7th Heaven Bread

Name a better tv show
Protip you shant

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Biel was made for sex.

Best grill coming through!!

es verdad




Keep posting you sick degenerate bastard.

7th heaven came out four years early :')

No comparison tbh fam.

well oops, I deleted it for it uploaded

except they're pretty degenerate, all things considered.

also you know that you have failed as a pastor and as a father when your son converts to judaism

Why's that a bad thing? :'^)

Because judaism as an ethos and nationality is literally based on deception.

Remember that time Ruthie dressed up as a hooker?

Gilmore Grills

I wish Ruthie got spanked by her dad.

The mother was hotter tbh

if you're a christian pastor.

on the other hand the final goal of american protestants is being slave to the chosenites, so…mission accomplished?


This show has always been my dirty secret. I would run home from school and finish all my work early so I could watch this before bed. I couldnt even let my parents know I watched this because they are degenerates and would laugh at good home family christian values.

I honestly enjoyed a wholesome sweet family they portrayed. Id quickly change the channel to cartoons if my parents walked in my room. Being caught watching porn was less of a embarrassing moment than being caught watching 7th Heaven.

Growing up i also never had anyone i could talk to back then since i couldnt openly let people know i watched this show. So id watch week after week and after the episode was finished i would get so sad i had nobody to talk with. And Id pray to God for friends.

Later in life i realized there was no god and life is shit but for a child i believe structure and religion are at least positive influences generally. They at least helped me cope with being a loser

we always made fun of the family because they inexplicably had a little black girl (ruthie)

post moar biel

That's so weird user, that the same thing that happened to me! 🤔😄