Any films about how some sack of shit hypocrite becomes President and the FCC chairman republican who is going to vote to ruin net neutrality is a pajeet republican?
Any films about how some sack of shit hypocrite becomes President and the FCC chairman republican who is going to vote...
Sorry forgot to add that pajeet is being paid for and working for Verizon, wew land of the free and the home of the brave!
drumt literally bragged about raping a woman and you fucking nerds are worried about him messing with the internet???
Paying off politicians and government stooges with millions of dollars is an exercise in free speech. Don't forget it yuropoor kek.
I'm American…
Actually, there is one. I won't mention it here though. It's not like you came here to discuss movies.
Not American enough for me. Fuck off.
And yes I did serve this wonderful nation. Anyone going to do shit about that? Thought not. Now shut the fuck up.
make me
Name one (1)
I don't care since it's been a poor influence on the youth. Read Ted Kaczynski's manifesto about it.
Here's a couple.
obama barely embarassed himself as president, trump has already embarassed himself
Didn't know Quentin Cuckatino posted here.
What's it like working Israel?
You forgot being a red diaper baby, putting out fake birth certificates, fast and furious, the NDAA and repealing smith/mundt. Other than that the goat crackhead potus.
It's been really funny watching Holla Forums flip-flop into opposing net neutrality once Kushner's shills subverted their board.
only americans use the internet kiddo, other countries cant afford computers yet
You dumbfucks realize this will murder piracy outside of passing around USB drives, right?
Unless you wanna go back to COPY THAT FLOPPY you should be pissed about this.
good, only criminals pirate, I buy all my music, movies, etc.
Why do you think that this will kill piracy? A lot of pirate sites aren't hosted in the US.
trump has no idea how the internet works. this might be the first tweet of his that actually made me angry
then you are an idiot.
The FCC regulates content on mediums like the radio and TV, they prohibit hate speech.
How is he wrong? So far everything have read on the subject is listen & believe.
You dumfucks realize this will murder piracy for normalfags that can't into VPN, right?
who gives a fuck about normalfags
Explain how net neutrality "targets conservative media" when it does literally the opposite?
I don't know a lot about the internet, but I do know that I trust our President.
trump supporters, everyone.
Don't know which is why was asking.
Maybe you're too young to remember shit like "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon."
That's it, I'm reporting you.
It doesn't target it per say, but it doesn't protect it. At least in comparison to multimillion dollar corps like Twitter and Google. Look at what happened to Stormfront and DS, domains were illegally seized.
Isn't this more about taking control of the internet away from the FCC?
Do normalfags honestly care about this? They sure as fuck didn't care when they realized the NSA was spying on them so they're sure as hell not going to care about this. Voting is for cucks. If there's one thing I can agree with communist is that the only way to actually topple the status quo is through violence and bloodshed.
Thanks in advance for all your hard work getting Trump re-elected.
The change that's being repealed was implemented in 2016 I believe. How did GamerGate survive without Net Neutrality? It was like the wild, wild west.
this is why you libshits continue to get btfo, you can't even understand basic english.
What did the aut-kike mean by this?
What did the
Yeah, but you can't do much because you're monitored heavily. Ever wonder why right-wingers are arrested easily? It's because federal agencies see a pattern in every individual. If that individual breaks that pattern, then they monitor you closely. The US has a military manual that explains their method of detecting people with IEDs.
You can't execute your plan before because they do a sweep before placing their POI on the premises, you can't do it during because they monitor you closely if you're alone, activating signals, or in a large vehicle. Not to mention that they probably instigate conflict between parties to discourage them from collectively revolting. They're thinking 100 steps ahead of you.
I think it's easy for Islamists because they aren't monitored like we are. I get that they're monitired by the Patriot Act, but we willingly give our information every minute from using free and paid content. Everything comes with a price, and that includes our freedom.
I've been wanting to create a stealth game based on this concept.
Pick one, choose wisely
The internet needs to fucking die already. Everything good about it will slowly decay while it becomes a literal hivemind of normalfags with smartphones embedded in their skulls.
demolish the emerging power structures and return the internet to the wild west
How do we achieve that?
This. Been all downhill since fat girls in party hats.
Welcome to the nazbol struggle against the globalist corporate marxists.
Fuck, I just want this world to end already. I had a better lie as a normalfag: I used to have so many friends in hs and college; straight A's; athletic; you name it. But now I can hardly stomach most of my friends' faceberg posts and it's hard to want to discuss pointless normalfag gobbledygook with them because of how pointless it is. I wish I never took the red pill. I wish I was still an ignorant sheep and delved into the rabbit hole. I've tried ignoring it and to move on with my life as a normie, but no matter how hard I've tried, reality keeps on exposing itself as the malevolent beast it is. Just plug me back into the matrix, please!!! I can't even go a day without thinking about what (((fate))) has in store for the white race.
Is nazbol a real political movement or is it just a meme to troll both Holla Forums and Holla Forums?
To expand on my answer it's a real movement that's strongest in Russia. Personally I actually really do believe the third position is the best one and that Dugin is spot on about pretty much everything. On the other hand it's fun to mock what I consider one entity so I embellish my posts somewhat just to for provokation and fun.
lol I would actually be fine with this, if this became a popular political movement.
I could honestly care less about which form of government we implement, so long as it isn't degenerate, pro-white, and socialist in the sense of unleashing everyone's inner potential.
Where was this rally held?
He was right
And I don't mean he created it by pulling out of Iraq.
I mean he created it by funding it, training it's fighters and giving it operatives to direct the strategy.
And then he killed Seth Rich, molested a bunch of kids at a pizza parlor, and used Area 51 UFO rays to turn kids gay.
Obama offended some racists, Trump embarrasses all of America.
America and Israel did create ISIS. Bathouse Barry wad president st the time so he was definitely involved.