.

Human nature is strongly egalitarian and hostile to inequality

The "average joe" is an ideological fiction

pls notis me senpai

Because you only focus on one small part of human nature as an argument, the one that is convinient to you, and dismiss everything else.

If human nature is so greedy and violent then we wouldn't want to put such people in jail.

Well at least most of the time anyway.

If human nature was to jump off a bridge I hope you fucking would you goddamm moron.
Do what you want regardless of "human nature".

It's human nature to want to have sex with children, that's why age of consent laws will never work. A good system would recognize this and try to funnel that drive into productive ends.

This post correct. Not to mention, human nature is anti-individualistic.

That's just a social construct hehe

Glad someone posted this

If communism is against human nature, then why proto-communist societies have been around through most of human history? Checkmate atheists.

Because humans are magical snowflakes who have no intrinsic properties. One minute a mother is holding her baby, the next she's feeding it into a blender while singing about how great Jupiter is. Neither of those activities is more "normal" than the other. It's impossible to predict what anyone might do at any given moment. Next time you're driving, just remember that everyone else on the road is behaving perfectly randomly and can't be said to have any kind of nature at all. Human nature is a lie, and I'm off to drink a pint of broken glass.

Great fucking logic. That's why imperialistic nations never conquer other imperialistic nations - because they have such respect for each other's beliefs.

I remember when Holla Forums wasn't this stupid.

Such as?

think about it op, what the fuck could humanity accomplish if people just sat around rubbing sticks together and saying "things are the way they are now because of human nature, its our nature to hunt and gather anything else simply wouldn't work!"

Hunter-gatherers in general.

But hunter-gatherer communities that are connected through kinship ties and ancestry are not comparable to big, modern societies where these ties don't exist.

I said "proto-" for a good reason.